Democracy is better way to choose the leader
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After not so many votes...
It's a tie!
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- Three days
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
it is true that , we all matter for state or its just illution of people ?
Round 1
I strongly belive in Democracy becoz the Democratic Goverment is for the people by the people about the people
Democracy is way of Govrning according to will of the people to serve the people according to their will
After the democracy any way of governing is nothing but systematic salavery on the order of some f*** monster
Democracy is basic human right , its my rigth, its your rigth . I never allow , u never allow ,in fact collectively we all never allow anyone to take our right from Us
we all want to choose our leader according to our rational will and that is Democracy
that's Y i say :
" Democracy is better way to choose the leader"
Democracy means people choose. People choose leaders who promise them lots of things, creating debt. Debt is bad.
Democracy is the path to debt. USA, Japan... are all drowning in debt and money printing inflation. Thats bad.
I suggest an alternative system where only smart people choose a leader. Smart people make better choices. So thats better.
Round 2
" Action speaks louder than words "
Argue on first statement:
that's True
People choose leaders who r much better according to their will , That is Democracy
But your theory
"People choose leaders who promise them lots of things " its not true at all and its not Democracy.
(lollipops r lollipops )
yeap i give advise to Machiavelli to consider your precisions theory in his great book " The Prince ".whenever i met him, i give that advise to him at first place , i promise U .
Debt is bad. what means by Debt is bad ?
O! My honorable Berea , our debate is about Democracy but not about economics
it's ignorable
Berea = Be_._rea (best.Korea) , its the name of college that i like so , i use that name for opponent to represent respect and love
Argue on second statement:
Berea say :" Democracy is the path to debt "My honorable Berea u cross the red line by saying it.Democracy = Debt = BadU trying to merge Debt and badness to Democracy by force , Democracy is Political system while Debt is related to Economics.Haha , its Nothing but Red herrings.
U say that "USA, Japan... are all drowning in debt and money printing inflation. That's Bad"
I agree with the statement and its bad for those countries , But behind that badness , is their economical system and other factor..... (f*** capitalism ) , its not by Innocent Democracy .
I think if someone say that "Nelson Mandela was a terrorist" , its nothing but madness and I and U and in fact all of us never ever accept that at all.
Argue on third statement:
Dear Berea , U suggest an alternative system , if there's better system than democracy then its ofcourse appreciate-able.
but u say
" only smart people choose a leader. Smart people make better choices".
What u want to say ? that some people r superiors and some r just dump, slaves (have no will power, not able to make decisions )
No way at all dear , we not need to trying to establish the system where only some f*** apply their decisions on others.
we not need to establish the slavery.
I know that personally U and i never ever want to be a slave or accept the orders of someone that r against our rational will.
As I said, its far better for everyone to be governed by smart people than drown in debt.
And yes, democracy caused debt since people elected leaders and leaders created debt. By causation, people created debt.
Democracy is slavery for not just 49% minority, but for most having their lives ruined by dumb decisions.
Round 3
Haha i like to clap on your argument , democracy caused debt ... , people created debt.
U try to insult people , their decisions and democracy in worse way without any rational , solid reason .
Its alright if your way is the highway according to your intentions
always remember :
"If caged birds think..., flying is crime...."
We not to be caged our think on the order of some.....
Majority of people arent even capable of making good decisions, which is why economy and politics fail badly.
Majority of people lack the necessary knowledge to achieve what they want, so their vote ends up being harmful.
And economy is relevant to debate, since economy just happens to be important for country and well, everyone.
I get if English isn't your first language (it isn't mine either), but please invest in Grammarly.