Instigator / Pro

Donald Trump is by far the best presidential candidate in 2024.


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After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One week
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Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

I leave this debate completely open to any topic. We can disregard the economy and discuss ethics, foreign policy, abortion, or whatever else. Just name one good thing that Kamala will do for us, or more if you wish. You could even argue that both candidates suck and Kamala's the lesser of two evils. Just know that if you want to convince me to vote for that lady then you're going to have to give me something that's worth the hunger pains I'm experiencing while she's in office right now. During Trump's presidency we had a great economy, affordable goods, and no wars. Now we pretty clearly have the opposite. I weighed 150 lbs. in 2020 when I was 17. After four years under Biden and Kamala I've involuntarily lost twelve pounds. I'm 5'9" so 138 pounds is far from optimal. Food is simply too expensive. I'm in college with a 3.9 GPA studying business. Nobody that understands economics and doesn't enjoy poverty could vote for Kamala.

Round 1
Hello Best.Korea, I think that Donald Trump is the best candidate in the 2024 race. Kamala's economic polies are bad and not very well thought out. For instance, the 25% tax on unrealized gains for those who make over $100 mil. I know it may seem like there's no way this could affect regular Americans, but it certainly would. Most everyone's retirement plans are invested in the stock market, and the market determines a multitude of other factors within our economy. The stock market only moves up and down because of people who make large amounts of money. Taxing them on stocks before and after they realize their gains is going to make them halt investing. It could stagnate the market by itself without even considering her other policies. Now, I'm all for taxing the ultra-wealthy more, and wouldn't even be against a 75% income tax on those individuals but taxing them on unrealized gains will greatly hurt the economy. 

Abortion isn't on the ballot this year no matter how much Kamala wants it to be. When Roe Vs. Wade got overturned the issue went to the states. Neither Harris nor Trump could invoke a lawful executive order on the issue. Even if they got legislation through Congress the Supreme Court would throw it out before a Planned Parenthood could open in Utah.

Kamala has advocated for firearms bans many times, which wouldn't be smart or ethical if you believe in Natural Rights Theory. The right to defend oneself against government tyranny is pretty important to a lot of Americans like me and taking our guns would be difficult. I'll admit that piles of dead federal agents sounds like a pretty sight though.

Under Trump we had a great economy. In the past 16 years we've had four years under a republican and 12 under a democrat. My family and everyone I know was way better off in the four years under Trump than any other presidency I've been alive for. 

These are the main reasons I'm voting for Trump. I'd love to know why you're voting Kamala. Thank you for taking the time to debate me and I hope all is good in your life.
Hello, and thank you for taking time to write all that.

Sure, economy might not be great, but that doesnt even matter.

Kamala increasing taxes on the rich and lowering taxes on middle income would certainly boost small buisnesses because the rich when not taxed use their money to destroy competition and small buisnesses, but that doesnt matter.

The only thing that matters when it comes to this voting are trans rights.

Kamala is the only president who supports trans rights.

Even if you could think of 30000 reasons to vote for Trump, which wouldnt even fit in the character space of debate, it would all be negated by the fact that Kamala supports trans rights.

Even if you could prove beyond reasonable doubt that trans rights arent most important, then I should remain with my position and keep believing that trans rights are most important.

I thank you.
Round 2
First of all, the policies she will put in will cause enough inflation to nullify whatever free stuff or tax breaks that you get. Second, my family owns a small business that I will inherit one day. Under Obama we were dirt poor, and opportunity was scarce. The regulations he put in place almost made competition impossible. During Trump's time in office the business made millions. The only reason we're making it through Biden's presidency is because we made all that money and have secured contracts with certain local cities. If it weren't for our current position, then there's no way we'd still be in business right now. The rich never threatened my family's business but democrat presidents certainly did. If you think Kamala would be better for small businesses, then you're incredibly ignorant about economics and small business. I'll move away from the economy now since you said it doesn't matter anyway. Maybe we can discuss economics again once you realize you've voted yourself into poverty. 

You said trans rights are the most important thing in this election. You kind of confused me when you said even if I could prove they aren't then you'd keep believing that they are. I don't mean to be rude, but do you understand how dumb that sounds. That's like being a jury member and not listening to any facts about the case because you've already made up your mind. If you could prove that trans people were being slaughtered like cattle, then I'd stand with you because I believe genocide is wrong. Now imagine for a second that I told you that no matter what you tell me about trans rights or what trans people are going through, I would still hold a belief that they aren't important. Wouldn't that come across as incredibly arrogant and dull. 

Now let's discuss trans rights because I am interested in what you have to say. What rights do trans people need? I don't see what rights I have that they don't. If they're being oppressed in some way, then that really sucks. They should absolutely have all the same rights as anyone else. I don't see how they're oppressed though. 

If you think that the person trying to take our guns is going to give you any type of rights, then you're probably being misled. Throughout history the person trying to disarm the populus is the one who strips their rights and kills off minorities. 

