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In most cases, child marriages should be legal (New Updated Arguments Version)


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Round 1
Child marriages are a sensitive topic for many people. However, there is a growing number of debates rising as to what is the right thing to do when one child has sex with the other child or with an adult, what is the right thing to do when child has sexual urges. In this debate, we will talk about problems that children face, and what can be done to solve them.


Child marriage - a marriage between an adult and a child or a marriage between a child and a child, and marriage where all participants are happy.


1. Children have sexual urges
Sexual urges dont start at age 18. In fact, they sometimes start as young as 7 or 8. Some children masturbate as young as 4.In USA, 30% of children had sex before age 16. 50% of children watched porn before age 13.30% of children had sex before age 16.Thats over 90 million people in USA in total, but almost none ended in prison.And thats just whats reported by surveys.The main point is that children arent going to stop having partners just because its banned.Ban just makes it impossible to regulate, as relationships become unknown.Whats unknown cant be regulated.People claim that children shouldnt have sex because they cant consent and it doesnt benefit them.That means children cant have sex with other children, which increases pressure and judgment upon children.But 30% of children have sex, either with adult, either with other children. 50% of children watched porn before age 13.

2. Children have problems in controlling sexual urges
Children struggle to control their sexual urges. There is simply no way from preventing children from acting on their urges. Children have urges. Children need a safe outlet for their urges.

3. Marriage is the best way to control urges
Having multiple sexual partners is harmful. However, children will act on their urges. Marrying to a person and committing to that person is the best for those children who have problems with urges. If children dont marry, then they will have more sexual partners.If children do marry, then they will have less sexual partners. They will bond with one partner.Marriage will allow them to have stable relationship before they reach adulthood.It will help them avoid making risky choices later on in life due to loneliness or restlessness.In marriage, they would have sex with just one person, which is the safest type of sex. Even if marriage ends in divorce, it still limited the amount of sexual partners while it lasted. Child marriages usually last for many years or for a lifetime. Child marriage makes a person commit to just one person while marriage lasts.

4. If there is no child marriage, there is harm
Legalization would help protect children from exploitation by ensuring they have legal protection under the law, and that relationships are regulated by the law. Without marriage, children will still have sexual urges and will still act on them. They will do so with much more partners. They will change lots of partners and increase risk of STI and STD. Having lots of partners throughout life increases depression and suicide rates. Marriage would make it so that child has only one partner and is committed to one partner, and not separated from the partner by others. Stigma causes harm to children. If there is stigma, stigma causes harm to everyone in adult-child relationships. If child marriages are banned, then there is stigma on adult-child relationships. Legalizing child marriage would help to reduce the number of people who resort to sex work in order to earn money. People who resort to sex work are often those with failed relationships early in life. Child marriage helps protect relationships.

5. Banning child marriages increases prison population and torture in prisonsTorture is a very serious problem in prison. Prisons are, in most cases, forms of torture. Prisoners are often treated poorly, abused and violated.Not arresting adult who has sex with a child means that adult will have sex with a child and adult wont be tortured in prison.Arresting adult who has sex with a child means that adult will have sex with a child and adult will be tortured in prison.Having sex with child and being tortured is more harmful than having sex with a child and not being tortured.Arresting adult who has sex with a child is more harmful than not arresting an adult who has sex with a child.Decreasing prison population would improve lives. It would also improve economy, with less people in prison there is more available workforce for buisnesses.

6. Allowing child marriage increases child's happiness
Removing stigma would help children who are in sexual relationships. It would allow them to marry the person that makes them happy. Children in foster care would also have opportunity to marry and be saved from foster care. Child marriages save children from poverty. They make it possible for children from poor families to marry and live in a wealthier, better family. This helps those children, as well as their families who no longer have to provide for the child by themselves.

7. Society should listen to child's voice
Most of children who are in relationship with an adult dont want for that adult to go to prison. Sending that adult to prison would destroy child's happiness. It is better to let them marry. Society cannot decide what child does with own body. Child's body belongs to the child, not to society. Children have autonomy. By law of autonomy, you cannot use someone else's body without consent. Allowing young people to make decisions about own bodies without fear of judgement creates safe environment. In such environment, everyone feels that their decisions are respected no matter what kind of a relationship they are involved in. This promotes overall sense of autonomy among all population. Giving children ability to choose allows them to decide about their relationship which they are involved in, as opposed to adults making those decisions instead of them.

8. Banning child marriages causes trauma for the child
If child has a parter, if child is in love with that partner and if that partner makes child happy, to separate them would cause trauma for the child. They should be allowed to love each other and give each other happiness.

9. Historical proof of valuing marriage and valuing child marriage working for the benefit of children tells us that child marriage isnt bad
In countries where child marriages are legal and where marriage is valued, there is much less STI, STD, and much less suicides.In Afghanistan, child marriages are common. Marriage is encouraged and divorce is discouraged. Afghanistan has more birth rates, less suicides, less divorce, less STI, and less STD than USA. If arranged child marriages have all those benefits, then it logically follows that valuing marriages and child marriages is good. Of course, I argue for child marriages that are not arranged by adults only, but also where child desires to be in that marriage. Such marriages would provide even more benefits for children. Child marriage also increases care between people, as it strengthens ties between families.

10. Allowing child marriages controls birth rates much better
Woman will give birth to most children if she starts giving birth as early as possible. The longer she waits, the less children she can give birth to. Allowing child marriages makes it possible to raise more children. Allowing child marriages lowers the cost of raising children, as children no longer have to be provided by the parents until 18. Child marriages lower birth rates if society regulates them to lower birth rates. Society can educate children and teach them about safe sex in marriage, and about how to prevent getting pregnant. Banning child marriages increases birth rates more than allowing child marriages and regulating them to lower birth rates. When child marriages are banned, children still have sex and get pregnant more. They are not guided and regulated by society if child marriages are banned.Child marriages historically do tend to increase birth rates, which is beneficial for society.Banning sex with children does not benefit children, because children cannot be stopped from having sex and judgment from ban just harms them.Usually, it is better to regulate something than to ban it.

11. Allowing child marriages helps adults, teenagers and children who are attracted to children
There is a significant amount of people who are sexually attracted to children. If society condemns child marriages, and calls those people monsters, then those people feel bad from their teenage years when they realize that they are attracted to children. Allowing child marriages would help them satisfy their urges in a way that is safer.About 15% of minor attracted persons are children and teenagers who feel pressure because of society's judgment.

12. Allowing child marriages allows society to better regulate adult-child relationships
Most of adult-child relationships are never discovered. Both adults and children in such relationships have no one to guide them or to set rules of behavior. Adult has no guide on how to better treat a child. Child has no guide which could explain to a child how adult-child relationships are supposed to work. Allowing adult-child relationships changes that. Allowing adult-child relationships by allowing marriage would mean that both adult and a child would get more advice from others, and child would be better protected. It would be possible to regulate those relationships, and make them better for children and secure that children are happy in them.This topic does not deal with abusers. Abusers should still be punished. However, if an adult is kind and friendly to the child and doesnt force a child to anything, and if child is happy and wants to be with that adult, judging such a relationship would be harmful for that child and for that adult.Punishing such an adult by torturing him in prison is wrong. Prisons are always torture, as lack of desired options is always a torture.

13. Great majority of adult-child relationships are not violent
In great majority of adult-child relationships, adult never used force or threat against a child, and never caused pain to a child. In great majority of cases, adult didnt have real sex with a child, but only did gentle sexual activities.

14. Children can consent to be happy
Relationship with an adult in most cases causes happiness to a child. If the adult was friendly and nice to the child, respected child's desires and interests, and respected child's consent and respected what child says, then he didnt force a child to anything. That is the opposite of forcing. To say otherwise would make every activity with a child forced, including school, playing, learning or reading bed time stories. Force would become an irrelevant word that can be applied to every activity. If the adult is kind and friendly to the child and doesnt force the child to anything, then the child will like that adult. Children know what happiness is.

15. Child marriage increases relationship stability
Allowing children to marry gives them more control over their lives. If two young people have known each other since childhood and decide they want to get married before reaching adulthood, then this would give them more stability in their relationship than if they were not allowed to marry until 18. This would also lead to better financial security. Marriages provide more wealth than if person lived alone, while they cut down on expenses.

16. Child marriage improves education for children
Child will have much better education if married, since then both the partner and parents can provide for the education. That is more resources than having parents alone. This especially helps single parents. Allowing child marriages also removes stigma from sexual education, allowing children to be better educated about their rights in a relationship, and about how to protect themselves from diseases. They dont learn that when child marriages are banned, and banning child marriages doesnt stop adult-child relationships.

17. Child marriage protects pregnant teens and unborn children
There is a common misunderstanding that banning child marriages prevents early pregnancy. It does not.Allowing child marriages allows society to better educate children, and lower or increase birth rates if necessary.Without child marriages, children still get pregnant. However, it is more difficult to regulate and educate children about safe sex if child marriages are banned. It is also more difficult for pregnant teens to maintain their relationship if they are judged and not allowed to marry.Pregnant teens often have their reputation ruined by pregnancy. Sometimes they end up as single mothers. Sometimes the father of the child leaves the pregnant teen due to society's judgment. Sometimes a teen is forced to have an abortion due to stigma, and due to the lack of marriage that is needed to have economical stability and support to raise a child. Allowing child marriages would prevent this. Being allowed to marry, and father being made responsible for his child would help pregnant teens and unborn children.

18. Children are held accountable for their actions
We cannot say that children arent accountable for their actions. If a child commits a crime, child goes to prison. If child behaves bad, child gets punished. In the same way child is held accountable for bad behavior, the decisions that child makes are also to be considered important. We cannot say that child is only accountable when doing something bad, but not accountable when consenting to marriage. The decision of a child to enter marriage should be respected.If a 12 year old murders someone, she would be charged. However, she wont be charged if she has sex with another 12 year old. But if she is 18 and has sex with a 12 year old, she will be charged. Therefore, we see that person's age in one crime is much more relevant to sentencing than in the other crime. In fact, in the case of sex, it literally goes from "not a big deal" to "very horrible" just because of the age of a person doing the action, not the action itself.

19. Child marriages are the tradition of our ancestors
By legalizing child marriage, we can preserve cultural heritages that have been passed down from generation-to-generation since ancient times.Our ancestors married sometimes very young, at age 12 or 11. The age of consent 1000 years ago was usually 12, but it was not enforced and people married even younger.Indigenous cultures around the world rely heavily upon early marriages between partners so that family lines remain intact. It also serves as strengthening of ties between clans through intermarriage agreements made prior birth. This becomes difficult without legal recognition. Allowing these practices legally ensures continuity within societies. It gives people freedom to express themselves culturally regardless of external pressures placed upon them by society.

20. Allowing child marriage gives child a choice
If a child is treated badly by her own family, allowing child marriages would allow that child to leave family and marry for someone who will treat her better. Maybe you cant always find someone you love, but sometimes you can. That sometimes should not be prevented.

21. Banning child marriages harms innocent people who are in prison
There is no doubt that there are innocent people in prison. Some people didnt commit the crime, but the witnesses lied about them and put them in prison. If someone is put in prison for having a relationship with a child, but is in fact innocent and didnt do that, he would still be beaten and abused in prison.

22. Sexual activities in marriage are healthy for children
There are plenty of benefits of sexual activities and orgasms. The benefits include living longer, being less likely to get ill, having better mood and improved reasoning. There is no reason to believe that only adults receieve benefits from sexual activities. Children receieve same benefits. Sexual activities make children happy when they are desired by children themselves. There are plenty of examples of children engaging in sexual activities with other children. Child marriages make children happy and serve for their benefit. Banning child marriages wont make relationships with children go away. Banning child marriages will just cause more broken relationships and more sex outside of marriage. Sexual activities are safest in marriage.

23. It is wrong to say that if children dont fully understand something, it should not be done
It is wrong to say: "Children shouldnt be vaccinated. Children cannot fully understand vaccinations. Children should not be born. Children cannot fully understand life.".If children dont fully understand child marriages, that does not mean that child marriages are wrong. Children can desire to be married. Children have partial understanding of child marriages. Partial understanding is enough to have a desire. Most adults dont have complete understanding of each other, as they cant read each others thoughts. Allowing child marriages is beneficial for children. Child marriages make children happy and provide health benefits.

24. Judgment harms children
Society's judgment harms children who are in relationship with adults, teenagers or other children. They would not be able to figure out why society hates their relationship. This would make them feel shame, and be uncomfortable to even mention their relationship due to fear of upsetting others. The judgment would make them feel like they are approving of something bad and participating in something bad. The judgment would make them blame themselves. It would make them more scared, confused, depressed and suicidal. That blame comes once they grow up and learn that society strongly judges such relationships. Its the society that puts pressure on those children and makes them think that what they agreed to was horrible. Also, they hear rape stories on media, and believe that they are bad for approving that which society condemns.

25. Judgment causes general harm
People often justify their evil actions by saying that they are still better than others. For example, a person might justify polluting the environment by thinking that it is not bad because he is still better than map which he judges. Judgment causes harm by harming children who are futute scientists. It harms innovation.

26. Child marriages help prevent violence over children
Banning child marriages wont make violence go away. Banning child marriages will make violence harder to detect. Allowing child marriages makes the relationship known. If the relationship is known, it is easier to regulate it and prevent violence.Violence and dropping out of school is common in poor communities, just as child marriages are common in poor communities.Banning child marriage will not make violence go away, as violent people dont stop being violent if they are not married to a person they commit violence against. Child marriages make the relationship known and easier to regulate, making it easier to prevent violence. In USA, there is plenty of violence over children, plenty of depression, plenty of suicides. Child marriages are banned in USA.

27. Child marriages give the child more autonomy
Child's body belongs to the child. It does not belong to anyone else. Therefore, only child can make decisions regarding own body. Other people dont get to decide instead of the child. Child marriages allow a child to make a choice, and make it so that the child is better informed. Child marriages allow a child to marry for who child wants, who child likes, who is kind to child and who makes child happy, and who doesnt force a child. Children are not a property, and banning children from marrying who they want would decrease child's autonomy. Banning children from making important decisions decreases their knowledge about important things, and harms them once they are adults. Child marriage teaches a child to be more responsible by educating a child and giving child more knowledge in decision-making. Even if child makes mistakes, child learns from them, as opposed to not making a mistake and not learning.

