Instigator / Pro

The Catholic Church is infallible


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
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Contender / Con

The ultimate goal of this debate is to advance the pursuit of truth. Regardless of who wins or loses, the real victor is the one who gains new knowledge. This debate will examine the basis for the Catholic Church's claim to infallibility.

Opponents of the dogma are the Reformers, who in rejecting the hierarchy also rejected the authoritative teaching-function of the Church; and the Modernists, who deny the Divine institution of the Church and therefore also set aside her infallibility.


Infallible - The impossibility of falling into error. In this context, the term refers to the Church's infallibility in the final decision on doctrines concerning faith and morals.


1. Both parties accept the Bible as divinely inspired and authoritative.
2. For consistency, the NRSV Bible will be used as the reference when citing scripture.
3. In the final round, only counterarguments addressing previous points will be allowed; no new arguments may be introduced.
4. Failure to comply with rule #3 will result in an automatic forfeiture.


From where I’m sitting, yes. I haven’t judged a lot of debates this year yet, but this would be a stand-out regardless.

Also, definitely encourage you to read some of those HoF debates. I’ve read most of them and they’re quite deserving.

I haven't actually read any HoF debates, so I was curious about the standard they've set.


Nominations happen once a year or so. At that point anyone can suggest a debate.


Honestly, I would say so. I think it lives up to the standard.


Do you think this debate is worthy to be in the DART HoF?


Thanks! Being relatively new to debating, this back-and-forth was very helpful. When I messaged you saying, "Through this exchange, I have identified several areas of my debating skills that require further refinement and improvement," I fully meant it. Thanks for entertaining the debate! Current streak: 6 wins, 1 loss.


That's a decent summary by AI standards. I don't know if I would trust ChatGPT to do a more thorough analysis than that, but it does seem like it actually looked at the debate rather than just making something up, which it sometimes does.


Nice work on this. You did a good job articulating your position imo.

I might be able to do another debate on infallibility at some point in the future, though I'll have to see how my schedule looks.


It was, and I definitely put off my vote until the last minute, but it was a good read. Congrats on maintaining your winning streak!


Thanks for taking the time to vote on this! I know it was a long one.


I really appreciate your vote! I liked how your analysis covered my framework. I've been really fallible while defending the infallibility of the Church. I thought I'd drop down some weak points I was subject to throughout the debate:

* In the last round particularly, I found it difficult to address each of my opponent's arguments. It felt sort of a Gish Gallop which prevented me from forming substantive clarifications. In cases such as these, general responses is the way to go. At one point, I was 8,000 characters over the 20,000 character limit. I had to significantly trim down the bulk of my arguments (which may have been the reason for the "shaky" case for my arguments as the rounds went on).
* In this debate (and all the previosu ones I've engaged in), I only focused on defending my initial arguments from R1. Rather, directly attacking my opponent's position would have consolidated my position.
* It may seem like common sense, but specify your debate titles. It was my intention to focus on the broader principle of infallibility rather than its specific mechanisms from the onset. I phrased the title of the debate to be a sort of "click-bait" which the description would further clarify. Specifically, people would see the debate title, get interested, then read the description and understand its true scope as limited to matters on faith and morals (not universal infallibility). This would have served to inform readers of the Church's official position while getting them to potentially read the debate.
* As Whiteflame pointed out, using the last round to solidify and summarize your position would have been a more strategic play. Generalizing responses would have made it possible to do so, but I focused on the "line-by-line" arguments instead.
* Lastly, making your writing style accessible to everyone who may read. Of course, with any complex theological topic, technical terms are bound to come up, but ensuring a simple language style would appeal to the broader audience.

I seek to incorporate these elements in my next debate, for which I extend my invitation to Savant, once again. This time, why don't we both agree to focus on the specific mechanisms of infallibility, rather than the broader principle? I hope you're up for the challenge.

I had ChatGPT do a review of this debate, how far off is it?
The debate titled "The Catholic Church is infallible" on features CatholicApologetics advocating for the Church's infallibility (Pro) and Savant challenging this position (Con).

Pro's Arguments:

Biblical Foundation: Pro asserts that Jesus granted the Apostles and their successors the authority to teach without error on matters of faith and morals, citing passages such as Matthew 28:19-20 and John 16:13.

