Instigator / Pro

Best.Korea would have more freedom if he was born and lived in Japan for his entire life than if he was born and lived in USA for his entire life


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Freedom - Ability to do something, or being free from limitations or being free from oppression.

Round 1
"Best.Korea would have more freedom if he was born and lived in Japan for his entire life than if he was born and lived in USA for his entire life"

Freedom - Ability to do something, or being free from limitations or being free from oppression.

USA offers plenty of freedom to most people, but not any to Best.Korea.
If Best.Korea was born in USA, even if he wasnt shot by someone, even if he wasnt run over by a car, there would still be a problem.
Best.Korea wasnt born in USA. However, Best.Korea was in prison. If Best.Korea was born in USA, he would be in prison for life and he would be raped a lot there :(


1. Life in prison and being raped
P1. If he was born and lived in USA for his entire life, Best.Korea would be imprisoned for life and he would be raped for life.
P2. Being imprisoned and being raped for life means to have the least freedom possible.
C. If he was born and lived in USA for his entire life, Best.Korea would have the least freedom possible.

P1. If he was born and lived in Japan for his entire life, Best.Korea would not be imprisoned for life and would not be raped for life.
P2. Not being imprisoned for life and not being raped for life means to have more freedom than what Best.Korea would have If he was born and lived in USA for his entire life.
C. If he was born and lived in Japan for his entire life, Best.Korea would have more freedom than what Best.Korea would have If he was born and lived in USA for his entire life.

2. Comparison of Japan and USA
P1. If USA has more car accidents than Japan, more murders than Japan, more circumcision than Japan, and longer prison time than Japan, then Best.Korea would have more freedom If he was born and lived in Japan for his entire life than if he was born and lived in USA for his entire life.
P2. USA has more car accidents than Japan, more murders than Japan, more circumcision than Japan, and longer prison time than Japan.
C. Best.Korea would have more freedom If he was born and lived in Japan for his entire life than if he was born and lived in USA for his entire life.

Is conclusion necessary? Well, the conclusion is that Best.Korea would have more freedom in Japan than in USA. I dont even know why are we debating this.

USA offers plenty of freedom to most people, but not any to Best.Korea.
It offers freedom to everyone and even if BK ended up arrested in the US, as a child and teen growing up and even out of prison afterwards, he has more freedom in US than in Japan.

The whole reason that Japan is one of the safest places to live on Earth is because it's one of the most harshly enforcing and I don't just mean the cops.

One major reason for the low murder rate, in particular is the extremely strict gun laws.  In 2021, there were just ten gun-related incidents and one death recorded; eight were related to criminal gangs (Yakuza), and only two were attributed to members of the general public. This is in a country with a population of just over 125 million people. Again, take a look at US statistics: 47,286 deaths were attributed to guns in 2021, of which around 20,000 were homicides.  Unlike the US, it is almost impossibly difficult to acquire a firearm in Japan.  There are twelve steps a prospective gun owner must go through before purchasing a firearm in Japan, including taking a written exam, obtaining a doctor’s letter, and undergoing a police inspection of your gun storage facility. The whole process may take several months from start to finish, meaning that only the very persistent will get as far as taking a gun home. 
The very gun law point that BK brings up means he is freer in US than Japan as freedom in this debate is defined as:

Ability to do something, or being free from limitations or being free from oppression.
Even being free to die by gun is itself a freedom under this definition.

Another reason that the streets are so safe is the system of kobans, which are small police offices dotted around city centers and residential areas. Each koban is staffed 24 hours a day by one or two police officers, and there is always one police officer patrolling the area on a bicycle.  The mere presence of a police officer seems to be enough to keep street crime low. The koban system has been used in Japan for over 100 years, and there are currently around 6,600 kobans in the country. The system has been so successful that it has started to be replicated in other parts of the world.

