Michael Jordan is the GOAT, not LeBron
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 4 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- Twelve hours
- Max argument characters
- 4,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
Upon review
Full forfeit debates are not moderated unless they vote for the forfeiting side. In this case, bsh and I determined that it was not a FF and that the vote should be allowed to stand.
no it's currently up there again
I'll let bsh review, but as of now, the vote is removed.
There was a Round posted from one side. The other side had full BoP.
A full-forfeit debate is defined as a debate that has no argument presented by one side following the opening round, resulting in all subsequent rounds being forfeited. When this is the case, these debates are considered full-forfeit debates and are not moderated unless a voter votes for the forfeiting side. Similarly, a conceded debate is any debate in which on side clearly concedes the debate to their opponent. These debates are considered conceded debates and are not moderated unless a voter votes for the side that concedes.
There were no arguments this debate.
What do you mean by that? Con didn't FF.
Full forfeit debates are not moderated unless they vote for the forfeiting side. In this case, both sides FF and thus you cannot vote for either participantl.
I accidentally accepted this debate by not paying attention to the title but I spoke with him about it. I'd hate to get a victory that way but I appreciate the heads up.
You have 12 hours left to post something. Literally posting "BoP on pro." will most likely be enough to give you victory.
Yeah i agree
Michael Jordan is the GOAT do not @ me
6-0 in Finals
First time I heard that term was in reference to Sasha Grey... I'll resist trolling the debate.
This is truism
Kobe Bryant is.