28. It is not possible to prevent children from having sex
We see that it is not possible to prevent children from knowing about sex, with all the movies containing sex, and with child's curiosity to discover themselves, and with regular community talk which informs children, and with people who seek to inform children to build a relationship with them. You cant teach children not to have an urge. Entire history shows that controlling sexual urges is impossible to implement. It is also harmful and causes mental pain and discomfort, along with losing health benefits of sex, along with those who cant control their urges be judged by everyone and therefore, harmed. No country was able to stop children from acting on their urges, or adults from being with children.When it comes to sex, no country has lowered sex rate by making it illegal.They have increased prison population, and caused many problems such as adultery, but they didnt lower the percentage of children who had sex.

29. Future consent tells us what is right
Preventing children from learning would be bad for them. Banning child marriages prevents children from learning. They will be less informed if they are not allowed to be in relationships. It was shown that child marriage benefits children by reducing depression and suicides, by reducing sex outside of marriage, by making children happier and healthier, by protecting children in relationships, by removing stigma which hurts children. It also helps better guide adults on how to treat children, as opposed to increasing prison population and torture. It was also pointed out that most relationships are never discovered and great majority of children dont want for their partner to go to prison. They keep same opinion even when they grow up. Their opinion should be respected.Children do not need to fully understand child marriages. Society can understand child marriages, and decide that children should be allowed to marry because of the benefits it gives. Children in child marriages are not on their own, as society and parents are there to advise them and protect them if something goes wrong in marriage.Banning child marriages leaves children on their own, as there is no one to guide them as the relationships are secret when child marriages are banned.Child marriage is a child's choice. When child grows into adult, she doesnt want for her partner to go to prison. Since adults are well informed, it follows that child marriage is well informed decision of a person who approves of her child marriage after becoming adult.This is what is known as "future consent". When child grows up, she agrees that her marriage as a child wasnt a bad thing.

30. Power doesnt matter in a loving relationship
Most of child abuse is caused by children. A 14 year old can easily abuse a 10 year old if in relationship with her. A 14 year old can easily abuse another 14 year old if he is much stronger than her. Even among adults, man can easily abuse a woman due to being stronger.Children are more likely to get abused by other children than by adults. Adults have more control over their actions. They can be better educated by society. They also have more moral maturity.In every relationship, one person is more "powerful". In parenting, parents are more powerful than children. However, in loving and consensual relationships, power doesnt matter as there is no force at play. Adult and child have attachment to each other. They love each other and make each other happy. They do that which both have the desire for. Child marriage helps create stronger attachment and increases happiness.

31. Child marriages prevent children from being in bad company
Most of the children who enter into bad company do so because they dont have guidance and because they desire sex.Child marriage satisfies child's sexual urges and gives guidance to children.

32. Child marriages ensure that children have same rights as adults
Children have the right to love and to form relationships. It would be cruel to deny children of that until adulthood, as certain percentage of children never reach adulthood. Child marriages are in child's interest. Future consent demonstrates that. Child desires love and creates attachments. To destroy child's love and child's attachment would be very cruel and inhumane, and would reduce children to mere property without a voice.

33. Banning child marriages increases the number of child sexual abuse
You cannot reduce sex with children by criminalizing it. The victims, as explained before, dont want to speak out. They like the adult and dont want him harmed.The number of abuse cases keeps growing. Map always assume they wont be caught. Due to lack of marriage and lack of legality, some map resort to having sexual activities with lots of children. There were even cases of one map being with over 100 children. Without the ability to marry and without legal protection, map person has less reasons to stay with just one child. There is no education to guide map in behavior. There is no legal law that he must follow. The longer map stays with one child, the more likely map is to get caught. Due to having to hide the relationship, map is more likely to end a relationship and seek other children when map suspects that the current relationship will be discovered if he continues. When child marriages are banned, map would impose himself more on a child, due to no education and no legal guide for behavior. Map is also more likely to use threats against a child, in an attempt to hide the relationship. Map is also more likely to hurt a child when child marriages are banned. This is due to less reasons to treat child well. If he is nice, he might go to prison. If he is not nice, he might go to prison. No matter what he does, he might go to prison. If child marriages were legal and regulated, map would be able to satisfy his urges legally and at the same time follow the rules not to hurt a child. He would be punished if he hurts a child, but tolerated if he doesnt. This gives him a reason not to hurt a child, as he would be much safer and in much better position if he doesnt. Most map are kind non-violent people. However, there are those who are violent. Banning child marriages makes them much more violent and harder to control.The proof for child marriages reducing sexual abuse is Afghanistan and USA. In USA, 30% of children have sex before age 16. In Afghanistan, only 4% of children are married before age 15. In USA, child marriages are banned and condemned. In Afghanistan, they are seen as normal. We see that allowing child marriages does not harm children, not in terms of scale and not in terms of abuse, as Afghanistan has less suicides, less divorce and less STD than USA. STD is confirmed even by random testing, and all sources agree that STD is lower in Afghanistan. Let us be reminded that Afghanistan is a poor country, and that USA is among world's most developed nations. The fact that Afghanistan has child marriages and outmatches US proves that there is value in child marriage.

34. Banning child marriages increases the number of forced abortions
If child is in a relationship with an adult, and if child gets pregnant and relationship is discovered, child will be convinced to have an abortion. Even if child doesnt want to abort, the pressure of adults will break her. The decision to have an abortion will be, by all standards, an adult's decision imposed on a child.

35. If child marriages are banned, child is treated differently
When the police gets involved, child is scared and confused. The police will persuade a child that what happened to her was wrong. Parents will continue the persuasion. Child will even visit psychologists who will add to persuasion. In short, entire society will try to convince her that the adult who was so kind to her was in fact a monster. This confuses the child who cannot find a reasonable explanation for adult's reaction, and is forced to accept adult's explanation that was imposed on her so many times. She simply isnt allowed to disagree, or she will be faced with more convincing, more emotional attacks and more visits to psychologists. Adults, who are in greater number and better at reasoning than she is, will simply outmatch her. That is the true power imbalance.

36. This society doesnt care about child's well being
Plenty of people spank children, even tho it was proven that spanking harms children. Plenty of people give children junk food, knowing it is bad for child's health, teeth and brain, and that it causes obesity. Plenty of people lie to children and therefore, teach children to use lies. Plenty of people break the speed limit, knowing that it increases the chances of children being hurt and dying in traffic. They dont care. Plenty of people support circumcision, knowing that it harms children. Plenty of people dont bother to try to fix foster care system, knowing that plenty of child abuse happens in foster care. Children abuse children there. Plenty of people smoke, knowing it increases the chances of birth defects and makes children more likely to smoke. People upload porn to internet making it easily available, knowing that children might see it. Its not the map who needs to change. This society is wrong about child marriages. This society is blind. Its this corrupt society which harms children while claiming that map harm children. This society harms animals too, by torturing them, slaughtering them and turning them into meat. These are double standards that society should abandon. You cannot judge others for that which you yourself do.

Source:"The Trauma Myth" - scientific book about adult-child relationships

Significantly higher divorce rates

Brains and personalities are still developing when you're a child. If you marry someone when they're 14, 10 years later they'll be like a different person. This would lead to higher divorce rates. For this reason, only 2% of people married today were together in high school, and high school is already a late period of childhood.

Not being ready for a family

If you're fifteen, you'll have a very hard time getting employed and finding time to work alongside school. Now, imagine if you had to support a child as well with your few after school hours as a fast food restaurant. It's just not sustainable. 

I concede that there are some reasons that child marriage is a good idea, but the risks outweigh the gains, and these relationships are unsustainable long term.

Some of my other arguments will be sprinkled in with my rebuttals.


Here are Pro's main points:

1. Children have sexual urges
This is a real problem,  but children can tickle there pickles as an outlet. There is no need to risk teen pregnancy in a relationship that will probably end in divorce.

2. It would improve mental health
It would be very straining to have to worry about school, a family, and other issues in teenage years. Especially considering how hard it would be to maintain said relationships when both parties are constantly changing.

3. Adults and children
Children can be easily manipulated into doing things they don't want to do. There are good reasons people cant engage in sexual activity before they are mature and responsible enough .
Round 2
37. Being married to adult carries benefits for the child

Child being married to adult will learn a lot from that adult, much more than she would have learned from having other child as partner. Adults are much more morally advanced than children and have greater knowledge. Child cannot teach a child as much as adult can teach a child. Adult is also more likely to behave well and maintain a stable marriage, where relationships between child and child are much more likely to break.

38. Banning child marriages leads to age discrimination

Adult child relationships are the crime in which crime is only a crime due to age of an adult. For example, two 12 year olds being in sexual relationship is condemned, but not a crime. But a sexual relationship between 12 year old and 18 year old is a crime. Therefore, person is assumed to have caused harm only because of his age, not because of the activity he does.

39. Banning child marriages harms child-child sexual relationships

Our society condemns children for having sex with other children and for masturbating. Parents still condemn if their 9 year old had sex with a 12 year old. Parents still shame 4 year olds if they catch them masturbate. This causes children to feel shame and guilt, which increases depression. If child marriages were allowed, relationships between child and child would also be better tolerated and children would be less depressed and less shamed for having sexual activities or masturbating. This would help them grow into free persons without judgment or fear.

40. Child marriages support LGBT rights

Trans children are being judged by our society, simply because our society believes that children shouldnt have a choice. The idea of individual's autonomy would be supported by legalization of child marriages. Child marriages support the idea of giving child a choice, which supports trans rights as trans children would be given a choice to make decisions about their bodies. Many people want to tell trans children that they are not trans, that boys cant dress as girls and much more. The idea that child shouldnt have a choice is a cruel idea, since some children never become adults. To deny them of choice during childhood means to deny them of choice for their entire life.

41. Banning child marriages harms economy and society

People who end up in prison stop being productive. Doctors who end up in prison are no longer able to provide medical services. Inventors who end up in prison will no longer invent. This makes everything more expensive, increasing poverty among adults and children. Children harmed by society's stigma will be less productive.

42. Survival of the fittest proves the power of child marriages and the value it has for society

Child marriage helped societies to survive. Societies before ours lived in a very difficult conditions. They needed to be at their best in order to survive. Those societies valued marriage and child marriage, and practiced it. If child marriage was bad for society, then societies who didnt practice it would be dominant. The opposite happened. Societies that practiced child marriage were dominant. Child marriage improved their birth rates, their economy and their ability to defend themselves. There were plenty of happy child marriages at that time. No one complained. Child marriage in ancient times saved children from being orphans. It took care of orphans. At that time, there was no foster care and no one wanted to take care of orphans except map. Without map, ancient orphans would all be reduced to begging in the street. People ignore all the benefits child marriages provided throughout history. Even Romeo and Juliet is based on child marriage that wasnt allowed to happen. Juliet was 14.
The birth rates are declining world wide. When child marriages were legal, in the past, birth rates used to be 6 per woman.Today, women are taught to wait until older. What they dont know is that the longer they wait, the less are the odds of giving birth.

43. Having unsatisfied sexual urges is like feeling pain

If map are allowed to have one partner, they can satisfy urges legally in a way that doesnt harm them. If they are not allowed any partner, they cannot satisfy urges legally at all. And urges would still be there. Having urges that are unfullfilled is an equivalent of pain, since sexual urges are very strong and people are ready to risk their life and freedom to satisfy them.

44. Comparison of child to a drunk person doesnt work

If a person who is not drunk has sex with a drunk person, that person goes to prison for rape.

If two drunk people have sex, no one will go to prison despite that drunk people cant consent.

Adult can get drunk and have sex with a child, and then no one would get charged for rape because adult wouldnt have power to consent to sex. We see that standards are inconsistent, and in one case drunk adult is considered as completely responsible but in other case completely non-responsible.

45. Attacking map means attacking victims of abuse

Life is not fair towards map. Many map were abused as children. They suffered a lot. To say that they should suffer more is a great injustice. This society abuses people and creates monsters. Stopping the abuse of map will help make society more humane.

46. Map are not at fault for being map

Map didnt choose to be map. It was never their choice. Yet they suffer because of it. They are in pain. They feel guilty. Life dealt them bad cards.

47. There is no proof that consensual sexual relationship with a child causes any harm

We have proof of stigma causing harm. We have proof of judgment causing harm. We have proof of broken attachment causing harm. We have proof of broken relationships causing harm. We have proof of multiple sexual partners causing harm. We have proof of non-valuing marriage causing harm. Do we have any proof of consensual sexual relationships in marriage that is valued causing harm? No. We only have proof of it benefiting the child.

48. What if your son or daughter was map?

Surely, you wouldnt wish them to be imprisoned or raped.

49. Some kids are very smart

There are 11 year olds with IQ of 160. Clearly, they can learn anything that an average 18 year old knows, if not even much more.

50. Children dont consent to be banned from choosing

Children want to have freedom like anyone else. They dont want to be property or have other people make decisions about their life.

51. What if you were map?

Surely, you would want for society not to judge you.

52. If everyone was map, society would still work good

We see from examples of old societies that they did marry young. It seemed to be one of the things which helped them thrive in a challenging world where mistakes of society could have easily led to extinction of that society. The issue today is that 90% of offenders are never caught and 90% of adult-child relationships remain unknown. If something is unknown, its impossible to regulate and ban is useless. If it was legal, there would be more education about it.

53. Adult-child relationships are less bad than circumcision

There is no logical explanation for why cutting a baby's penis is less bad than sucking it.

"Cutting baby's penis isnt traumatic for the baby, but sucking it is" is a logic that makes no sense.

If sucking baby's penis is bad for the baby, then circumcision is many times worse. Yet circumcision goes unpunished. We see that society is blind and unjust, so wrong about adult-child relationships.

54. What if the map is hot?

If map is hot, there is greater chance that little girl really falls in love with him deeply and really enjoys his company. So then it obviously isnt bad.

55. What if the little girl falls in love with map?

If little girl falls in love with map, she would be very hurt if society separated them. She would want to stay with him, and not be forcefully separated from him.

56. Making child marriages illegal would punish children with sexual urges.

Children with sexual urges would have no safe and legal way to satisfy those urges. Unsatisfied urges are like pain, which would ruin the lives of those children by forcing them into bad ways, such as watching porn or having lots of sex outside marriage.

