Instigator / Pro

this house would make voting compulsory


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 2 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
  • panel as house prop we will be presenting a world where everyone is suppose to vote   .I would like to define the  key words in this motion voting  = its to cast your opinion  on who you want to lead   . compulsory =everyone is obligated  to do something in this case to vote   .
  1. My policy   states that everyone who is 18 + will be automatically registered to vote  and also provide more voting station on this point i would like to make an example i live in south Africa and here the voting station are very limited to the point that most people have pay transport in order to get the chance to cast their votes
  2. My burden of prove in this debate is to the importance of practicing compulsory voting , the disadvantages of optional voting
On my argument i would like to firstly to highlight what happens when people don't vote it undermines the legitimacy of elections  well voting is one way of getting  everyone's opinions and one way of  using rights ,  lets bare in mind rights come with responsibilities  its your right to have freedom   which comes from democracy well democracy supports voting as a way of expressing your   opinions .  if people don't vote there is lower voter turnout   that leads to   a disengaged citizens .AN  example THE 2024 south african elections many people didn't vote it took weeks for the result to be announced as they had to use the 2019 result to determine our next president ,the idea of south africa being a Monarch was bought up but likely that didn't happen , this proves that lower voter turnout leads to disengaged citizens.   http;\\en Wikipedia org  , https ;// businesstech
secondly on my argument i will be discussing the importance of  compulsory  voting .Panel after all  voting is more of a civic  duty  like paying tax    its not that hard   voting is a powerful tool to shape the future where everyone  has the  chance to use their voice and opinions  
My friends, in this debate I will be showing you how my opponent's argument is self contradictory and undemocratic. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and while it is noble to try and make elections more representative in an era of historically low voter turnout, compulsory voting is a short-sighted solution that will worsen every problem it claims to fix.

My opponent neglected to mention in what context voting would be mandatory, and while it may be contextually obvious (and was stated by the instigator in the comments), it's good to cover all your bases. This resolution specifically refers to voting in democratic elections for federal/provincial/regional/judicial/municipal office, though I'm sure we will largely focus on federal elections.

Rebuttals & Arguments
My opponent's argument falls apart when you recognize a few basic facts:
  1. You can express your opinion by not voting. If I decide to vote for nobody because I dislike all the options, that is my choice. If my opponent wants to say that I can just write "N/A" as a write-in candidate or something, then what the hell's the point of compulsory voting? It leads to people either voting for nobody (but with extra steps) or people voting for candidates they wouldn't have voted for if they weren't forced to vote for somebody.
  2. Forcing people to vote when they do not want to will lead to less representative results because people will be voting not based on the policies they want, but based on 'vibes' (or just straight-up choosing randomly).
  3. Forcing people to vote will disproportionately impact marginalized communities who will lose a day of income and potentially be forced to travel large distances to their nearest polling station. You cannot dodge this fact by saying "we will compensate workers for their time," as that was not defined anywhere in the description nor my opponent's first speech nor anywhere in the comments nor is it contextually implied by the resolution. In a two round debate, you do not get to add that critical distinction to the resolution after half the debate has already happened.

You can express your opinion by not voting
If I choose not to vote, that is an expression of my dissatisfaction with the political process and/or all of the candidates available to me. By choosing to not vote, I am expressing my right--my freedom as a citizen of a western country--to not spend the many hours required to understand the policy platform of each candidate from every level of government. If I choose to let the future be decided by those (ideally) more passionate, engaged, involved, and/or informed than I, then that is my personal choice. I am, in that case, deferring the decision to those who I believe are better capable. That is not only valid, but responsible.

If I go to vote and I write "N/A" as a write-in candidate or something, then what was the point of forcing me to vote in the first place? We end up in the same scenario, but now everyone's time has been wasted. We're in a situation so pointless that wasting the piece of paper I wrote my N/A vote on is genuinely the biggest factor at play in evaluating this scenario.

But let's say I am forced to vote for a real, non-joke candidate when I do not want to vote for anyone: You are then removing my ability to express my opinion. This resolution would thus make the political process less representative and less democratic because I am now forced to vote for an option that I do not want, because I do not want any of the options, and yet I must choose one.

Forcing people to vote will lead to less representative results
My opponent has this entire debate ass-backwards. Low turnout leads to disengaged citizens? On the contrary, disengaged citizens are the cause of low turnout, and forcing them to vote isn't going to make them any more engaged. If anything, they will further resent the political system for forcing them to participate.

