Instigator / Pro

Trump is NOT Racist: Change my Mind


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 3 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

I will pretty much waive the first round and con will start the arguments off. BoP will be on con to prove that Trump IS racist, in present day.


I am convinced you don't understand this concept so i'll explain it again.

He did NOT state that SOME Mexicans are RAPISTS AND CRIMINALS

He stated that SOME our GOOD PEOPLE

Meaning that he's implying that MOST aren't good people.


He never "implied" that. You are putting words in his mouth. He said some, not most, that is your own opinion and implication of what he meant, not judging on what the debaters said during the debate.


my bad lol


If you are saying he is not capable. I agree with you.


It's the way he's using it. He keeps using the noun form of the word instead of the adjective. ie "bias vote" instead of "biased vote", "bias mind" instead of "biased mind". It's somewhat nitpicky, but on the otherhand, if you're never called out on your mistakes you're doomed to repeat them.


Biased: showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions

I think he is using this definition.


Just FYI, biased is the adjective form you're looking for. Bias as an adjective apparently means something that is cut or folded diagonally which is probably not the meaning you are going after


He literally states that SOME are good people. Implying that Trump believes the majority are criminals and rapists.


"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
where in there does he say MOST. He doesn't.


" you are implementing your own thoughts into the vote, not on what was said during the debate. He also never said most, where did you get that from?"

- Look at the quote Con cited and you will find it.

" I rebutted to this in the debate "

- Your rebuttal is irrelevant, we aren't stating that Trump focusing on illegal immigration is bad, Con is stating that Trump made poorly constructed claims on the numbers of the situation. The fact that our president has and still does make these poorly constructed claims is racist and repulsive.

" I also added some more stuff, but your bias mind isn't able to comprehend it."

- Like I stated, please elaborate because this is a pretty huge claim you are making.


You obviously didn't even read the debate. you said "The problem is that Trump actually stated that SOME are good people and that MOST are criminals"

THATS ALL YOU SAID, you didn't even adress my point, and this is completely false. Shame on you for making such a bias vote.


And then you say he won on the sources??

That wasn't even what the debate was about.


I am not going to explain my vote when you obviously didn't even take the time to read it.

I mentioned how you did address the points however you addressed the points in a poor manner as evidenced by my vote.

My vote won't get taken down simply because it is a well-analyzed vote and to call the voting policy " corrupt" is just ridiculous. The voting policy has very fair and well-balanced rules to prevent poorly constructed votes with mods to regulate the votes. If my vote does get taken down, I have trust in the mods that the removal was fair. And if it does get removed I will change my vote to make it better. Complaining about my vote and making baseless and poorly constructed accusations against my character aren't going to win you this debate.


"The problem is that Trump actually stated that SOME are good people and that MOST are criminals"
You are implementing your own thoughts into the vote, not on what was said during the debate. He also never said most, where did you get that from?

"" Why then is it ok for Trump to ignore the bigger source of crime and focus on the smaller one? The answer is it isn't.""
I rebutted to this in the debate "You can't fully stop crime from natives, as it is unpredictable. However, you can stop crime over the immigration issue by knowing who is coming in that they are no criminals, and also by building a wall you can stop drug smuggling and human trafficking, a huge crisis. You can reduce a huge amount of crime by building a wall so criminals aren't able to walk through undetected, but it is hard to reduce crime in the U.S. because it is unpredictable, and when people do commit crimes, they are punished." I also added some more stuff, but your bias mind isn't able to comprehend it.


I addressed those arguments in the first couple of points in each round. Of course your vote it won't get taken down tho, because the voting policy is corrupt,.

inb4 vote graveyard


Even if you were being sarcastic, you still didn't address his argument on that point.


Please elaborate, you just made an accusation against me


thx for the bias vote, u do realize i was mimicking con when i said "they were getting paid off" because con said the exact same thing in his argument?