57. Lex talionis

Lex talionis is a law that says how punishment for the crime should be equal to harm done by that crime. Since in most cases, map does no harm and no pain to the child, it follows that map should not be punished with any pain. Therefore, it would be wrong to cause pain to map by not allowing him to be with the child, or by imprisoning him. Yet society causes great harm to both map and child through judgments, separations and punishments, and this society should stop doing that and change its ways for the better, and legalizing child marriages would be a step towards positive which would result in more positive things from it, where keeping things as they are is not beneficial.

58. Most children dont want to upset adults

Society places a lot of pressure on children, it shapes children. Currently, society teaches children to hate their partners even if they loved them while they were together. That is simply wrong.

59. Effect of social education

If children are taught to hate their partners, that will make those children sad and confused. But if opposite happens, if love is encouraged and not punished, then children will be happier and will go on with their lives as normal. They will not have to worry about if their love is wrong or if society will be upset about their love.

60. Social contagion

According to social contagion, if we teach that adult-child relationships are wrong, more children will feel that they are doing something wrong, and more map will be hated and subjected to violence. But if we teach that it is normal, more children will accept it as normal, and more map will be treated better.

61. There is no point when person reaches maturity

We cannot say that there is a point when person reaches maturity, because every such point would have to be able to be tested. For example, brain of a human keeps developing for the entire life. There is no point at which it stops developing. Also, every point of maturity would be arbitrary point. Even choosing maturity as a requirement for marriage would itself be arbitrary.

62. Is school wrong?

If child is unable to consent and if all actions done to children without consent are wrong, then school is wrong and children shouldnt go to school because they cant consent to it.

63. What if their love is cute?

If their love is cute, then even if it is wrong, it shouldnt be considered as such. The cuteness makes up for it.

64. The fallacy of consent laws

Pick your opinions please.

1. Children can consent
2. Children cant consent

1. Lack of consent means that activity is wrong
2. Lack of consent doesnt mean that activity is wrong

1. Every activity done without consent of a child to that child is wrong
2. It is false that every activity done without consent of a child to that child is wrong

Whichever opinion path you select, it follows that consent laws are wrong because:
1. Children can consent
2. Consent is irrelevant to action being right or wrong

65. Lets assume that children cannot consent

If lack of consent was causing trauma, it would always cause trauma, and not just in few actions while not causing any in others. However, what always and consistently in all actions causes trauma is judgment from society.

66. Intelligence/knowledge cannot make consent invalid

If one adult is much smarter and knows much more than the other adult, that doesnt mean he gets to dictate other adult's life. If he knows more about love and girls, that doesnt mean he gets to choose who will the other adult marry.

Beneficial things done without consent can be considered wrong, like forced pregnancy to create more life.

67. Why are child spankers not hated?

Scientifically, spanking children hurts them, yet society doesnt go after child spankers at all.

68. There is no intentional harm

Most map dont want to hurt children. Even if they seek relationship with children, their goal is not to hurt children but just to build relationship with them.

69. Legalizing child marriages is beneficial for society

Arresting map and putting them in prison reduces the amount of workforce, which in turn increases poverty.

70. Children in foster care grow up to be worse than children raised by map.

It is obviously more beneficial to let children be with map than be in foster care.
So allowing map to adopt is more beneficial than not allowing map to adopt.

There is also an incorrect assumption that if map isnt allowed to adopt and bond to one child, that he is less likely to abuse children.

Some map have over 300 partners. When you make something entirely illegal, you also make it entirely unregulated. Plus, children in foster care have high chance of being sexually abused.
Additionally, map can be a couple, as opposed to being just one map. So the number of children being sexually abused per map would decrease.

Foster care contributes much more to prison population than sexual abuse. Therefore, reducing the amount of children in foster care reduces prison population. We can also conclude that reducing time in foster care is beneficial.

There are cases where parents sexually abuse their child, but sending that child to foster care isnt beneficial.

Foster care contributes the most to prison population. Physical abuse also contributes 38%. Sexual abuse contributes only 14%.

Most map arent violent, so we can say there would be much less physical abuse with map than with foster care.

But foster care basically guarantees physical abuse, and has high rates of sexual abuse regardless.

71. STI are usually the result of having many sexual partners.

Afghanistan has less percentage of STI than USA, despite Afghanistan having child marriages and USA trying to protect children from that.

72. The Trauma Myth

The Trauma Myth talks about map relationships, and most of them arent violent.

Now, obviously, every case is different. There are probably many children who dont report map.

There are many studies and statistics, but even if you take lowest numbers, its still lots of cases.

"Research shows that one in 10 children will be the victim of sexual abuse"

That is 34 million people in USA, almost none caught and punished.

And I gave links before that 30% of children in USA have sex before 16.

Children having sex with other children cannot really be less bad than child doing something sexual with non-violent map. If sexual activities were very bad, they would be very bad in both cases.

73. History

The woman's value by society was mostly considered in ability to give birth to lots of children, which was the highest at ages from when she gets ability to get pregnant to about 22.

The older woman got, essentially more undesirable she became.

Giving birth to lots of children was important because 50% of children died before becoming adults.

So woman had to give birth to 6 children for 3 of them to survive.

It was the time when high birth rates were main condition for survival.

74. Diseases

Not all sexual activites transmit disease. For example, if an adult man mastrubates in front of a little girl and she watches him, it wont give her any disease. Same if they masturbate together.

If not all sexual activities, then why do you want to ban them all? Why ban and discourage sexual activities that transmit no disease? Why punish those map who only did those sexual activities which cant transmit diseases? Why punish those map who limit themselves to do only non harmful sexual activities?

If a map didnt cause any harm, causing him harm would be bad.

75. Unpunished harm

Plenty of harm was caused by society. So should we kill the entire society? Why do people support the idea that map should be harmed for causing harm, while at the same time ignoring harm done by society?

When that same map didnt hurt a little girl but she liked spending time with him, hurting him because they have some crusade against map is in itself harmful not just to the map but to the little girl as well. They are taking her friend away forever. What if she doesnt want him to be taken away? Their choice matters, but not hers? She doesnt get to say?

Harm is the inseparable part of every group of people.

Smokers literally tell their children:

"You should never start smoking."

Then the question:

"Why did you start smoking then?"

I even heard stories of smokers beating their children when they catch their children smoking.

And to make it even dumber, smokers often smoke in same room where their small children are, not only poisoning them but also increasing chances of addiction and health problems.

Whats even dumber is that children of smokers are more likely to be smokers themselves, but smokers still refuse to "quit smoking to decrease chances of their children smoking".

"harmful" and "should be punished" arent exactly one and same.

Tobacco is harmful and kills people, yet you dont see anyone saying "arrest all tobacco people".

And second-hand smoke is horrible.

There are plenty of things which are harmful.

It doesnt translate into "yeah we should really hate those people like they are our mortal enemies".

76. Countries which "protect" children too much have less children

Its silly, but countries that protect children from sex only end up with low birth rates, less children being born, and number of children decreases. We see this in almost every country that punishes/discourages child marriages.

It is not beneficial to protect children from sex, as it prevents many children from living and having a life.
Children dont later become better persons nor have better marriages when you protect them from sex. In fact, the families are mostly collapsing, have 1 child or are childless, in countries which try to fight child marriages.

77. Countries with mandatory procreation, or at least the ones which have legal child marriages, or which have both, have significantly higher birth rates than any countries that try to manage society differently. So while child marriages arent same as mandatory procreation culture, both policies were proven to increase birth rates where trying to ban reproduction until age 18 has for the most part lowered birth rates and countries which ban child marriages ironically depend on importing migrants from societies which have child marriages. So mandatory procreation is not bad for society, and banning child marriages is an action which lowers birth rates obviously, so one could say that practicing neither policy just ensures that your society is outnumbered by or dependent on that society which has one or both of those policies. And if your view is that one has no right to act to destroy future generations, then I dont see how acting to ban child marriages fits in your view, as child marriages occur naturally unless prevented, so one could say that banning child marriages is equal to banning people from giving birth, which if you take as justified due to age, doesnt make sense as you are implying that it is justified to use force against persons before they reach certain age, or make decisions instead of them, which contradicts with the whole idea of child marriages being forced on children, as if your definition of force is that "everything which child doesnt understand is being forced on that child", then that is a no win scenario as then everything is always forced on children and there is no way for you to act in any way which is not forced on a child.

78. Science is very complicated, but I can make it simple.

I know many of you disagree with me about women giving birth early in life.

Most of you think that woman should give birth after age 22 or 25.

And as usual, most of you would be wrong.

"The researchers found that mothers over 40 had a 51 percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mothers 25 to 29, and a 77 percent higher risk than mothers under 25."

Basically, the longer woman waits to make babies and give birth, the more autistic retards she will give birth to as a result, and less children will she be able to give birth to.

The whole idea that woman needs to wait for a decade to give birth just results in her reproductive abilities diminishing, her offspring more weak and more retarded, more incapable and with less abilities in life.

I know many of you will be offended by this, but be not offended by the truth as anyone who rejects truth becomes delusional.

79. There is also a problem where the current system judges children. Most of the cases are difficult to prove, and offenders keep denying that they did it and the process lasts long, sometimes people dont even believe children, which hurts children psychologically. If it was legal, the offender could just admit that he did it right away, and it could be observed if relationship was damaging or not, should it be allowed to continue or not.

80. Age of consent at 18 is a crime against nature and you are basically calling most of your ancestors idiots. 

However, thanks to "educated people", we are only going to see an increase in the age of consent.

Its kinda like the unwritten law now that age of consent, once established, can only increase or stay same.

But if society wants to ruin its mental health and birth rates by introducing such a retarded law, who am I to stop them?

Its not like me arguing about it would change something. People have been brainwashed into an opinion which wont stop at mere age of consent laws.

They have actually declared that children cant make choices, which gives excuse to parents to treat children as property, which is not going to help in producing children who are smart, since to be smart, you actually have to make choices and not be reduced to mere property level which doesnt have will.

 Its impossible to explain how circumcision of infants fits into "consent" logic.

Like really, its illegal to force an adult to get circumcised, but at the same time legal to force that same adult to get circumcised by simply circumcising him as an infant, before he becomes adult. 

Yeah, good luck making sense out of that.

81. "Children cant consent"

So is circumcising infants okay?

"Yes, because it benefits them"

So if something benefits a person, that person's consent doesnt matter?

So forcing adults to get circumcised is okay, because it benefits them?

So in the end, consent doesnt matter as long as something benefits a person?

I dont see why the very people who support consent laws have no problem with violating infant's consent when it comes to circumcision.

So they are saying how consent doesnt actually matter, so making consent as argument is pointless.

So consent of children doesnt matter, which means its pointless to bring up consent as an argument in the first place, since your argument is not even based on consent at all.

Your argument is based on "benefits" which can be forced on children but not on adults.

However, forcing "benefits" on children also forces "benefits" on adults, since children become adults and the "benefits" affect them as adults.

So you are still forcing benefits on adults.

So if you think its okay to force benefits on adults, then you agree that it is okay to force adults to get circumcised, vaccinated, to wear masks...ect.

If a 25 year old harms himself by eating junk food, thats not different from 10 year old harming himself by eating junk food. Both result in harm. Neither is benefiting their own health, but harming their own health.

So again, whats even your premise here?

Why is a 25 year old allowed to harm himself?

If harm is okay if people consent to it, then by logic, even benefits are wrong if people dont consent to them, which again brings you back to how you cant force benefits on children if forcing benefits without consent is wrong.

And you cant possibly force benefits on children without forcing benefits on adults later on.

If I am circumcised as an infant, I will be a circumcised adult later on.

So if I am an adult and circumcised, but dont want to be and never wanted to be, then circumcision was forced on me as an adult irrelevant of if it happened in adulthood or childhood, as consequences of either affect me as an adult.

82. 40 year old knows better than 25 year old, and 25 year old knows better than 18 year old.

So why would age of consent be 18 instead of 25 or 40?

There are many harms which 18 year olds dont know about. For example, 18 year olds dont know the harms of relationships which they enter in.

Over 50% of marriages ends in divorce and regret, so its obvious at least 50% of adults cant consent.

Further, since you set the standard on amount of knowledge, it follows that person can never consent because knowledge increases for the whole life and there is no point at which you have all knowledge.

So if knowledge affects consent, then consent of a 25 year old is more valid than consent of 18 year old because 25 year old has much more knowledge, so 18 year olds cant consent.

Also, would you argue that parents who let their kids eat junk food or candies should be arrested? Because they are letting kids do something which harms them?

So there is no point at which you can actually consent, as you will always have more knowledge in future, making every present consent invalid, irrelevant if you are 10 or 25.

40 year old has much more knowledge than 25 year old, making 25 year old's consent invalid.

83. You have accepted this from the errors in general ethics:

1.) That there is only one checkbox for sexual morality: consent. If you have consent then there can be no immorality

2.) That it is unacceptable for adults to have sex with children, an excuse must be made to reconcile with (1)

3.) Therefore children cannot consent

Of course then entire explosion of absurd stretches explodes from the error, this is the nature of error; it propagates and gets bigger.

Now siblings can consent even if they are both 20. Parents and children can consent if they're both above 20. "somehow"

Animals can't consent even though they can only reproduce through sex, implying that every non-human pregnancy was a rape child and every mother a rape victim.

84. If person is in relationship with a child and treats child nicely and kindly, then that person goes to prison for the rest of his life and gets beaten and butt raped a lot.

So the only reason why overwhelming majority of map in relationships with children never force a child to anything is mostly due to personal morals and a sense of humanity, and not due to any kind of expected reward for it, as there wont be any reward or mercy for them just because they were nice. In fact, most of the murderers get treated better than even the best of map in prison.

But things are never going to get better nor they can ever get better, because people lack the basic knowledge of life needed to make things better.

85. Anyone could say same for any age. 

There could be a law that 5 year olds could have liberty, while those below 5 could have no liberty but instead security.

So whats the basis for picking 18?

If we are talking about harm, then why is eating 2 candies okay, if it is harmful?

Why 18?

Why not 14?

Why not 12?

If we look by mere nature, sexual urges begin to get strong at age 12 or 13, so why wouldnt that be the age of consent?

