Creationism vs Athiesm
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 1 vote and with the same amount of points on both sides...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- Two hours
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
Creationism is the belief that the universe and all that resides within the universe is the product of an intelligent designer. Typically this is regarding abrahamic religious beliefs that the creation stories written in the Bible, Quran, and Torah are literal accounts for how the universe and eventually humanity, came to be.
An abrahamic religion believing creationist would be someone who believes in an omnipotent personal God who intentionally designed all that is and all that ever was and will be, and who exists outside of space and time. Creationists who believe in the literal transcription of biblical text also tend to side with its claims that the earth is much younger than scientists give it credit for, that there was a global flood, that dinosaurs walked among man, etc etc.
A thiest is someone who accepts the proposition that a God exists, and an athiest is someone who rejects the proposition that a God exists. Agnostic means "to not know" and gnostic means "to know". So a creationist would be considered a gnostic theist. Whereas most athiests would be considered agnostic athiests.
The agnostic athiest position is such that they claim that there is not enough information and /or evidence to come to a solid conclusion on the origins of the universe , but that given the information we do have, that the scientific consensus on how old the universe and world is, as well as the evolution of life on earth, is the best explanation. The athiest rejects the God proposition under the grounds that accepting a proposition without testable evidence is an illogical stance to make.
The athiest and the creationist are in direct opposition of one another on the origins of both the universe, and human beings.
If either side put as much effort into the rounds as in the description itself. Jeez, even I never type descriptions that long.