Instigator / Pro

Uploading your consciousness to the internet is not suicide.


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Imagine that a tech billionaire finds a way to upload human consciousness to the internet, sort of like in 'The Matrix' (movie).
Uploading your mind to the internet will result in the death of your biological brain, but a copy of your consciousness will live immortally on the internet.
This isn't how it works in the matrix movie, but just bear with me.

I will be arguing that uploading your consciousness to the internet is not suicide.
So to win this debate, you must prove that uploading your consciousness to the internet is suicide.

A fun related topic would be Star Trek teleporters, which incinerate someone (hopefully painlessly), and at a later time recreates them elsewhere.

The line between suicide and self-manslaughter is a blurry one.


I mean I understood that, I wouldn't say you dying in your sleep or a completely unintentional car crash is suicide, yet if you do things to crash your car intentionally and don't acknowledge that you're probably or definitely dying based on it, that's still suicide, just more akin to self-manslaughter than self-murder.

We will see who wins in the end.

My trap card was in the definition of suicide. For suicide to be considered suicide, intent is needed.
Take that 'Rational' Madman.

With that said, that it isn't suicide. I am not confident enough in my own reasoning on something of this magnitude that I would upload myself to extend my life.

And before I catch shit. That was said in a generic enough way to not help the instigator. If you copied and pasted that in th debate it wouldn't count as an argument you would still need to research the things I brought up further.


I think it's easier to argue its not suicide when you get into a discussion of what consciousness it. Its a continuation of your thoughts. So if you could replicate human though than it would still be you.

It gets interesting though. If you split yourself into a copy you would have 2 yous.

Let's call the presplit you Barney alpha and then you have barney 2 and barney 3.

Well if this continuation theory is correct alpha barney is barney 2 and barney 3. However barney 2 is not barney 3 and barney 3 is not barney 2.

I would think that if barney alpha murdered somebody both barney 2 and 3 should be in prison but if barney 2 murdered somebody than Barney 3 should be in the free in clear.

I think startrek TNG covers a lot of these philosophical conundrums and it's interesting to think of them when you watch th show. It was BSH1s startrek debates to start me down the road of looking at consciousness this way.

Watch an episode of the TV show Upload.

And great topic, as it is very much debatable… To me it’d really boil down to if it’s the same person or not, but to a lot of people it’s solely about human DNA regardless of if a brain is attached.