Alright, I’m not gonna write a whole book here lol so I’ll try to keep this short and sweet.
#1. On average I would agree that men make more then women do. However; this is typically because men work jobs that pay higher. For example: Construction, Engineering, Doctors, Lawyers, Business Owners, CEO’s etc… but a woman working that same job would make the same income a man would.
#2. Obviously, their are other factors that affect income like… Where you live, how many hours a week you work, how many raises you have received, how much overtime you take, how much school you have completed and how much vacation time you don’t use; but typically men are the ones who utilize these factors to earn more.
#3. Yes, a woman working as a Police Officer in a rural city will make less than a man working as a Police Officer in a major city but my point is the difference has nothing to do with gender and their is no evidence that supports otherwise.
#4. Another reason women on average earn less is because their are less women working then men. Their are typically more stay at home moms then stay at home dads.
#4. I can only really speak from my own experience. I have worked a lot of jobs. My first job was at a grocery store as a bagger making 10$ Per hour. I worked with girls my age as well and they also made 10$ per hour… am I missing something? That is equal pay. The only way to earn more is through a raise or promotion.
#5. Now it’s common for people to bring up doctors for this topic but I’m gonna stop you right their… Doctors are paid for their specialty they studied. If you are a foot surgeon (Podiatrist) then no, you will not be making the same amount of money as a Brain surgeon (Neurosurgeon). Both are considered Doctors but they are incomparable in income.
#6. I also worked at a restaurant and for those who are unaware restaurants pay about 8$ an hour to their servers. The majority of a servers income is acquired through tips from the customers. On average the female servers would always out earn the male servers in tips for obvious reasons, especially if they dressed promiscuously. Women are also more prone to sex work and are actually more likely to use their gender to produce a higher income; ie. porn, only fans, stripping etc.
#7. I would say the best way to test my point of view would be to go to 5 business’s in your city and ask what the men make compared to the women. Real life data is better than anything I could find on google and it prevents me from falling into the habit of cherry-picking my information and subconsciously ignoring the opposing arguments point of view.
#8. Go ahead and look up the worlds top 20 richest people. Only 2 of them are women yet all 20 combined own 13% of the worlds wealth. So that is also a factor to consider as the worlds wealthiest people are typically men and heavily skew data. I’m not going to bother citing a whole lot because all this information is available on google or is my own personal experience.
Saying that women generally tend to not do high paying jobs is a little bit silly, it is INCREDIBLY hard for women to get into said "jobs". When they do, it is very true for most cases that they do not get paid equally to their male counterparts. Yes as time changes and things move on stuff changes, however the pay gap is STILL not equal.
There is a gender pay gap, it depends. Unless if a country doesn't give much attention to such thing and creates an equality between male and female wages (for those countries that qualify male and female as the only genders).
I agree. Women on average typically work jobs that pay less than men do. Many men are in STEM majors or are entrepreneurs and business owners. But a lot of people seem to think that woman make less than men do based on their gender, which I think is clearly false.
There is a gap, because, I believe, statistically women on average have jobs with less pay(albeit only like a few pennies short on avg), even if the jobs are nondiscriminatory.