Thanks to the opponent for taking on this challenge!
How dare you bastardize the culture of the Greeks
We're more anticipated and profound than Star Wars Sneak Peaks
"How about a little sunshine to brighten your day?"
Bitch I'm the moon then, luscious and grey
And when the time comes I'll block you out like a solar eclipse
Rhymes like iLoveFriday, hit or fucking miss
Poseidon, bout to wash you away
As King Butterfly watches in dismay
Time to take you back to Wayward
And then soon I'll proceed forward
Forces of Evil, I'm too much for you to handle
500 vs 1, yea I'm the king of this saddle
China had a comeback
China killing Muslims
Killing off the culture
Here comes the fucking vulture
Bought to come accustom
To the smog that fuels the air
They're unwilling to share
Japan cause I'm about to grab you by the ballsack
And give a quick dose of reality
Cause in the end the US is still the king of this financial stability
Growing by the hour in human rights violations
How would like if I send you to these concentrations
I'll torture and I'll beat you
Til your black and blue
If you accept the false reality that China "reel guud"
America got problems, like the fucking hood
But at least we can say straight up we got a problem
Unlike your censorship, damn that's the real problem
Cause your unwilling to accept the truth
That you know your gonna lose you fucking goof
King of Dreams because I know you're always lyin
But I'm the king of masculinity, we wildin
Failure like Zedong
Chances of winning, real long
My dick, real long, what a schlong
This rap is the world's greatest song
I'll be on the walls of the hall of fame
Because rap is such a game
Mental endurance
Gotta keep a promise
Stop it, watch it
Your time is ticking down, real sound
Til the bomb comes around
I'll lyrically profound
You're about to get clowned
Because when it ends, you'll be covered in shit
I have a huge google doc if. Copy and paste it from bio. I am planning to write more, I have been more focused on school and social stuff recently
Sweet! Would love to read some
I do poetry too!
Thanks for the in depth analyses RM. I do dabble in the poetic, happy you caught on to that, but this is my first actual rap battle
oh shit my part 4/11 was cut short. I also deleted the google doc >.>
It's for the badge. I only need 2 more votes for it.
Can you give a serious vote and actual read?
Supadudz our RO is over and if you feel too offended by my feedback, that's genuinely your issue. If you grudge-vote against me on my rap battle vs Ramshutu or elsewhere, at least justify it well. I'm not gonna pussyfoot around your emotions as it will hinder your improvement as a rapper.
RFD Part 1/11
Something to bear in mind is how, despite there being a severe disparity in experience with rap that That1User was able to surpass SupaDudz in raw quality of wordplay and comprehension of rhyme-scheme. It is actually quite embarrassing for supadudz and he constantly refuses to take my advice on this matter but he consistently says things that DO NOT rhyme in any standard rap accent as the last parts of lines and it's not even in the middle of a consistent rhyme scheme as an exception, it's the only pairing of that rhyme at times, meaning it undeniably shames him as a rapper.
RFD part 2/11
I will start with wordplay quality. This is both the metaphorical-stacking towards puns and the actual word used to be the punchline as opposed to synonyms of it. This is a skill that Nicki Minaj is a goddess at in rap and while she lacks in many other areas, wordplay quality is something she surpasses many, many rappers at by miles (she's on par with Eminem, the famous wordplay God). This is about quality more so than quantity.
This is the most severe category where That1 outshone SupaDudz. It is clear to me, also from another battle I did with That1, that T1U is used to poetry and good at wordplay and metaphorical stacking from a poetic point of view. SupaDudz struggles to understand the value of metaphors and his punchlines usually are 2-lines deep (which is very shallow) at all times. He tends to never, even once, build up a metahporical punch for 3+ lines and this costs him dearly.
I rank SupaDudz 11/30 in this category and T1U 19/30.
Both struggle to wordplay to any incredible degree and don’t see the value in sometimes bringing up a metaphor of several verses prior, in a later verse but it’s a secret thing that rappers like myself, eminem and Minaj love to do, it really lets the skill flourish to a more observant listener/reader.
RFD part 3/11
Supadudz begins his rap calling T1U an ‘irrelevant peasant’ this was good enough flow to admire even though the leading part of the line was ‘who are you, who are you’... Lol… The issue is that following this he begins with ‘trying to act tough’ which in no way at all flows well, metaphorically (let alone syllable-wise) with ‘who are you, who are you’ and doesn’t even slide along from ‘irrelevant peasant’ if he’s going for a jittery rhyme-heavy flow. Then he rhymes ‘irrelevant peasant’ with ‘were really resistant’... only the ‘re’ and ‘tant’ remotely can be said to rhyme properly. ‘Were’ isn’t said as ‘where’ and I don’t know if this is some accent thing but ‘resistant and ‘ant peasant’ are also paced totally differently in most people’s accents, it is a very bad punchline to build up to. So the peasant isn’t ACTING resistant, they are REALLY resistant? This is followed by ‘posted it’ (as in challenge) and ‘take your lyrics and turn them into shit’ and neither of these 2 are linked to the peasant-metaphor nor to each other in any punchline-sense. They are both standalone-jibes. To follow up from how terrible T1U’s DART Career is, Dudz finishes off the verse with ‘pinned up against the fence’... Except that if T1U truly was terrified he/she wouldn’t have accepted the challenge in the first place and the fact a noob is willing to take you on itself is an insult to you. This is a very backfiring way to end Verse 1.