86. Plenty of people do something sexual before 18.

But sexual activities are likely gonna happen at some point anyway. If someone has a strong urges at early age, that person is very much gonna seek to satisfy them.

Sexual urges dont start at 18.

Why would nature give people urges at 12 if they are supposed to wait until 18?

And how does satisfying those urges exactly harm them?

Many people are anyway designed to be addicted to sex. Its not gonna go away just because someone tells them not to.

But limiting choices people have in early life makes them dumber later. 

87. Overprotective parents try to control child's life by taking away their choices and making choices for them as an effort to protect them, but all they get are dumber children which later make worse decisions because they had no early experience in making choices.

Sure, when someone is given liberty in early life, he will make mistakes but will also learn from them.

However, the one who has no liberty cant make choices and thus, cant make mistakes and thus cant learn much.

So having only security is not really suitable for any age, since the basis of experience is making choices and doing the work to achieve goals.

If person is just given all solutions, they are not gonna get much experience, since they have no actual challenge in life nor basis to develop thinking skills to solve problems on their own and come up with solutions with their own effort.

88. Many people under 16 try drugs, but again, your argument doesnt mean children shouldnt be allowed to make choices. If you ran after children checking all the time if they do drugs and checking their stuff and pockets, you would likely make them less capable in life, since they would not be able to make their own choices due to all the control over their life which would distract them. But its even worse with sex because most people over 12 have sexual urges, and it causes them stress if they cannot do anything sexual. So banning sex is not like banning tobacco or drugs. Sex is not bad for health like drugs are, or like tobacco is. But banning sex does have bad consequences, since you have bunch of people with sexual urges and no way to satisfy them, but also being judged if they do, which brings additional stress.

89. If safety is a goal, greater threat to safety comes from banning sex.

Allowing people to consent to sex does not mean allowing them to consent to anything. Thats a false dichotomy of "able to consent to everything or nothing".

Obviously, children can be allowed to some degree to choose what they will eat or what game they will play.

I would like to start by noting a lack of clear counter points in your arguments.

Some of your points make absurd jumps. For example, one of your arguments states that STDs aren't a risk because they don't have to have sex, but aren't you arguing that's why children should get married?

You're making a lot of ridiculous assumptions. For example, some children are smart so that means all children can make responsible choices.

You also ignore a lot of things, like how people have an outlet for sexual urges that isn't sex.

I'll continue with this debate when you actually provide counterarguments. If I were to refute everyone of your points, I would just be repeating a lot of what I said in the first round.
Round 3
90. You dont need to have sex to want sex. To claim that wanting sex its not a sexual urge is a contradiction.

Addictive doesnt mean bad for health, and banning sex doesnt mean people wont have sex.

91. Free speech means person must own their body

In order to debate, you must not attack me for my speech.

If you attack me for my speech, then there is no debate.

If at any point you prevent my speech, there is no debate.

If there is no debate, then your argument is invalid.

Something which denies debate cannot be tested in debate, thus cannot be true.

Therefore, only that which allows free speech can be true.

Allowing free speech dictates that person owns his life, body, movement, so only that which allows a person to own his body is true.

Any position which abolishes body rights abolishes free speech, thus it abolishes a debate, thus such position cannot be confirmed and proved in debate, thus it cannot be true.

Free speech is the basis for a debate.

Not believing in free speech means not believing in debating either.

Its absurd to want to have a debate while at the same time not even allowing your opponent to talk.

Thus, anyone who wants to debate, must logically support complete free speech.

If someone stops the other person from talking, then there is no debate nor there can be.

Free speech means person must own his body.

Thus, you cannot have a debate if people dont own their bodies.

So by this simple axiom, people own their bodies. Child owns its body. 

If you claim otherwise, then you deny body rights of a child, thus you deny free speech of a child, thus you deny child from debating, thus you make it impossible to prove true your position in a debate because you banned some of your opponents from making their case and thus made debate impossible and with it, made your position unprovable.

So either your position in this debate cannot be true because you deny other opponents who are children of debate, either children own their bodies and again your position in this debate isnt true.

92.  Who gets to decide in your ideology?

If people own others, then thats slavery.

Thus, people cannot own others.

Because people cannot own others, they also cannot deny others of ownership of their own body.

Thus, at no point can anyone dictate if other person gets to own their body or not.

So you cannot dictate if children own their bodies, thus you cannot own children nor make decisions for them.

If you, however, get to dictate if person owns their body or not, then so do I, and then by mere opposite views, a contradiction in your ideology appears.

Your ideology = people get to dictate if others own their bodies

People get to dictate if others own their bodies = contradictive opinions appear

Your ideology = contradictive opinions appear

My ideology = no one gets to dictate if people own their bodies

no one gets to dictate if people own their bodies = there is no contradiction

My ideology = there is no contradiction

You cannot logically resolve the question of which adult gets to dictate child's body and why.

For example, if its parents, why parents? If its government, why government?

And how is the reason you provide here not arbitrary?

If its for benefits, again, who decides what are benefits and what are not?

Because if I get to decide, then I have already won the debate, as it makes your opinion invalid.

And why would anyone else get to decide what are benefits?

I could simply declare that I am the smartest, thus do I get to deny everyone else of body rights?

You cannot prove that I am not the smartest, because if I was the smartest, everyone else would be way below me in intelligence, thus unable to meassure my intelligence, thus unable to prove that I am not smartest, but also wouldnt understand any argument I use to explain why I am the smartest, thus I would fullfill my burden of proof even if you claim I didnt.

However, my position, where no one is allowed to dictate someone else's body, already answers question about who gets to dictate: no one.

Thus, it is only logical that no one gets to dictate if person owns their own body, since this is a position without contradiction and without need to explain who gets to dictate.

93. The best morality - ideal action

It is ideal outcome that everyone lives a good life. Thus, only action which benefits all the most is an action which brings us closest to ideal outcome. It motivates people to do even more good, since the action is pure good and constantly adds good to the world without adding any bad. It doesnt harm innocents. It harms no one. It doesnt use force or teach force. It treats all people as goals which need to be benefited.

Action which saves 5 people from harm, but harms 1, is an action that is not beneficial for 1, but harmful for 1. Thus, for him, this action is not good but harmful even by the very morality the action uses, and he would not agree with that action, thus such action cannot be universal as it contains a contradiction. Additionally, action which contains harm would very often result in additional harm from revenge of the people harm is done to, or to anyone upset with it. Additionally, most people have no ability to weigh good and harm, so most people would be consistently doing more harm than good. So if you are wrong about ratio of good and bad in just 50% of cases, you would likely be doing equal amount of harm and good, reducing your actions to non-beneficial. Besides, it teaches force which then takes control of society and society becomes dominated by force.

A lack of action is not an action. Thus, even if person is harmed as an outcome of a situation, he is not harmed by your action or by you, which means that your action and behavior is still universal, as it consistently causes no harm to anyone, and no one can claim that he was harmed by your action, and everyone can practice your morality without harming anyone.

So since only this morality is logically consistent in all cases and thus universal, it follows that its the most perfect morality.

Since not allowing children to be in relationships is an action (not a lack of action) which contains harm by hurting those children both emotionally and even physically, it is not the best action.

However, allowing children to be in relationship is a lack of action. Thus, it causes no harm, since a lack of action cannot cause anything, since cause requires existence, while lack of action is simply non-existence of action.

To go against this logic would yield absurd results.

For example, if you claimed that lack of action causes bad things, then you would be responsible for all bad things in the world by mere lack of action to prevent them.

Thus, if not preventing something makes you responsible for it, then you are responsible for all evil in the world.

So such logic obviously doesnt work.

Even if you were to claim: "I am only responsible for evil which I can prevent, but dont",

That would yield another contradiction, since if lack of action can cause something, then so can lack of ability to prevent, thus your lack of ability to prevent would again make you responsible, since your position is that non-existent things can cause harm, an absurd.

So, to put it simply, "do no harm" or "only do good" is the most perfect moral rule, since it completes the goal of everyone being able to practice it at all times without causing harm to anyone.

94. No one should feel the need to control other people.

Any attempt to control children or limit their freedom has horrible consequences, as it teaches them the easy path of taking away freedom to achieve protection, which is the worst mentality one can have.

Children should not be prevented from having control over their body. It is their body, so other people cannot claim control of it, as claiming control of that which is not your property is trully a violation.

When you impose a ban upon children who dont want it, all what you are doing is creating hostility and force, and teaching that those are good. Thus, with personal example, you teach that its okay to force people and meddle into their lives.

To be smart and to develop intellectually, person needs to be able to choose.

Overprotective parents take away choices from their children while thinking that they are protecting them, but all what they are doing is creating children who will make worse decisions later on.

If there is no choice, it means you cannot fail because you are only doing what you are told, and thus cannot make intellectual progress either.

So, being able to choose is necessary for progress. Failing is necessary for progress. Making mistakes is necessary for progress.

Overprotective parents take away choices so their child doesnt fail. Since it doesnt fail, it doesnt learn.

To develop skills and intelligence, a failure is almost always necessary, and not just one but many.

So even if children face problems, those problems result in development of skill. Thus, take away problems, and you take away development of skill.

You wouldnt arrest people who give their kids few oreos a day, even if slightly harmful.

You are addicted to many things: food, water, air...ect. None are considered bad for you. And rarely anyone needs infinite supply of sex. Sure, there are people who do it every day. All it means is that statistically they get to live longer because sex and masturbation have health benefits, where not doing sexual activities just means you live shorter.

95. There is no point at which you own children, not even while they are in the womb. They are separate beings with their own goals.

No, you dont own children, you cant circumcise them or vaccinate them against their will. You also cannot tell them what to do.

At best case for you, you can engage in free trade with them by offering housing and food and other stuff in exchange for them obeying some of your rules.

At no point you may actually take away their freedom.

96. In USA, children cant consent, but children can be sex offenders.

"Approximately 200,000 people in 41 states are currently on the sex offender registry for crimes they committed as children. Some were put on the registry when they were as young as eight years old. The label of “sex offender” will last forever, regardless of when a child was placed on the registry."

Child cant consent to sex, but can consent to be a sex offender.

Child cant consent to sex, but can consent to be criminals.

Child cant consent to sex, but can consent to commit a sex crime.

Child can be responsible for something the child didnt consent to and cant consent to?

I read a story once where 6 year old boy touched a 6 year old girl and girl's parents called police and boy was registered as a sex offender.

I even found some stories of 5 year olds being on sex offenders list. He probably wont even remember why he is a sex offender when they ask him 30 years later.

30% of sex offenders are children.

I could maybe understand putting 17 year old on sex offender list, but if its for entire life, its still cruel.

But putting 5 year old on a sex offender list is just insane.

I dont know what kind of a judge does that.

Laws in USA do punish very young children for crimes they commit, so I think they couldnt make sense out of "5 year old can be held accountable for murder, but not for sex crime", so the only consistent conclusion they could come up with is that 5 year old can be held accountable for sex crimes too.

I actually just wondered if there are children on sex offenders list and how many, and the search results gave bunch of articles about very young children being placed on sex offender list for life.

If a 5 year old can commit murder, then he can also commit a sex act.

You think its okay to hurt one child to protect the other child.

You dont care for child's consent, because if you did, you wouldnt punish children for things they didnt consent to do.

You hurt one child to protect the other.

You send kids to prison where there is a high chance they will be abused or raped.

It was never about consent, because you dont care about child's consent in the first place. Otherwise, you wouldnt pollue the planet so much.

Kid can be guilty for murder and can be guilty for having sex with other kid, but cant be guilty for having sex with adult, but adult is always the only one who is guilty in such case?

Children can also be sentenced for child porn if they take nude photos of themselves, which is another retarded law.

Police in February allegedly found nude photos of Copening, then 16, on his phone and arrested him for possession of child pornography. Yes, he, himself, is the child in the alleged pornography.

A 15-year-old Ohio girl faces felony charges and may have to register as a sex offender for allegedly taking nude photos of herself and sending them to her high school classmates.

The girl, whose name has not been released, was arrested last week and charged in juvenile court with possessing criminal tools and the illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material, said Licking County, Ohio, prosecutor Ken Oswalt.

Another retarded law is that children can be arrested for child porn and placed on  sex offender list if they take nude photos of themselves.

These retarded laws are a product of witch hunt on map.

In USA, children cant consent to sex, but can be responsible for murder, can be responsible for sex crimes and can be labeled as sex offenders, can be spanked and beaten, can be fed bad junk food, can be neglected and yelled at, can be taken away all freedoms by their parents, can be circumcised...ect.

If a 6 year old boy has sex with a 30 year old woman, then he is a victim. If a 6 year old boy has sex with a 6 year old girl, then he is abuser and sex offender. Same action produces completely different results for him.

Okay, lets go through this very simple logic.

Lets say that you are a boy who is 17 years and 364 days old.

You see a girl who is 17 years and 363 days old.

Its okay if you feel attraction to her because you are both under 18.

However, the next day you turn 18, but she is 17 years and 364 days old.

If you are attracted to her then, then you are a pedophile.

However, after a few days she turns 18 and then its again okay to be attracted to her.

Now, lets say that you are a 15 year old boy.

You see a girl who is also 15.

You are of same age, so attraction is okay.

However, 3 years later, if you still get attracted to 15 year old girls, then you are a pedophile.

So basically, the question of if its okay to be attracted to a 17 year old girl depends on your age.

If you are also 17, its okay.

If you are over 18, you are a pedophile.

If you are 11, she is a pedophile.

Lets say that you are 17 and you kiss a girl who is 17.

Nothing illegal there.

But lets say that you are 18 and you kiss a girl who is 17. Thats a horrible crime and you are an abuser.

Lets say that 17 year old girl kisses an 11 year old boy. Now she is the abuser.

Lets say that an 11 year old boy kisses a 7 year old girl. Now he is the abuser.

So to be safe, always date a girl who is exactly the same age as you and when both over 18.


Well, lets say you are 19 and your girlfriend is 18.

How can you prove that you werent attracted to her when she was 17 and you were 18?

That was a joke, but you get the point.

97. Children are attracted to children. So it is no wonder that some children become adults but are still attracted to children.

98. The more you increase parent's authority over children, the more you reduce children's freedom and the more slaves you raise, since the more rights parents have to take away freedom, the more freedom they will take away, and some parents choose to take away a lot.

