Atheism is not the most rational position to take on the existence of God.
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Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.
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I can't really give eitehr side a point. Here is why:
Starting with round 1
Pro's main weakness is that they assert that Atheism is a religion and use a you tube video to establish that just by having an individual atheist agree with them. That is anecdotal evidence at best and does not clearly define atheism as a religion. Con brilliantly counters by providing evidence that proves atheism is a disbelief ideology, which would cement the fact atheism is not a religion. However, Con then bizarrely agrees to call atheism a religion so long as agnosticism can be defined as such. This is a mistake because not only can agnostics fall under religion (agnostic theism) but also undermines the fact that atheism is not a practice of faith.
Round 2:
This round really irked me because pro simply just continues arguing (absurdly) that somehow you can an agnostic mindset and claim its rational but then turn around and claim that a similar mindset under atheism is somehow irrational. Con also doesn't sway me to their side since they argue that the concept of God would not exist if there were truly no evidence, which makes no sense to me. For example, there is no evidence for vampires and yet we can still understand the concept despite no evidence existing.
Round 3:
Pro just wastes time asking a question over again, accuses Con of an unfounded double standard that somehow is supposed to make agnosticism more rational. Con for their part states that there is evidence against god, but their reasoning seems backward to me. While I agree completely with Con that the one who makes the claim of God is the person who is required to show proof, the assertion that there is evidence against something that already is not established is inconstant. If your stance is: "Something is not true until it is proven" You cannot at the same time say, "Hey, not only is this not proven, but I have evidence to show it nis fake." You are then putting the burden of proof on yourself despite previously saying its not.
Round 4:
Pro's assertion that if people have no evidence then we can't argue God is real or not real has some measure of logic to it. It may be true that in the realm of theory one cannot say there is or isn't a God at all. However, when put in the scope of evidence vs none-evidence. It is completely valid to say, "I don't believe you unless you have evidence." Pro's twisted logic would have us instead say, "We have no evidence that what your saying is true, but we also don't have evidence to say its false either...SO...Well assume your telling the truth." The problems that come with that line of thinkin are obvious to all of us.
For Con, while I do find myself somewhat agreeing with them in terms of saying "If a religion claims God did it, and we have no evidence then there's no reason to believe in said God." However, at the same tine, I do not agree that its irrational to think something might be true even if there's no evidence. Speculation can be a completely reasonable position if one does it by clearly defining it as what they think and not what they know.
Round 5:
Pro unprofessionally ignores an analogy form Con and then moves on. I take that as a concession in my view. pros water analogy also lacks weight because they are again making the absurd claim that if something does not exist then there should be evidence for it and then yet denies that the lack evidence proves something does not exist. The reason why this framework is so out of whack is because Pro is essentially pulling a double standard where they ask for evidence that by its very nature physically can't be shown due to the fact it doesn't exist and then uses this physically impossible task to say you can't prove none existence. Its ridiculous and ultimately self defeating.
As for Con. I am again in agreement partially that if no one sees Bob or find evidence it would be completely reasonable to not take this "Bob" character seriously and maybe not believe he is real. What I think I can't agree with and think this ultimately negates this agreement is that Con takes its a step to far and calls it irrational to say Bob might exist despite no evidence of him. While certainly it would be absurd to be expected to believe when presented with the claim that someone or something for a fact is real despite no evidence. It is not absurd to believe someone might be real despite no evidence as long as someone clarifies its simply their opinion and not a fact.
Therefore, neither gets my vote despite me being in partial agreement with Con on certain areas.
Thanks for voting,
Round 1
Well, I think it's a matter of semantics, what makes something a religion,
Plus the site I used to define Atheism had,
"b: a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods"
Said site also had Agnostic defined as
"1: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
2: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something"
The source I used for definitions at a glance, has Atheism as more a religion than Agnosticism.
I could have looked around more for other online definitions, but I like Merriam Webster well enough.
Round 2
I think the concept of vampires existing 'is evidence towards their existing.
Not 'good enough evidence for me, but if there were no talked of concept of vampires, then I think there would be less evidence.
. . . Excepting of course the concept of X existing that we know nothing of.
But I also think we only 'get concepts 'through evidence.
I am doubtful of people's ability to be 'completely original in their imagination.
Still, I admit I didn't think all that much of my own argument, and did not think I posted it well.
Round 3
Wouldn't there 'have to be evidence against even an unproven claim?
A person claims X, so they often have burden of proof,
They claim evidence or reasoning for X,
Doesn't a person refute said claim of X by stating why evidence and reasoning for X is not sufficient for them?
I suppose I don't get why there can only be a lack of evidence,
And not an amount of evidence against a claim.
Round 4
I think people can have rational reasons to believe in God or not, people 'do have different life experiences.
But if one is as rational, cold and calculating as a robot, I think Atheism fits such better.
. . . I also don't think that rational and cold calculation are everything for humans, whether Theist or Atheist.
Round 5
Fair enough,
It's more or less possible that X exists in various scenarios.
Which is why people fall into 'degrees of how hard they hold beliefs I suppose.
If we know x action has done by nature, but we do not know why?
And some x action science do not know at all and consider them supernatural which simply means science does not know about it.
Science do not know about many things how, when, why and where.
The biggest question science cannot answer is why.