Lol yeah I should've


U shoulda copied and pasted this 😢 *cry*


U shoulda copied and pasted this 😢 *cry*


lol :D remember you have to almost waive this round


I was within 7 minutes of another debate this morning lol xD


Got that last round submitted w/ less than one minute on the clock lmao I was sweatingggg


That's my middle name :P


lol your last round you waited 3 days until like 30 minutes before the deadline and now you post it like 5 minutes after I post mine #consistency


I'm cool like that :D


How'd you respond so fast lol 😂😂


I--am-a-de-bat-er, bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop-bop! (


All you are showing is your clear opinion and confirmation bias.

And know you drop the "bad hombres" and do an insane pivot.

Where did he say all immigrants?


How would forced assimilation work?

"Which is strange because you seem to be all about preserving American culture"
There is no such thing as American culture


I see no reason why forcing assimilation is a good thing. It violates the bill of rights. Which is strange because you seem to be all about preserving American culture. So why are you betraying the 1st amendment?


You're being obtuse. He's talking about immigrants. Not illegals. All immigrants. I don't care that he says bad hombre. It's about all of the crap he says around it that adds to the context of his bigotry.


Before he used the term "hombre" he said "we have some bad people" which is very similar to a Spanish version of "bad hombre." He was specifically addressing the violent criminals and drug smugglers in the context of when he said that. There is no evidence to suggest he was using it in a racist manner, especially when the context had no race implications. He has never accused illegals just because they are brown. You are subjectively implementing your own bias and like snoopy said, it is confirmation bias. Lets say wrick is right for the sake of the argument, let's say a 75/25 chance he was using it as racist. We still don't know almost 100% as the we do not know what Trump meant by saying it.


"Okay, what if it is culture based, that's just another face of bigotry."
Now, I'm clearly NOT saying Trump is going about things right, wrong, better, or worse. I'm just being reasonable. Politically, (what we care about as voters) it could weigh in on Trump in a variety of areas. It could effect skepticism about sustained welfare. It could mean how he considers assimilation. It could mean he wants merit based immigration. It could mean he's awkward outside of his social circle. Maybe he gives zero shits about race. It could mean he miscalculates his adversaries or maybe he has a way of going about things that works. Really, I don't know. It would be something to consider in context and seems more precise than "bigotry". Its one aspect out of many.

"He's literally accused people of being illegals simply because they're brown."

That would be racism.


Okay, what if it is culture based, that's just another face of bigotry. You say that like it makes it any better. He's literally accused people of being illegals simply because they're brown. The fact you have to replace racism with Bigotry just to save your argument shows how bad of faith you're arguing in right now.


Not necessarily on race, could be culture biased


It's doesn't become not racist just because a Hispanic person isn't offended by it.

He meets the textbook definition of racist statements.

He makes attributions of people based on their race. That's racism. It doesn't matter who found it offensive. Everybody in the world could like it and it would still be racism.

There is no point. Its just something people say. Hombre is not used as a loaded term where I am from at least.


abuela means grandma. Point?

This is an interesting topic when its covered with reason. Thanks guys


"The point is that his argument specifically targets Hispanics. That's why he says Hombres. That's a form of racial slur. It's lock calling a French person jock."

While I'm open to the possibility upon further examination, the quote above may be a casualty of confirmation bias.

"How does Abuela fit into this"


Everyone knows it means man. He never used it on a racist manner. He said right before he said that about keeping out bad people and drug lords. Nothing racist about that. You are implying racism when you are being subjective about it.

This is a comment "Im not a Trump supporter but as a hispanic I just wanna say that bad hombres isnt offensive in the least.. CNN seems more offended by it for some reason ??"


The fact that you don't even know what hombre means shows that you don't understand the scope of how racist it is to use that phrase in such a way.


I speak Spanish and hombre means man. it's not a pejorative term accept when he uses it in a racist manner.


Hombre is a bilingual way to say someone is bad for what they are doing. "bad hombre" is a phrase used to express that.

"one of my first acts will be to get all of the drug lords, all of the bad ones. We have some bad, bad people....we have some bad hombres and we are gonna get them out."

He even says a close English version first. He was referencing all the bad people before directly before that. Just because it is blingually spanish does not mean it is a racial slur. Most of them come from Mexico anyway, so how is that racist?


I completely agree.


I think he's probably racist. It doesn't matter that much to me whether he's racist or not. I'm more interested in economic issues than racial ones.

Trump is a joke, but a joke can be brutal.