99. Kids deserve to be happy above all, and no amount of rules matter if kids arent happy. Trans children deserve to be free and happy and supported. They dont want to be judged and controlled.

100. If a woman refuses to get pregnant, do you think its okay to rape her and force her to give birth to two kids?

Divorce is legal despite the fact that it harms children.

101. USA had lower suicides in 1950s when age of consent was lower and child marriages more common.

There is simply no proof that laws designed to ban children from sex are protecting children at all.

102. 30% of sex offenders are children. You are not protecting children by judging and shaming them, and by putting them in prisons where they are likely to be abused and raped.

Due to the law of consistency yielding retarded results, you punish children for murder, thus you also must punish them for sex crimes which they commit with other children. Thus, making sex with children illegal punishes children who have sex with children.

You are punishing children for that which you claim to protect them from, and you are still failing to protect them from it.

There is a point where you cant go back and you cant stay where you are. If you go back, you will just again reach where you are now. Some new way must be made.

103. Here is what happens if children dont own their bodies.

The only way for you to justify ownership of children is if you only do things for their benefit.

Thus, you would have to ban dog owners, you would have to ban smokers, you would have to quit drinking alcohol, you would have to punish people who wait till 30 to get pregnant, but thats not all.

Many other problems rise from your position.

Its not just forced abortions and forced medical actions done to children and teens, but also things such as brain implants become logically mandatory for children by your position.

If there was a brain implant invented which prevents children from being criminals in the future and cures them of depression or any mental illness, you would have to agree to that implant, because not agreeing is statistically harmful.

Same goes for basically any implant.

By taking away body ownership from a child, you have merely allowed the government to own your child.

Thus, all freedom is lost.

Would you want for a government to put brain implants in you?

104. By taking away freedom from children, all kinds of things become forced on children and their life becomes no longer their own.

Some children dont live till 18, so they cant wait till 18 to get freedom as they will never get it then.

If you ban young people from sex, it causes many women to wait until 30 to give birth, which increases amount of birth defects to the maximum, since age past 30 is the worst age for giving birth, in terms of defects and birth rates.

105. In USA, the age of consent went up over time, but we didnt see an improvement for USA society. USA used to have child marriages legal, but it didnt have more suicides then. It had less birth defects back then, less people with disabilities, and higher birth rates. Now it has very high age of consent, but low birth rates and plenty of birth defects.

106. Child marriages dont have a contradiction

If child wants to get married to an adult, and adult wants to get married to a child, their goals are not contradictive, and thus are not in conflict. But if society tries to stop them, then conflict between them and society would appear. But if society allows such marriage, no conflict would appear, which means a society wouldnt have a contradiction, thus it would be a peaceful society which enables agreement and doesnt have conflict. So only society which allows child marriages is a society without conflict, which enables a more peaceful solutions to be made which benefit all.

As long as there is no contradiction in goals of adult and child, their relationship should be allowed to continue as it is a relationship desired by both.

107. Cars kill people. You dont ban cars. Smoking kills people. You dont ban smoking. Electricity kills people. You dont ban electricity. So basically, why do you imply that killing is bad while at the same time giving support to things that kill people?

If you have the right to hurt yourself and others, surely children can have the right to enjoy being with someone they love.

And you dont see childs desires to be relevant to their rights? But you see yours! In the same way you discard childs desires, one can discard yours.

Meat causes harm. Internet causes harm. If you think you can ban things because they cause harm, then either ban everything either change your inconsistent logic.

You cant say that one type of harm is bad, but the other type of harm is okay just because you like it.

Children like to be with someone they love and it doesnt cause too much harm. This was always the actual basis for all other rights in history. Society allows things which are slightly harmful.

108. Everything can cause addiction. Many things destroy freedom. Cars destroy freedom when they kill people. Internet causes addiction. Smoking destroys freedom and causes addiction. Electricity destroys freedom for all those killed by it. Meat destroys freedom and causes addiction.

109. We have already proven that freedoms are destroyed in every society and the only way for you to apply actual freedom with no harm would be to ban everything that destroys it which would limit your society to a tribe without cars or electricity.

110. If you sext a 10 year old girl, you go to prison. If you just say to an 8 year old girl that you would like to see her naked and masturbating, you go to prison. Where is this freedom of speech you are talking about?

111. Many armful things are allowed even when they obviously violate rights. For example, polluting air, rivers, and environment with trash, plastic and particles is allowed, yet it kills over 7 million people a year and is slowly ruining everyone's health.

112. Take a look at history and rights of USA. USA is a country that killed over 100 million people, imprisoned a good amount of its population, sent children to prisons, forced children to take harmful substances, allowed and encouraged corporal punishment of children, encouraged forced circumcision, imprisoned and raped pedophiles for having consensual sex with children, created hell in prisons, encouraged bullying in schools, allowed harming of children by society and by parents, encouraged lies such as religious ones, killed billions of animals for meat and on the roads, forced children to consume meat, violated the will of many children by telling them what they are not allowed to do with their own bodies, spent billions on propaganda to encourage hate, forced the children to live in terrible conditions that ruined their mental, dental and overall health, forced children to consume harmful food that ruins their teeth and health, promoted the use of force against children...

I would write more, but at this point my hand starts to hurt 

113. If a man thinks an 8 year old girl is sexy, thats his opinion. If he has no right to say it to her, he has no freedom of speech.

You cant limit the freedom of speech, because when you limit speech, there is no freedom of speech anymore. So you cant even pretend that you have freedom. Its not convincing at this point.

114. So basically, people have a right to smoke. Even tho its very harmful for health and brain of not just them but also those around them, they are not punished by society.

115. Attraction isnt a choice.

People dont choose to be map. It just happens, which is a misfortune.

There is no point at which person decides "yeah I wanna be attracted by this".

People are just given the attraction. There is no way to change it, especially if they are not attracted to adults.

There is no point at which person chooses age to be attracted to.

Person doesnt choose to have desire or pleasure from something.

It is like hunger, thirst, pain or desire to sleep. Its not a choice to feel hunger, thirst, pain or desire to sleep.

Can you choose not to feel attraction towards things you are attracted to? Most people cant.

Some people have stronger desires than others, and they cant simply not feel them.

If attraction was a choice, no one would choose to ruin their life. They all would choose to be attracted to a chair and live in happy marriage with the chair.

There are map who asked for medical help to deal with their attraction. If it was simply a choice, then they wouldnt have asked for help. They would simply change it.

Map who ask for medical help to deal with attraction clearly didnt want to be map in the first place.

You can be dishonest and claim that you chose all your attractions, but thats clearly not true.

There is no way to choose an attraction. Otherwise, I would choose to be attracted to a book or to my hand.

People want to lie to themselves, but its like saying ugly and beautiful is same, and being attracted to either is a choice. Its not a choice, everyone knows.

You can be dishonest and believe that you chose all your attractions, but people know its not true.

You can lie to yourself as much as you want, but you cant know how other people feel or what choices they had and have.

If you want to pretend to know how minds of all other people work, then its pointless to talk to you, since you cant be honest.

You can make assumptions, but you cant explain why would someone choose this.

Being map is probably one of the worst things that could happen to a person.

It makes no sense why would some rich people or people who live well choose to destroy their life, if they could have chosen better options. There really is no choice when it comes to attractions.

If people could choose to be attracted to anything, no one would suffer from pain, hunger or prisons since they could just choose to be attracted to those.

There is no choice, but you can make things up to justify your hate.

I cant change what I am attracted to.

Man cannot choose what to be attracted to.

You cannot choose what to be attracted to, otherwise no one would choose to be attracted to things they cannot have.

There is no choice in attraction.

You cannot choose what to be attracted to, but you can lie.

Most people were given attraction towards adults of opposite sex, so they feel that attraction. Map were given attraction towards minors.

You can believe that everything is a choice, but then you cant really explain why would so many people choose to have mental illnesses, low IQ, disabilities, or just desires in general.

You can think that there is some simple choice there, but remember that living in delusion rarely helps.

Male animals are attracted to female animals as soon as female animals can reproduce.

There is rarely a choice in any desire. I can eat spinach a lot, but I will never like spinach as much as I like chocolate.

Historically, for thousands of years, people married young. It wasnt until last 100 years that "wait until 18" mentality was introduced. So its not really a great surprise that attraction towards minors continued even after the mentality changed.

We cant really say that society benefited much from waiting till 18 to be allowed to have sex without greater judgment.

If you are saying that feelings are a choice, you are just insulting abuse victims by basically saying they chose to get traumatized. Feelings are rarely a choice.

When you get feelings at a young age, its not even a choice to feel them. If they continue into adulthood, its still not a choice.

Your brain is very much structured to work a certain way and take a certain path in life, and nothing can change that.

Desires cannot be chosen. You are never offered a choice.

117. There is no way you would prefer to be murdered instead of having some pedophile suck your dick when you are 3, especially if that pedophile is woman.

118. Teach children that they can do whatever they want.
That way, you can stop most abuses, because if children dont want it, they will stand up for themselves and say that they dont want to be touched. But this requires that you concede how children have a choice to also be in a relationship.

But if you teach children that they must obey adults, you are basically helping abusers have their way.

118. Compare sexual activities to circumcision. There is no way infant will feel better from having his dick cut with a knife than sucked by a pedophile. Circumcision hurts a lot. Having dick sucked does not.

People still live in delusion that sucking an infant's dick is the worst thing on Earth while cutting it with a knife (circumcision) is not bad at all. Thats their opinion, and changing it could even be impossible since we dont have actual proof that majority of people are even sentient.

119. Morality is subjective, so of course they can do whatever they want. Dont lie to kids. Be honest and tell them that they can do whatever they want.

Some  children dont live until 18, so obviously all children should  be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they dont hurt others.

120. Adult people have already polluted Earth to the point of no return where we are all going to be eventually poisoned to death by trash and chemicals which we mass produce.

Our children should be told that they have same freedom as us to do whatever they want. We hurt others in many ways, so its unreasonable to forbid our children that which we do.

Plus, this world is doomed anyway, as there is no way to save it. Might as well let our children do whatever they want, which includes to get trans surgeries if they want.

Do you agree that children should be told that they can do whatever they want?

121. You are not helping children by labeling map as sex offenders. 30% of sex offenders are children.

122. Even after age of consent was raised, we didnt really see any reduction in number of children doing sexual activities, but we have just seen more hate, judgment, pressure, shaming and harm done not just to map, but also to children.

123. You can hate map all you want. You can insult them all you want and think of them as monsters. But that wont get you anywhere. In USA, you have 6 year olds being put on sex offenders list. As I mentioned before, plenty of sex offenders are children and the main problem is this witch hunt against map which harms children as well as map.

Again, I'd like to point out the lack of counter arguments that pro has presented.

The closest things that pro has resembling rebuttals are the following:

If I don't believe people should have complete control over there bodies, then I don't believe in free speech, therefore, I don't believe in debating. This doesn't make sense, but I'll debunk it any ways. I don't have to believe in all aspects of free speech to believe in free speech as a whole. For example, I support free speech, but not hate speech.

Your second thing that somewhat resembles a rebuttal is this:
Who gets to decide what is good an what is bad? People need to decide for themselves. To answer your question, both government and parents do.

Parents, being the one who raised you, have natural say in your life, and you agree to listen to the government by simply being a part of society.

Additionally, we agree that murder is bad, even though there is not one body that enforces that belief. That's because there is no need for that. We can all agree that there are some things that are just bad things.

Again, please look over my initial arguments and address them so we can keep this debate as productive as possible.
Round 4
124. My opponent thinks that he is helping children by denying them of choice, but overwhelming majority of people who were in relationship with map as children dont want for those map to go to prison.

My opponent cannot explain how denying people of what they want enables them to have what they want.

The most important thing for people is to have what they want.

125. Children cannot simply masturbate their urges away, nor they will, as proven by statistics which I provided. 30% of children had sex and its not something which is possible to stop.

126. Here are some of the results of trying to make sex or sexual activities with children a crime. These stories are only to be used as proof that making sexual activities with children illegal greatly punishes children, labels them as sex offenders, shames them and puts them in prison, labels them as dangerous simply because they have sexual urges and difficulty to control them. In many of these cases, the very victims of those underage sex offenders dont want for those underage sex offenders to be punished, especially not to have their lives ruined like that.

Story 1

"A family in the United States says their five-year-old son with autism has been labelled a “sex offender” after he hugged a fellow classmate.

Nathan is a nursery school pupil at East Ridge Elementary in Chattanooga, Tennessee. School officials said he was warned several times but overstepped his boundaries in hugging another child.

Summery Putnam, the young boy’s guardian told a local TV outlet, News Channel 9, that she received a call from her son’s teacher at the start of September.

She said Nathan’s teacher told her he had been accused of “sexual activities” for hugging a child and kissing another on the cheek.

But Ms Putnam said the five-year-old was unaware he had crossed any kind of boundary.

“He doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong,” Ms Putnam said.

Ms Putnam told the TV outlet her son has now switched classrooms and teachers. He is enrolled in special education services.

In a private Facebook post shared with News Channel 9, Nathan’s grandmother, Debi Amick, questioned how just it was that the school would not listen to the family or their doctor about the challenges the five-year-old was facing.

“It was disclosed that it will go in his record for the rest of his life that he is a sex offender,” she said. “This child is autistic, he comprehends and functions very different than your typical five-year-old. What do you do?

“Who do you turn to for help when the school will not even listen to the child’s doctor when he explains the child’s difficulties in his comprehension of simple things such as boundaries?”

Spokesman for the Hamilton County Department of Education Tim Hensley said, in a statement, schools were entitled to report any concerns they had regarding a child."

Story 2

"A ten-year boy has just been charged as a sex offender as a result of a schoolyard game of tag that got out of control. As reported by the local CBS news affiliate: “the fourth-grade students were playing a game of tag that escalated when a boy began making inappropriate comments and movements toward the girls. One of the boys also wrapped his arms around one of the girls.”

