First we can start by saying how important it is for people to lock away their guns in safes, so children and teens can't obtain them.
I agree. Gun safety is a top priority.
Strong Background Checks: The Parkland shooter was reported and called multiple times to the police and was still able to buy a gun.
I would like more detail on this...there are already federal background checks people have to go through to buy any gun, so what do you mean by "stricter?" In the parkland case, it is a problem with police, as the Sheriff's office got over 30 tips of this shooter and failed to act on any of them.
Before buying a gun you should be 21 and older.
Why? Almost no shootings are done by people 18-21. It deprives those people of self-defense. This is also primarily the age of college students, so people would not be able to defend themselves on campus, like girls protecting themselves from rape.
Making the process of being able to obtain a gun more strict by implementing things like vision tests, mental evaluations, aiming tests and safety courses.
There is no need for this. I agree with mental health screening. There are already safety courses for buying guns. Concealed-carry holders practice safely regularly, as they commit felonies and misdemeanors 84% LESS THAN POLICE OFFICERS!! That's how law-abiding they are.
And the banning of bump stocks, AR-15's, and maximum capacity magazines (because no one needs a automatic weapon for self defense.
thirty-one states allow someone to carry a gun in public without a permit or license.
And some of those are the safest states. Out of the top 10 safest states, essentially 9 you are allowed, and fairly easily to conceal or open carry. 5 of those 9, 55%, you don't even have to have a permit to carry. There may be a strong correlation between lax gun laws and low violent crime rates.
I have proven banning AR-15's and different gun regulations I have argued against would not be effective in stopping gun violence.
Your time to put a funny meme or vine in there. He forfeit.
You started the debate so you make an argument first in the opening round. I then post an argument after you do.
ok so let me here your argument?
I can tell from curlykid his arguments will be weak. Plz don't rebut to him in the comments because you might convince him and I want to debate him on it.
If he isn't given arguments in the comments. He would be more focused on the debate at hand.
As of the time of this comment, curlyhair kid has some time. Over 48 hours of it in fact.
Focus on giving an argument. It is a waste to argue in the comments of a debate when you are supposed to be debating in that very debate.
How would 5 innocent people die? I don't think innocents die from self defense. Also, lets say that thieves are threatening to rob your house. They all have pistols. If you have the bigger gun, they'll be too scared to rob your house out of fear of getting shot and killed. At the sight of your AK 47, they run away from the house. No one gets shot. No injuries. Just a prevented robbery thanks to the unshot AK 47.
lemme give you an example: Imagine your neighbor gets robbed by three thieves but he grabs his ak 47 and riddles bullets all over the house, unfortunately 5 innocent people died because your neighbor was being allowed to own a automatic rifle, even though he mightve had the best intentions
Can you cite that?
Autistic people have the lowest crime rate and highest rate of success as detectives of any mind-type on Earth.
AK 47s defend against multiple people. Its much harder to do that with a pistol. Criminals have incentive to work in packs since they are more likely to achieve their desired result which is to steal stuff.
Do you think autistic people should be allowed to get a gun?
I support the banning of bump stocks and i also support the ban of military style weapons,
Too what extent? Banning ALL guns or just some restrictions?
What sort of regulations do you support. You need to add more information so other users understand the debate.