I was referring to the ideology between classical liberals and liberals. If there is as much as one non "classical" difference between them that I can point out, then I have won.
On the contrary, if there is one single thing that is "classical" about them then I have one.
See how much of a dick you're being?
Most liberals and democrats favor socialism over capitalism
First of all a liberal/democrat is capitalist by definition (that is not to say "democracy" itself is, because Communism is actually the most democratic system known to man, the American party is what I'm referring to.)
Second of all the source you provided claims that the majority of left leaning people view socialism as mostly positive, not that they prefer it to capitalism. The vast majority of Americans don't even know what socialism is, the left thinks social democracy is actual socialism in the classical sense and the right just thinks socialism means the government controlling everything.
If you ask the same liberals if Bernie Sanders' version of socialism goes a little too far they will mostly say yes, and Bernie Sanders' platform is social democracy, not even full democratic socialism.
Yes. Liberal the way the left defines it in this context is, "freedom from mass shootings and from homicide". This means more restrictive gun laws.
Democratic liberalism wants equality instead of freedom.
You are both trying to be liberal in different ways. Right leaning CL's want the freedom to say "nigger" and posses murder weapons and left leaning CL's want the freedom to do drugs and murder their babies.
Pro immediately concedes that there is a non classical difference between classical liberals and liberals. Even if he negated it, it still exists.
Look at every president in US history, none of them were Ron Paul libertarians. There is a reason for this, because the establishment only allows you to have significant power if you do not threaten the establishment. Democrats and Republicans are virtually the same thing, this is because they serve the same established order, the same ideology. The system that arose from the philosophy of classical liberalism.
So the big significant difference you refer to does not exist in the actual system, it only exists among the "alt right" and "alt left" who don't have any real power in the system. Social Democracy and hardcore right wing Libertarianism are considered fringe in America and do not count as classical liberalism.
The market has been open up for alternative energy for a long time. My house has solar panels on it. It's been a good investment, but it should not be forced upon anyone. Liberal politicians, like those in California, required every new house to have solar panels on it(
4). The Classical liberal probably would have objected to this. The modern liberal would probably support the decision as what NBC did.
This whole discussion is irrelevant to the debate since I've already established that this does not make liberals not liberals. But I would however point out that you are not considering who actually benefits from lenient regulations on the environment. This is not about forcing the consumer to invest in solar panels, it's about loosening the grip that wealthy investors have on the free market because they are invested in oil related stocks and bonds etc. They do not care about what is more sustainable, they only care about profit, and thus their decisions are often worse for society and the environment than it is for them. The decision of whether or not we shit on the environment should not be made based on what is more profitable, because the rich will surely make the wrong decision for us and the right one for their purse. So some industries need to be choked out so others can have breathing room and these greedy rich cunts will be forced to invest in better alternatives that may be less profitable for them.
In sum, none of your arguments prove that liberals are not classical liberals. Since you claim that just one difference between libs and cons makes them something entirely different I am going to say the opposite just to be as much of a dick head as you are, if there is so much as one similarity then I automatically win. Of course, their entire core ideology is the same so I automatically win no matter what.
Do your standards in this debate apply to other things, or just when it's convenient to you? For example, are shi'ite and sunni Muslims still both Muslims even though they have a few differences?
I issued a challenge debate towards you.
Hi Type1
The reason I voted you down is clearly stated in my RfD.
You were claiming liberals and conservatives have basically the same ideology, with some differences attributed to being “a little more liberal or classical”. You made little attempt to illustrate that those differences are attributable to those reasons (and to be honest you didn’t even really provide any demonstration that the two “share ideology” either).
To win, you needed to do the following:
Define what a bit more “classical” was
Define what a bit more “liberal” was
Compare ideological similarities, preferably with specific examples (you sort of did this, but broadly and barely)
Show differences that are raised can be placed in the first two categories.
As you only did 0.5 of those 4 things, you lost this debate.
A lot of votes are because you have a history of forfeiting debates. The fact that you didn't forfeit is the reason why we tied that other debate and why your only behind by 4 points this time. Your getting better.
The votes are always against me for bullshit reasons.
I don't publicly complain when there are votes against me. You shouldn't either.
You are clearly biased. Con literally thinks that any little difference whatsoever between two members of the same overall ideology makes them a different ideology. Making such a claim both constitutes poor conduct and an excessively shitty argument.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote because you are just an anti-intellectual douche and a troll. You are voting against me even though it is clear how intellectually dishonest my opponent was just because you are a partisan shill and nutsack gobbling dumpster goblin.
1st comment!