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Hedonism is the most logical philosophical ideology


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Hedonism is the most logical ideology and therefore any logical person would be a hedonist.
(Personally, not a hedonist but thought it was interesting after reading "all tomorrows" (highly recommended even if it is heresy))

Round 1
Everything outside of this world is hypothetical.

A God, a grand simulation, all of it is unknown.

The only thing I know for sure is that a burger makes me feel pretty good. 

Now whether to you its sex, a cigarette, or a good book is irrelevant. 

No God or simulation master can judge you for acting as you were programmed to act, I feel joy when I debate and therefore I always will.

Mass hedonism would not lead to the breakdown of society, in fact in my opinion the world is already mostly a hedonist world.  

Times square billboards advertised the man-made horror that is oreo flavored Coca Cola,

Churches are filled with those who wish to spend ever second with that one person that makes them the happiest. 

I ask you, as you read this, and as you reflect on your future plans, what do you do not for some hedonistic reason?

I work hard to earn money to ensure I can buy myself a beer when I please.

People take care of their children to gain the biologically encoded boost in dopamine when a baby giggles, or when a toddler does something stupid.

People don't murder in the streets because of the negative response they will get from others.

I could go on for hours, but in an effort to not bore myself and you, but I'll stop.

In conclusion humans do everything for hedonistic pleasure simply because it is the only thing we know for certain. 
"Hedonism is the most logical ideology and therefore any logical person would be a hedonist."

Being that we're talking about a person. What is a person?

A living mobile creature.  A creature that lives off movement internally as well as externally. That's outwardly and inwardly. That is physically, mentally, positionally, on and on and on.

The opposing side mentioned God so I felt inclined to mention of the scripture that lines up with this. In him we live and move and have our being.

In a person's movement, the person moves towards a point that will give pleasure and happiness.

That nominal phrase "the pursuit of happiness".

So it is true a living moving person will move as he or she lives as he or she moves towards the point of goal that will bring delight.

It may bring delight. Uh-oh. Why would it might bring delight?

That's because of the possibility of what may become of something can be the opposite of happiness or pleasure.

Well why move towards it?

Well being that the person is a living moving being, the person is required to move towards it in order to comply with what the person is.

In order to continue to live , continue to move, the person has to make that move. That is very logical. 

Regardless of whether there is pleasure in it or not, when it comes to being a person, this would be more logical than that.

Everything in a person, all the person's members are requiring movement and innately compel moving towards what continues the movement.

Such as the movement of lungs. The required movement of it is required for muscles in the person. Which the muscles require movement which we call exercise. 

Now is there pleasure in the midst of doing exercise?

Maybe, maybe not. Nevertheless, it is not the end all be all so it is not the most logical to hold to as a standard.

So philosophically of what a person is, the very nature thereof as a living moving being, the most logical element there in is that what is living, makes a living, so forth and so on. So out of that you may get delight or dread.

To live life solely so that there is a happy result will most likely be counterintuitive to the nature of a person.

Not only that but has proven in certainty to be illegal or forbidden. People often are imprisoned for trying to seek happiness with every which a way.

Case and point. I'm happy all day , every moment while being intoxicated. If that's what it takes to just be hedonistic and nothing else but, we have those that will fight to take a part of that happiness away and bust it up .

I'll respond to some things mentioned being I'm finished with my side.

"No God or simulation master can judge you for acting as you were programmed to act, I feel joy when I debate and therefore I always will."

Is this your belief?

" Mass hedonism would not lead to the breakdown of society, in fact in my opinion the world is already mostly a hedonist world.  "

You say mass and mostly. But if hedonism is the most logical, why not altogether hedonism than a lot or mostly?

"Churches are filled with those who wish to spend ever second with that one person that makes them the happiest. "

Even the scripture teaches there are times for different things, let alone happiness. Jesus said  you will have sorrow, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.

"I ask you, as you read this, and as you reflect on your future plans, what do you do not for some hedonistic reason?"

1. Exercise 
2. Consume select things for a healthy diet
3. Labor for pay
4. Communicate with individuals that may be inhospitable 
5. Pay taxes
6. Undergo dental evaluations
7. Debate
8. Listen to virtual/spiritual messages
9. Operate motor vehicles
10. Groom and dress
11. Clean inside dwelling place/outside dwelling place 
12. Tying shoes
13. Read/write 
14. Do math
15. Learn/research 

On and on and on

16. Take medicine

Other things away from me that other people do such as undergo medical treatment or corrective surgery. Participate in politics, voting, going to meetings, take political office, protesting, being an activist, chastising people, disciplining children, correcting a spouse or someone. Going to visit folks in hospitals, nursing homes, going to religious churches, going to funerals, going to memorials, etc.

Now people will have different reasons. But each of these items, you can do these things and it's not for pleasure. The very act itself of these things do not constitute pleasure. The act of doing these things in their very instance can be unhappy.

"I work hard to earn money to ensure I can buy myself a beer when I please."

Is this all you work for? Is this all you use money for?

"People take care of their children to gain the biologically encoded boost in dopamine when a baby giggles, or when a toddler does something stupid."

You don't mean all people do you?

In conclusion humans do everything for hedonistic pleasure simply because it is the only thing we know for certain. 

I take it not all humans. It is not the only thing. We also know what would be non hedonistic and we do things for non hedonistic purposes just the same.

Just some last minute additions to non hedonistic activities. 

-Doing construction work
-Performing security duties/secret service duties 
-Acting in military service
-Space exploration 

I saw a recent video about research teams that have to survive and maintain in an isolated South pole during the most dreadful of times and weather.

Ok I'll leave it there.
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