Sounds like you had an abortion.
Sounds like they had or performed a pregnancy abortion is simply a way of saying something had been aborted, What? What? What was it death, birth, pregnancy, was it immigration of a child as part of a nation’s posterity? I am trying to have an abortion medically of death right now. I'm not even a woman. What is the principle of criminal act? Is it officially stopping anything or just an inuendo to be taken from an unconstitutional past admission or confession of a suggested crime in closed tribunal fashion? Judging from what people say and what is described on voting ballot questions pregnancy is illegal to officially stop. What that means is some women or man might be charged with the crime of not having sexual intercourse or finishing having sexual intercourse while he / she is in the process of foreplay, a civil union, or married in states that judges have opinions to simple interpret criminal law to do so. As it is written and said now by 1st Amendment abortion should be written as a degree of murder legislation not as a criminal law on its own merit, abortion has no platform other than political, it is murder in the ½ degree. It is using the process of interpretation directed at law to then sell a alibi of discrimination. The alibi was given so that the people could perform the crime of perjury when woman had been testing the legalities to become elected as a President of America, attempt to demonstrate to the people the powers of President of the United States of America can be taken by force note earned through demonstration of ability and intelligence.
The 1stamendment, United States 2nd Article of the Constitution, Declaration ofIndependence, and the American Constitutions Preamble are all points ofestablished justice describing that the Right for a women to be in executiveoffice would come by way of females holding themselves as all created equal bytheir own creator by an ultimate right written, heard and understood in such away as calling themselves Presadera.