RFD part 4/11
Why focus on Verse 1? This is a first impression a rapper gives the audience of the skill and style, you think Minaj is going to start a diss with weak bars like that? Fuck no, the entire bar will build up metaphors and similes with brutal elegance.
T1U enters weak as well rhyme-scheme wise but in terms of punchlines this already began to make me smirk in a somewhat impressed manner. “Row row row you got no flow” is a fantastic way to mock how dudz repeated ‘who are you’ in his first line and it’s even followed with ‘poor poor’ in the next line but the is
RFD part 5/11
T1U’s highlights of wordplay are as follows:
“I'll keep trying as you keep dying
Taking you down till you go flying
Shooting you out of the sky
Cause it's duck season”
Leading into this punchline:
“You're dinner now
Eaten by a peasant
You just a pheasant“
The idea that Dudz is a lower quality being than T1U is even picked up very remotely in the next Verse:
“Your house is made of straw
One breathe and you will fall
Inhale, exhale, you will fail
Take you down wall to wall”
Now for more highlights:
“You're nothing but a Greek geek serving up grease away from Greece
Flying away like geese so it's time for you to cease before you decease”
The thing is, this backfires on the notion that he’s a poor man’s bird as goose is actually more expensive than duck, which was what you implied he wasn’t worthy of being in the verse mentioned earlier. This is why T1U isn’t a 25+/30 wordplay-user. Never backfire on a previous metaphor in the same rap battle. Shit like this matters to severely observant rap connoisseurs like myself.
Calling himself/herself King of Dreams more than once isn’t the same as ‘carrying’ a metaphor or simile across, since it’s the same phrase and isn’t wordplayed successfully the second time that it’s brought up.
Here’s another highlight of T1U’s wordplay/metaphor-stacking:
RFD Part 6/11
"Victory through every beating
Your power is receding
Time to strike back in my counter attack
Raps so whack they lack
Anything of substance
Just hot air up there
A hot air balloon going up in smoke”
I don’t really get why you’d admit that his bars are ‘hot’ but I get the concept of him breathing hot air as opposed to ‘actual flames’ being the idea here. This was also playing the ‘smog’ line by Dudz back at him, I suppose. Saying you breathe dirtier and more fierce than he ever will.
It was also an elegant build-up flow-wise.
SupaDudz basically has no wordplay highlights because he always builds only across 2 lines and nothing more.
So, with wordplay out of the way, let’s analyse rhyme-scheme and flow.
The reason I like to always analyse these 2 together is because usually you get either a rhyme-scheme specialist, a flow specialist or a bad rapper. Rarely is an all-rounder good but they do exist (such as Chris Webby and Hopsin).
It’s very clear to me that neither of these rappers are close to being flow specialists. They don’t like sliding syllables in a brutal rhyme-scheme either. So… In terms of the technicalities of syllable-usage both are quite weak.
I would say that Dudz is weaker in both categories than T1U is because when Dudz doesn’t rhyme, it almost seems completely accidental every time, which makes it worse. T1U seems to build up to rhymes with non-rhyming lines in some kind of intentional off-kilter poet’s idea of a rhyme scheme.
RFD Part 7/11
Rhyme-scheme intricacy:
Dudz - 7/30
T1U - 14/30
Flow fluidity:
Dudz - 3/30
T1U - 9/30
I don’t quite grasp Dudz’s style of rap when it comes to flow and rhyme-scheme. It’s like he’s not trying, at all. He listens to a lot of rap but unless he listens to trashy mumble rap I don’t understand how he can be spitting lines like:
“Who are you, who are you, some irrelevant peasant
Trying to act tough, when you were really resistant”
“You try to row the boat and catch some flow
But lyrically your rhymes were real shallow
And your just metaphor
Nothing less or nothing more
Don' get her hopes because of the comment
Now I'm about to be more deadly than malignant
Take off the fake face
Cause now your playing chase
Say that your duck hunting
But your shots ain't hitting”
I mean let’s stop there.
Dudz doesn’t try, at all, to make the inside of his rhymes flow well or rhyme with each other at all. Then we see he only ever seems to focus on the last syllable, like literally only that.
RFD Part 8/11
“Some flow” and “shallow” are never ever going to properly flow or rhyme in a real rap to the ear drum. “You Try to ROW the BOT and catch some FLOW” This is fine, not a terrible scheme to be building at all but this is followed by: “But lyrically” note that ‘ly-ri-c’lly’ is a ‘ee’ scheme which isn’t at all impressive to follow from an ‘oh’-heavy scheme then “your rhymes were real sha”... Low. Even the ‘shallow’ and some flow’ are paced so differently. In what accent are you going to have the same pause and pacing of ‘some-flow’ to ‘shal-low’? Shallow is a much faster-said word, and ‘sha’ and ‘some’ aren’t the same sound at all.