Perhaps the most important reason why Japan has such a low crime rate is Japanese culture and the Japanese “kokuminsei,” or national character. It is well known that the Japanese value social harmony, observe hierarchy, and prefer to avoid conflict. After the Meiji Restoration, the political revolution that resulted in the Japan we see today, the country managed to hold onto its core principle of collectivism and avoid copying the spirit of individualism that is mainstream in the West. In addition, Japan is still a highly homogenous country, with around 97.9% of the population ethnically Japanese. Strict immigration policies have resulted in cultural uniformity and ensure that foreign value systems have had very little influence.

One of the most positive parts of what people who enjoy Japan enjoy about it is the fact that it is very far from free hence very safe.

Best.Korea wasnt born in USA. However, Best.Korea was in prison. If Best.Korea was born in USA, he would be in prison for life and he would be raped a lot there :(

 For example, three quarters of all defendants in rape cases were sentenced to prison terms of 2 to 3 years and about one half were granted suspensions, although the statutory provision for rape is imprisonment for 2 to 15 years. Discussions based on comments by judges, public prosecutors, and scholars explain the general leniency trend in terms of judges' beliefs that lighter sentences encourage rehabilitation. Most sentences cluster around the minimum statutory provisions. With regard to some crimes, however, both the courts and the people consider the prescribed penalties too severe (e.g., parricide--life imprisonment, robbery with bodily injury--7 to 15 years). 

Not only would you be imprisoned in Japan but the sentences are disproportionate. You're more likely to be violated and raped there as rapists have lenient sentencing relative to other crimes as mention in that quote.

If your concern is your body's freedom to not be raped, Japan is one of the worst nations in the 'developed' world to live in.

When Kaneko Miyuki reported her sexual assault as a seven-year-old in Japan, she remembers the police laughing at her. “I was already confused and scared,” she said. “They wouldn’t take me seriously as a child.”

The following investigation made things worse. After being questioned, she was taken back to the scene of her assault without a guardian present, against all modern guidelines.

The police never did bring her attacker to justice. The whole experience was so traumatizing for Kaneko that she repressed her memory of it until she began having flashbacks in her twenties, and didn’t come to terms with the fact she had been sexually assaulted until her 40s.
Kaneko is among countless Japanese women who say their experiences of sexual assault and abuse were ignored because they “didn’t fit the criteria” of a victim. About 95% of survivors never report their assault to police, and nearly 60% never tell anyone at all, according to a 2020 government survey.
But that could be about to change. On Friday, the Japanese parliament passed a raft of bills overhauling the country’s sex crime laws, long criticized as outdated and restrictive, reflecting conservative social attitudes that often stigmatize and cast doubt on victims.

The new laws expand the definition of rape to place greater emphasis on the concept of consent; introduce national legislation against taking explicit photos with hidden cameras; and raise the age of consent to 16. The previous age of consent, at 13, had been among the lowest in the developed world.
Round 2
1. Life in prison and being raped
This went unchallenged by my opponent. The only challenge that I found was that I would be more likely to be raped in Japan, which is not true, as we will see later. We all know that USA sentences MAP to life in prison, and that MAP are often raped in prison, or severly beaten and abused.

2. Comparison of Japan and USA
There is lots of rape in USA. 1 in 6 women are victims of rape. Much lower number in Japan. We shouldnt mistake Japan not treating rapists harshly with Japan having more rape cases. By surveys, rape is more than 2 times more common in USA. There is also much more child sexual abuse in USA. Oppression is any large pain or suffering that people have to endure. Oppression is cruel treatment.
Since the definition of freedom states "free from oppression", we can clearly see that USA has much more oppression than Japan, therefore less freedom than Japan.

USA has much more poverty and child poverty, and  much more child bullying, child abuse and child murder and much more school shootings. Children are simply not safe in USA. It also has much more obesity and child obesity. It has much more drug addiction and porn addiction. Japan has much much lower percentage of population in prison. Japan cares much better for its people. People in Japan have much cheaper healthcare. Japanese people are also healthier than Americans. Japanese people live longer. Average citizen in Japan lives 7 years longer than average citizen in USA. 7 years of extra life is a long time. From this, we see that people of Japan are much less oppressed.

