Instigator / Pro

Con cannot convince pro to kill himself


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
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Contender / Con

No information

I might just match energy here and give the same effort to round 2 as he did.


If you don't feel like reading round 2, he says it is retarded because he disagrees with the conclusion.


I hope you can see on your own why that is retarded but I'll elaborate in round 2.

"I don't have to prove I could potentially talk Pro into dying. He has to prove it would be impossible for me to do" LMAO


I am just saying that you have the option to try and find what works for you and makes you feel better instead of taking your life.

However, I dont expect that what I am saying will change your mind right now.

No. Often it takes years to beat depression.

It doesnt just happen immediatelly, but there is a path which needs to be taken to live life with less depression, and you could try finding that path.


It almost sounds like you're trying to encourage me to self harm. You are suggesting drinking alcohol and not eating/drinking properly.


Well, are there any things you enjoy?

I usually have a habbit of eating one meal per day, because when you spend some time being hungry, you are not as bored.

Also, thirsty. Sometimes I dont drink water for 8 to 10 hours, and then when I am really thirsty I drink 700 mililiters at once which makes me feel good.

There is also semen retention, which can make you happier, as sometimes masturbation can cause depression.

Now, I know that people are different.

Your case is very likely different from mine.

But it is possible that there is a way for you to be less bored, but you just havent found it yet.

Now, try not to reject ideas before testing them.

If you go with "nothing works for me" mentality, nothing will work for you because you wont be willing to test anything.

There might be a way for you to have fun. There also might not be the way for you to have fun.

However, its your choice if you will search for things which could make you happy, or just think there isnt a way.

Whatever you choose, its important that it is your choice.

Your choice is most important when it comes to your own life.

You can choose how to live your life, unless others prevent you.

I am usually a fan of letting people do whatever they want with their life, and I am certain it would be good if others were a fan of that too.


I used to be an alcoholic and it didn't help me with shit. I was still depressed and bored with life and in the long term it would have molested my butt hole and killed me.


"I need someone to convince me to kill myself because I basically know I should but I just kind of need that final push to get me over that edge you know? Like a lot of people have encouraged suicide but when I ask them to legitimately convince me their attempts are always either lazy or they chicken out"

Well, I wanted to kill myself too, but I got over it as time passed. Now I think natural death is the best way to go, and I dont have suicidal thoughts anymore.

But if you have problems in life or find life difficult, have you considered drinking alcohol?

Wine is good for a start.

Now, remember, there might be a way for your life to be good or great, but you just havent found it yet.

I too would prefer if I was never born, because my mere existence causes harm.

To take a look at how I use the snowflake method to build arguments than look at the following thread


Pro has the entire BOP here. You insist you have suicidal ideation. So BOP is on you to prove that you have enough things you feel good about yourself that con cannot use this suicidal ideation against you.

I have been depressed myself. Good luck proving you have enough things to live for that the voters agree with couldn't be overcome by a convincing, and genius narcissist who gets off on the emotional trauma he causes others.

It is really hard to get through canning season in Alaska but if you survive it you would have a ton of money to start a new life with.


I personally advise against suicide. I don't know you, but most problems pass with time. You could move away to Alaska working seasonal gigs for example, and establish a new life without the current people (assuming they're part of the problem).


So you're saying Con can be exempt from rules that disallow encouragement of self harm/suicide as long as I consent? Good because I was worried no one would accept due to it violating rules.

I need someone to convince me to kill myself because I basically know I should but I just kind of need that final push to get me over that edge you know? Like a lot of people have encouraged suicide but when I ask them to legitimately convince me their attempts are always either lazy or they chicken out.


FYI, by creating this debate you are implicitly suspending certain rules which are there for your protection. Hopefully it will be a clean case so it doesn't matter, but I don't want you going in without being warned.

Here is a real quote from fish chaser.

"if the cock of life ever reaches your unsuspecting ass hole unless you are privileged to have the cock moving towards you slowly or to have fast enough legs to escape it with ease but that is not the case for most beings."

I am considering this. I think I have an angle

Bro who tf would accept this in a rated debate

No one will be convincing you into that.

Even as a joke debate, I am certain that convincing people to kill themselves is against rules.