Instigator / Con



The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 1 vote and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two hours
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Pro

I am a father of 2 daughters. I believe if they get pregnant from consensual sex and they get abortions, then they should be jailed for the rest of their lives because abortion is murder and should be tried as such. The penalty for murder is life imprisonment, so I believe if any of my daughters get an abortion, then I will disown them (just as the God of the SOUTH would) and they should get their uteruses removed, they should have their breasts cut off, and should suffer for eternity.

I love my daughters though; but I believe women should get punished if they have sex and are unlucky by being pregnant for 9 months even if it's against their own will. I will refuse to get a vasectomy because I believe in "my body my choice" for men, but not women.

Men have this unique advantage where we delegate our pain to women. I think men are tougher than women though. Men think logically; women think emotionally and men are meant to endure pain whereas women can't handle it. This is why men shouldn't have to suffer the pain of a few days of vasectomy pain to prevent abortion while women must endure 9 months of pain to prevent abortion; because men are tougher than women. I am willing to put my own daughters through this because a woman is the property of their dad until she gets married, then becomes the property of it's husband (I say it's because women are objects).

I believe women should keep their legs closed and not have sex with random dudes (unless that dude is me). Women are sluts for having sex with other men; prudes for refusing to do it with me.

In order for a woman to date me, she must give me sex anytime I feel like it. She also must call me, "master" because she is my sex slave. A woman is meant to be in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant, sucking dick, cleaning, and cooking. She also needs to earn half of the family income; minimum.

Men are providers; we are meant to take care of women. That's why I'm so angry at all these gold digging 304s; because men are supposed to be providers. I demand the right to sleep with many girlfriends at the same time, but women shouldn't be allowed to do the same because the Quran, the Bible, and the Torah have all declared by the will of GOD that men are in charge.

I believe women who are outside deserve to be raped. If they don't want to be raped, then why would they even go outside? Why would they go to parties? Now, I am only willing to go to parties where there are FEMALES (I prefer my women to be 18 and I stop dating them when they are 18.5). I like making an imprint on the women I date.

Andrew Tate is bad; he takes all the women from 5'5" dudes like me that weigh 225 lbs. Hey Tate, what about pussy for the rest of us? My women must be in top notch; model condition. She must in return accept dudes like me because I'm special; my Mother told me so and she's never wrong; a woman is never wrong (except for when they disagree with me; then she needs to be beat like they are in Saudi Arabia; Islamic diversity is a strength).


That’s up to the voters to decide.


I said in the short description that accepting this debate is an automatic loss.


Bro, you literally didn’t even give me a chance to give my argument.

Guess ragebait is a new category of debates.

Oh wait, we already have those. It is called the 2024 presidential debate.


I didn’t notice the whole satire thing at first and I almost flipped out LOL. Also, is your username saying that the founding fathers were smoking pot? Becuase if so that hilarious.


You have to make a certain amount of posts I think. Just comment on an existing thead.


My account is new enough to where I don't have that option.


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