Should there be a ranking for students’ grades in the school?
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After not so many votes...
It's a tie!
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 2
- Time for argument
- Three days
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
No information
Round 1
I hold an affirmative attitude towards the motion that “ should there be a ranking for the students’ grades in schools?”
Here I define “students” as to those who are in the same grade, who had been receiving the same level and equal amount of education from the school.
Here I define “students” as to those who are in the same grade, who had been receiving the same level and equal amount of education from the school.
There are two reasons as to why I support this motion:
First of all, it promotes the students’ academic performances.
Why is it true? Because it first increase a competitive environment for the students. Then, consequently, each students, out of their self-esteem, would try harder and study more to get a higher grade. Why they want get a higher grade? Since there is a open-to-everyone ranking board, everyone can see each others’ rankings. Therefore, for most of the students who wants to be taken more seriously and look good in front of the others, it was reasonable for them to study more. Usually, with more time and energy spent on studying, their grade would be improved. Then, once those students see their results, it actually encourages other students to try harder, in order to surpass that student. Ultimately, students are no longer studying just to surpass others but during the process they may find an interest into one certain subject, and keep focusing on that subject.
Maybe the opposing debater will argue by saying that “what if the environment is too competitive that it creates pressure on everyone?” Well,even if it may be a bit too competitive, the impact would not be on EVERYONE. The reason is that there are some students who might focus on certain subjects, that they do not care about this overall grade.
Second, it presents with each students their reward of studying hard.
Human needs a reward for every effort they made. If the student couldn’t see how they have improved, compared to the last, or if the students couldn’t see how many places they had moved forward, then they might not be encouraged on the following weeks of learning. Their effort could not be acknowledged, and therefore they would lose the power and the passion for studying.
I did very poorly at school. I dont want my name on that ranking list.
Round 2
Sure then we will post the top 70 or 50 students who are doing well.
Also, if some one doesn’t want his name to be posted on the ranking board, the reason must be he felt he has not been doing good enough to be shown on that board. Thus, he shall work harder instead of escaping this.
I disagree with that too, since I dont want to feel inferior.