This wasn’t even the worst verse of his in terms of flow or rhyme scheme.
“The only fairy tale we talking
Is that you think you can go embarking”
I don’t understand how this rhymes or flows. Seriously tell me how. ‘King’ is not enough to say that’s a legit rhyme. “The only fairy-tale we TAAAAW KING” is going to be said slower than “IS-THAT-YOU THINK-you-can-go-em BAR KING… Is that really a sufficient flow to you?
“And I make you cry over the forum
You're gonna for the referendum”
How is ‘make’ and ‘cry’ remotely flowed with or rhymed with in the next line? Forum and referendum have a different paced ‘um’ and build-up to it. This is just again and again, this is not at all flowing rap. If you read it jittery (fast) it doesn’t work and if you read it slow, it doesn’t work either. If you read it medium, it STILL doesn’t work as some are blatantly faster than other parts.
T1U isn’t a great rhymer or flower either but I believe T1U’s background in poetry (where those things matter less than wordplay and depth of meaning) is to blame, more than that T1U is trying and failing at it, I think it’s just T1U didn’t value it that highly
RFD Part 9/11
Rhyming ‘current with ‘current’ and having ‘salmon’ in the first verse was a bad first impression but it did, definitely, improve after that.
“I'll keep trying as you keep dying
Taking you down till you go flying
Shooting you out of the sky”
If the syllable following ‘sky’ had beeing an ‘in’ type sound, I’d have definitely given T1U higher than the 14/30 that I gave. This isn’t that good of a scheme as the ‘trying’ internal-rhyme is matched with ‘down’ and ‘out’ internal rhymes but it seems that consistently T1U happily will have broken flow in exchange for superior rhyme-scheme and that’s fine, Eminem (one of the world’s best, of course) is exactly this type of rapper. The issue is that when being a flow-sacrificing rhyme-heavy rapper, your rhymes and wordplay have to be impeccable to make up for it.
‘Living’ and ‘being’ I mean sure, ‘liv’ and ‘be’ are a similar sound but no, the pacing can’t be considered similar enough to be a ‘wow it’s a double-rhyme’. Why repeat words? Really, you do it too much. I repeat words in elaborate schemes at times, sometimes 3 out of like seventeen rhymes (so 6 since it’s 3*2) are a repeating rhyme but you have to make it impressive enough to ‘get away with it’ where the audience is jaw-dropping WOW! At how you pulled
RFD part 10/11
You just can’t do this:
“F- a- reason,
Reason for l-,
Reason for b-”
This is cheating the concept of internal rhyming.
Again, here is a semi-impressive rhyme-scheme play where the flow is clearly sacrificed:
“Your house is made of straw
One breathe and you will fall
Inhale, exhale, you will fail
Take you down wall to wall”
Come on! If you had, had a more ‘da-du-du-du-da-du’ (da is medium, du is fast) line instead of ‘inhale, exhale you will fail’ you would have made me go WOW!
Here is an example of the kind of thing you could have done:
“Your house is made of straw,
Inhale, my mouth gives one breath, you fall,
Exhaling on you, taking all Supa’s worth wall-to-wall,
You whine and wail, pig-fish, free for this orca to maul.”
I get it, that’s a stylistic difference, in your opinion and the finessing of it is something even many pro rappers wouldn’t pull off as good as me (I’m a severe rap expert) but still, do you see how to make what you were doing end up flowing much better off the tongue as its read?
That’s flow. Something you do need to work on if you want to be a legit rapper on the site who people fear.
Overall, you weren’t terrible and you understood the concept of internal rhyming better than Dudz.
The final category is depth of meaning and actual ‘hits’ or ‘concepts’ used.
This is where T1U was brilliant, often using Dudz’s own schemes of insult and metaphors against him.
RFD part 11/11
From being greek to breathing smog, anything Dudz tried to hit T1U with, T1U would actively try and turn it back against him. Dudz did have SOME wordplay going on but I do think he copied some of my idea as by R3 I had begun my battle with T1U and some of his stuff was a bit odd for him (like saying techniques and strategies).
I mean, the one time Dudz played words properly-well so to speak was saying the ‘king of dreams’ is basically someone who dreams they’ll win. He got so offended over the Greek line(s) from T1U that he begins trying to compare himself to the sun and then says he’s only the moon… Okay, then he says the enemy is the sun and he’s blocking him/her out but… Seriously? Like if you actually look at the punchlines of Dudz they just do not make much sense in terms of being an insult. To criticize T1U for being Chinese and embracing their culture (or claiming to) Dudz says China had a comeback and hates muslims, that they are killing off the culture and are a vulture… Wtf? I don’t get what Dudz meant with so many of his punchlines that actually it made me laugh at him more than at the opponent, sorry but it’s true.
T1U - 18/30
Dudz - 5/30
Dudz lost in all categories to a noob (or fake noob).
I'll vote
It's over, you can vote now
I wish to vote on this for when it may finish i love poetry
Close, she's Star from Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Thank you!
Gravity Falls.
Call me stupid but where is ur profile pic from?
Thank yee
For a beginner, that was phenomenal wordplay.