Apostolic Succession: Emphasizing an unbroken line from the Apostles to current Church leaders, Pro argues this continuity ensures the preservation of true doctrine.

Historical Consistency: Pro references early Church Fathers, like St. Clement of Rome and St. Irenaeus of Lyons, who supported the concept of apostolic succession and authoritative teaching.

Con's Arguments:

Scriptural Contradictions: Con challenges the interpretation of key biblical texts, suggesting they do not support the notion of an infallible teaching authority.

Historical Discrepancies: Con points to instances where Church teachings have evolved or contradicted earlier positions, questioning the claim of unerring doctrine.

Theological Concerns: Con raises issues about the implications of infallibility, such as the potential suppression of individual conscience and the dynamic nature of understanding divine revelation.

Key Points of Contention:

Interpretation of Scripture: Both debaters present differing readings of biblical texts, debating whether they endorse an infallible Church authority.

Historical Continuity vs. Change: The discussion delves into whether doctrinal developments over centuries undermine the claim of infallibility or represent a deeper understanding of faith.

Authority and Individual Conscience: The debate touches on the balance between institutional authority and personal interpretation in matters of faith.


This debate offers a comprehensive examination of the Catholic Church's claim to infallibility, with both participants presenting well-researched arguments. Readers interested in theology, Church history, and biblical interpretation will find the discussion insightful.

Excited to see it!


RFD is written, just need to post it when I get home, so it will go up.


Guess it's up to you to break the tie in the next 16 hrs, if you get the chance.


>Reported Vote: AnonYmous_Icon // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 4 to Con (Arguments, Conduct)
>Reason for Decision:
Pro’s words r commendable but less in fully addressing some of Con’s key arguments , sometime i c that pro trying to prove the authority of Chruch in place of infallibility
authority ≠ infallibility
and con u do well but the thing is that u have to win the heart of ur opponent who stand against u .... for that its not enough
But after all the purpose of this debate is to learn and i know u make it as i ......

>Reason for Mod Action:
Arguments are insufficiently explained. The voter has to analyze arguments presented by both sides and it seems the only argument the voter provided analysis for is the comparison between authority and infallibility, and only very limited analysis of that. The voter mentions that Con needs to "win the heart of ur opponent" rather than providing any analysis of their points.
The voter provides no reasoning for awarding conduct.


Thank you! Excited to see what you have to say about this one.


Thanks! I'm eager to receive your input.

I’ve finished the debate, just have to formulate the RFD. Might take a couple of days, but I’ll post a vote.

my vote is not fair but may be my words , just ignore the vote ( voting ) it's not what i like


Thank you for voting!

Somebody's record is about to be broken.


>Reported Vote: Americandebater24 // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 5 to con
>Reason for Decision: See Comments Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:
While arguments could do with a little more detail, they are at worst borderline (which would not result in vote deletion).

Sources on the other hand fall into the trap of one side having more, which while indicative of good things, falls short of the standard.

Sources are optional and if awarded require a strong quality lead. Sources go to the side that better supported their case with relevant outside evidence and/or analysis thereof. If both sides have done their research due diligence, these points are usually tied.
A side with unreliable sources may be penalized, but the voter must specify why the sources were unreliable enough to diminish their own case (such as if the other side called attention to the flaws, thereby engaging with sources in a more effective manner with impacts to arguments; thereby flipping the source and harming the opposing argument).

12.10.2024 06:21PM
This was an interesting debate. but my vote goes to Con for several reasons. The first reason is that I believe Con did an excellent job of pointing out that the catholic church has a great number of contradictory teachings. Con also correctly asserts that it is the pro's job to establish infallibility beyond a reasonable doubt. Pro tries to make a good argument by citing that Jesus made promises and that the catholic church is under a "principle of divine protection of err." Unfortunately, Pro never establishes this to be a fact. Plus, as Con rightly pointed out, authority is not the same thing as infallibility.

For Pro to have won this debate, they would have had to have shown that the Catholic Church has never been wrong even one time in its history. Not only does Pro fail to do that, but that would also go against Catholic teachings that dictate all humans are fallible by nature. I further appreciate that Pro tried to make a rational argument by differentiating Personal error from error in doctrines, but that is nothing more than a typical tactic for a losing argument. You cannot get out of examples of error by the church by saying it was the person's flaws and not the teachings. If the doctrine is flawless, it will be error-free no matter who is teaching it.