Obviously, this incident should not be dismissed as a “boys will be boys” prank. The comments were very sexually aggressive. The boys should be disciplined, and, even more importantly, taught the error of their ways. But charging a 10-year-old as a sex offender is a devastating, merciless response. The boy has been charged with a fourth-degree sexual offense. Even if he avoids prison time, under Maryland law someone convicted with a fourth-degree sexual offense will be put on a sexual offender registry for fifteen years. This casts serious doubt on whether he will ever go to college or find gainful employment.

This sort of devastatingly punitive treatment of children is not an anomaly and it destroys the lives of girls and boys alike. Writing in The New Yorker, Sarah Stillman tells the story of 10-year-old Charla Roberts: “In Charla Roberts’s living room, not far from Paris, Texas, I learned how, at the age of ten, Roberts had pulled down the pants of a male classmate at her public elementary school. She was prosecuted for ‘indecency with a child,’ and added to the state’s online offender database for the next ten years. The terms of her probation barred her from leaving her mother’s house after six in the evening, leaving the county, or living in proximity to ‘minor children,’ which ruled out most apartments. When I spoke to the victim, he was shocked to learn of Roberts’s fate. He described the playground offense as an act of “public humiliation, instead of a sexual act”—a hurtful prank, but hardly a sex crime. Roberts can still be found on a commercial database online, her photo featured below a banner that reads, “protect your child from sex offenders.”

As Stillman documents, some of the measures taken against these young people by the government are themselves borderline sex abuse. She tells the story of a young man who, at the age of 18, had a brief consensual sexual relationship with a girl three years his junior. As a result of his sex offender conviction, he has to undergo incredibly sexually intrusive and humiliating procedures for the next decade: “He would also have to submit to a ‘penile plethysmograph,’ or PPG. According to documents produced by the state of Texas, the PPG—known jokingly to some patients as a ‘peter meter’—is ‘a sophisticated computerized instrument capable of measuring slight changes in the circumference of the penis.’ A gauge is wrapped around the shaft of the penis, with wires hooked up to a laptop, while a client is presented with ‘sexually inappropriate’ imagery and, often, ‘deviant’ sexual audio. [He] would be billed around two hundred dollars per test.

This highly punitive approach to punishing even very young minors is not limited to sex crimes. This past summer, a 10-year-old Michigan boy was charged with aggravated assault for throwing a ball at the head of another boy in a schoolyard game similar to dodgeball. Aggravated assault is a felony that can result in a lengthy prison term. It is usually reserved for cases that go well beyond a simple blow to another person, such as the use of a deadly weapon or “assault with the intent to commit another felony crime such as robbery or rape.” Apparently, the authorities believed this was aggravated assault because it resulted in a concussion. Concussions are nothing to laugh at, but they occur in sports all the time. To charge a 10-year-old boy with such a serious crime for a dodgeball infraction is insanely disproportionate.

As I have written about many times, American society has become far too punitive. The trend toward ever-greater punitive measures has continued through both Republican and Democratic administrations, with Presidents Reagan and Clinton both signing major crime bills pumping up mass incarceration. Because sex offenses are seen as disproportionately affecting women and girls (although that might be less true than people think) progressives can sound a lot like law and order Republicans when it comes to such crimes. In addition, concern over everything from schoolyard bullying to school shootings has created an atmosphere of panic over student safety. All these forces have combined to create an atmosphere of punitive mercilessness even towards 10-year-old’s. These are children who need to be educated, not felons to be severely punished."

Story 3

"Some 70% of sexual offenses against children in the U.S. are perpetrated by other children, usually a slightly older relative or friend who offends out of ignorance, impulsivity, and convenience, not predation. Estimates of the number of people on sex offense registries for crimes committed as children range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

Dozens of studies have shown that registering kids who have committed sexual offenses with minors does not reduce sexual, violent, or nonviolent reoffending, or deter first-time sex crimes. Instead, it creates substantial barriers for kids, increases their own risk of harm, and limits their success as adults.

Kids incarcerated for sex crimes worry that registration will impact their relationships with family and friends, says Rebecca Fix, PhD, MS, an assistant professor in Mental Health and faculty affiliate in the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. “Registration could greatly interrupt social support systems, placing youth at greater risk for future mental health problems and participation in illegal behavior,” Fix says.

Federal law requires states to register people convicted of sexual crimes, including children as young as 14. States can, at their discretion, register even younger kids.

“We don’t subject kids to the death penalty, and we shouldn’t subject them to registration,” says Elizabeth Letourneau, PhD, director of the Moore Center.

She and others are hopeful that the practice will change. The American Law Institute, an independent organization of thousands of lawyers, judges, and scholars, in March recommended virtually eliminating juvenile registration by revising the Model Penal Code, which encourages U.S. states to standardize their criminal codes.

“Kids are different from adults—they tend to be more impulsive, they are more influenced by their peers, and they have less life experience,” Letourneau says. “Yet when it comes to notification and registration, kids are being treated as adults and it’s harmful. It doesn’t work. It costs money. And it puts kids at risk of death and sexual assault victimization. You could not have a worse set of outcomes for a policy.”"

Story 4

"Anthony*, a 14-year-old autistic boy, was making awkward overtures to his crush. Other kids thought the courtship was cute until, according to his attorney, Nicole Pittman of Impact Justice , Anthony got frustrated and sent his crush a picture of his genitals. "Parents flipped out," Pittman told Broadly, explaining that they requested authorities press charges against the teen. Now, Anthony is listed on the sex offender registry. He can no longer attend school or even be left alone in a room with his little brothers.

"As a person on the registry, you're considered a sex offender, and sex offenders can't be with children under the age of 17," Pittman explains. "In one moment he can be [Anthony] who is on the spectrum, but the minute this happens, all of that goes out the window and he becomes in people's eyes a predator—that's not the truth. That's not who these kids are. They are young kids on the spectrum."

Pittman has been defending children like Anthony for 12 years, and says there are still several thousand juveniles on the sex offender registry in the State of Michigan.

Some of these children were on the autism spectrum or struggling with disabilities, but most judges have refused to make exceptions, citing what Pittman describes as a "one size fits all" policy. Pittman, along with other lawyers and social workers, is fighting to change these laws and educate the public about the true cost of their unilateral enforcement.

Pittman identifies Michigan-based social worker Susan H. Rogers as a leader in the cause. Owner of the Parent Counseling and Consulting, PLC, Rogers began diving deeper into the problem 11 years ago, when she was asked to join the Professional Advisory Board for a Useful Registry in Michigan examining sex offender laws and their impact on disabled people and juveniles. "People on [a] sex offender registry don't get second chances," she told Broadly in a phone call. "'This person has a disability. We'll take them off the registry'—no, it doesn't happen like that."

"Most times with children there is no sexual [motivation]," Pittman explains, but "the moment the touching looks sexual, though, society labels them pedophiles." Rogers added that "it doesn't matter if a person is on the spectrum. They're going to be treated like any sex offender." When an autistic child pulls his pants down in a grocery store, Pittman explains, "We look at [the situation] from the lens [of] a 50 year old man [flashing people]."

Minors are not listed publicly on the sex offender registry, but they're forbidden from attending school because that's where children congregate. Once they turn 18, most states require them to register on the public sex offender list with an identifying photo. Children like Anthony would be identified as child pornography distributors for sending nude selfies, and required to disclose their status as a registered sex offender to any employers in some states. "There's a lot of homelessness and depression [because people can't get jobs]," Pittman explains. "We have a whole new generation of victims on this law."

Pittman has interviewed 500 registered kids. While only some were on the autism spectrum, she says all of them have been victims of abuse. "We are putting people on [a] registry who should be protected," she declares. Pittman believes that judges understand the problem but are reluctant to treat children with autism differently than adult offenders, recalling one judge who told her, "I understand what you're saying, but I'll be looked at as soft on sex offenders."

Police officers, on the other hand, seem more open to change, according to Pittman. She points to a Michigan boarding school where cops have made an effort to reduce conflict by asking for help communicating with children with autism. "Law enforcement is really seeing this happening and really want to get involved and say, 'These aren't the people who want to be on the registry,'" Pittman explains.

Michigan has pioneered the effort to change how authorities treat children with autism. For nearly 20 years, the 17th Circuit Court of Kent County has allowed children to plead to what D'Orio describes as a "a lesser, non-registerable offense." In 2011, Michigan passed an amendment to the Michigan Sex Offender Registry allowing children "who committed an offense under [the] age of 14" to be removed. "Six-year-olds were on it," Pittman recalls. "Three thousand children came off [the list that year]."

Pittman and Rogers agree that the biggest problems facing children with autism are misunderstandings about their behavior, especially when it comes to sexuality. According to Pittman, the US defunded research on childhood sexuality in 1950. "All the benchmarks we use are the 1950s, when there weren't [nude] selfies and what," she says. "We have no measures in this country to understand what normal childhood sexuality is."

Rogers hosts seminars where teens on the autism spectrum can ask dating questions, and instructs teachers and parents how to understand and communicate with autistic children. When asked how we might help keep children like Anthony from being unfairly labeled as sex offenders, Rogers responded, "Education, education, education.""

Story 5 - Teen pregnancy and social pressure

"New parents commonly experience multiple stressors including financial burden, role restriction, and social isolation. Young parents are also tasked with attention to education and career, challenges that may be compounded by the responsibilities of new parenthood (Huang et al., 2014). There is strong evidence that adolescent parents, unlike their adult counterparts, experience stigma and judgment from social networks crucial to healthy psychological development (Gordon et al., 2016). While stigma may be driven by pre-conceived negative perceptions about early pregnancy, when directed toward low income minority youth, it can be further complicated by racial and class stereotyping and presumptions about the capabilities of adolescents to assume the responsibilities of parenthood (SmithBattle, 2007). A recent report by the National Women's Law Center (2017) highlights the influence of lack of support, stigma, and overt discrimination on school disengagement and drop-out among adolescent mothers and calls for training, program development, and public policy to minimize repeat pregnancy and improve academic outcomes.

As adolescence is marked by a significant focus on social approval and acceptance, the weight of additional stigma may prove particularly detrimental for young parents' mental health and development, and ultimately, the availability of sufficient social support later in life (Umberson, Crosnoe, & Reczek, 2010). Further, interviews with former teen parents found that the psychosocial consequences of stigma related to early childbearing continued well into adulthood, such as feeling they need to do “more” or “better” to be accepted, “defying social class and/or parental expectations” and missing a “sense of youth” or ability to participate in youth-related activities (Hirst et al., 2006, p. 64).

While cumulative experiences of perceived prejudice and discrimination may undermine the strength of supportive factors (e.g., positive connections), not all young parents and their children experience deleterious outcomes (Hirst et al., 2006). For instance, some view pregnancy as a positive catalyst for change, leading to vital self-transformation and increasing motivation to complete their education (Cherry, Chumbler, Bute, & Huff, 2015; Mantovani & Thomas, 2015). In their study, Hirst and colleagues reported that young parents perceived some benefits to early childbearing including closer relationships with their children due to smaller age gap; opportunities for long, successful careers as mothers; having time left “to enjoy life” after children have left home; and, having more energy and youthfulness while childrearing (Hirst, Formby, & Owens, 2006, p. 64). Understanding the potential “resiliency” and coping within a backdrop of social judgment, discrimination and stigma is essential to promoting the well-being and success of all young parents."

Story 6

"Yes. It’s true. My child does have a crush on an adult, his summer camp counselor. When he first confessed it, admittedly, I felt a little jealous. I mean, wasn’t I supposed to be his first and only crush, his first love until he grows up, falls in love and jilts me for another woman?Come on. Admit it. Wouldn’t you?
Then I remembered my own crushes on adults: the diving coach who convinced me to do a back dive off the medium-level diving board; Miss Carol, my Bunk One counselor at sleep-away camp; and, Mr. Waronsky, a swarthy, Russian-immigrant, a teacher at my Sunday school who came to our house for coffee because he liked my mother but pretended he really liked to listen to me play the piano.
This was different. This was MY little boy, the one who cried when he thought “what if you die?” The one who never ever wanted to leave home to marry and start his own family. The one who still begged me to cuddle with him at bedtime so he could fall asleep. He was now lying on the couch, moaning with heartache over this camp counselor with curly hair, brown flowing curly hair. Though I know that a camp crush or even a teacher crush, is perfectly normal, I still felt a little icky. I mean, how did he love her?
And then I did a Face Palm. What was the matter with me? I was imposing a sordid picture on an eight year old’s crush. His love and adoration was pure, without malice or manipulation. Intuitively I knew that. But then I worried. What if other people didn’t know that? What if other adults thought that MY baby was inappropriately pursuing his camp counselor.
See where I’m going? Society is like that. Remember that five-year-old kindergartener in a Waco, Texas school. He hugged his teacher assistant and she accused him of touching her inappropriately.
A bigger concern, as a parent, was my child’s welfare. Would he move through this crush, through these intense feelings unscathed? How long would it take? What could I do to mitigate his pain?"

Story 7 - Love

"On the subject of childhood relationships — it is not uncommon for children, even in their early and middle school years, to truly fall in love — not sexually, but romantically. We are hard wired to experience bonding and attachment feelings well before sexual desire has kicked in.
As a child psychiatrist, I have seen children fall utterly and crazily “in love” with other children: Speaking about them constantly, wanting to be with them, and jealously guarding them from other friendships. I have seen them absolutely heartbroken after a loss of a childhood friendship, to the point of serious depression and suicidal thoughts (even in a 9-year-old). I am sure that teachers have seen it as well.
Case Study
Cailee is a 10-year-old girl who met the love of her young life, Sierra, at age 6. They were neighbors and they did everything together, such as sleepovers, play dates, holidays. Cailee’s older sister and Sierra’s older brother began dating, and then Cailee’s sister cheated on Sierra’s older brother. Sierra’s older brother then told Sierra she was no longer allowed to see Cailee. Sierra was told that the family was “bad news” and dishonest. Sierra was no longer allowed to see Cailee and broke up the friendship rapidly with some very fierce insults. Cailee was devastated, crying for days at school , and the teachers were at a loss of how to help. Then Sierra found a new best friend and was often seen at school laughing behind Cailee’s back. Cailee came to me in a deep depression. She could not understand what happened and how it all went wrong, how other students and the teachers were not standing up for her in the class. She thought about killing herself. She felt she would never have another friend again.
Every sad song triggered a flow of tears. She felt she would never be the same. Cailee’s mom was not sympathetic, feeling that she should just get over it and make some new friends. Her teachers ignored her saying that she was being “overly dramatic.” Cailee’s mother tried without avail to get Sierra to talk to Cailee, and at least form some kind of relationship, but Sierra refused.
In treatment, I worked with Cailee to validate her experience and help her process the loss. Years later at age 13, Cailee is still sad, and strangely enough, I feel much of it is over that childhood relationship. She really was in love, and the break up caused her serious emotional damage.
I have seen teens try to commit suicide after a break up. If they had practice in the break up of friendships when they were younger, and if they had help from their teachers in navigating this, they would have been so much better off. It is important to reassure children that it is normal to fall in love with other children."

