"Body autonomy is the right for a person to govern what happens to their body without external influence or coercion."
Sounds good to me. So why cant we have body autonomy?
Its because there are too many christians and rapists in the world.
How do you think its possible to have body autonomy in society that circumcises babies?
Well, its not possible.
Some people say that persons under 18 dont have body autonomy. This sounds like their excuse to violate those persons under 18.
However, the basic premise of the idea of body autonomy is that no one gets to decide who has body autonomy and who doesnt.
Because if someone can decide that certain person doesnt have body autonomy, then body autonomy stops existing and what you have is force.
Society governed by force is doomed to fail because force breeds violence and wars. But our society for some reason really likes force. So yeah, that might be a little problem.