Because I'm sure my opponent will reject this idea vehemently, I've linked four scholarly articles and scientific studies just to make sure we're on the same page. Disengaged citizens are the cause of low turnout, and the reasons they are disengaged will not change AT ALL if they are forced to vote[1][2][3][4].

Citizens becoming disengaged is highly correlated to socioeconomic status and a feeling that their vote doesn't matter (i.e. all options are equally as good/bad). Forcing them to vote doesn't change this.

To quote the first source:

"I show that the right to vote can be valuable, even if it is not actually exercised. Leaving people to decide for themselves whether or not to vote is not only more liberal but democratic in so far as it respects their choices and makes it more likely that decisions are made by the relevant constituency." -Ben Saunders, 'The Democratic Turnout Problem'


"...The experiment has shown that when a young person is made to vote in an election, his or her attentiveness to politics or knowledge about politics does not necessarily increase." -Henry Milner et al., 'The Paradox of Compulsory Voting'

And finally:

"...we suggest that switching to obligatory voting does not solve the problem of a socioeconomically unequal voice in politics. It merely transforms the problem from an unequal voice in low turnout, low-invalid-voting countries (in voluntary voting systems) to a similarly unequal voice in high turnout, high-invalid-voting countries (in compulsory voting systems)." -Stanislav Mysicka et al., 'Should and Does Compulsory Voting Reduce Inequality?'

As the quote from 'The Paradox of Compulsory Voting' shows (check the article for additional info), you can force a person to vote, but you can't force them to learn about what they're voting for. Compulsory voting does not lead to people learning more about politics.

You are then forcing those ignorant to politics to participate in politics whether they want to or not. They are not going to make their decisions based off of the policies they want. They are going to choose based on vibes, what they have heard in passing, and vague ideas about political parties. Compulsory voting doesn't lead to a government that is better indicative of the policies the citizenry wants, because the people you're forcing to vote largely don't know anything about the party they are voting for; what policies that party wants to enact; what those policies mean

It's much more likely that a person who goes out to vote knows what policies they want to be enacted than a person who would choose to not vote if they could. Therefore, the group of people who voluntarily vote are a better representation of what policies the populace wants than the group of people who are forced to vote, as those forced to vote likely don't even know what they're voting for.

Forcing people to vote will disproportionately impact marginalized communities
Yes, we need more polling stations, but we do not live in a fantasy world where we can put polling stations within a fifteen minute walk of every adult.

A poor father with three jobs does not have the time to vote, and taking away his income by forcing him to take time away from work is unspeakably cruel.

A native American living on a sparsely populated reserve who cannot afford a car would be forced to go to a polling station that is multiple hours away to participate in the very same political process and government that facilitated the genocide of his people for over a century. I'm sure he will be very familiar with being forced multiple hours away from home by the government to act as the government deems necessary.

Like I said before, my opponent cannot retreat behind "workers will be compensated," but even if they could, my opponent would then need to prove that spending BILLIONS of extra dollars each election is worth the marginal benefits they have failed to establish.

Mail-in voting would not fix this problem. Even if we ignore every problem with using mail-in voting as a catch-all solution, my opponent faces a catch-22: Either a mail-in voter puts in the hours required to research and vote responsibly (and thus this argument inevitably applies), or a mail-in voter puts no time into research and casts their vote based on nothing (and thus my previous argument inevitably applies). This resolution fails either way.

Voting is a powerful tool to change the future as my opponent said. That is precisely why we shouldn't want to live in a world where the future is decided by apathetic voters choosing based on 'vibes.' I cannot imagine a worse idea than putting the fate of democracy in the hands of people who are only voting because they have to.

The future should be decided by passionate voters who go truly care about the choices they are making and the impacts they will lead to. If someone doesn't care to vote because of apathy or because of ability, then it's not hard to assume those voters don't care to learn about what they're voting for either.

The world would be a better place if more people went out to vote. Some people hear that fact and assume it means "the world would be better if we forced people to vote." As I have shown you in this debate, that idea is blatantly, provably false and will lead to a worse, less representative world.

My opponent agrees voting is a right that comes with responsibilities, and in the same breath argues that we should force the use of that right on the irresponsible; the apathetic; the ignorant. Telling people they do not have the right to abstain from voting isn't just a terrible idea, but it's undemocratic.

I cannot see how a responsible individual could vote for this resolution. With your ability to vote if you so choose, I ask you use it to vote CON. Unlike my opponent, I don't think it'd be better if you were forced to.

Thank you.
Round 2