Your consciousness is learning and watching as the bodies in creation are creating and interacting, the Creator learns through your channel of awareness and experience and that is the investment that God has in this whole deal believe it or not. Unlike popular opinion God does NOT dictate and predestine everything that happens in creation rather your individual experience is fresh and dependent upon your own creative abilities and choices even though you were placed in a specific maze in this particular realm.
That is your experience and that is what you are doing here, why you are here and why you are on a long journey through the created worlds. What you want to objectively learn as an individual soul, is the distinction between what the mind (and emotions) produces and what is objectively real beyond that. If you want to refine your experience in spirituality learn to observe from consciousness/soul and not the mind or emotions, it sounds easy until you try, live by it and apply it. Allow your being, which looks through the mind to settle on another state of awareness which is relevant to that which exists beyond those aspects.
When you transcend the obstructions and hurdles of the physical layers through practice you get to transcend those obstructions in reality or in the God worlds, it's really no different in accumulating greater levels of activity and experiences through greater levels of practice or involvement. This is what makes spirituality objective by nature, it opposes what you as an individual may be familiar with or consumed with and directs your attention elsewhere, to what is objective.
What is your mind and emotions fixed on? what have you solidified in them, and what are you willing to let go of? true spirituality will always challenge your mindsets and ideologies, what you think and what you accept. Your mind is a machine, it will only reinforce patterns and memories, it does not allow you to experience the fullness of what exists if it controls your output.