I am also awarding Con the more reliable sources votes because while both sides primarily use bible sources, Con has at least provided some non-biblical sources to their arguments which offers a more reliable and diverse perspective.


Thank you for your thoughtful clarification! I appreciate your engagement with these points and the chance to address your concerns. Regarding your critique that the Holy Spirit isn’t the one “leading the Catholic Church” but that it’s “human beings teaching other human beings,” I believe this may misunderstand my argument. My position wasn’t that human teachers are infallible by themselves, but that God, through the Holy Spirit, ensures the infallibility of *specific teachings on faith and morals* despite human fallibility. It’s not the individuals themselves who are error-free, but the guidance of the Holy Spirit that guarantees the correctness of those particular teachings. Wouldn’t this address the idea that the teaching itself is “incapable of having error regardless if the teacher is capable of wrongdoing”?

You mentioned that the debate was about “the Catholic Church as a whole” and that the claim of infallibility required proving that “everything related to it” is free from error. However, the debate rules explicitly limited the scope of infallibility to “definitive teachings on faith and morals,” which is also consistent with Catholic doctrine. My argument focused on showing how these teachings are infallible, even when delivered by fallible humans, because of the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit. The rules excluded personal failings or non-doctrinal actions from the definition of infallibility. Could you clarify why you felt the scope of the debate should include all aspects of the Church, even when the rules and doctrine explicitly narrowed it to faith and morals?

I also understand your concern about the law of non-contradiction. Catholic doctrine explicitly distinguishes between doctrinal infallibility (on faith and morals) and the fallibility of individual members in their personal actions or decisions outside of formal doctrinal definitions. These are separate categories rather than opposing claims. What did you think of my analogy "Just as a navigator ensures a ship stays on course despite individual crew errors, the Holy Spirit guarantees the Church's doctrinal integrity, fulfilling Christ's promise that it will be led into all truth."

You mentioned that my argument seemed like “a game of semantics.” I understand why this might come across that way, but my intent was to argue within the scope agreed upon in the rules: that infallibility is limited to doctrinal teachings on faith and morals. This distinction isn’t semantics; it’s the foundation of the Catholic claim itself, and I aimed to show why this claim holds. If the debate’s title seemed broader, I relied on the rules to clarify its intended scope. Would you agree that relying on the stated definitions in the rules was a fair approach? Thank you again for your thoughtful engagement. Your feedback has given me valuable insights, and I hope this helps clarify where I was coming from. I appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into this! I'll stop the questions there as I'm just looking to understand your perspective — not to argue or have a debate. If my questions sparked any realizations or anything similar I'd appreciate a revote. That being said, thank you!


I completely understand and I am fully happy to explain further as you asked.

" I appreciate this observation, but I believe it misrepresents my argument. My position was that the Holy Spirit, as an infallible being, ensures the correctness of specific teachings on faith and morals, even when delivered by fallible individuals. For example, in R1, I focused on establishing the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding these decisions. Would you say that the final decisions reached by these fallible individuals would still be fallible if God explicitly promised to guide those decisions "into all the truth" (John 16:13)?"

So, here is the problem with that argument. Regardless if you think the Holy spirt is a real and a being incapable of error. The fact is that this being is not the one leading the catholic church. It is human beings teaching other human beings. So, that would still make the Catholic churches fallible even if the Christian God promised to guide their decisions. In fact, that argument kind of works against itself when you think about it. it goes back to my original point that if the teaching is indeed infallible, then its incapable of having error regardless if the teacher is capable of wrong doing.

The fact that members of a an organization that commit errors despite being given teachings from a being promising not to allow it from the start just makes no sense. See, there is a good rule in philosophy called the law of none-contradiction. Two opposing things cannot be true at the same time. For instance, if the catholic church is infallible, then it cannot be capable of error. If you say it can in some context (such as members) but not in others (such as teachings) Then that is in violation of such law.

"Do you believe this would still apply if an infallible being oversaw this "something" only in specific cases and not universally across "everything related to it"? For example, Catholic doctrine explicitly limits infallibility to definitive teachings on faith and morals, not to every act or statement of Church members. I framed my arguments within this scope because it aligns with the debate rules and the doctrine itself."

