Trump is an insurrectionist

Author: IwantRooseveltagain


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Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
I will take that as a "9" on the pissed-off scale. Thanks for playing!
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
 You guys...
I'm an independent. I wouldn't ever feel compelled to peacefully protest for any politician whether it was a left-triber or a right-triber. Additionally the "you guys" you refer to have, in my opinion, after seeing hours of footage released after the kangaroo court proceedings of the "select committee," done nothing close to resembling any part of your pages of left-tribe fan-fiction here.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
There is no excuse for this misinformation. Anyone can watch trumps speech where he calls for peaceful protest. If you stopped just blindly listening to what CNN told you trump said and instead just listen for yourself you would see he said to go peacefully. Not only did he say to stay peaceful in his speech he tweeted it out to his supporters.
It's called a false exculpatory.

Trump spent months telling his supporters that the election (and by extension their voices) were being stolen from them.
He never stopped believing it. We never stopped believing it because that is what the evidence says.

If telling people something you believe is true that makes them angry is incitement, then who incited the BLM riots? Oh yea, the entire democrat establishment.

He then invited them to the capitol on January 6 the claiming it "will be wild". He then held the speech where he told them they have to "fight like hell or you're not going to have a country anymore".

This BTW followed a speech by Giuliani saying "let's have trial by combat".
Stooping so low as to cite jokes now?

clearly violent rhetoric

Moreover, think about the absurdity of this argument. They were assembled there to protest the theft of American democracy by a bunch of people who, by extension according to Trump's own logic, didn't give a rats ass about their voices. And the remedy for that is to go make their voices heard peacefully??? That makes absolutely no sense. And you know who else knew that? His supporters.
This is true. It also makes sense to kill cops on sight if you believe they're just looking for an excuse to murder every black man they see.

We saw the same thing with Ukraine, because "I need you to do me a favor THOUGH" immediately after being asked about the foreign aid which Trump had been withholding couldn't possibly be interpreted as an attempt to get something in return...
I'm sure Trump has learned his lesson. Next time he extorts other nations he'll do it with clear language and brag about it. That is apparently the right way to do it. Hide in plain sight as it were.

Not only did he say to stay peaceful in his speech he tweeted it out to his supporters.
He actually didn't. The post that went out during the riot was written by his aids after pleading with him to say something to encourage them to stop. After getting very hard to get him to do so, he finally gave in, not to do it himself but to have them do it.
If that was the standard of presidential action then Biden has yet to say anything comprehensible.

This was revealed by transcripts from the Jack Smith investigation.
Witnesses who change their story after threats don't mean anything to me.

And then there's the 3 hours or so that Trump spent watching the riots on TV while taking no official action whatsoever to stop it. That demonstrates his intent very clearly.
2:38 p.m - 1:50 PM = 48 minutes

So instead of railing against us for "believing whatever CNN tells us", maybe it is you who needs to question where you are getting your information and talking points from.
Maybe if you got any facts correct there would be a reason for further introspection.

You sit here talking about peaceful people as if those who were peaceful cancel out those who weren't.

Never once have I ever seen you use that logic when it came to the summer riots, because you know it's a stupid argument.
It is, but as I have so repeatedly pointed out, double standards cannot be allowed to stand. The faction that tolerates a deceptive tactic without engaging in it will lose.

Trump is essentially being accused of stochastic terrorism, the defense against that is not "but look at the people who didn't listen to me". That's common sense.
Well it would be the peaceful people who listened to him. As opposed to:

Where the non-peaceful people would be listening to them.

And lastly what is it with you and this defense of "super natural mind reading"? Yet another example of which one of us is actually in a cult. Determining a person's state of mind is not that complicated, we do it literally every single day and intent is one of the most basic concepts within criminal law. You tell a person's intent by looking at their actions. "When a person engages in an act, the natural and predictable consequences of said act can reasonably be inferred as that person's intent". This is really simple stuff, all you're doing is appealing to absolute certainty which doesn't exist. Any reasonable person knows that.

"I would go and take Trump out tonight"
"I don't know why there aren't uprisings every day, maybe there will be"
"They're still going to have to go out there and put a bullet in Trump"
"Show me where protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful"
"I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house"
"For those of you who are soldiers, make them pay"
"Does one of us come out alive?"
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
It wasn't a coincidence that the first time in American history we saw a president widely and repeatedly claim the election was stolen, half the country believed the election was stolen.
There are four  and only four explanations for a correlation:

A caused B
B caused A
A and B caused by C

It wasn't a coincidence. It was a common cause.

