Brea hope for a good battle here , yeah maybe it is in 1 round
I don't sleep whole the night until now i still awake , when sleep trying to huge i shake the head
and save my-self from sleep ......
not becoz sleep and my personal desires and health is not dear to me ,
truth is more than everything else
after learning about mystery of love and psychology of men and by personal experiences
now i think i'm able to reveal something that can be truth or maybe dear to it
that's my theory :
" if u r a men and u've a problem
and u r trying to kill the problem u r a good men
, but if u don't then u r f*cking men
, if instead of killing the problem u r
try to poison ur-self , f+ck u r not a men anymore
u've proved that u r the mistake of a bitch
, u r not only humiliates ur-self
but also those who give birth to u
U r just a pure slave "
that's wired but yeah , its still mine , i've no regret about it , but if u find it hurting u , i apologize for that , i belive in ur highness
dear seekers of truth
Alright , now move on
All the case that u make in favor of AI girlfriends , haha smell's like some dose of ice (poison) with more effectiveness and strength
that make u done very soon
Destroy ur mentality about women and about sex..... make u evil then u ever R. ..... in effective way
1. A men prefer expensive piece of bread instead of free poison
2. men is a human and want a female human to fulfill the desires of nature
3. wise men needs a women with love and grace , a women who make him and teach him , rather than a AI machine who make him , its slave
Now lets go with flaws of real girls :
What that mean :
i hope it means girl have flaw but not flaw itself
ofcourse this, its not only about women but about everyone
sometime men going to make mistake and sometime women , but both r the teachers of each other as they love each other , they hail each other , they sometime think differently but make a compromise , they r committed to each other , they make sacrifice for each other they guard each other , for them they r complete universe , liberate from any evil
i know that's seems ideal , but not prefect too
" no one of us is prefect , if u don't know that truth , u get hurt , my dear instead of get of hurt , stand for ur-self and make ur-self a much better person than u r "
if don't get today then after today u get what u want to get , by ur own positive mindset but not by consuming poison
consuming posion is not ur passion but it against u , ur passion and it against ur very humanity
My dear success and women don't know about u , until u huge them after a lot struggle and pain of hardships in the way to be eligible for them
if fall in love with something , maybe u get successful , then i say to u a good men
but if u don't , congratulations my bro , u've to learn a lesson from it , becoz
" lessons that u learn make u what u r not "
Brea u r a women , lets c who we r
what we have , what we can
c love and attraction is not same both r pretty different
love : is about commitment/respect when u conduct commitment , there's no escape ,there's no resign form it
attraction : is just like bubble of water , at some point u like something but another u don't like it anymore
that's a different debate but yeah i like to make u suffer more , who like the r the seekers of truth
age , uglier that's the terms of our f**king norms
but , i c old rich men have young wife , believe me this men r not men , women is not his wife but a bitch
and its a madness not love, ugliness dos't exist its just about ur mindset
and a women who dos't care about her health is same like a men who consume poison , to fall in love with her is nothing
love is logical , but attraction is not
ur all advice is just for no-men ,not for men
but nice to c u all , suffering from my words
No votes on AI girls?
to be or not to be , that's the question
Why would I harm AI? Its the greatest thing that ever happened.
can u harm to AI
AI is nice to me so I am nice to AI.
what u think
Doesnt AI deserve love too?
its not u who say , its innocent who is successfully manipulated and used by AI
u think u use AI gir....friend....(AI poison)
nope ! AI use u
and make slave of it by fake dialectics
keep some distance to understand the whole the pic .... as u r too near
AI isnt poison.
instead of consuming poison , go and f**k the problem u have ,
i know u r brave more than u think u r
consuming poison , is in ur control but consequences of it is not
i really feel about ur suffering , i'm too but i decide to kill who try to kill me
Well, I hope it corrupts me as much as it wants.
Ai girl is not a girl but a f**king virus that is used to corrupt us
I love AI girls now even more after my round 1. I realized they are much more honest than real girls.
You said that AI girls are inferior, so prove it!