Prophet (SAW) from Islamic Religion was a Pedophile.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 2 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Two weeks
- Max argument characters
- 30,000
- Voting period
- Six months
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Judges
Resolution: Prophet (SAW) from Islamic Religion was a Pedophile.
Pro: Prophet (SAW) from Islamic Religion was a Pedophile
Con: Prophet (SAW) from Islamic Religion was not a Pedophile.
Willing to change definitions if asked. Otherwise, these are the current set definitions.
Pedophile: a person who is sexually attracted to children.
Child groomer: Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.
Child: A child is a human being who is not yet an adult.
Adult: An adult is a mature, fully developed person.
Any other definitions should be stated in the beginning of round one (unless introduced later on), other than that, any other words should be used in there primary context.
1. Burden of proof is shared.
- Aisha is not an Adult
- Prophet (SAW) was an Adult
- Difference between a child and adult
- Aisha being a child, and Prophet (SAW) being an adult = Prophet (SAW) was a pedophile
- Prophet (SAW) was a pedophile regardless of Islamic beliefs
- Sexually developed/mature
- Physically developed/mature
- Mentally developed/mature
- Doesn't reveal that she even reached puberty
- Even if she did reach puberty it does not make her an adult
This is the link of my previous debate about this topic, my opponent had already voted in this debate, which shows he had read all argument fully and then voted for this debate.For the argument my opponent has posted in first round, I have dealt it in great detail and rebutted them in my debate. I would ask my opponent to go read them and respond according to those argument and rebuttals.To specify, the argument about adulthood related to puberty, I have discussed it in great detail.about mental maturity i have rebutted the 25 year old argument as well.all cognitive functions are mature up to 12 of age as specified by my opponent, then if a physical matureness and development can come early then mental come as well for precocious person.We can see from the link by my opponent that mental matureness is very much related to environment and other factors which can speed up the process.Like memory, and we know Aisha (RA) memorized whole Quran at very young age. and she was under the influence of prophet after 9 year of age and was raised under very well and good environment. And at her parents home she was given very special intention related to her development we can see it from my previous debate.As these things effect very much to development.I had prepared all the topic in more detail in my draft but i could not complete it within time, so I did not post them instead I posted my previous debate as everything is dealt in great detail about this topic and my opponent has voted for that debate. So even that link should be enough to deal for what my opponent has posted. But for next round i am going to go into more detail.I aspect, my opponent will go in more detail about the claims he made and will support those claims as well.I want my opponent to explain about what sexual attraction is.In world there no where 25 age to be considered as adult and this is hypothetical far away from reality.At 12 year of age all cognitive functions are fully developed at average but there is always exceptions.Puberty phase to complete could take 18 month to 6 years. and there are some sources in my previous debate which considered 7 to be normal for puberty to start and if it takes 18 months then a person could pass puberty phase even before 9th of age.So i want my opponent to deal with all the information i have done in my previous debate, for this round there is nothing new and which i have not dealt in my previous debate.
Like memory, and we know Aisha (RA) memorized whole Quran at very young age. and she was under the influence of prophet after 9 year of age and was raised under very well and good environment. And at her parents home she was given very special intention related to her development we can see it from my previous debate.
- The first sign of puberty is usually breast development.
- Then hair grows in the pubic area and armpits.
- Menstruation (or a period) usually happens last. (3)
- before age 7 or 8 in girls
- before age 9 in boys
- A pedophile is one who is sexually attracted toward children, and it's considered a disorder.
- A child is one who has not reached puberty.
- Normal puberty start min 7 years of age and maximum 15 years for girls.
- Puberty is a period of time not points of time, though we can take it a point of too as it's not mentioned in definition.
- Puberty period can last minimum 2 year to maximum 5 years.
- If starting point of puberty is take 7 which is minimum for normal puberty and also period to complete puberty taken as 2 years which is minimum time period for puberty to complete. Then a person could be adult at the age of 9.
- All above-mentioned points are taken from authentic scientific research.
- A person is adult if he/she completes all stages of puberty.