The first time half (more like 1/3) of the population believed the election was stolen was also the first time the POTUS said it was stolen.... actually this is false it's happened before; but the first time in a while, was because it was stolen for the first time in a while (with obvious evidence before and after).

It wasn't a coincidence that Trump told them to fight like hell and then they did.
They could have fought a lot harder than some shoving and tapping people with hollow flag poles. They no doubt had enough guns at home to arm each person with primary and secondary weapons.

It doesn't take a genius to recognize that when someone spends months telling you that your country is being literally stolen from you and that you have to fight like hell to save it, when that person also says peacefully make your voice heard that this isn't what he actually wants from you.
Nobody thought "Trump really wants us to attack". The true Trump loyalists were the ones trying to urge peacefulness (like Bannon). The people who attacked didn't care what Trump wanted. They didn't believe that American democracy was being destroyed solely (or primarily) because Trump said it and their loyalty to Trump extended only so far as he was willing to lead them in the direction they believed was necessary.

It is your obsession with Trump and fundamental delusion about a "Trump cult" that makes this clear and simple theory incomprehensible to you.

Trump isn't the heart, he's just the symbol. Killing or breaking Trump won't end this rift.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
I'm an independent.
Who propagates MAGA talking points on every issue, this thread being the latest example.

after seeing hours of footage released after the kangaroo court proceedings of the "select committee," done nothing close to resembling any part of your pages of left-tribe fan-fiction here.
Um, yeah no shit. When you eliminate all of the footage of rioters bulldozing their way past police barricades, pummeling capitol police officers to the ground, and breaking through windows to force their way in... What's left won't resemble the violent picture I've painted. Great argument.
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
They could have fought a lot harder than some shoving and tapping people with hollow flag poles. They no doubt had enough guns at home to arm each person with primary and secondary weapons.
So did the police. MAGA MORONS are just cowards who didn’t want to get shot.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Who propagates MAGA talking points on every issue, this thread being the latest example.
Now he’s an independent. Before he was a libertarian but that was too easy to make fun of.

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Who propagates MAGA talking points on every issue...
This is the same type of demagoguery that also claims that to want world peace on any level is equivalent to being a rabid cult-like Putin lover.

This claim is beyond BS; and this kind of false equivocation will always be fit for less than a garbage bin.

the violent picture I've painted...
Yes, that fan-fiction.
FLRW's avatar
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Former President Donald Trump said that, despite receiving counsel from multiple people that the 2020 election was not stolen, he pushed ahead anyway with his false claims to try and overturn the results.
The comments to NBC’s “Meet the Press” directly address a central premise of special counsel Jack Smith’s case against Trump over his efforts to subvert the 2020 election results: that Trump knew the election claims he was making were false after being told by several close aides that he had lost.
“It was my decision, but I listened to some people,” Trump said.
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
But hey, I get it. You simply cannot refute anything I said in reply to your nonsensical position, so you're just going to accuse me of being someone I am not.
What a liar. So pathetic you couldn’t stay away so you are pretending to be someone else.

I’m sure your “greatest hits” will slip out eventually. So Banal! Such an intellectual coward! lol 

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
The comments to NBC’s “Meet the Press” directly address a central premise of special counsel Jack Smith’s case against Trump over his efforts to subvert the 2020 election results: that Trump knew the election claims he was making were false after being told by several close aides that he had lost.
Well I keep telling double R that the election was not legitimate, and so have other people. Since we know it is an absolute fact that if multiple people tell you something you must believe it yourself all we can conclude is that Double R knows the election wasn't legitimate but continues to lie about it.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
What a liar.
Lies you say?

If he wants me to stop posting this, the shit-stain pathological liar IwantRooseveltagain can show where I implied it was acceptable to say "a woman wanted to be raped" in reference to a real rape as opposed to referencing the allusion (by said woman) to rape fantasies.
[IwantRooseveltagain] You are so ridiculous. Saying a woman wanted to be raped is acceptable to you but making fun of an obnoxious loser who is inadequate with women is over the line. []

Defamatory statements by IWRA:

What better place to start with the title of the thread
   "A man convicted of defaming an ordinary citizen about raping that same person"
   Man wasn't convicted, man wasn't found liable of rape.
   LCC = 1, LRC = 1

As we've established, Donald Trump was not convicted of anything, nor was he found liable of rape by anyone (no matter how deranged). Also, according to the golden rule we must treat others as we would have them treat us, or more specifically judge them by their own standards. Since IWRA believes calling someone a liar when they told the truth is defamatory we have a special category here of IWRA defaming myself and other members of this forum.

