Instigator / Con

Music/songs are Best therapist


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It's a tie!
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during my study of psychology this question arises a lot that if music is a healer or not. Many people thing it is so i wanna discuss on this topic with whoever accept to debate , by the way english is not my first language so please cooperate with me

Round 1
Music or song distorted personal and social life
First of all, I am grate full to my opponent for accepting the debate and sorry late in argument....
Yesterday while travelling through bus I saw that everyone was busy on their phone, for not sounding like a typical grandma I was doing the same thing.... it was then i realise that.. we think music has our comfort zone and now many people hate short conversation with the people around.. mostly in every situation there is airpods in our ear playing music or songs, even during the study/ lecture ....
 music and songs has become the part of our life in a very addictive way so much that listening to it has become essential..
It said that during depression and stress wrong choice of songs/ music can lead more distorted mental health.. there are many songs that promote vulgarity, which is not good for underage student and children...
people prefer to stay quite or listening to music during hard times which can be dangers in many case...
According to Miranda, social schema and stereotypes about fans of different musical genres can influence intergroup dynamics and can influence seven major areas of development: aesthetics, identity, socialization, emotional regulation and coping, personality and motivation, gender roles, and positive youth-development...
I like to conclude my argument with the statement, I strongly stand against the idea of music/songs becoming are therapist rather than people..... thank you

For many people the wrong music can be toxic just like the wrong therapist's advice can be toxic for certain people. However, the best therapist is ultimately the one that can address the worst problems and you will NEVER get that from a licensed therapist nor will you get that from anyone else. You can ultimately only deal with it yourself when you have real, genuine problems and music is a genuine tool that can help you do that.

When I say real genuine problems I mean problems that no one who doesn't have the same problems can understand and someone who has the same problems can't help you out of because they are stuck in the same situation. I mean crippling mental illness that is like being raped and tortured by your own brain 1000 times a day or utter social isolation where no one loves you or understands you at all.

Licensed therapists are normal people for the most part pretending to understand mental illness and true suffering because they read about it in some book. They will never fully empathize with someone who is going through way more than they have ever gone through and the same applies to any person you could reach out to. 99% of the time no one even likes or cares about people with real problems and even if they did they could never understand.

When you find music that resonates with you as a person with real problems, it can help you interpret and articulate your thoughts in feelings in new ways. It can help you put things into a perspective that helps YOU solve your problems instead of relying on people who don't understand.
Round 2
Good Evening .... sorry for the delay
Constantly listening(during stress) to music can be Overstimulating.... due to volume, acoustics, etc...
Music or song can trigger trauma or unwanted memories because of its evolutionary connection to processing sound quickly as a survival method.....
can also trigger strong emotions...
It can sometimes increase anxiety especially in people with with alzheimer's
Accredited music therapists aren't usually psychotherapists, so they might not be able to help you meet your therapy goals. 
Research suggests that listening to music can reduce the capacity of your working memory, which is the cognitive system that helps you process new information. This can be especially true when the music has vocals.

Many times, your negative behaviours are set off by triggers, or external circumstances that provoke unpleasant emotions or feelings. In therapy, you’ll learn to notice when you’re triggered and create strategies for controlling your response.

Healthy interpersonal relationships are crucial to your mental health; when they suffer, you suffer. Learn to improve communication and resolve conflicts constructively through therapy, and your relationships with your friends and family may grow stronger. This in-depth form of talk therapy encourages patients to speak freely in an effort to uncover unresolved issues that may be impacting their current behavior. Addressing problems of the past increases self-awareness, allowing patients to analyze and modify their current dysfunctional behaviors.
The type of therapy you receive depends on your individual needs and preferences, and your treatment plan could include components of different ones. A trusted mental health professional will be able to advise you on which approach is best for you. 

Con has dropped all my arguments and therefore conceded to them.

All of his claims of the harmful effects of music are what it CAN do in the wrong circumstances and not what it WILL do necessarily.

This debate is about what the BEST therapist is, and the best therapist is the one that can help you address the worst problems. Professional therapists and interpersonal relationships are for privileged people who don't have real problems. No one will ever give a fuck about or understand my problems therefore the best therapists are music and other similar coping strategies.
Round 3
To think that people by who we're surrounded  doesn't give a fuck about in what  mental state our in.. my opponent must be surrounded with shitty kind of people... 
This is what you call immaturity.. escaping the problem in the shadows of music..
A more depressed music which only gives us a sense of envelopment by lonely emotion and a dark abyss of depression 
If you think that the people you're surrounded with don't give fuck about you so why not try and be more social and let people understand you, music were means of entertainment not the means and excuse to escape.... 
Music can never provide the secure feeling that you will get from your trust ones..
try too join good club and therapy camp which provide good social interaction ...
Try out your hobby and many more but getting confined in the loop of music and depression in not the solution 
Music is much more attainable than a connection with others or finding people who can understand and give proper advice, how can something that the ones who need it most can't access be the best therapist?