127. We have already explained that the greatest benefit for a person is to have what that person wants the most. Same applies to groups. If group of people wants something the most by overwhelming majority agreement, that is the most wanted thing by that group and thus, most important thing for that group.
Overwhelming majority of children who were in relationship with map dont want for that map to go to prison. They keep same opinion even when they become adults. To deny them their choice to keep adult free means to hurt their interests and wishes, to go against their wishes. There is no doubt that if some person hurts a child, then that person should be punished. But if person didnt hurt a child and if child doesnt want for him to go to prison but wants him free, why would society go against the wishes of a child, when wishes and interests of that child matter the most in such relationships?

128. If people can deny children of choice and freedom, the universal application of such behavior is not only that adults take away choices from children and try to control them, but children learn from adults and then try to take away choices from other children and try to place them under personal control, which increases bullying and abuse.

129. The reason why child marriage was crucial for historical survival lies in the fact that throughout history, reproduction was crucial for survival. In ancient times, average woman had to give birth to 6 kids to ensure survival of society, since half of kids died due to diseases. The only way average woman could have done that is if she starts giving birth as early as possible, not just to combat mortality rates from diseases and from birth defects, but to bring new generation into world as soon as possible. Thus, historical survival of societies demanded child marriages and all societies in history 400 years ago and further had child marriages legal.

130. In the past, when children felt sexual urges, they would be encouraged to marry so that they can satisfy urges with one person. Today, children are not allowed to marry, thus in this society, one part of children has to satisfy urges by becoming porn addicts and develop fetishes as a result, anther part has to satisfy urges by becoming sex offenders, another part has to enter into relationships with adults and feel guilt or shame, another part has to have sex with multiple partners, which ruins mental health. Children have never been less safe than they are today, when it comes to mental health, due to the unnatural system imposed on them and due to being banned from sexual activities.

131. Neither the government neither the parents own children

Parents cant kill their children, so obviously parents dont own children. Government cant kill children either, so obviously, government doesnt own children either. Parents and government dont share ownership of children, as they cant agree to kill children. The only conclusion left is that children own themselves and own their own bodies, since they belong neither to government neither to parents. Thus, no one can even force benefits on them, because the only thing which benefits a person is that which person wants and desires. If person has no interest in some benefit, then it is not a benefit at all.

132. My opponent basically conceded that he doesnt support all free speech, so he basically violates the very demands of a debate needed for him to make an argument in the debate. Since greatest possible free speech is a condition to have debates, the mere position which my opponent takes which argues for reduction in free speech violates debates, and thus if realized, cannot even be proven in debates as it works to abolish debates. Thus, my opponent, by claiming that children dont own their bodies cannot at the same time think that children have free speech, since the only way person can have free speech is if person owns his own body. Thus, since my opponent wants to take away free speech from a very significant part of the population, his position abolishes free speech required to prove itself, thus cannot be proven true in a debate, as it was previously mentioned that debate requires greatest increase in free speech, and any decrease in free speech reduces debates. Thus, if my opponent wants to reduce debates, his position in debate becomes much less correct and much more unproved, since debates are necessary to prove a position in the first place, and any position reducing debates also, if put in effect, reduces available proof.

133. My opponent's arguments are greatly outweighed here, and he didnt even respond to 10% of my arguments, despite having plenty of character space to do so. The only arguments he mentioned were the ones already refuted in round 1.
No, children cant control their urges and just masturbate. Well, at least 30% of them cant, which is a significant number.
"Divorce rates" are irrelevant, since the purpose of marriage is to have relationship allowed, known and regulated. You are not solving "divorce rates" by banning marriage, as relationships still happen anyway. They just become unregulated and unknown, hidden.
My opponent says that children can be manipulated, but banning child marriages does not prevent that, but even enables more manipulation since it moves relationships from "known" to "hidden".
My opponent says it would be difficult for children to be in relationships, but again, banning child marriages only makes that worse per amount of harm done in total.
I have also provided clear example that countries who have child marriages and value marriage have less STD.
My opponent also didnt respond to the fact that some sexual activities dont even spread diseases, so the very argument of diseases, even if it was true for other cases, cannot apply to the case of sexual activities which spread no disease. But the only way to encourage such sexual activities is to allow them in the first place, which means that my opponent already loses an argument when it comes to STD, because we know that countries which dont value marriage are those who have plenty of STDs. This is because if there is no marriage, people are still going to have sexual urges and act on them, but they will be more likely to exit from a relationship and seek other partners, since relationships outside of marriage are much more likely to fall apart due to lack of social support and no social approval. My opponent didnt respond to any of these points which I made in round 1. Well, many of my points were not responded to, and my opponent cant really say that he didnt have space as he didnt even use most of the character space he had available.

So unless my opponent can suggest some better working solution than allowing child marriages, he is free to present it, but so far he didnt present any solution.

We already had time in USA when child marriages were legal, and children became less safe after child marriage was banned. Today, suicide rates are higher and increasing, and there are more people in prisons, more children suffering as result, which just goes to prove that children didnt really benefit at all from the witch hunt against map.
You provided several stories about events such as children being labeled offenders for hugging peers. I agree this is bad, but I don't see how allowing child marriages would prevent it. If anything, it would cause more children who don't know better to do stupid things.

Child sex is bad, we can both agree on that. I don't see how promoting it through marriage would do any good. If something is bad, don't encourage it!

We shouldn't let people who can't read proficiently decide who they're going to spend their life with. It would just end in divorce and children that can't be properly supported.

Sure, it has benefits, but they don't come close to over weighing the issues.

Picture this, a 12 year old facing the issues of middle school and raising a baby. They can't get a job, can't drive, ect. A few years later, her husband in all likelihood will leave her, barbecue 11 year olds aren't known for responsible decision making.

It makes sense that children born to teen mothers do so much worse in life. And it's not a small difference, it's a big deal.

This is ridiculous, and a terrible situation. This is the thing that my opponent is advocating for.

Round 5
134. You wouldnt force beneficial things on adults, which only proves that forcing beneficial things isnt beneficial at all. What is beneficial for a person is that which person wants. Same applies to children, so you cannot force benefits on children. By not wanting beneficial things forced on you, you concede that it is not beneficial to force beneficial things. Thus, you cannot explain how forcing beneficial things on others is beneficial.

135. Breaking up loving relationships between adults and children will leave those children emotionally damaged, in emotional pain, and it will harm their mental health. There is no denying that if a child loves an adult, child will be hurt if people force them to separate and if they take away adult forever.

136. My opponent argues that children shouldnt have free speech since he thinks they dont own their bodies, but by taking away free speech from people for 18 years, you are also harming their abilities later, as they will have 18 years less of free speech for their whole life. Thus, the position which my opponent argues for is essentially anti-free speech, thus anti-debate, thus if accepted, cannot even be proven in a debate as the condition needed to prove something the most through speech is to have greatest amount of free speech available, but my opponent seeks to reduce speech, thus his position seeks to take away and destroy the very condition needed to prove his position.
Both future or present can prove things to be different than what they were considered before. New things are needed to make future.
If something which abolished free speech was proved to be good by past free speech, it cannot be proved good by current or future free speech, as it abolished those, thus it cannot be proved at all.
My opponent's position cannot be accepted without abolishing the very thing needed to prove it true: the greatest amount of free speech.
If it is accepted, it cannot be proven to be good because then there is no free speech, and if it is not accepted, it cannot be proven good due to its non-existence.

137. People cant have free speech if their speech, movement, learning, exploring or making changes is limited. Thus, my opponent, by merely seeking to limit people in this way, seeks to abolish free speech which makes his position in the debate unprovable.

138. People own their bodies.

So children own their bodies too.

If you disagree, you commit a contradiction because then you cant explain who gets to own child's body instead of the child, nor you can explain why do you get to decide about that.

139. By law of excluded middle, children either own their bodies or they dont own their bodies.

Same applies to your case. You either own child's body or you dont. There is no 3rd option.

If children own their bodies, then they get to decide. The situation is simple.

But if my opponent were to argue that children dont own their bodies, then he cannot explain who gets to own child's body and who gets to dictate the decisions affecting child's body.

Any answer which my opponent gives yields absurd results.

If parents own children, then parents can kill children or harm them.

If government owns children, same applies.

And my opponent cant even explain why does he get to decide about who owns children or what decisions for children are proper.

My position is very simple, as simple as it gets when it comes to the issue.

Children own their bodies, thus children by their goals are free to make decisions about their bodies, and any changes to their bodies are done only if those changes are also their goals.
This is consistent with my rights too, as my rights are also to own my own body and to control it.
It is their decision about their body. Thus, any goal which they have is only imposed on their own body.
This system is consistent with every individual owning his own body, thus can be universally applied.
Thus, it is not me who decides about other people's bodies, but it is people who decide about their own bodies in an equal principle for all.

However, to go against this system yields absurd results.
First, if parents own their children, then children dont own their bodies. So you have a situation where some people own multiple bodies while some own none. A clear unfairness which cannot be morally justified in any way.
Even if one were to say that he is violating child's goals to uphold child's goals, there is no way to confirm that.
All what you can be certain of is that you violated someone else's body.
Second, there is no way to explain why do you get to decide instead of the child without forfeiting your position in this debate. For example, if you were to claim that your actions are beneficial, you again cannot explain why is it okay to force benefits on people, or why do you get to decide what benefits are or if they are even wanted or a priority in the first place.

Since obviously, when it comes to making decisions instead of others, the only way you could justify to say the decision is wanted is if it was wanted by them, thus by conceding that they own their bodies.

But if the decision is unwanted by them, you cannot in any way explain why do you get to impose unwanted decisions on others without others having that same right. Thus, it yields contradictive decisions, thus it yields a contradiction.

You simply cannot justify unwanted decision, since the very basis for justifying of making changes to someone else's body is if those changes are wanted by them.

You either can make unwanted changes to other people's bodies, or you cant.
Only the latter can be universal.

140. The cost of fighting child marriages is huge, and the resources used for fighting child marriage could instead be used to fight poverty, which would improve lives more, and wouldnt ruin any lives.

Further, if a country fights child marriage, it increases prison population, reduces workforce, reduces productivity, while it increases expenses of dealing with child marriages.

Thus, fighting child marriages is not only harmful for country, but it is also not cost effective.

It increases prices on the market, since not only is more money used to fight child marriages, but production, workforce and competition are all reduced.

141. Who would you rather end up with on an island?

Would you rather end up on an island with a murderer, a rapist or a map who respects people's consent?

We see that both murderer and rapist are much worse than map in that case, so one can easily conclude that map who respects consent is much better than both murderer or rapist.

Same applies to child if child ends up on an island with any of the mentioned three types of persons. The best of the three would still be map who respects consent.

142. We have already seen that making consensual sexual activities with children legal would encourage consensual sexual activities while reducing non-consensual activities, and legalizing marriage encourages marriage while discouraging relationships outside of marriage. Placing high value on marriage also increases marriage rates and reduces divorce rates. Also, it would save lots of children from being judged or labeled as sex offenders. My opponent makes argument that teen mothers have it difficult, but he ignores that they have it difficult much more in countries where they are judged, cant marry, and where father is labeled as sex offender and/or in prison.

143. We can see by simple weighing that system which places 200,000 children on sex offenders list, labels 5 year olds as sex offenders, ignores and takes away child's choice, places great amount of people and children in prison, increases judgment and suicide rates is inferior to system which doesnt do that.
We can also see that system which allows consensual relationships and bans non-consensual is encouraging consensual relationships much more than system which punishes both consensual and non-consensual relationships, per amount of punishment distributed to consensual and non-consensual relationships. Thus, more people are moved from non-consensual to consensual relationships, more people are likely to choose consensual over non-consensual, as people who feel the need to be in these specific relationships will prefer the types of these relationships which are less punished.
We also see that system which my opponent supports doesnt actually reduce amount of sex offenses. It merely makes relationships hidden and unregulated, multiplies amount of sex partners, motivates some map to have multiple partners, some even up to hundreds  of partners.
Opponent's system also breaks relationships and increases depression rates, while also ignoring the very wants of people he claims to protect.
It was previously mentioned that when it comes to any group of people, their greatest wants are exactly their greatest wants, and thus most important to them.
We have already seen data that most of children in relationships dont want for their partner to go to prison.
So if you go against the main goals of people you claim to protect, then you are not really protecting them, but imposing your wants on them.

144. Response to opponent's arguments

My opponent says that he doesnt see how legalizing consensual sexual activities with children would reduce the amount of sex offenders who are children, but the very premise which puts so many children on sex offenders list is that consensual sexual activities with children are illegal and the wishes of people involved arent being listened to.
It was already explained in previous rounds, and even demonstrated that my opponent is trapped in dichotomy: 
He either listens to wants of the said group or he doesnt.
The only way you can help someone is if you support their goals, listen to their wants.
My opponent claims to support children when he talks of their troubles as teen mothers or being abandoned after a relationship.
Yet the very goal of those same children, that of not wanting their partner to go to prison, is ignored by my opponent completely.
Thus, my opponent cannot take "ignoring group's goals" and "going against group's goals" position and still claim to support said group.
My opponent's position, which is basically defending what exists now, doesnt benefit anyone.

Also, this debate is about if legalizing child marriages would improve situation compared to what it is now.
My opponent cannot defend some 3rd non-existent system, since he cannot prove how would that system even work or if it would be sustainable and not just sink into what exists in USA.
Currently in the world, there are only 2 systems: where child marriages are legal and where they are not.
There are variations of both systems, but we have seen that systems where child  marriages are legal and where marriage is respected have less suicide rates, lower divorce rates and higher birth rates than areas where child marriages are illegal.
My opponent cannot explain this, just as he cannot explain how going against people's goals helps them.

