"”The bottom half of the Earth is called the Southern Hemisphere.” (1)."
The question is, what is the bottom direction for anybody standing right side up according to their perspective?
This is the last round so to answer it's the ground of earth and in that direction to the core of the planet.
If you don't believe me call up anybody in the world and see what they tell you. You can Google this stuff. If you don't have friends in Antarctica.
So to fall off the bottom which is the ground, you have to first leave the ground. Now this is true anywhere of any hemisphere. For the folks in the southern hemisphere whether you view it as the bottom of the earth or earth's ground which is the bottom, there's no dispute there.
So this is a valid standpoint no pun intended whether you realized it , forgot about it or not.
"The surface of the bottom of the earth is “ the boundary between the atmosphere, and the solid Earth and oceans”"
I think this is echoing what I just said except for the"oceans " part. Going below the water going towards the ground is the bottom. Any sunken vessel hitting the ocean floor is at the bottom of the ocean.
" fall is to move primarily in a vertical direction."
Namely downward. The vertical stuff is perspective. Folks in the north western hemisphere from a celestial standpoint fall horizontally.
"falling off the earth would be in free fall"
This is incorrect if I understand what freefall is to be. An object has to resist gravity such as what aircrafts do. I've stated this earlier and those that board such vehicles are at chance or to be approximate in terms of the topic, in danger of falling off the ground, leaving the southern hemisphere ground which to go away from that ground you're leaving in the downward direction which is the bottom thus falling off , falling away from.
Off the grounds, away from the grounds , whatever. The idea is the position has changed.
Let us be careful to not mix up the topic. It's falling off the earth , not free falling off. To conflate falling off is just free falling is moving the goalpost. That exact word should of been in the topic.
"Putting these three concepts together it is clear that to fall off the bottom of the earth is to rise into the atmosphere without an additional energy input. It would be a free fall from the southern hemisphere, or a fall off the earth."
No this is conflation, moving the goalpost and ad hoc all at once. It sticks out being this late in the exchange.
"Pro argues that Pro never said “when flying on an airplane (e.g.) " {you} fall from the ground(Earth) which is the bottom."""
I don't argue it . I just told you directly to quote me and you didn't do it. When you quote somebody, you give the exact words of what they said.
This is why I asked you to quote what I said that you're saying I said.
So that means what DID YOU SAY I Said?
Well let's go to what you said.
"5 Pro states that when flying on an airplane (e.g.) " {you} fall from the ground(Earth) which is the bottom."""
So your statement says that I said "that when flying on an airplane (e.g.) " {you} fall from the ground(Earth) which is the bottom."
No where in the paragraph you quoted from me has this stated arrangement of words.
Here's the paragraph you quoted:
"Well here it is
….“So people in the southern hemisphere are in danger of falling off the earth, the bottom, the ground of the earth any time resisting gravity either by their persons being launched, catapulted by a singular contraption, vehicle, aircraft, spacecraft and etc .” ( from Pro in Round #1) "
It doesn't even have the word "flying " in that paragraph. So where did you get that from if I didn't say it ?
Oh from your interpretation. So do us a favor, don't say I said something when it's really your interpretation.
Actually say "WHAT I GATHER " or "WHAT I INTERPRET" from what you said". It's clearer, it avoids misrepresentation and confusion .
Your interpretation is what it is. But you can't say I'm invalid based on what I said and be correct about it . The invalidity is coming from your misinterpretation or the way you interpret unless you're demonstrating with the exact words I'm using.
You're not even using exact words . You're concluding invalidity based on what you think instead of asking questions that could help you get a better understanding.
We can still learn from each other even in a debate. A wall doesn't have to be put up to close your mind out completely.
Let me break down what was being said. Going by what was being said and not by your misinterpretation, people in the southern hemisphere ARE IN DANGER of falling off the earth ANYTIME,pay close attention to those words readers.
The people are in DANGER of falling off the earth ANYTIME resisting against gravity somehow with the use of some catapult engine, vehicle, aircraft and ultimately a spacecraft. It depends on how far the person or persons continue their descent. It's descent because they're southern hemisphere folks. This is from a celestial standpoint. Keep this in mind as well .
