Instigator / Pro

Schools should be abolished


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After 3 votes and with 10 points ahead, the winner is...

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One week
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Two weeks
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Round 1
Yeah, they should be abolished.

Schools make knowledge, which makes weapons, cars, junk food, poisons, chemicals, pollution and vaccines. Those hurt people, nature.
Most of the things you mentioned can be good but also bad, it's just a matter of how you use them. I can provide an example for every element you mentioned but i will just take three as examples:

1)Cars: Make going from Point A to Point B much easier and faster but their gasses harm nature (may i remind you of the invention of electric cars?)
2) Junk food: If eaten only once in a while, it can be a tasty and cheap alternative to homemade food since not everybody has the time or money to cook at home
3) Chemicals: Some are toxic and dangerous but when used correctly, facilitate our life
Conclusion: It isn't school and knowledge that are bad and dangerous but people with malicious intentions that take advantage of knowledge to make the world a worse place. School, for example, doesn't teach you how to make guns or procure poison but if you stretch every single knowledge u gain from school, you may find one that makes the world a worse place. That's not the school's fault, it is yours,

Besides, Knowledge is exactly what led to human evolution. 
What do you do when you wake up? Do you look at trees or birds flying in the air? No, i don't think so. You most probably fire up the computer and watch videos like everyone else does. What led to the creation of computers and technology in general? KNOWLEDGE
Without knowledge, nearly everything you use and take for granted wouldn't exist
Round 2
Do you agree that knowledge can be used to make harmful things?
Do you agree that knowledge can be used to make harmful things?
Yes, i can in some cases but the cases in which it is used for harmless things outweigh the opposite. Everything in the world came as a result of knowledge being put to use. This platform is a result of technological knowledge namely
Besides, as i said, it is people with wrong mindsets and malicious intentions that twist knowledge in order to create harmful things. It is only people that possess these qualities that make them and they're about 1% of the whole population.
School didn't make them the sick-twisted people they are and neither did it teach anyone how to make harmful things. For example, it doesn't use chemistry and physics to teach us how to make bombs and guns.
It basically says: "I'll provide you a variety of resources and it is up to you if you choose to make good or bad out of them"
It never is the school's fault. Infact, when a student uses a gun or smth dangerous, the student isn't congratulated by the schools, it is expelled since this type of behavior isn't tolerated in school.
School is a healthy place where you go and learn, you also make friendships along the way

It wouldn't work if we didn't have schools because to gain knowledge we would all have to be homeschooled and this is not possible.
Some families can't pay for this type of private education but the students also miss out on so much: They miss out on friendship, they miss out on experiences you can only get from school, like performing an experiment in chemistry or playing hide n'seek at recess with their schoolfriends.
Do you want to sacrifice all this just because some people don't use school for the right reasons? What about the students that actually do?
You want to condemn all these people to a dull, dystopic and yet costly learning experience?
You talk about how knowledge harms humanity but do you actually care about humanity by depriving it of so many things?
Or do you want us all to be dumb and unknowledgeable so that the world stops evolving and we actually regress to primal ages?

Round 3
Without knowledge, there is no way to use it for harm. We need return of time when one didnt have any information being wrongly applied.
Without knowledge we would harm each other even more because if we regressed to primal times and lost all elements of civilisation which comes from knowledge, we would start killing and harming each other as doing such things is in our nature and our primal insticts.

However, you still don't get the point do you?
You advocate for abolishing schools and essentially abolishing knowledge but if we did that, the human species would stop evolving and that would have giant consequences on our day to day life because everything we do and have is based on either our own or somebody else's knowledge being put to use. This whole site is based on technological knowledge, so you wouldn't be able to debate on this site like you so happily are doing right now. 

In conclusion, abolishing schools and therefore abolishing knowledge would harm us even more than we are harming ourselves currently because knowledge in most cases prevents harm and makes the world a better place.
You could argue that knowledge can be used wrongly which is totally true but you're not, you're actually proposing that we stop the flow of knowledge altogether just because a teeny tiny number of people uses it in a wrong way which is not a strong enough argument to implement such a major, revolutionary change