Instigator / Pro

Pineapple can go on pizza if you want it to


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Contender / Con

Internet culture has taught us that pineapple does not belong on pizza. This is what a majority of people have said. What they have also acknowledged is that it is merely a popular thing to say, rather than real fact. Does pineapple belong on pizza? I'd say, if you like pineapple on pizza, go ahead. If you don't, then don't go ahead. Just don't suffocate people with your opinions and tell them they aren't allowed to eat it.



Why does it still objectively not belong? If it is objective, that means there is a reason, so you should be able to provide a logical one.

I did not say there is an objective reason that stops me from putting bananas in spaghetti. But that does not mean that now bananas belong on spaghetti. They still don't belong on spaghetti Carbonara by definition and just bc I can mess with my Carbonara and put M&Ms in it doesn’t mean that M&Ms BELONG in Carbonara. I can eat it, enjoy it, shit it out and M&Ms still don’t belong in Carbonara. I don’t really know if it matters that much if they subjectively don’t belong or objectively don’t belong….. they still don’t belong. By the objective standards of what Carbonara is. Every dish has objective standards that we can call a recipe.

You can objectively talk about traditions, history, culture, original recipes and the way it was invented and meant to be eaten and made. The statement “you can only objectively talk about health values” is wrong.
Just because pineapple won’t hurt you doesn’t mean it belongs on whatever you decide to put it on.

But can you still do it even if it doesn’t belong ?
Yes you can.


I specifically stated in my argument that the only objective things you can say about food are their health value, and toxicity. Therefore, poisonous food objectively does not belong on a food that is intended to be consumed.


What if I want poison in my spaghetti Carbonara? Does poison belong in spaghetti?


If you want to put bananas on top of your spaghetti Carbonara, there is no objective reason to say that you are objectively not allowed to do that. Unless it causes physical harm to the body, such as poison.


“I like to put bananas on top of my spaghetti Carbonara, therefore bananas belong on a spaghetti and nobody can tell me they don’t because I like it and I can put it.”


My thoughts are much the same. Can doesn't mean should.

I'm sure con already covered it, but each food type has a definition. Leave a smoothie in the blender too long as it ceases to be a smoothie, but is converted to soup.

My only problem is that there’s multiple questions in this debate. Are you debating that you can just put whatever you like on whatever you like or that pineapple BELONGS on pizza?


Wow you really do like rated stuff do you

Unrated, waste of effort vs reward ratio


"is too vague, subjective, and already set for PRO to win because you can say you can put anything you want if you personally like it."
Yes, that's the point. I'm arguing for the fact that people have a tendency to take things that are purely subjective, and treat them like they're objective, and then are somehow shocked that other people don't like the same things that they like. They view their tastes as superior, and so, if you don't have their tastes, they will label you as having bad taste, or being flat out wrong. I am here to say that that is a ridiculous thing to say, because it is purely subjective, and also uncontrollable. There are no elements of reason to it, and even the tiny bits of reason that do exist don't make it any more justifiable to ridicule somebody for their tastes.


It's not all set for pro. Pineapple is not available in some parts of the world and some people may be allergic to it. If con is one of the people allergic in a region that doesn't have any than it should be an easy win

“Pineapple belongs on a pizza” is a fair title + definition for “belongs”

“ Pineapple can go on pizza if you want it to” is too vague, subjective and already set for PRO to win because you can say you can put anything you want if you personally like it