[ADOL] simultaneously found not liable for rape but liable for denying that rape occurred.
Defaming members +1

Not Trump. Trump is a convicted sexual predator. []
LCC = 2, LRC = 2

A dummy who supports a rapist to be President. []
LRC = 3, LRC = 3

I can just imagine all those little Catholic boys
Ya I bet you close your eyes and imagine “those little Catholic boys” all the time.

Defaming members +1, Total = 2

Is someone who lives all alone since his mother died and has never been with a woman and imagines little Catholic boys a weirdo? []
Defaming members +1, Total = 3

Is someone who lives all alone since his mother died and has never been with a woman and imagines little Catholic boys a weirdo? []
Defaming members +1, Total = 4

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
As we've established, Donald Trump was not convicted of anything, nor was he found liable of rape by anyone (no matter how deranged). 
Decades ago, the now President of the United States raped me. When I had the courage to speak out about the attack, he defamed my character, accused me of lying for personal gain, even insulted my appearance. No woman should have to face this. But this lawsuit is not only about me. I am filing this on behalf of every woman who has ever been harassed, assaulted, silenced, or spoken up only to be shamed, fired, ridiculed and belittled.[28]

— E. Jean Carroll, in an email explaining her first lawsuit to NPR in 2019

The jury reached a unanimous decision on May 9, 2023, after deliberating for less than three hours.[125] Considering the preponderance of the evidence, the jury delivered a verdict that first stated that Carroll had not proven that Trump raped her, and next stated that Carroll did prove that Trump had sexually abused her, and also stated that Trump defamed Carroll with false statements made with actual malice in the October 2022 Truth Social post; thus the jury awarded Carroll a total of $5 million in damages from Trump.[48][126][127]

Carroll's lawyers said that Trump mischaracterized the verdict (that he sexually abused Carroll) as supporting his contention that he did not rape her.[136] On July 19, Judge Kaplan affirmed that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common meaning of the word[c] and ruled against altering the award amount.[137][138][139][140]

You are an idiot and a MAGA MORON 

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
He never stopped believing it. We never stopped believing it because that is what the evidence says.
There’s no evidence you moron.  You are a willing victim of the Big Lie. Because you’re a moron.
the Big Lie strategy — meaning a story pushed by a political leader that is clearly bald-faced, yet so grandiose as to make it hard to believe that someone would fabricate it. 

1. Give me a list of names  of the thousands of dead people Trump claimed voted.

2. Trump said Dominon voting machines changed his votes to Biden. Yet FOX News paid nearly a billion dollar settlement for reporting this lie.

Hitler’s primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
    -  Walter Langer, a psychoanalyst who prepared a psychological profile of Adolf Hitler for the U.S. government in 1943.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Considering the preponderance of the evidence, the jury delivered a verdict that first stated that Carroll had not proven that Trump raped her
Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll? No

Civil trials can't find guilt:

Bringing us back to:

If he wants me to stop posting this, the shit-stain pathological liar IwantRooseveltagain can show where I implied it was acceptable to say "a woman wanted to be raped" in reference to a real rape as opposed to referencing the allusion (by said woman) to rape fantasies.
[IwantRooseveltagain] You are so ridiculous. Saying a woman wanted to be raped is acceptable to you but making fun of an obnoxious loser who is inadequate with women is over the line. []

Defamatory statements by IWRA:

What better place to start with the title of the thread
   "A man convicted of defaming an ordinary citizen about raping that same person"
   Man wasn't convicted, man wasn't found liable of rape.
   LCC = 1, LRC = 1

As we've established, Donald Trump was not convicted of anything, nor was he found liable of rape by anyone (no matter how deranged). Also, according to the golden rule we must treat others as we would have them treat us, or more specifically judge them by their own standards. Since IWRA believes calling someone a liar when they told the truth is defamatory we have a special category here of IWRA defaming myself and other members of this forum.