But this is not what was in the opposing side's statement stating I said it. What they said I said was totally different. That's why I asked to quote it and maybe they knew they couldn't and in a disingenuous fashion quoted something to appear as if they're not avoiding the request to quote but knowing full well it will not match what they say I said.
Either way it's a misrepresentation. A mere evasive way to avoid refutation instead of conceding to say "no you didn't actually make that exact statement".
The opposing side said I said "that when flying on an airplane (e.g.) " {you} fall from the ground(Earth) which is the bottom."
I never said that. I never even made an example in that paragraph. You won't even find the word "airplane" in it. I never said "for example " or " e.g. an airplane ".
These are the opposing side's words misrepresenting them as mine.
I never said WHEN flying on airplane you fall from the ground. I said you're in DANGER. BIG DIFFERENCE. In other words you're at risk or you take a chance of falling anytime being launched or catapulted by any means. It's not outright automatic as you're communicating.
You don't take a chance of falling IF you're launched or as your go to example, not mine, yours of an airplane. You take the chance ANYTIME which indicates *when*. It's a *when* element.
Why is it * when* being that you're already in the air?
Aren't you falling? Does the vehicle, whatever it is keep you stationed when in the air, does it return you back to the ground?
My example in my own words , bungee cords that are in play when you're off the ground acts to eliminate the result of a fall buttttt still includes the risk of a fall. This is an ultimate fall because in the process there's a drop but there's suppose to be a retraction . In that anticipation of a rescission, there's a possibility of a material failure or a snap so the risk of a fall is still there after all the other progression of events.
I itemized several objects that can launch or catapult you. There are plenty of things besides an airplane.
These things have us to engage in the air off the ground and the more immense in power of vehicle that can launch us to outer space perhaps not coming back to the ground is a successive fall. Which is indeed ultimately falling off the earth.
A callback to the first round being that we're doing that, this ties back full circle to this point:
"I'm getting closer even unto the point in falling into outer space, gravity has been completely resisted."
"Con responds “passive” here means that no additional force is added by the object itself. For example if I jump up, I leave the ground ( but not the earth ) by adding energy. If I fall, I have not added energy. I have fallen passively."
When you use the term passive it came off as non caused period .
You continue to preface the word "fall" with terms such as passive, freefall, vertical but none of this was introduced with the topic. Being that I'm opening up the topic and arguing based on certain things, if those certain things aren't actually what I'm supposed to be arguing about, it's an underhanded advantage for you to call invalidity on my points.
Evidently with you redefining the term fall or falling is ad hoc arguing.
Bottom line is, you can fall without being passive like a boxer intentionally making themselves fall to throw a fight. A big common example is the tripping and falling which is by one's cause of misjudgment from a force of a misstep.
You can fall without it just being partially caused such as things outside of you.
"Con rejects this notion. Either party can define or refine terms at any time, assuming that appropriate source material is shown."
I don't mean "define" or "refine". I I'm talking about re-defining. I mean if we're going to be on the same page about the topic you selected, why didn't you give the information and definitions in the beginning?
Then you won't incriminate yourself with ad hoc fallacies .
"Pro needs to provide a source for this concept, because Con has shown another definition and provided a source for that definition above."
Oh you don't have to believe me. You can see this for yourself. I don't have to believe your so called sources. Nor do you have to believe mine. Unless these sources just point us back to what we can ultimately observe. Otherwise we're just reading what other people say. You can Google xyz.
The evidence is what you can actually attest so you or anybody can see for themselves which DIRECTION IS THE DOWN/BOTTOM standing right side up. You're standing right side up now, which way is to the bottom, the ground which is the earth or the sky?
We got to get out of this box of just reading material. See actual empirical things for yourself. You can be just told anything like I'm telling you know. Are you going to give credibility if I have a title or reading something that has the name of an author and title to a field?
You got to see it for yourself which I may put a topic out on that separately if anybody else thinks they can challenge that to a debate.
"Pro then confuses “earth” with “dirt”. Here is a sourced definition of “earth”.....”The Earth is the planet on which we live; it’s also referred to as the world or the globe. As one of the planets, the Earth is a sphere in shape.” (4) "
See this is what I mean by just reading things keeping your mind in a box not thinking much at all. At least not at another level.