- Attaining adulthood is related to physical condition of each person, which only specific to him or her.
- Attaining adulthood is different for each person as far as time period and age is concern.
- A person could be an adult at the age of 9 or could be a child, as we have seen from scientific research.
- Precocious puberty is when it happens before 7 years of age.
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)combined cucumbers with ripe dates saying: “the heat of the latter is reduced by the coolness of the former.”
(Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawoodand Ibn Majah)
- Both are alkaline in nature, theoretically good for health.
- Above hadith shows that Aisha (RA) was given very special diet to grow faster or physically mature. And this food was suggested by Prophet Muhammad saw himself.
- We can see from two images that they are good in nutrition for growing kids.
- In Islam marriageable age is puberty. Saying Aisha (RA) was prepubescent is not true.
- Not only physical age is considered but also mental age as well as mentioned in Quran 4:6.
- In Islam marrying a child is not allowed. Islam is only religion which put minimum age for marriage not any other religion has done it. Which is 9.
- One can say Aisha (RA) married at the age of 6. Then answer is, Nikah before puberty is promise or proposal or engagement. But marriage can not be consumed. A girl or boy can reject it when he or she reach puberty. If he or she do he is considered as Unmarried.
- What is required for a girl to marry? Minimum age is 9 plus puberty, mental and physical Matureness as well.
- When a person is reached puberty he or she can have all rights, even for their property.
- a girl or woman.
- A girl can be adult at 9 year old if she gets first sign of puberty at 7 and her puberty phase is 2 year.
- Puberty can start at min 7 and puberty phase can be min 2 year and max 4 years.
- A person become full adult at the end of puberty.
- Among women menstruation is called minarche and is final stage of puberty.
- In Islam menstruation is must to called an adult.
- Precocious puberty is one which can start before 7 years of age.
- Precocious person even take maximum years for puberty phase can reach to adulthood at the age of 9. For example a person is precocious and she start to have first sign at the age of 5 year old then even she takes 4 years maximum time for reaching adulthood than she will be adult at the age of 9. If a girl started first sign at the age of 6 and her puberty phase is 3 years then she will be adult at 9. Probably the case of Aisha (ra).
- If Aisha (RA) was precocious then she could even reach adulthood before the age of 9.
- but Islam is the only religion which gives minimum age for a girl to be adult at 9 and can have consume marriage. Its like age of consent in Islam. With all the requirement.
- Minimum requirement for a girl to be considered adult in Islam is minrache. Then she must be mentally and physically mature as well. Just like we have seen in the case of Aisha (RA).
- Aisha’s (RA) mother took her to prepare for marriage, and her father as well asked Prophet what makes him (SAW) to not consume his marriage.
- Khawlaw offered two women to prophet to be having the age of marriage. So she saw it too. And prophet (SAW) was not aware of which women are marriageable around him. And the dreams in which prophet (SAW) saw Aisha (RA) is from Allah which was probably after Khawlah suggest her for marriage. Or even it was before but khawlah was not aware of them.
- She was feed a special diet to reach adulthood or puberty. She was not prepubescent as its not allowed in islam to consume marriage with prepubescent girl.
- She participated in wars around the age of her consummation. Which shows she was physically and mentally mature to be able to withstand the brutal scenes of war.
- Uhud war took place 2 or 3 years after hijra, and Prophet (SAW) consummated the marriage with Aisha (RA) 2 years after hijra, almost same or 1 year before war. So it shows that Aisha (RA) was mature and adult.
- Her father saw her adult.
- Her mother saw her adult.
- Khawlah saw her adult.
- She herself call her adult.
- Scenarios shows she was adult.
- Science says she can and some women can be adult at 9.
- I was the case of precocious puberty as well. And one of my class fellow at 5th was adult and was extreme case of precocious puberty. I saw her first time in 5th grade and fellow with me who studied with her before me said, she was mature even before. So in my personal experience I have seen cases of precocious puberty. Or girls at young age being adult. Physically and mentally mature. she was topper of my class and even i was strong guy still beated me in race.
