Christians have for centuries promoted all kinds of lies about atheists.
From being perverts to having no morality.
But truth turned out to be opposite.
Christian families tend to raise violent people.
While some have said that there are different types of Christians, and some are much better than others,
What obviously counts is average, and not cherry picking only good Christians and ignoring the bad.
Cherry picking is a statistical fallacy where you only pick good Christians to prove that Christians are good.
Conclusion of course, doesnt follow.
It would be like only picking smart atheists to prove that atheists are smart, or only picking good atheists to prove that atheists are good.
Statistically, what matters is average Christian vs average atheist, because for Christianity to be beneficial, it must be more beneficial as a whole compared against atheism.
If average Christian is more violent than average atheist, it follows that Christians are more violent and Christianity produces more violence.
Atheists make 0.1% of prison population, despite making 3% of the general population in USA.
Christians make up 65% of prison population, despite being 60% of population in USA.
So atheists ratio of population to prison is 30:1.
Christian ratio is 1:1.
So atheists are 30 times less likely to go to prison.
Now, some have thrown unsupported counter-argument that atheists in prison lie about being Christians.
We only know if someone is an atheist or Christian if they tell us.
To claim that we shouldnt trust people about that would just translate into not being able to say who is a Christian and who is atheist.
This would lead us to absurd position, but statistically, it still works against Christians.
Thats because if we replace "christian" with "people who say they are christian",
we still reach the conclusion that people who say that they are Christians, are more violent.
Statistics are not something which is easy to escape, as we can clearly see.
So Christians must concede that people who say that they are Christians are more violent than people who say that they are atheists.