Instigator / Pro

left wing is better than right wing


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
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Since it’s a full forfeiture anyways, sure thing.


Please change vote to say.

Unassailable logic too strong for pro to contend with.

I don't know that I care to defend this topic much beyond that, so I wouldn't advise putting too much effort into rebuttals.

Sometimes I debate what I believe. Often it is more fun for me to treat debates like thought experiments.

I do align with the right at the moment more than the left but if the political climate of the Jnited States changes, I could see that changing as well.

I am probably some sort of weird mix between libertarian and paleoconservative

"It's collectivist to ban weed for the good of the collective. We all know which party wants to ban weed"

Nobody gives a shot about Marijuana laws

"Taxing the billionaires (aka the globalists) is how you help out the poor (aka red blooded American Patriots) with government spending on colleges, healthcare, and housing."

Doesn't address my point about energy.

"The right also has a lot of Obese people. It's not like going to the gym or being Obese is an indicator of how good your ideology is. The #1 right winger (Trump) is obese. Obama has been to the gym more than Trump has."

I gave citations and painted with a broad brush and generalized for the purpose of the debate. We are looking at what is more often true here.

"Letting women vote is a good thing."

Bare assertion. I gave evidence to the contrary

"This is true. The right wants to separate more families than the left does (deportation)"

One policy that separates families and usually temporarily or rarely compared to what I brought up about feminism and it's relation to creating a nanny state that allows women to more easily leave their husband's and visa versa.

"Step dads exist. What's your point? Foster dads exist. Are you going to call them betas too? If you were a kid raised by a single mom, you would want a step dad"

It's better to stay with your biological parent. Statistics shower higher rates of abuse with step parents and worse life outcomes.

I have been in foster care. Personally not a fan. The home was abusive and I witnessed my foster brothers raping a kid.

"My reason actually for preferring leftism to conservatism is because the left actually has a consistent ethos; the right does not. The left wing consistent ethos is being anti unwanted pain (AUP"

AUP might be more of a moderate liberal thing than a leftist thing. The debate is about left vs right not liberal vs conservative.

I also think most liberals would disagree with you about a cohesive political ideology. Leftists do have a cohesive philosophy though they are unaware of what it is, but many liberals pride themselves on being pragmatists. For example Hillary Clinton. Although this pragmatism often ends up just being advocating for technocrats rule.


->Leftism is essentially an ideology of weakness. It's collectivist in nature.

It's collectivist to ban weed for the good of the collective. We all know which party wants to ban weed.

->It's why when they talk about taxing billionaires, there is more energy behind it than when they say "let's help the poor." .

Taxing the billionaires (aka the globalists) is how you help out the poor (aka red blooded American Patriots) with government spending on colleges, healthcare, and housing.

->This weakness can be seen in the numerous studies showing that right wingers are more likely to go to the gym[2]

The right also has a lot of Obese people. It's not like going to the gym or being Obese is an indicator of how good your ideology is. The #1 right winger (Trump) is obese. Obama has been to the gym more than Trump has.

->Leftism is pro Women's Suffrage which has been terrible for influencing public policy

Letting women vote is a good thing. The 1st state to let women vote was far left Wyoming. Note, my belief is that positions on issues settled decades ago are irrelevant; it's why I don't accuse the modern day former confederacy of being pro slavery; because the issue is settled and has been for decades.


Who cares?

->You can take on an experiment right now. Go ahead and increase your risk of walking across your house with your eyes closed, and then do it with your eyes open. Were you more cautious when the level of danger increased? Did you walk slower? Shuffle your feet to avoid tripping?

I was more cautious with my eyes closed, but what's your point?

->It’s better for children when families stay together.

This is true. The right wants to separate more families than the left does (deportation).

->This is where the redpill philosophy of “alpha fucks Beta Bucks” comes in. Women will seek high quality sperm whether they’re married or not, but want a long term partner to ensure that she and the child is taken care of. If the Beta bucks partner is fooled into thinking the child is his, This works best.

Step dads exist. What's your point? Foster dads exist. Are you going to call them betas too? If you were a kid raised by a single mom, you would want a step dad. Be grateful for step dads; don't label them as, "Cucks". There would be way more single motherhood without them.

->After women gained political power they pushed for laws that allowed alimony to be awarded in no fault divorces.

Look bud, if you want there to be tougher laws around divorce, then fine. Honestly, I would sign a pre nup and would refuse to marry a woman who didn't agree to it. But many people disagree with you on this, so it's not an objective reason why women should be barred from voting. If you don't want to risk divorce, then don't marry. When women age, they lose their value quicker than men do. A 50 year old man is attractive to women; a 50 year old woman is not. She knows whoever she marries is often (especially when she's old) is going to be the best man she will get. She won't divorce unless there is ample reason to; otherwise divorce rates would be like at 95% or something like that and nobody would marry. My rule with cheating is if either spouse cheats, then the cheater loses all of their money.

Your argument is leftism bad because woman are more likely to be leftist and women shouldn't be allowed to vote. That's not a good argument.

My reason actually for preferring leftism to conservatism is because the left actually has a consistent ethos; the right does not. The left wing consistent ethos is being anti unwanted pain (AUP). The right wing has no consistent ethos except, "Owning the libs" by making horrible arguments like claiming women shouldn't be allowed to vote.


I appreciate that. Thank you


Hi. Glad to see you active here.


Dang; imagine losing a debate to someone that is banned while they are debating you.


His ban should have expired the other day. I wonder why he's not back yet.

Whoa, wylted is gone. He was funny back in the day. Well, okay then.

I don't support either party, but I prefer the Democrats to the Republicans simply because the Democrats have a consistent ethos (reducing unwanted pain). The republicans don't. I'm more libertarian, but I respect a party with a different ethos over a party with no ethos at all.

I feel like this topic is simply way too broad for a debate like this. Also, arguing that the right wing is better because giving women the right to vote was a mistake is, uh... certainly something!

Just going to ue this as an excuse to test out my new strategy that has yet to be implemented to see if the argumentbis even remotely interesting

I knew leftwing ideology was completely indefensible


Portugal is not a shit hole... Europe is one of the most developed continents on Earth excluding the far right east of it.


Plenty of left wing countries are shitholes.

If leftwing is better than right-wing, why is Portugal a shithole?

I like having both wings.