Instigator / Pro

THBT: On balance, Logan Paul should return to Japan to atone for his actions.


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On balance, Logan Paul should return to Japan to atone for his actions.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

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Starting there, my RFD begins it has 3 parts to it, see the comments posted just prior to it (below it visually unless they are over a page) for the remainer of the reason for my decision.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Sir.Lancelot R1
Jah, sounds jerk actions,
Sounds 'some apologies,
Would probably be recognized 'generally as good to apologize even more,
'Necessary though, questionable,
Necessary or should to X, would be helpful,
Sir.Lancelot R1 would be helped by explaining why Logan has not apologized or done enough,
But I'm sure all this will be addressed later by both sides.

Bella3sp R1
Brings up questions of why would apologies and actions thus far be not enough.

Sir.Lancelot R2
Argues that a vocal video apology is not 'enough of an apology,
Argues that other streamers were also hurt by his actions.

I'd think myself, that at some points, it's better to just say alright enough,
Than to keep picking at a situation, let wounds heal,
Picking just prevents healing.

Sir.Lancelot argues Logan has more power than most people, to make more substantial apology.

Though Sir.Lancelot argues Logan has harmed others,
Sir.Lancelot also tries to focus on Logan's own issues,
Arguing he needs more fully confront and apologize to move past issue himself.

Sir.Lancelot notes the outrageousness of Logan's actions,
But I am still unsure 'what the cutoff for apology is, seems vague subjective,
Though Sir.Lancelot argues it is not so vague, that Logan must simply do as much right as he did wrong.

Bella3sp R2
An apology 'is enough for a number of people,
Though I think myself, people may doubt apologies,
Though this usually occurs if they are used so often of 'same problems one believes they are insincere.

Logan being a scammer,
I return to my thought of 'why should he atone or apologize,
Because it's the right thing to do,
Though arguably he has already apologized,
Though not as 'deep as Sir.Lancelot argues he should have.

Bella3sp makes argument of ways that Logan has suffered for his bad/immoral videos.
Argues he donated a ton of money,
Though. . Money is relative,
I think of the The Widow’s Offering, in the Bible.
Then a question pops up, where Sir.Lancelot argues Logan is able to make more change than normal people,
Vs personal redemption, which Sir.Lancelot also argues for,
The two seems a 'bit different.

Sir.Lancelot R3
Hm, Sir.Lancelot arguing suicide money donation doesn't count,
As it is not apology to Japan.

Bella3sp R3
Hm, read through, I think what might sway me is going back and looking if he apologizes to Japan or what in his apology videos.

Leaning Thinking
Hm, apologizes to various people, what I most notice is victim and family apology,
Which 'seems to me to matter more than apology to Japan,
Though there 'is the various disrespect of culture in R1 Sir.Lancelot mentioned,
Bella3spmentions free speech later on,
Eh, if the actions unrelated to suicide were the issue, people would mention it more online and in debate,
Plenty of jackass videos online rude to people and cultures,
Arguably bigger issue the suicide, suicide more addressed in this debate,
Suicide wereguild, apology to victim and family.

Eh, my arguments vote goes to Bella3sp.
Sources, both used.
Legibility, both understandable.
Conduct, both polite.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Con agreeing to a shared BoP makes this a close one. While Pro does a good job showing that Logan Paul did something offensive, Con points out that atoning for his actions doesn't necessarily involve going back to Japan. While this does a good job of raising doubt, Con must also establish that it's better for Logan not to return, per the shared BoP.

There's a lot of back and forth on whether Logan has an obligation to do more for Japan, though a lot of this seems like both sides repeating themselves rather than making an argument. In the end, I think it's established that Logan offending Japan necessitated some sort of penance and that some level of penance has already been performed. I buy Con's point that Logan has done a lot so far. In response to the question, "How would Logan Paul atone, in Japan, that he hasn't already done?" Pro gives a number of options, but it's not clear why these things are better than what Logan has already done.

A point that I don't think got meaningfully addressed was Con's argument that Logan returning to Japan might harm his mental health. It's clear that Logan has been criticized a lot already, and while his actions were disrespectful, they did fall under free speech. This is Con's only constructive argument, but it seems to be left standing at the end of the debate. Pro argues that Logan deserves to suffer more and got off easy, but it's not clear why Logan's attempts at atonement so far have been insufficient. As Con points out, Logan has already apologized. And it seems evident that he has probably helped more people since the incident than were harmed (it's not clear that anyone was directly harmed, though many found his video offensive.)

A lot of this stems from a core disagreement about what Logan owes Japan. Con comes across as more reasonable, arguing that some penance has already been done and that more can be done without need for a grand gesture, while Pro seems to be arguing that none of Logan's redemption is sincere at all (and it's not clear why we should assume that). In the end, I think Con effectively argues that atonement doesn't require going to Japan physically, and the points about Logan's mental health are left standing imo. So arguments to Con.