145. Other responses

My opponent said that legalizing consensual sexual relationships with children would cause more children to do stupid things, which only means that my opponent thinks how consensual relationships are stupid things.
It was already explained that system which my opponent argues for would simply cause more unconsensual relationships, since it fails to make difference between consensual and non-consensual relationships, but punishes both greatly.
It is like if person only had choices "A" and "B" and had to choose one, and was punished for whatever he chooses, person would have no reason or motivation or guidance to prefer either of the two, thus it wouldnt matter to a person which path to take.
But if consensual relationships arent punished while non-consensual relationships are punished, it motivates many of those who would otherwise choose non-consensual relationships to choose consensual relationships instead.
It would also set an example for others, as well as enable regulations of a relationship to make sure it is consensual. Such regulations cannot exist in the system which my opponent argues for.
No numbers show that system which my opponent argues for reduces rate of child abuse. In fact, by placing 200,000 children on sex offender's list, it has already ruined the lives of many children. Also by all the judgment teen mothers face from society which judges sex and teen pregnancies, this system didnt improve their lives in any way, but has merely harmed them.
Add to that all the people in prison for consensual sexual activities.
Even if my opponent argued that children cant consent, the example of choice of who to be with on an island, as well as existence of child's goals, would disprove his argument.
In fact, person needs choices to be able to be smart and free, thus my opponent, by taking away choices from children, makes them less smart and less free.

My opponent claims  that sex with children is bad for children, but again ignores that his system punishes children for having sex. So his system is bad for children.

Further, my position in this debate doesnt depend on sex being good for children, but on banning of consensual sexual activities being bad.

Sexual activities can be bad, but banning them can be worse, it can add to harm.

My opponent didnt list any benefit of banning consensual sexual activities, while I listed many harms of the ban.
My opponent didnt list any harm related to allowing consensual sexual activities, while I listed many benefits.

Even if my opponent would prove that allowing consensual sexual activities increases number of consensual sexual activities, all he would prove is that there is less non-consensual sexual activities and that there are more examples of respecting consent.

So legalizing child  marriages and giving children a choice means much less children on sex offenders list, much less judgment, much less children forced to take pills, much less children forced to have abortion, much less people in prison thus better economy and better quality of life.

The system which my opponent argues for has no known benefits for children, but it involves many known harms to both children and adults.

Thus, by principle of certainty, only the system I argue for has certain benefits, and greatly outweighs my opponent's position when we consider only known benefits and known harms.

My opponent might try to move this debate into unknown area, such as claiming that we dont know about how much will consensual relationships increase if we allow them.

Unlikely, but even if everyone was in consensual relationships, my opponent faces many new problems in his position.

Take the example of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan has child marriages and less suicides than USA.

So from this example, my opponent can only logically hold one of these positions:
1. Legalizing child marriages didnt reduce amount of children in sexual activities, but it made sexual activities less harmful
2. Legalizing child marriages reduced amount of children in sexual activities, thus reduced harm in total

There is no 3rd possible position or 3rd possible conclusion from example of Afghanistan.

But it is not limited to Afghanistan.

USA had child marriages legal, and had less suicides back then.

USA has highest number of suicides today, when child marriages are illegal.

My opponent cannot explain this situation in any way.

Even if we assumed that banning child marriages reduced percentage of children in sexual activities from previous 100% to today's 30%, we would expect to see triple the benefit today if we are to trust my opponent. Yet not only that we didnt see triple the benefit, but we have seen an increase in suicides and depression after age of consent was raised, as well as increase in prison population.

146. My opponent again mentions divorce rates, but ignores that the system he is arguing for has greatest divorce rates in the world, and greatest rates of failed relationships.
Obviously, relationship is much more likely to fail if all of society is against it and tries to end it, thus the system where entire society supports a relationship is the one where relationship is more likely to succeed.

147. Allowing child marriages is a lack of action. It is not an action. Therefore, it is not an action which contains harm. By this simple truth, we see that an opposite case is an action. Banning child marriages is an action which contains harm.
Thus, by principle of certainty again, we see that only allowing child marriages is certain to cause no harm, since lack of action cannot cause anything.
My opponent cannot account for mistakes in his system. Obviously, banning harmless relationships is harmful, yet only my system has ability to identify harmless relationships, or relationships where ending a relationship would cause more harm than letting it continue.
Even if system which my opponent argues for can reduce harm in some cases, it also causes harm in other cases, since it has no ability to make difference between harmless relationship and a harmful relationship, since the very position my opponent defends already argues for punishing all relationships. Punishing harmless relationships is harmful.

148. My opponent says that teens dont have ability to raise children, but this contradicts with the very nature which gives teens sexual urges and ability to get pregnant.
Also, the system which my opponent argues for pushes women the other way, to wait until past age 30, which is the worst age to give birth, both by defect rates, fertility rates and survival rates.
Further, the system which my opponent argues for does not in any way improve situation for children. Children being shamed and forced to abort is obviously a greater violation of their body than being in consensual relationship and having a family.
Even if system which my opponent argues for could reduce teen pregnancy, all it would mean is that it also reduced birth rates while making lives of teens worse.
My opponent cannot claim that his system improved lives of children, since today in USA we have greater percentage of suicides, greater rates of depression, greater amount of divorce and neglected children, as well as much more people in prison, while going against the goals of interests of the very children it claims to protect.
So what did the system which my opponent argues for improve?

My opponent claims that I advocate for pregnant teens, but that is not true, otherwise what is his position then arguing for? To forbid teens from having a choice?
My position in this debate merely stands on proving that banning child marriages carries more harm than not banning them. It does not argue to make all teens pregnant nor it results in all teens being pregnant, as my opponent for some reason assumes.

149. If great number of people follows my opponent's position in this debate, they will constantly try to break up consensual relationships and meddle in people's lives and put people in prison, and increase violence there, as well as keep pressure on children while denying them of a knowledge of what a consensual relationship looks like since it bans all consensual relationships.
If great number of people follows a position where child marriages are legal, then people would regulate relationships to make sure they are consensual, while informing children so they know that their own goals are being met and that they know that they have all the rights in a relationship.
Obviously, there is no denying that only legalizing child marriages is in the interest of children, since the very position my opponent takes is built to deny children of their goals and wants, and causing harm where otherwise there would be none.

150. Only my position in this debate guarantees equal rights for one and all.
My opponent's position gives children a status of property to be managed by others. Otherwise, if he let children decide, he would forfeit his position in a debate.
Thus, his very position is built on taking away choices from children, since he wont let them choose and he also denies them of their goals, interests and desires.

151. Everyone is a judge over his own body. To claim otherwise cannot yield anything other than slavery. Thus, if my opponent says that other people are judges over child's body, he would merely reduce child to a status of slave and have child's fate be decided by others instead of the child. And if he claims that child is a judge over own body, he forfeits his position in a debate.

152. Obviously, person can own his own body, and  person owns his own body much more the longer he owns it. Thus, since my opponent argues for denying person of person's own body for 18 years, he reduces body ownership and experience that comes with it.

153. My position reduces pain, as it reduces amount of people suffering in prison, as well as amount of judgment experienced.

154. Obviously, if child marriages were legal, people's minds would be occupied by desire to make sure those marriages work, where banning child marriages only occupies people's minds with desire to destroy every relationship, good or bad.

155. Many of my arguments went completely unchallenged. The job of voters is to weigh arguments per their total impact with all arguments together. Each argument adds to weight, kinda like how "1 < 4" but "1+1+1+1+1+1 > 4".

156. My opponent didnt deny that the system he is arguing for punishes children emotionally, since it makes them feel guilty if they are in a relationship with an adult, as they feel that they are approving, accepting and consenting to something widely considered wrong.
Only my position in a debate removes this feeling of emotional guilt, where my opponent's position creates it.
This very guilt causes great harm to children, since they are unable to seek their goals in a relationship as their thinking is focused on what others think.

157. Adult child relationships will exist as long as there are those who seek them. There will always be those who seek them. So my opponent's position demands to fight endless unwinnable war against map yet it also fails to bring any greater good from it. It even fails to reduce number of adult child relationships, as it encourages map to seek multiple partners to avoid being detected, since my opponent's position makes almost impossible any long term relationship, but makes possible many short term relationships instead of one long term. Thus, we see in US society cases where one map  had relations with hundreds of children. Basically, the system which makes long term relationship more difficult only makes way for plenty of short term relationships instead of one long term, which harms mental health greatly and causes relationship break up.

158. Imagine if someone took away the person you loved. Imagine if you really loved someone and shared plenty of good moments together, someone who was nice and kind to you, someone who was your best friend, then someone takes him away from you and hurts him. Thats how a child feels when society breaks away their relationship. Relationships are key to happiness and key to having your goals realized, thus any position which seeks to break up consensual relationships is harmful and unwanted by very people in those relationships.

159. If morality is subjective, everyone gets to judge equally. The only way everyone can get to judge equally is if everyone has equal area to be judge of. Thus, even subjective morality yields an objective standard where people can be judges over their own body. It is a necessary outcome of subjective morality which demands that if all moral opinions are equal, then they get to be applied to an equal area. Thus, everyone can do whatever he wants with his own body where he is the judge of. But if someone were to force others, then he would be claiming that his morality is above that of others, thus not equally true nor applied to equal area, but since he cannot prove that his morality is above that of others, he would merely be doing a violation of both logic and of other people's bodies.

Subjective morality says that morality is a matter of an opinion.

Thus, only two possibilities can follow:
1. Some moral opinions are objectively better proven than others, thus they are objective ones.
2. All moral opinions are equally unproven.

To avoid conceding to an objective morality, some naive person could say "all moral opinions are equally unproven".

But that results in a very simple objective conclusion:
1. If all moral opinions are equally unproven, then all moral opinions are equal. This is an objective fact.
2. If all moral opinions are equal, they all deserve to be equally applied.
3. The only way all moral opinions can be equally applied is if all have same amount of area for application, if they each have their own area to rule in.
4. Thus, each person can own his body and apply his moral opinions to it. Person's body is the area where person's morality rules in.

To go against 4 would yield an objective contradiction.
If one person was to attack other person, his moral opinion would extend beyond its borders and claim that it deserves more area than other moral opinions, which it, by objective fact of being equally unproven and thus forced to be equal to others, cannot have.

By being equally unproven, no opinion can be above other, thus cannot logically get more than other in terms of distribution of area it rules in, but it can only have same.

If all moral opinions are equal, none can seek to be above other or to destroy other or to rule over other or to claim more area than other or to claim any greatness over other, as the very idea of them being equal forbids that.

Thus, any moral opinion which violates the principle of equality is objectively incorrect in realization. Thus, any moral opinion which seeks to take away ownership of body from other people violates the principle of equality and therefore, is objectively incorrect.

If any moral opinion, if realized, becomes greater than other moral opinions, such opinion is objectively incorrect, since it violates the objective standard of equality and claims to be greater and non-equal, which is objectively wrong.

Thus, even when we assume that all moral opinions are equal, when we test them logically, some still end up being objectively wrong since they violate the very principle of equality which we started with. Thus, not all moral opinions are equal, but only the ones which satisfy the principle of equality are correct, where the ones who violate it are objectively incorrect, since they cannot be equal to other moral opinions since they claim to be greater but have no proof for their greatness, thus cannot be justified in violating or destroying other moral opinions.

Thus, any moral opinion which claims to be greater than others without proof commits a contradiction, as it despite being equally unproven seeks unequal treatment which it cannot logically be given since it is equally unproven as others, and that contradiction becomes proof against it. Thus, only opinions which can exist in equality, due to being equally unproven, are the ones which are not in contradiction with the premise of being equally unproven. 

It is a fact that all equally unproved moral opinions deserve equal treatment, thus any moral opinion seeking unequal treatment becomes objectively incorrect since it wants to have more than others while being equal to others.

We see that body ownership is  an objective morality even when we assume morality to be subjective at start, as we get to objective morality from principle of equally proven worth.

So we can only conclude that children objectively own their bodies, per principle of equality, thus they can choose to be in relationship with an adult if they want to. To go against this would yield a contradiction, since you cannot explain why your moral opinion is above that of child's moral opinion if all moral opinions are equal.

Since every reason for a moral opinion is an arbitrary reason except the one objectively derived from principle of equality, and principle of equality gives child ownership over own body, it is objectively true that child owns their own body. No deviation from this logic can be logically justified without violating the objective principle of equality.

Same applies to goals. Each person's goals are equally valid, since they have equal amount of proof proving them to be valid. Thus, each person gets same amount of area to realize their goals on. Thus, each person gets to own their body, while being banned from owning bodies of others, due to principle of equality and equal application of equally worthy goals.

To say it in a very simple way, any moral opinion which seeks non-equality while being equally non-proven commits a logical contradiction it cannot justify, thus due to this contradiction it becomes objectively wrong.

160. Conclusion

I think 160 arguments is long enough. I dont have characters left to write more since I need to write conclusion. As we can see, there is an overwhelming number of arguments supporting legalization of child marriages. My opponent claimed some benefits of the ban, but none of those benefits were historically shown to happen. After child marriages were banned, situation got worse for both map and children. My opponent cannot explain these results, as these results are not consistent with his arguments. However, the results are consistent with my arguments. But even if it wasnt for those results, we have still seen that there is no moral justification in banning child marriages, since there is no moral justification in reducing children to a level of property and taking away their right to choose. Since only my position argues for equality, ability to choose, and gives children more rights, where my opponent's position is only built on taking away choices, only my position can be logically justified in terms of moral laws and principle of equality. My opponent argues for non-equal treatment of equals, which is wrong.
I concede that child marriage has some short-term benefits, however, they are nothing compared to the downfalls, which my opponent has not directly addressed. I will reiterate them for my concluding argument. 

1. They do not last. Only two percent of high school relationships remain together. The number gets even smaller the younger the relationships starts.

2. Teen pregnancies are bad. This is a very big one. Statistically, the father would leave the mother. Even if they stayed, both of them wouldn't be able to focus on education and preparation for future life. 

3. They cannot support families. Working afterschool shifts at McDonalds would come close to covering costs of childcare. 

Child marriages are a terrible idea that hinder development of the children and the children that they would have.