Is advantageous to Con I think. As it is broad, but limited to USA.
Also advantageous to Con, as they explicitly put the BoP on Pro in this debate in the description.
lacr3000 R1
All three are values, that I think Americans commonly like. A strong argument I'd say.
I suppose if I was Pro, I might try to argue that said American values are wrong, that even if such are commonly held by Americans, Americans should limit their values in some places.
Not that I 'think such, and I still think it could be hard to argue.
SpookyTown R1
Pro would do well to 'cite examples of
"the principle of bodily autonomy is not absolute and can be limited when it conflicts with societal interests or risks irreversible harm."
Not that such don't exist.
While Pro 'is making good arguments of possible dangers of gender affirming surgery, they would do well to show examples/history/law of other activities America has banned.
For example,
"Scleral tattooing is illegal in the American states Oklahoma and Indiana and the Canadian provinces Ontario and Saskatchewan."
However such is a relatively 'recent law I think.
Government role in healthcare is good.
Though it is vague.
Pro adds on with dangers of surgery, and existence of possible other options.
Though I think Con still has a leg they 'could stand on, with how big Americans are on their freedom.
Financial argument not as strong to me, as I don't think surgery would 'have to be covered by healthcare. And could be made a purely individual cost.
Pros own argument of alternate treatments could work against them here.
lacr3000 R2
If no explanation for missed round occurs, going to count as conduct hit,
Also bad for Con is that have not addressed Pros arguments, giving Pro an advantage.
SpookyTown R2
Irreversible care not the 'strongest argument.
Neuralink will need to be removed from the first human
America big on freedom, and people willing to take risks. Though one 'could argue that dangerous choices should not be allowed. What about skydiving? Rock Climbing? People like freedom in America.
Minors not strongest argument, due to how broad debate title and description is. Debate not 'limited to minors I think.
Brings up dangers and other methods.
Social Discord not a strong argument, again due to American ideas of freedom.
lacr3000 R3
If no explanation for missed round occurs, going to count as conduct hit,
Also bad for Con is that have not addressed Pros arguments, giving Pro an advantage.
SpookyTown R3
Exploitive industry while 'bad, not strong argument due to American ideas of freedom.
Look at casinos or phone games that eat credit cards.
Americans and their ideas of freedom.
I'm not sure about history of state-sanctioned experimental medicine, I would need it explained and exampled more.
At a glance 2nd source is better than first,
As 2nd backs up Pro argument of trans regret.
Though if Con had time, they might be able to rebut it.
However, Description of debate says
"2. No new arguments in the final round."
So I will not be awarding sources to anyone.
Pro wins arguments, by offering arguments of
Bodily autonomy is not absolute,
Government having legislation in medicine.
Sources tie, no new arguments rule.
Legibility, both legible.
Conduct to Pro, as Con did not offer explanation for absence.
I think debate was weighted towards Con, and they might have won, but missing all rounds but the first, gave a large advantage to Pro.
I thought Pro argued well, though their arguments 'could have been addressed by Con. Presumably Pro would have given more depth in argument to address Cons rebuttals.
Not sure if I want to argue against trans rights.