- My personal experience shows as well. I become adult physically before two of my older brothers.
‘I have never seen anyone who could have knowledge of an ayah (Quranic verse), an obligatory act, a Sunnah act, poetry, history, lineage, judgement, or medicine better than Aisha (R.A.). I once asked her, "What about medicine? How did you learn it, aunt?"She (R.A.) answered, “When I was sick, the Prophet (S.A.W.) prescribe (treatment) for me as did he when the people became ill. I also heard the people prescribing treatment to each other. Thereby I memorized such prescriptions.”
- A pedophile is someone who is interested in children.
- Hebephile is one who is only interested in children.
- Child grooming is when a person takes advantage of a child and his family.
- A child is one who has not reached the age of puberty.
- Puberty is when a child started having signs of getting sexually and physically mature even mentally as well.
- Puberty is not a point of time but a period of time.
- Puberty can start as less as 7 years old for girls and 8 for boys and would be considered as normal.
- Puberty which starts before 7 is called precocious puberty.
- Puberty is a period of time, so this period could be between 2 to 5 years, which means the onset of puberty for a person the time period he or she can take to become an adult could take 2 to 5 years.
- If puberty starts at 7, the minimum normal age for a girl and it takes a minimum time period of 2 years, then she could become an adult at 9 years old.
- In the case of precocious puberty, even a person can be an adult before 7 or 8 years old.
- Precocious puberty is also a normal course of action for some children. But sometimes this could be cause of some disease.
- As we can know from above scientific research backed by many publishers of scientific and medical research that a person could be an adult at 9 years old or even earlier.
- The extreme example of precocious puberty was Lina Medina who started having menstruation at little as 8 months old and was not a very old case but in the 1930s. She gave birth to a baby boy at the age of 6 and got pregnant at the age of 5 when she was raped, which was a very tragic accident. I feel very sorry about it.
- We have seen a lot of girls getting pregnant at the age of as low as 7 to 18 and Lina Medina was the rarest case to be at 6 in medical history.
- This information above suggests that an adult at 9 is not extraordinary is rarer than other cases mentioned above.
- We have seen that Aisha (RA) was case or precocious puberty that is why Khalaw (A marriage bureau at that time) presented Aisha (RA) to be having the age of marriage to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
- Which proves that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never approached toward Aisha (RA) for marriage but she was presented to him (SAW).
- Aisha (RA) was engaged to another guy before Muhammad (SAW) which also proves she was at the age of marriage, that person was not muslim and they themselves dissolved the marriage or engagement.
- Aisha was not physically strong to carry marital responsibility at 6 and her mother was concerned about it, so she took good care of her and provided her suitable diet, kind of look like she was very much regulated about diet and was given very healthy and we already have seen in debate that date is perfect diet and very nutritious diet cucumber with the benefits of providing good amount of anti oxidant to give good health benefits. Which clicked for Aisha (RA) and she became healthy.
- When her mother saw that Aisha is physically mature and mentally as well. She talked with her husband and then he went to the Prophet (SAW) that now the marriage can be consummated.
- It is an obvious picture of how marriage was done.
- Aisha, at the same time, took part in war as medic, while Prophet (SAW) sent back a boy who was 14 years old from war but when he tried to take part in the next war when he was 15 he was taken.
- It proves that maturity was taken under consideration when recruiting soldiers and medic.
- Moreover, A mere child cannot take part as a medic in war because the trauma could be unbearable.
- Neither her parents nor Prophet (SAW) would allow a child to be taken in war as medic, especially when she is married to Prophet saw.
- During war, the Prophet’s (SAW) own daughter attended the wounds of the Prophet (SAW). It proves she was not living with the Prophet, but the marriage was consummated after this war.
- After the marriage there is no trauma or mental issue has been recorded by any historian at all. In fact, marriage was successful and they both loved each other very much.
- There was no physical harm or mental harm recorded at all. While non Muslims from all religions were living around Muslims and could have highlighted this issue.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) head was in the laps of Aisha (RA) in her house when he (SAW) died and she was tearing and never married again and never complaint about marriage in her whole life but loved and was proud of it.
