If you're a femboy you're a bitch.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Two weeks
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
CLown 546622u9628924860286
Round 1
I don't even really need to argue my point. It's obvious that feminine boys are losers. They're just lost and confused weirdos with absent fathers.
I think you are biased. Femboys are cute. Their purpose is to entertain others with their cute look.
You can pet them on the head or cuddle with them.
They dont hurt anyone, so its kinda rude for you to hurt their feelings like that.
Round 2
Femboys are not cute. I know for sure you're not cute you're just a homosexual weirdo who likes kissing men. It's not entertaining it's pathetic and i am glad I hurt their feelings.
Its not gay if he looks like a girl.
Besides, since you cant get women, its better to be with femboy than to be alone.
You say its not cute. How is it not cute? It literally is.
Round 3
It is gay even if you look like a girl because male+male=gay. I'd rather just be alone than get with a femboy. Besides, femboys smell like dookie and butt cheeks. It is not cute it is disturbing because men are supposed to be masculine, not feminine.Fact, not an opinion.
I think you are just offended by their cuteness. Male plus male isnt gay if one of them is feminine. You could say its bi, but not gay.
Round 4
You are just delusional. You're in denial you don't want to be seen as gay. But femboys are an abomination to society. And what I say goes this isn't a debate, I spit objective facts and everybody agrees with me. I've been propelled into the future by my master's teachings, you wouldn't understand a thing about that.
I've been propelled into the future by my master's teachings
Sounds fun. Tell me about the future. Is future any good?
Round 5
My master says the future isn't looking good. He says everything is getting worse and worse. But he also says he's the superior organism on this planet. Which is a fact. Everything he says is fact and if you disagree with him you're an idiot.He has great taste in all forms of media. He's the king of Youtube. He's a master manipulator, he's an intellectual, a genius.
Thats cool.
As fucked as the world also is.. You will always have parts that do not run the way you think the parts run.. Even the type of people that are not clean and tidy and more organized than you are-- can be better than you in ways that matter the most.
There are feminine men who debate much better than you.
Copium fantasium! (Ultra-move)
There are feminine men much taller than you.
Cope x3
There are feminine men more intelligent than you.
Cope x2
There are feminine men with an academic degree higher than you.
Pete Buttigeig: A Masculine left wing gay guy.
The people that tell gays to be more masculine often love Chirstain Walker.
Look these people up if you don't know who they are on YouTube.
Fine, I will post round right away.
You probably do goat rituals where you sit around a circle and chant some weird nonsense
Oh hell no I just read your bio and you're crazy satanist
Time for argument: 2 weeks
Lol classical mistake.
Enjoy waiting 2 weeks for me to respond.