Is Pansexuality a Legitimate Sexuality?
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After 6 votes and with 36 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
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- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 4
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 5,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
As a Pansexual, I have seen and received a lot of discrimination. People say that my sexuality, well, isnt a sexuality. I know that I am Pansexual, but feel free to try and prove me wrong. I love debating, so go ahead!
Better arguments ✔ ✗ ✗ 3 points
Better sources ✔ ✗ ✗ 2 points
Better spelling and grammar ✔ ✗ ✗ 1 point
Better conduct ✔ ✗ ✗ 1 point
Reason: Con quintuple-fofeited, never engaged.
You'd better identify as someone who posts in the last round. In my experience if you forfeit even when your opponents forfeit people still want to give you less points.
But if people aren’t prevented from changing their gender, then what’s to stop people demanding that theIr age shouldn’t be changed each year. Everyone would start off with the age they are born with, and it should never be changed
What scares me with transgenderism is a slippery slope argument. If you can change your gender, can you change your age as well at will? Because if a 52 year old guy can become a 6 year old girl, and if everyone does it, then no one pays taxes anymore since they are all minors. The economy would crumble.
I agree that priorities are not so much in order, but many people have misgendered my friend in the past. Other than a small lecture and a nod of understanding, no other exchanges happen. There are more good people than society sometimes make there out to be, and same goes for other things like rape, where, yes, not all men do it, but majority do. You just have to find that small minority. I dont want this to spark anything, but I will oppose the statement that transgender people are jerks and they dont care. Ive met many people that do. Maybe the larger picture isnt on their minds, maybe they want to start small, but there are nice people out there. It's a lot like how I dont get offended or irritated when someone asks "so do you just like pans?" or "isnt that just bi?" If they ask rudely, I might get a bit more defensive, but I never attack them. There are small minorities if you look closely.
The transgenders don't get bullied in real life. They might on the internet, but they do much more bullying and they influence the minds of more people to basically cause the GSA to attack misgenderers, people who aren't really a threat and are merely stating their opinions. If they cared about gay rights, they would want to liberate the middle east and Africa, where gays are actually oppressed and they would support things like a strong military, and would be against shariah law. Instead, they focus on gender neutral bathrooms and safe spaces and safe spaces are euphemisms for censorship zones. I have an effective way to liberate many gays that need it in Africa, but the plan would get viewed as "Racist" by the far left. If you had done what I would have done to your transgender friend and merely misgendered them, they would have done a bunch of bad crap towards you like insulting and getting the teachers involved with censoring opinions on transgenderism.
The transgenders that you meet are nice to you because of your opinion on transgenderism. They wouldn't have been nice to someone like me who disagrees with them on that.
Yeah... I considered myself Asexual for quite a while because I wasnt into sex. Now I know the difference (luckily) and I am Pan. It's great that you're Bi! And, yeah, part of being Pansexual is "more options" as people tend to call it. I like people for who they are, no matter their gender identity, thus including transgenders, nonbinaries, and whoever else I could meet. I havent met many transgenders before (other than a few ive happened to run into on the streets and at my school) but they all seemed pretty nice. Then again, that might just be because I live in the quiet midwest where nothing really... happens. (Also its getting better with younger generations. Theres a kid my younger brother knows who recently came out as a trans girl and everyone was fine with it, so with that it should die down. I think these people have probably gotten oppressed before by people and they feel that if they dont assert dominance they wont be respected. I know I feel that way a lot)
I would consider myself bisexual, though extremely conservative. I kindof see personality in boys and looks in girls, although exceptions apply. I don't want to grab people's junk; that's gross and could lead to STDs. I want to be a virgin my whole life or at least until marriage in order to avoid STDs and pregnancy on the girl's part. I thought the difference between Pans and Bis was their attractiveness to transgenders. I'm scared of transgenders and the power they have on society. This transgender who calls themselves Zoe, threatened to send Ben Shapiro home in an ambulance and the left was defending the transgender who made the threat. I'll be surprised if there was any punishment. Had Shapiro did that to the transgender, he easily would have gotten punished.
Trying to not be offensive BTW, just what I've observed. Hope you don't end up like the transgenders that have caused stereotypes with the outside world. Try to be better then the transgender person I told you about.
Thanks for asking! And also thanks for asking in a non-offensive way that ive gotten in the past. The difference is that I see personality before gender. What I mean by that is this handy metaphor: "Bisexual: you stick your hand down someone's pants and youre happy with what you find. Pansexual: you dont need to stick your hand down there to know that you'll be happy" Its seeing someone before their gender identity. And you can still think people are cute, of course, but its more of a "thats a cute human" rather than "thats a cute boy/girl" if that helps.
good question, Alec. Welcome, WolframMagic.
What's the difference between pansexual and bisexual?
You have a truism, so expect someone to troll you. Stick to the facts and actually login again, for an easy win.