Imagine being one of the millions of wack jobs that still supports this guy. They are truly un-American and don’t deserve the right to vote.
Nice way to expand voting rights; by not letting people that disagree with you on Trump vote.
Personally, the voting age being 18 is the only thing I can think of that I support being defined by age with the electoral college staying here because before Trump polarized society, we all decided 18 was to be the voting age and we would keep the electoral college.
Democrats will argue that we should lower the voting age and repeal the electoral college, not because it's what they actually believe (there was not a single state that joined NPV before 2000; when the GOP won the presidency and lost the popular vote), but because it benefits their party (because while out of the last 6 elections, democrats won the electoral college 3x, they won the popular vote 5x). For the GOP, the opposite is true; they want to keep the electoral college because it benefits their party.
Left wingers and right wingers can lie about their intentions all they want, "We just want every vote to be counted" (the left). "We just want a balance between power between big states and small states" (the right). I see through it all.
It's also why the left wants to lower the voting age while the right wants to expand it. The left cites, "voter equality", the right cites, "voter maturity". They are lying to the independents about their reasoning; both parties just want an electoral advantage over the other (and they expect the other party to not see through it; but they do; it's just that often politicians don't have the guts to say, "This harms my party" even though it's the truth because they are worried it would turn off the independent voters).
It's why the left wants statehood for areas predicted to vote blue (PR and DC) while the right doesn't. It's why the right wants an independent Jefferson and the left doesn't; more power for them.
How about this: Get rid of the electoral college and raise the voting age to 21? I'm unsure who has the advantage in that situation.
If Jefferson became a state, it would get 2 Senators for the GOP, and then DC can become a state (and get 2 senators).
Democrats: +2 senators
Republicans: +2 Senators
Puerto Rico can become a state (+2 Democrat senators and +5 Democrat representatives) and Southern New England (CT, MA, RI) can merge, taking 4 democrat senators away.
Democrats: -2 Senators, but +5 representatives
Democrats: +5 representatives
Republicans: +2 Senators
Given that there would be 440 representatives and about 102 senators, this means each senator is worth about 4.3 representatives. What you could then do is since now there are about 760,000 people per representetive, bring this down to 1790 levels of 40,000 people per representetive (19x as many representatives, aka more decentralization of representetive power), and you get:
Democrats: +95 representatives
Republicans: +2 Senators
This is now a senator to representetive power ratio of about 82:1. This means it would be equal to saying:
Democrats: +95 representatives
Republicans: +164 representatives
Net GOP advantage: 69 representatives
Keep in mind, this country would have 8000 representatives, so a less than 1% advantage for the GOP probably won't change much.