Yes, it still applies. two things cannot be true if they are indirect conflict of each other. To declare an entire organization of any kind infallible requires everything related to it to fit that same standard. To admit to even isolated cases of error is to work against your own argument. Now, if this debate had been about a specific moral teaching of the catholic church and your position was to argue how that moral teaching cannot be proven wrong, I could see some leeway. However, we are talking about an entire church. Not the moral teachings themselves.

"Was there a reason you felt the scope needed to include “everything related to it,” even beyond the agreed parameters?"

Yes, because we're about the Catholic Church as a whole. Not simply ideologies. You may have meant the debate to be focused on the infallibly of the Catholic church ideologies In which case, the debate have have been something along the lines of "The catholic church teachings are infallible." Unfortunately, the claim was the entire church, which means EVERYTHING about the church must be examined and proved on your end that is without error.

The debate essentially became a case where Pro argued that the church was incapable of error because God or Jesus promised to keep is safe from error. Con replied back that their are contradictory teachings and other issues that cast doubt on that claim. You conceded to this point, but tried to argue back that it only applied when it came to the members and not the teachings itself. For me that is when you are trying to play a game of semantics and that doesn't work as an argument. So, I found Con's argument stronger overall.


Thank you for taking the time to clarify your position! I appreciate the thought you’ve put into your feedback and the opportunity to engage with your reasoning further. You mentioned that my argument “only claimed” the Church’s divine protection and didn’t establish it as a fact. I understand your emphasis on logical reasoning, and I certainly tried to meet that standard. For example, I relied on biblical texts like John 16:13 (“the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth”) and Matthew 28:20 (“I am with you always, to the end of the age”). Given the debate rules stating that the Bible is divinely inspired and authoritative, I assumed these passages would establish divine protection as a fact within the debate context. Was there a different kind of evidence or reasoning you felt I needed to provide to meet this standard? I’d appreciate any clarification on this point.

I understand your point about the potential contradiction in saying teachings are infallible but teachers are fallible. You said, "you cannot claim a teaching is infallible, but then argue that the person teaching you is the reason for errors that could be attributed to the education you receive." I appreciate this observation, but I believe it misrepresents my argument. My position was that the Holy Spirit, as an infallible being, ensures the correctness of specific teachings on faith and morals, even when delivered by fallible individuals. For example, in R1, I focused on establishing the Holy Spirit’s role in guiding these decisions. Would you say that the final decisions reached by these fallible individuals would still be fallible if God explicitly promised to guide those decisions "into all the truth" (John 16:13)?

You said, “If something is infallible, then it and everything related to it must be free of error. No exceptions.” Do you believe this would still apply if an infallible being oversaw this "something" only in specific cases and not universally across "everything related to it"? For example, Catholic doctrine explicitly limits infallibility to definitive teachings on faith and morals, not to every act or statement of Church members. I framed my arguments within this scope because it aligns with the debate rules and the doctrine itself. Was there a reason you felt the scope needed to include “everything related to it,” even beyond the agreed parameters? Thank you again for your thoughtful engagement and for taking the time to evaluate this debate so thoroughly. Thank you again for taking the time to clarify your position and for your thoughtful feedback. I hope my response didn’t come across as too forceful — I’m just deeply invested in this debate and wanted to ensure my arguments were fully understood. I imagine you’d do the same in my position, and I truly respect the effort you’ve put into evaluating this discussion.


Thank you for taking the time to vote!


Hello, it has been a while. Your debate rules might state that the bible is divinely inspired and therefore its contents taken as true in the context of the debate. However, that doesn't establish the claim that the principle of divine protection means the church is protected from error. In order to argue that something is infallible, you have to establish that its logic and reasoning cannot be challenged. Key example of this would be the statement: Socrates was Greek, all Greeks are mortal, therefore Socrates was a moral Greek. The statement is infallible because it's supported by both logic and fact.

Your claim about the Catholic church works the same way. If it cannot be established that the church is in fact protected by some divine force that prohibits it from making mistakes, which you did not establish, only claimed, then you cannot effectively argue that the Catholic Church is free from error.

"You stated that for me to win, I would need to show the Church was never wrong at any point in history. However, in Round 1, I explicitly defined infallibility as applying strictly to definitive teachings on faith and morals, not to every action or statement by Church members"

Yes, you may have tried to argue that the infallibility applied only to the teaching of faith and morals. However, that argument is a contradiction. As I explained in my reasoning, you cannot claim a teaching is infallible, but then argue that the person teaching you is the reason for errors that could be attributed to the education you receive. That's like saying history is completely infallible and then when a student finds wrong or conflicting information from the curriculum you say its the teacher and not the material in the wrong. The fallacy in such an argument is very obvious. If the teaching is true and error free, then the teacher themselves are irrelevant in the context of infallibility within the context of the teaching.

" Could you explain why you felt I needed to demonstrate that no one in the Church ever erred historically, rather than just its official doctrinal definitions — when this was never my position in the debate? I appreciate any clarification you can provide"

This is a case of trying to have your cake and eat it too. The title of the debate claims that the Catholic Church is infallible. You, as pro, must demonstrate that the Catholic Church (which include its members and teachings a like) are therefore incapable of error. You cannot enter the debate supporting the idea that the catholic church 's assertion of infallibility is true, and then try to claim it is only half true or dependent on the context. The same would be true if the title said "Human history is infallible" and I, the pro then argued that only the teachings of human history is infallible, not the historians in charge of teaching it. That's simply not how reality works. If something is infallible then it and everything related to it must be free of error. No excerptions.

I hope that clarified my position. You guys had an awesome debate regardless. keep up the good work!


Thank you for your feedback. I have a couple of questions and points of clarification: You mentioned that I “never established” the principle of divine protection as a fact. However, the debate rules state that the Bible is divinely inspired and authoritative, meaning its contents are taken as true. I cited promises made by Jesus (from the Bible) regarding the Church’s protection from error. Given the rules, could you clarify what additional evidence you would have needed to consider these promises as established facts?

You stated that for me to win, I would need to show the Church was never wrong at any point in history. However, in Round 1, I explicitly defined infallibility as applying strictly to definitive teachings on faith and morals, not to every action or statement by Church members. The debate rules also supported this limited scope. Could you explain why you felt I needed to demonstrate that no one in the Church ever erred historically, rather than just its official doctrinal definitions — when this was never my position in the debate? I appreciate any clarification you can provide. I understand that infallibility can be a complex concept, and I’d like to ensure that I’m presenting and defending it clearly and in line with the debate’s agreed definitions. I also want to make sure that my position was fully understood, as I feel it may not have been clear enough in some areas."


Thanks! This was a fun one.


Thank you for your kind feedback! We've both put a lot of work into this so I'm glad there you enjoying the results of our efforts. No pressure to vote, but I’d love to hear your thoughts if you have a moment.


One of the best debates I've seen here, I'll try to get a vote up by the end of the voting period. Well done to both participants.


No guarantees but I'll try to read through and vote soon.


Thanks for taking the time to vote!


Throughout the debate, I was curious what another perspective would think on the arguments presented. Thank you for your time, I know this was certainly a long debate. Thank you for being a committed voter.


The debate was super close! It was fascinating to see how you both approached the issue. I first got into this debate after seeing Savant’s vote in another debate that I also voted on. That made me check out his account and see that he’s also participating in a debate that’s still in the voting stage. If you have any questions about how I weighed my vote, feel free to ask me here and I’ll be happy to explain!


Two excellent, undefeated debaters on this site? I will definitely vote on it.


This topic seems very interesting. Though it seems to be a topic that covers a lot of ground, so I’m curious to see how you’ve all tackled something like this.

I’m fairly new to this website, so if I make any mistakes or do something wrong in my critique, please let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it. I’ll try to be as fair as possible in my judgment.


Plz vote on this if you get the chance!


Plz vote if you get the chance!


You’ll definitely have to remind me, but I’ll aim to get to this.


Plz vote when you get the chance! I know it's long, but there are only two weeks, so I'd like to get some committed voters to read this early.


Thx, got it.


Yes, for instance, if I respond to one of your arguments, you can refute it with a new argument. However, you cannot create a new argument that is unrelated to the previous discussions.


Per Rule 3, I am not allowed to make new arguments that haven't been discussed. But am I allowed to make new responses (i.e. links and counterargument) that I didn't make in R2, so long as they pertain to the arguments we've been discussing? I'm assuming yes, but just want to make sure we're on the same page.

Both parties agree the bible is infallible
God is infallible
The holy spirit is infallible

Man is fallible


If its a tie, both of their records get broken.

Somebody's record is about to be broken.


Got it, thx