Instigator / Pro

Cave Crawling is Gay


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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Time for argument
Two days
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Voting period
Two weeks
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Contender / Con

One must either argue that it’s gay as in A) happy, or gay as in B) homosexual. To be clear, the Con must argue that cave crawling is not either A or B.

Round 1
You say that: 

"this debate seems really offensive and doesnt make any sense"
I’ll ignore your poor grammar for now, let’s address the meat of this: 

Saying that the debate is offensive is your problem; you voluntarily accepted it. Furthermore, it is no proof for why cave crawling isn’t gay. If it does not make sense to you then you should not have accepted the debate and forfeit now. 

This is why cave crawling is gay:

1. It certainly isn’t a happy activity (in a dictionary, gay means happy. Unfortunately, the woke have literally warped reality on this word to mean homosexual)
2. Let me get this straight, (no pun intended), you expect me to believe that squirming through a wet hole and narrow crevices is a regularity? No. 
3.  Also, as we know, cave crawling is popular among youth, and our youth is more LGBTQ than ever before:

I’m against calling random things that you don’t like gay (e.g. calling an ugly rug gay), but cave crawling actually is gay
you said cave crawling is popular with young people and a lot of them are LGBTQ. that might be true, but that doesn't make the activity gay. hobbies don't have a sexual orientation, they're just things people like to do. when you say that, it can mean two things: a) gay as in happy, or b) gay as in homosexual. neither make sense for cave crawling. if you're saying it's happy, that's alright, but i don't really think that's what you meant. if you're saying it's b) homosexual, that's just wrong. plus, cave crawling is just an activity brother. it's for anyone who is into exploring and having a good time. nothing to do with being gay. saying cave crawling is gay because it's popular with LGBTQ kids is a weak argument. by that logic, any activity popular among LGBTQ people would be considered gay, which is ridiculous. you wouldnt call playing basketball gay just because some LGBTQ kids like those activities.
Round 2
Whoever says “I sorrily went cave crawling”? No. They’d say “I gaily went cave crawling” They were gay - excited - when they went cave crawling. 

And yes, if gay people do the activity, then the activity is by extension gay.
one would hardly find anyone using the term ‘gay’ in reference to being happy but rather as a word connoting homosexuality. It is irrational to use gay for caving just because some LGBTQ kids participate in it. It’s not about your preferred romantic partner. Hobbies should be based on what you like to do and not who else does it. Everyone can find happiness through their hobbies no matter whom they are.

Furthermore, people can feel excited by cave exploring and call it ‘gaily,’ as you said; however, this does not make the activity ‘gay’ in terms of sexual orientation.
Round 3
I believe you are confusing gay (happy) and gay (homosexual). Let’s clear this up.

1. Cave crawling is a happy activity. It is like Bungee jumping or skydiving; no one says “I have to do this” but rather a fun activity they look foward to.

2. Cave crawling is a homosexual activity because young people do it, and young people are gayer than older people. Of course, they aren’t mutually inclusive, nor have I ever said they were, but it doesn’t matter.
First, you are confusing the meanings of “gay.” People stopped using “gay” as happy a long time ago. They perceive “gay” to mean homosexual and saying that cave crawling is gay because it is happy just doesn’t make sense.
Some people may find cave crawling fun but that does not make it gay in terms of homosexuality. It’s pointless to call it gay because it feels good. For there are many things people like which aren't called gay. It's as if saying eating ice cream is gay because when doing it, people become glad.
So what if more young persons that identify themselves openly as lesbian or others do such type of activity – then why should you say that cave crawling is homo? This is fallacious reasoning. Sexual orientations do not apply to hobbies or activities. Just because young lgbtq kids enjoy something doesn't mean the thing itself is gay . it doesn’t work this way.

Besides, incorporating outdated facts and stereotypes into your arguments won’t help. Younger generations revealing their sexual preferences doesn’t imply that their preferred activities are now gay ones.