Is anybody here familiar with the term for a construction vehicle called an earthmover?
Does the vehicle really move the earth?
Well part of it.
Well what part?
See what I mean. Questions and answers like the scientific method involving empirical observation.
Just to humor you all that just what to be able to read something from a source, let's go on Google.
A Google search to define soil, what are the first few words of the definition?
"the upper layer of earth"
Let's do the same with dirt.
"earth used to make a surface". You'll find these as the words of a definition for this word.
This is like grasping at straws or throwing things at the wall picking on semantics.....like a last resort from the opposing side trying to make a rebuttal.
Pay close attention to ALL words. I mean close attention.
"The Earth is the planet on which we live"
Let me add to that. The Earth is the planet on which we live ON.
Question .
What is planet earth made of so that we can live ON the surface of it?
I think it's made clear. Much of these things the opposing side is saying just circles back to my established point directly and or indirectly .
"Pro still must prove that people in the southern hemisphere are in danger of falling off the earth.
Saying that they fall off dirt is not sufficient.
Then Pro claims a proof thus;
"So people in the southern hemisphere are in danger of falling off the earth, the bottom, the ground of the earth any time resisting gravity either by their persons being launched, catapulted by a singular contraption, vehicle, aircraft, spacecraft and etc ."
However these concepts of “being launched, catapulted by a singular contraption, vehicle, aircraft, spacecraft and etc ." all require the addition of energy. Also that energy is added consciously and intentionally by mechanical or other means. That is not “falling”. "
See you don't call it falling so therefore it's not proof. Therefore what I said is not proof. See this is ad hoc. You're redefining the word "fall" to mean what it does conveniently in favor of your position.
The way I'm using the term fall is valid as I've already explained. You apparently have your own definitions to words but didn't bother to tell me to setup this debate based on them so I can argue accurately and relatively .
So there's nothing further I can say in terms of evidence because our foundation for it is in disagreement. We can't really go any further.
You thought you came up with an impossible topic for me to argue against until I revealed I'm going outside the box. I took this to another level, another way at looking at things in a valid fashion.
This is a great topic because the very nature of it opens up reality about different views and perspectives.
Case and point. Not only the folks in the southern hemisphere can fall off earth because they can go off the ground but from the northern hemisphere perspective they would be classified as falling off the ground or earth. They're at the bottom/down direction in the view of the folks from the north.
The direction of a fall is always down from a respective perspective.
Do you all get that?
Those leaving the ground from the southern hemisphere say like Antarctica are leaving downward from the view of the northern folks and falling goes in a downward direction.
"Pro still must prove that people in the southern hemisphere are in danger of falling off the earth.
Con contends that people in the southern hemisphere are not in danger of falling off the earth.
Pro must prove otherwise."
It all has been explained so that you're imagination can demonstrate it to you .
Imagine the earth from space , the different hemispheres , locations of where people inhabit. Picture a person or persons going off the ground by whatever means. Let's say they continue to travel by whatever means, doesn't matter. Choose whatever vehicle, contraption that makes it possible for the travel because falling doesn't exclusively mean partially caused as explained.
Then imagine the viewpoint of a person in the northern hemisphere or through your own view in the northern hemisphere, a person below you is facing downward andddd when they go off the ground/earth are going further down (falling).
Continuing further and further like I said before into the point of outer space.
That person in the south has a risk or is at danger of falling or continuing to go downward granted whatever is causing them to descend continues their descending. The descending and ascending is a matter of view but always true from a perspective.
Besides just reading what somebody wrote in what you call a source, you have proof right before your eyes and or what you can see in your mind you see it for yourselffffff.
I thank you for this topic for it really has given us the opportunity to open our minds and perspectives.
It is that fact that allowed me to counter such a topic that those have labeled in the comments as rather ludacris.
No matter how ridiculous, think outside the box , outside your perspective, you can see a new way of looking at things still working with the truth.
Thank you.
Thank you one in all.
This topic is crazy
Omg lol
The topic is you are pro that people who live in the southern hemisphere are in danger of falling off the bottom of the earth.