[ADOL] simultaneously found not liable for rape but liable for denying that rape occurred.
Defaming members +1

Not Trump. Trump is a convicted sexual predator. []
LCC = 2, LRC = 2

A dummy who supports a rapist to be President. []
LRC = 3, LRC = 3

I can just imagine all those little Catholic boys
Ya I bet you close your eyes and imagine “those little Catholic boys” all the time.

Defaming members +1, Total = 2

Is someone who lives all alone since his mother died and has never been with a woman and imagines little Catholic boys a weirdo? []
Defaming members +1, Total = 3

Is someone who lives all alone since his mother died and has never been with a woman and imagines little Catholic boys a weirdo? []
Defaming members +1, Total = 4

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
ADOL: I know, if I repeat the lies over and over, they’ll become true!

If you really believe the election was stolen, why weren’t you at the Capital? Are you a coward?
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
If you really believe the election was stolen, why weren’t you at the Capital? Are you a coward?
So tell me, who wants a civil war again? You sound pretty eager if you're goading people to take action.

In fact you may have just committed insurrection.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
So tell me, who wants a civil war again? 
Just a bunch of green teeth rednecks, you know, the MAGA base.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
You don't know that IWRA has green teeth.
Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
"...the shit-stain pathological liar IwantRooseveltagain...

LOL!!!! Truth, it's a BEAUTIFUL THING!!! 
Cougarbear121212's avatar
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Cougarbear121212's avatar
Do you believe all Supreme Court cases in the past were correctly adjudicated? Maybe the Court's opinion after the Civil War was wrong. Maybe those who wanted to hold office should have been prosecuted and found guilty of a crime before disallowing them from holding office. The Constitution says we are innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, let the people decide by voting. Also, I will note that those confederate warriors were attempting with guns and other weapons to overthrow the Constitution and Federal Government. During January 6th, the only ones with guns and weapons were the Capitol Police and probably the FBI who undercover as part of the 250,000. The only one shot and killed was a MAGA Republican woman by the Capitol Police. Were there some in there that wanted to destroy property? I'm sure there were. The other 99.9% were grandma's and grandpa's and others just looking around. 

The main point is "Trump." None of the other 250,000 are running for President. Did Trump commit insurrection on January 6th? When he told the crowd to "peacefully protest" was that an act of insurrection? Nothing else matters. Trump did not orchestrate the entrance to the Capitol Building. There is nothing to indicate he wanted anything more than a protest march outside the Capitol Building. 
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
If telling people something you believe is true that makes them angry is incitement, then who incited the BLM riots? Oh yea, the entire democrat establishment.
If any member of Congress spent months telling black people "the police in that station over there are killing black people, so on [insert date here] I want you to meet me next to [insert police station here], WILL BE WILD!", and then went on to hold a rally right outside of that police station on that date full of all their followers where he pointed to the station and said "you have to go over there and fight like hell or you're not going to have a community anymore", but then ended it by saying "peacefully and patrioticly make your voices heard"...

I would absolutely hold that member accountable for inciting a riot, and so would you. Now add to that the same person doing absolutely nothing over the next three hours but watching the riot on TV... You would be calling for that person's head. What you wouldn't be doing is sitting here blaming on some nebulous force like "dUh iT wAS The DeMocrAtic esTabLIShmeNt"

He then invited them to the capitol on January 6 the claiming it "will be wild". He then held the speech where he told them they have to "fight like hell or you're not going to have a country anymore". 
I see you still have no idea what context is or how it works. Not spending any more time teaching you how basic English and human communication works.

This BTW followed a speech by Giuliani saying "let's have trial by combat".
Stooping so low as to cite jokes now?
Right... The people in that building over there are literally stealing the presidential election from you, but while we're over here let's joke about it... Ha...ha...ha...

I would come up with an intelligent response but this point is so stupid it doesn't warrant one. It's almost like the horney guy who "jokes" about having sex with the hot girl he's talking too. Like he didn't mean it, it was just a joke... Right?

Moreover, think about the absurdity of this argument. They were assembled there to protest the theft of American democracy by a bunch of people who, by extension according to Trump's own logic, didn't give a rats ass about their voices. And the remedy for that is to go make their voices heard peacefully??? That makes absolutely no sense...
This is true. 
Glad we agree. So what was your argument again defending his speech?

Witnesses who [testify to any claim I don't like] don't mean anything to me.