"What rights trans people dont have? Trans people arent oppressed. Kamala wont help trans people." None of your arguments change the fact that Kamala supports trans rights and Trump doesnt. Kamala will help trans people. So logically, one should vote for Kamala.

We could talk of rights to change one's gender at age 4. We could talk of many things which trans people arent allowed to do. We could talk of trans people being oppressed in schools.

Still, even if you proved that trans rights arent important or arent even threatened, then voters should prefer to vote for me and support trans rights just as I support trans rights.

Even if you pretended that trans people arent attacked, then voters should prefer to agree with my position.

Even if Kamala wont do anything to help trans people, then I should prefer to believe that she will help trans people. Thus, I should vote for Kamala.
Round 3
I can't tell if you're trolling me or not. From what I understand, you're saying that I should let some politicians take my weapons and impoverish my neighbors so that 4-year-olds can alter their genitals. Also, can you elaborate on the "trans kids are oppressed in schools" statement you made. That's relatively broad and doesn't let me know how they're being oppressed. You're going to have to do a lot better than that if you want my sympathy for your cause. Also, how exactly are trans people attacked? Are they attacked disproportionately to other groups of people? What aren't trans people allowed to do? Who is threatening trans rights? 
"I should let some politicians take my weapons and impoverish my neighbors so that 4-year-olds can alter their genitals."

Trans rights are more important than guns and preventing poverty. I guess you concede here.

"Also, can you elaborate on the "trans kids are oppressed in schools" statement you made. That's relatively broad and doesn't let me know how they're being oppressed. You're going to have to do a lot better than that if you want my sympathy for your cause."

Your sympathy is not needed. If someone doesnt support trans people when proof says trans shouldnt be supported, then he is unworthy. Only those who support trans people against all proof, only those who choose trans rights over facts are worthy.

Its quite obvious trans kids are bullied in schools. None of what you said changes that. So I guess voters should just vote for me.

"Also, how exactly are trans people attacked? Are they attacked disproportionately to other groups of people? What aren't trans people allowed to do? Who is threatening trans rights?"

This doesnt change the fact that they are attacked. People shouldnt attack trans people. If you agree that we shouldnt attack trans people, then I guess you should vote Kamala.
Round 4
Do you think that other trans people hold this same take that you do? Are you radical in comparison to others in the trans/lgbtq demographic?
I wouldnt call myself radical. I am only being realistic. Trans people had no rights for thousands of years. So deficit was created. So now trans rights must be more important than anything else to make up for the deficit.
Round 5
Well ok, I feel like this was a pretty easy win for me. Thank you for further convincing me that woke people are dumb. There's no way anyone voting on this is more concerned about whether or not 4-year-olds can cut their balls off than they are about their bank account. The fact that you're not considered radical within your group is concerning. How on earth is it ethical to let a child make such a life-changing decision? I'm going to give other trans people the benefit of the doubt that you don't represent them. The only issues tangible you mentioned regarding trans rights involved children. First of all, keep your trans stuff away from kids. If they turn out that way, then let it be, but there's no way a four-year-old can make that type of life-altering decision. Let the kids play with blocks and walkie talkies before you start worrying about their sexuality and gender. It really comes across as creepy to me that you care so much about preschoolers' gender identity. I didn't come into this debate with any bad feelings towards trans people, but you've officially made me anti trans rights. Stay away from my children. 
Thank you for an interesting debate.

"Well ok, I feel like this was a pretty easy win for me. Thank you for further convincing me that woke people are dumb. There's no way anyone voting on this is more concerned about whether or not 4-year-olds can cut their balls off than they are about their bank account."

None of that changes that trans rights are most important thing in the world and maybe even the only important thing. I dont know what else could even matter.

"The fact that you're not considered radical within your group is concerning. How on earth is it ethical to let a child make such a life-changing decision?"

Its because trans rights must be protected and trans children can do whatever they want.

"I'm going to give other trans people the benefit of the doubt that you don't represent them."

I never said I represent anyone. Only you thought that!

"The only issues tangible you mentioned regarding trans rights involved children. First of all, keep your trans stuff away from kids."

I dont have any "trans stuff" nor I know what that is, but children should be educated about trans rights so they know their rights.

"If they turn out that way, then let it be, but there's no way a four-year-old can make that type of life-altering decision."

This doesnt change the fact that trans rights are most important. A 4 year old is perfectly capable of knowing what gender it is. Plenty of children transitioned at age 4 and were happy about it.

"Let the kids play with blocks and walkie talkies before you start worrying about their sexuality and gender."

This doesnt change the fact that trans rights take priority in society. I guess you want kids to be stupid. I am  not sure why would you protect children from truth unless truth is your enemy.

"It really comes across as creepy to me that you care so much about preschoolers' gender identity. I didn't come into this debate with any bad feelings towards trans people, but you've officially made me anti trans rights. Stay away from my children."

Thank you for this debate, and I hope you see the truth.