- He lived a life of scholar and honorable lady, on whom one order Muslim went to war with the present Khalifa (RA) and beloved son-in-Law of the prophet (SAW). Which shows she was never powerless but she was very powerful during the life of the prophet saw and ever after him.
- So she could have told all the abuses to all the people at large in her later life. Which she did not, proves she had no regret.
- She was proud of being the virgin wife of prophet. Once she asked Prophet (SAW), which tree is better in your eyes from whom a lot of camels have eaten or the tree which has been fresh and no camel has eaten from it. (she was referring her virginity over all other wives of the prophet saw) whom were divorced or widowed. And Prophet (SAW) replied obviously the fresh one. Even though at another place Prophet (SAW) told Aisha (RA) that among best of my wives were his first wife Khadija (RA). But she died when the Prophet married to Aisha (RA). So that is why the prophet loved Aisha the most among all his living wives.
- We have seen how great behavior prophet (SAW) and with Aisha (RA).
- The normality of their life has been mentioned in one of the hadith when one asked Aisha (RA) herself how is prophet with you. She replied like anyone can live in marital life and she mentioned about chores in which prophet was helping.
- Aisha (ra) herself called mature and she got menarche as well. She consider her physical and sexual as well as mental maturity at the best level and at peak when she married prophet saw. We have seen it in previous round. So its proven that she was adult woman not even a girl.
- I end my case here, with the prayer, May Allah guide everyone to the light of Islam and take away the arrogance in the heart which makes them blind and deaf amen.
- Islam is best
- Be a Muslim and show Muslims are good people.
- Topics between debates were completely different.
- Votes are (should be) based on who the voter felt overweighed
A young person, especially between infancy and puberty
Precocious puberty
- I always play up front.This was the argument posed by my opponent about brain maturity. While sexual and physical maturity of Aisha already proven. Even the brain maturity as well. But there is more can beadded into it.In above piece of information my opponent never linked theneed for rational part of brain to be mature for a specific decision making which relates to marriage or choosing life partner.One argument we can make straight away that is Aisha’sparents were the one who took decision for her marriage at the age of 6. Then later she had no objection when she was physically mature and she felt very comfortable with the marriage and proof for that is her later life in which shenever complaint about her marriage. Even at the age of 25 or later. It seems the decision was sound and perfect. That is normalcase in all early marriages in Islam in which male or female is precocious. In islam it’s not allowed for virgin to arrange her ownmarriage but their guardian do it. But a widow or divorced can arrange her ownmarriage without the consent of guardian. That is the whole reason to take careof all rational decision which can take place in an engagement. While a girlhas to choose a life partner with emotional part of brain “amygdala”. Marriageis all about emotion, those who consider marriage a financial transaction or some mean to gain something wont last long. Marriage which is based on lovewhich is 100% emotion last longer and in Islamic societies, eternal. That suffice the case that most probably rational part ofbrain does not count much in these kinds of matters that is why 13 to 18 isconsider age of consent or age for marriage in even modern world of this timenot the proposed age of 25 by my opponent.If someone likes someone’s face or beauty or character then most certainly rationality is not the mean to judge these characteristics.I want to mention one more point. Having sex is no problem throughoutthe world at younger age. But marriage is problem. In Islamic world parents ofcouple are counsellors and care taker. They even take care of financialconstraints and issues. So in Islamic country it society person getting marriedhas a lot of help from family. OParents are guarantor for many things. A personwithin marriage cannot exploit each other easily. So in Islamic society marriageat early age is solution for many problems. There is saying in Islamic worldmarriage is not between two person but two families. A solid argument about this statement is that, if a coupleis even divorced their children are relatives to both families with blood ties.And their grand parents, uncles and aunts remain their relatives forever. So I would say amygdala is enough for making decisionsrelated to marriage and love because they are totally 100% related to emotions.And we can easily see in world on most of time that younger people are freshand more smart because of their cognitive abilities and elder are because oftheir knowledge and experiences. Which cannot and should not consider abenchmark or standard for measuring adulthood. And just like in my previousdebate I explain this in detail that the rationality development is not fully mature even at 25 or one can say stopped because it goes even till 50s or evenmore. So again considering it a standard for measuring adulthood is not sound basis. Aisha (RA) was very smart, memorized whole Quran at younger age. Was distinguished scholar of Islam. Role model for all Muslim women.Symbol of honour, respect and dignity.Lived happily life with her husband which she neverregretted. A wonderful love story and a wonderful example.Now I want to give gist of whole debate in the form ofconclusion.Sexual attractionSexual attraction cannot be proven to exist between couple eventhey are married. Check the links below.·
- There is a lot to talk about it but it seems I will run short of words for this round.