2:38 p.m - 1:50 PM = 48 minutes
That's why I said official action. You do know he was the president right?

Beyond that though, a Twitter post that your aids wrote and had to plead with you to send which did not even match any of your other tweets sent out at the time does not count by any reasonable measure.

Never once have I ever seen you use that logic when it came to the summer riots, because you know it's a stupid argument. 
It is, but as I have so repeatedly pointed out, double standards cannot be allowed to stand.
Glad we agree on how stupid it is to suggest J6 was peaceful because some of the people were peaceful. That's something, I guess.

To your other point, it isn't a double standard, these are two entirely different issues.

The summer riots was a civil uprising sparked by a viral video. You can blame it on the "Democratic establishment" (a complete meaningless term) all you want, the fact is that there was no person or figurehead of any kind leading the way in that. It was a messy debate with people on all sides of the spectrum.

The election claims were not bottom up, they were top down. Trump started priming the base long before a single ballot had ever been cast, his claims then made it into the news where all of MAGA world caught on and towed the line no matter how baseless. It even lead to a remarkable split screen where people in MI were protesting to stop the count while people in AZ were protesting to count those votes. Whatever they needed for a Trump victory, that is what it was.

And then there's the actual riots, which no prominent left wing figure would defend while Trump has made pardoning the J6 rioters a central issue of his campaign.  No single summer rioter has ever claimed nor could be credibly accused to rioting because any left wing figure told them to, meanwhile nearly every J6 rioter has said they were there because Trump told them to be there.

There's more, but you probably won't even read and certainly won't provide a comprehensive response so I'll stop there.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
The Constitution says we are innocent until proven guilty.
Innocent until proven guilty is the default position for a criminal trial, ballot eligibility is a different kind of proceeding.

Therefore, let the people decide by voting.
If the question is ballot eligibility, then it is by definition not a constitutionally valid question to be adjudicated by the electorate. The very notion of being disqualified means the people do not get to decide if you get a shot at the oval office. If you don't like that idea, you'll need to take that up with the constitution.

Did Trump commit insurrection on January 6th? When he told the crowd to "peacefully protest" was that an act of insurrection?
Addressed this in post 103. Would love to hear your response.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
If any member of Congress spent months telling black people "the police in that station over there are killing black people, so on [insert date here] I want you to meet me next to [insert police station here], WILL BE WILD!", and then went on to hold a rally right outside of that police station on that date full of all their followers where he pointed to the station and said "you have to go over there and fight like hell or you're not going to have a community anymore", but then ended it by saying "peacefully and patrioticly make your voices heard"...
Well subtract the 'peacefully' part and you basically have Maxine Waters.

So what was your argument again defending his speech?
It's speech. It's supposed to be a free country. QED

2:38 p.m - 1:50 PM = 48 minutes
That's why I said official action. You do know he was the president right?
Guess he should have had attack helicopters standing by. Or maybe fair is fair. He didn't send in the troops to stop the summer of love riots, or the riots against his presidency in DC (the only time he came close they called it a fascist beatdown for a photo opp instead of saving a church from getting burned down). Why should he be responsible for stopping the riots that might act in his interest when the other side doesn't stop their rioters (indeed letting them run rampant for months on end)?

the fact is that there was no person or figurehead of any kind leading the way in that.
There were certainly figureheads. You just don't apply your theory of incitement so you have no idea who they are.

And then there's the actual riots, which no prominent left wing figure would defend
Looks like 4 links isn't enough.

while Trump has made pardoning the J6 rioters a central issue of his campaign.
1.) Trump cares about justice, the left-tribe politicians don't care about their pawns.
2.) Nobody can be pardoned for the summer of love riots (or their bombs, plots to derail trains, etc...) because nobody was arrested because left-tribers don't believe in the rule of law
3.) The fascist crackdown against Jan 6 protestors has been remarked upon around the world. The imprisoning of people who weren't violent, weren't there, and the leniency shown when they renounced their political beliefs make it easy for someone who doesn't believe political violence was justified at that time to support pardons.

The election claims were not bottom up, they were top down. Trump started priming the base long before a single ballot had ever been cast, his claims then made it into the news where all of MAGA world caught on and towed the line no matter how baseless.
He started priming the base because someone (smarter than him) saw them gutting election law beforehand.

Now if this had been a baseless claim people would not have agreed with Trump. Just as they didn't follow him on the vaccine and they didn't follow him on abortion.

It was not a baseless claim. It kept happening. It got worse. Then they started throwing out poll workers, lying about pipes bursting, covering windows, shutting down voter info APIs (which were obviously public records), fighting audits at every level, making absurd claims (most secure election in history), lied to the public and sometimes on the stand, etc... etc...

You liken Biden 'stealing' classified docs as forgetting the roll of toilet paper at the bottom of the cart. If the shopper were election officials in deep blue controlled districts then they threw a tarp over the whole cart, pepper sprayed the receipt checker, and ran for it.

It even lead to a remarkable split screen where people in MI were protesting to stop the count while people in AZ were protesting to count those votes. Whatever they needed for a Trump victory, that is what it was.
Count the authentic ballots. Stop counting the potentially fraudulent ballots. The immediate remedy depended on the kind of cheating those desperate to GET TRUMP were using.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
The Constitution says we are innocent until proven guilty.
Innocent until proven guilty is the default position for a criminal trial, ballot eligibility is a different kind of proceeding
That proceeding being pointing and screaming "INSURRECTIONIST!" and then they're ineligible (and if they're claiming to be currently in office they are no longer legitimate). 'Self-executing' apparently means no process.

Let me illustrate: Biden has given aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.

Bang. Did you see that? Self executing, he's not president (if he was before). Pretty neat huh.

I used the same trick on that pesky Colorado supreme court. They won't be bothering us anymore.
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
So tell me, who wants a civil war again? You sound pretty eager if you're goading people to take action.
I take that as an admission you are a coward and not a true patriot 

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
LOL!!!! Truth, it's a BEAUTIFUL THING!!! 
Oh ho, the LCpl with no children chimes in!

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
So tell me, who wants a civil war again? You sound pretty eager if you're goading people to take action.
I take that as an admission you are a coward and not a true patriot 
You know what you should take it as?

Your invitation to stop lying:

If he wants me to stop posting this, the shit-stain pathological liar IwantRooseveltagain can show where I implied it was acceptable to say "a woman wanted to be raped" in reference to a real rape as opposed to referencing the allusion (by said woman) to rape fantasies.
[IwantRooseveltagain] You are so ridiculous. Saying a woman wanted to be raped is acceptable to you but making fun of an obnoxious loser who is inadequate with women is over the line. []

Defamatory statements by IWRA:

What better place to start with the title of the thread
   "A man convicted of defaming an ordinary citizen about raping that same person"
   Man wasn't convicted, man wasn't found liable of rape.
   LCC = 1, LRC = 1

As we've established, Donald Trump was not convicted of anything, nor was he found liable of rape by anyone (no matter how deranged). Also, according to the golden rule we must treat others as we would have them treat us, or more specifically judge them by their own standards. Since IWRA believes calling someone a liar when they told the truth is defamatory we have a special category here of IWRA defaming myself and other members of this forum.

[ADOL] simultaneously found not liable for rape but liable for denying that rape occurred.
Defaming members +1

Not Trump. Trump is a convicted sexual predator. []
LCC = 2, LRC = 2

A dummy who supports a rapist to be President. []
LRC = 3, LRC = 3

I can just imagine all those little Catholic boys
Ya I bet you close your eyes and imagine “those little Catholic boys” all the time.

Defaming members +1, Total = 2

Is someone who lives all alone since his mother died and has never been with a woman and imagines little Catholic boys a weirdo? []
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Is someone who lives all alone since his mother died and has never been with a woman and imagines little Catholic boys a weirdo? []
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
There is nothing to indicate he wanted anything more than a protest march outside the Capitol Building. 
As he watched the attack happening, he did nothing. Before that day he told the Pentagon to stay away.

It was like when Benedict Arnold set up West Point and George Washington to be taken by the British.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Well subtract the 'peacefully' part and you basically have Maxine Waters.
Liar. Racist liar and a loser

Guess he should have had attack helicopters standing by. Or maybe fair is fair. He didn't send in the troops to stop the summer of love riots, or the riots against his presidency in DC (the only time he came close they called it a fascist beatdown for a photo opp instead of saving a church from getting burned down). Why should he be responsible for stopping the riots that might act in his interest when the other side doesn't stop their rioters (indeed letting them run rampant for months on end)?
Those blacks, they get to do whatever they want. Remember the good ole days like in the 1920s