As a NAVY veteran...thank you Dreadprirate.
The soldiers protect the US and it's interests by invading Africa because the US gets to expand it's interests into the continent.
You're so nutty. you know nothing about what obesity does to the body and the pain it causes.Dying from obesity is nowhere nearly as painful as dying from starvation or disease.
Why can't Africa become a US interest? Africa commits many human rights abuses. The US should do something about it and the US should liberate Africa like it did with Iraq. Once we put military in Iraq, Alquida didn't exist there as badly as it before US interference. When we pulled out our military, ISIS came and committed terrorism against the people there. Africa is similar to the US. If we conditionally annex the region, then 1 billion Africans would be liberated and economic freedom would be expanded.
I don't know what the Borg is but I don't know if the Borg would do the things that the US does.
The Borg might want to kill all of humanity (I am not a big Star Trek fan, so I wouldn't know).
The US military would aim to kill as few soldiers as necessary to secure the continent.
From there, more Africans get saved in the long term because health standards would go up. I don't think the Borg would improve the lives of Africans in the long term.
This is not good, not at all.Everything the US touch turn to rubbish. Did anybody say Central America?