In USA, people cant even own a home, but have to pay rent. No one would choose to pay rent if he could own a home. People in Japan are much better in terms of housing. Japanese people dont judge others. They dont teach children that they will burn in hell. There is much less fear about safety and judgment. Pain is the worst form of oppression. There is much less pain in Japan than in USA. So children and everyone else are much less oppressed in Japan than in USA.


It offers freedom to everyone and even if BK ended up arrested in the US, as a child and teen growing up and even out of prison afterwards, he has more freedom in US than in Japan.
False. We have seen that USA oppresses its people much more.

The whole reason that Japan is one of the safest places to live on Earth is because it's one of the most harshly enforcing and I don't just mean the cops.
Thanks for conceding that Japan is the safest place to live. Lack of safety is biggest oppression.

The very gun law point that BK brings up means he is freer in US than Japan as freedom in this debate is defined as:
Ability to do something, or being free from limitations or being free from oppression.
Even being free to die by gun is itself a freedom under this definition.
Wait, what? Sorry, you misunderstood the definition.
The important clue in the definition is "or" instead of "and".
So really, I merely need to prove 1 of these three:
1. Ability to do something
2. being free from limitations
3. being free from oppression.

I dont need to prove them all, just one of them, since definition says "or", not "and". Thats the difference between "or" and "and".

Also, free to get killed by the gun? Thats not a choice. I assume you mean being free to commit suicide by the gun? Thats freedom, yes. However, freedom not to get killed by someone else, not to get run over by a car and to live longer is a better type of freedom. So Japan still wins.

One of the most positive parts of what people who enjoy Japan enjoy about it is the fact that it is very far from free hence very safe.
Actually, by the definition of freedom in this debate, safety is freedom.

Not only would you be imprisoned in Japan but the sentences are disproportionate. You're more likely to be violated and raped there as rapists have lenient sentencing relative to other crimes as mention in that quote.
This argument is false conclusion. Lower sentences for rape does not equal more rape.
It would be like arguing that Japan has more murders than USA,  because punishment for murder is lower in Japan.
We know that Japan has 50 times less murders than USA.
In USA 1 in 6 women are victims of rape, according to surveys.
Compared to that, 1 in 14 women in Japan are victims of rape, according to surveys.
So thats more than 2 times less rape in Japan than in USA.

Also, it was already explained that Japan has much lower prison sentences than USA. USA has very long sentences, plus lots of rape and abuse in prisons.

If your concern is your body's freedom to not be raped, Japan is one of the worst nations in the 'developed' world to live in.
Long prison sentence in USA compared to short sentences in Japan already puts Japan significantly above USA.

When Kaneko Miyuki reported her sexual assault as a seven-year-old in Japan, she remembers the police laughing at her. “I was already confused and scared,” she said. “They wouldn’t take me seriously as a child.”
Would Miyuki be better in USA?

Lets see.

50 times more likely to be murdered (murder is worse than rape)
2 times more likely to be raped
5 times more likely to be killed by a car (worse than rape)
7 years shorter life expectancy in USA
Much more likely to get bullied and abused as a child
20% of people live in poverty
Boys circumcised (as bad as rape)
Cant own home
Expensive healthcare
Loli ban
Drug abuse

About 95% of survivors never report their assault to police, and nearly 60% never tell anyone at all
Pure nonsense. According to surveys, 1 in 14 women in Japan are raped. So even if nearly 60% dont tell anyone, we cant assume that in USA 0% of women dont tell anyone.
In USA, 1 in 6 women are raped, according to surveys. So your "nearly 60%" wouldnt make Japan worse.
Also, your source is contradicting. If they never told anyone, then you wouldnt know that they were raped, wouldnt know the number of those who were raped and you couldnt possibly have the knowledge that "nearly 60% dont tell anyone".
too bored you can take the win
Round 3
Round 4