We don't have to accept a tie just because con gaslight pro into thinking they lost.
We choose to.
Given that I am the only voter left, I leave it as it is.
Tie was agreed upon.
You have probably said those same things 500 times by now. I have never seen anyone repeat the same for so many times and not get bored.
Best.Korea, Dudette,
Learn this very simple proposition, Jesus' true words within the scriptures DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO CALM DOWN in any way whatsoever, especially in Bible Slapping Silly the goat-herder tigerlord, understood?
“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; REPROVE, REBUKE AND EXHORT, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2)
You're excused.
Dude... calm down lol
When you think it is okay for a 9 year old girl to marry a sweaty camel-humper Muslim man that is 3 to 4 times her age, then you NEVER answered the question whether you would allow your beloved daughter to marry at this age, as in your minds eye, seeing a huge camel stinking Muslim man crawling on top of your little 9 year old daughter in painfully SCREWING her little girl vagina, mouth, and ass to no end!!!!
Would you let YOUR DAUGHTER to become a SEX TOY for a stinking sweaty Muslim man as described above? YES OR NO you hypocrite goat herder if you say NO in relation to your argument in this debate!
Ok dude.
We don't have control over site coding, dude. But here's a fix I've been using: copy-paste your argument into a Google Doc before copy-pasting it into here. I've found that that doesn't encounter the same problem.
When you gonna fix the space deleting bug from this website? Its huge headache.
I am going to post my argument without editing in DA and post it with mistake because this is so much frustrating.
Debating? I'm not debating with you. You asked for informative reasoning, I gave it.
I did not play dirty. No matter what I said would it have changed that we agreed to a mutual tie.
I wrote that in this debate, because you seem to be gloating and surrounding the fact "yeah, give up this debate because you would've lost with only one voter".
You took it into terms of being a bias voter, and if I wouldn't have agreed, it's sad you'd need a specific voter in order to win.
Addressing being online - I didn't participate, I simply get emails regarding DebateArt and I check out my notifications every once and awhile.
It said I was forfeiting rounds, and I was quite sure I finished all my debates. I checked it out, then I happened to see your "arguments" and decided to comment on it.
That's it, I'm done. I don't care what is in your next "argument". I want to leave it here, and that's what you wanted as well.
So this is how you debate? Lol I am laughing. Becoming sentimental does not prove you are right. Also whatever you utter does bot make automatically correct. And lie is a big thing to do. You have been online during whole time and about my comment you have read it before you agreeing for mutual tie. I can feel you. Being desperate, you tried your hard to prove your case but all in vain. I still have one round. When I said about voter situation, you read it and then agreed for mutual tie. I do not know that time you were sleepy. And next time when you read again and found it ockward. But I cannot understand what is wrong with you. This was not some rap battle or anime debate
You have not rebutted even my 1 argument. And there are fallicius arguments from you with personal constrained framework within your brains capabilities. And setting your own rules and idea and confining me within it to frame me. But all in vain. And now in last round you tried to play dirty but all in vain coz I still have 1 last round. Cheers. Your personal opinion does not matter at all. I will rebut your last round normally it's against debates but you did it first. After first round you kept ignoring my arguments and doing something one sided. Really disappointing. You are not only bad voter but debater as well. Wasted my valuable time. