It’s been a fun discussion, Best.Korea. Thank you.
When I cited the example of 6kg of plant protein being used to produce 1kg of animal protein, I didn’t mean to imply that humans would simply eat the exact same grains as livestock do. I was simply pointing out how the potential exists to be able to produce a far higher quantity of plant based foods than animal foods in that same space of land.
As for your comment that “only meat satisfies hunger”, I think you know that’s not the case, but even if you truly believe this, then I’ll point out that there are plenty of dietetic organizations across the globe that clearly say that plant-based diets are completely sustainable and healthy when done properly. And I, for one, have been nearly vegan for over 30 consecutive years and I’ve never had any health problems and I’ve always felt terrific.
On your comment about 300 million cows being released into the wild, there probably wouldn’t be any large scale “release”. As demand for meat decreases, less and less animals are bred to be consumed, and they would simply decrease in numbers over time because of this. But even if there were to be some that were let in to the wild, I still think they would choose this over the certainty of slaughter, even if they were to later die from natural causes or other predators. To suggest that someone shouldn’t be allowed to roam free because it’s too dangerous is odd when the alternative is a certain, and sooner, and in most cases, a much crueler death. At least roaming in the wild gives the animal a fighting chance to survive. It’s what almost all creatures will choose when confronted with danger, to flee that danger. It’s that basic instinct of survival that unites us.
As for your comment, “you want to impose suffering on humans to save a couple of animals”, I don’t think anyone can honestly argue that that choosing a delicious vegan meal over that of a meat-based meal entails “suffering” that’s in any way comparable to the horrific torture that animals endure. To be clear, we’re talking about tails being cut off, beaks being cut off, babies ripped away from the mother, cages so full that some get trampled to death, cages so small that it’s impossible to turn around or stretch out, gas chambers where they burn from the inside out, electric shots to the head, slitting of throats…why would we put anyone through that, human or animal, if we don’t need to?
Thanks for listening, Best.Korea.
Guys I just had some tasty chicken. It was yummy.