Instigator / Pro

Default Auto Loss On Forfeit


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One day
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

This stems from a disagreement on a feature suggestion ( This was initially issued as a direct challenge, but with that contender unwilling to debate, it's open for anyone who believes his logic to accept.

Pro is arguing in favor of a single automatic conduct point allocation* for each forfeit committed during debates.
Con is arguing against such a system, on the basis that voters would be unable to mark worse conduct for rudeness.**

To not backtrack, pro takes the weakness to his case that the system is unchanged for debates scored via the Winner Selection method.***

Definitions: As this is a debate pertaining to a technical aspect of voting, so plain English, defaulting to the site CoC ( should any disagreement arise. Very basic math shall also be used.

Of course no K's (we're debating a technical and ethical aspect of this site, we are not debating if the internet exists etc.).

For reference (the conversation which lead to this debate, call it round zero if you like)...
Pro: "An easier way to handle [automatic loss on forfeit], would just be automatically giving a conduct point to the other side for each forfeit (could be done as "Admin" placing votes, even during the debate).
Con: "Counterpoint: What if I'm a rude bastard and you forfeit one Round?"
Pro: "Actual voters would still be able to override that through the length of the voting period."
Con: "What if voters tie us for arguments or enough voters disagree on who won them to make it so the conduct points aren't outweighed?"
Pro: "That would just be the system working as intended. By forfeiting one side has set the default end state to be a loss."
Con: "That's really idiotic, lol. That means they can't mark worse conduct for the rudeness."
Pro: "You may be having a comprehension problem. Nothing about the existence of prior votes, limits anyone's ability to cast future votes; to include assigning conduct in a different manner than the earlier votes."
Con: "You have a logic comprehension problem."
Pro: "Please enlighten us on why you believe it is impossible ('lol. That means they can't mark worse conduct for the rudeness.') for people to award conduct if conduct only votes exist previously? ... I'll point to one of your votes ( as an example, since you gave the opposite conduct score than every other voter, but are now insisting that logically cannot have happened."
Con: "you are a troll, end of story."

* This allocation is could be handled as one vote per forfeit, a single vote edited with the summation, or even a direct point adjustment applied without a technical vote cast. The important detail is the point modifier influencing the voting outcome.
** That rudeness can be significantly worse than a forfeited round, is an accepted premise pro shall not argue against.
*** Under categorical voting, conduct is worth 1 point but arguments are worth 3. Under Winner Selection arguments are worth just 1, making a conduct vote for a single point worth as much as an arguments.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Pro sets out his claims. Forfeits are detrimental - some debates slip through and end in ties was the primary rational for pros case. Together with there being little in the way of additional penalization for forfeits.

The main benefit of cons plan, is that it prevents any forfeited debate ending in a tier with no votes; which he provides evidence has occurred. It has the added impact of just adding an additional hurdle in cases where the argument is not a full forfeit. Forfeits making it harder in winner selection, and requiring more in the way of arguments to win.

While I am not certain of exactly what the strength of the benefit in pros plan in its entirety (there was no real argument to quantify this on either side), he justifies (with evidence), that there is benefit in this plan to prevent any forfeited debates (which have occurred) ending in a tie, and benefit of pushing the debate in one side’s favor due to forfeits.

Cons objections are basically rooted in hypothetical scenarios of forfeit then concession (which pro points out has never yet occurred), whereas the converse that ended in a tie has. Worse, con doesn’t appear to address any substantive benefit pro provides in the case of winner selection or vote advantage that pro justifies with the harm spelt out in the opening round.

Cons only other argument is really to just argue there is no need as there is not really a problem. Pro showed the problem does actually exist with examples of debates that have been forfeits and ended in pure ties.

Con leaves his entire argument to the final round - which is not just highly antisocial - it is antithetical to debate. Debate is about the logical discussion and argument surrounding a point. Leaving the primary arguments to the very end is effectively preventing on side from having a valid discussion - and as such I will not be considering any arguments that pro has not had an opportunity to counter - this involves the majority of the final round.

As a result of this, in the main argument rounds - con barely makes any critical or key objection to pros case that I can consider, and appears to drop some of the major claims noted above, the remaining points in R3 are a case of too little too late. As con does not show a clear detrimental harm to pros plan, nor negates the multiple benefits: a result, arguments to pro.

Conduct to pro for the forfeit.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

It's a tie.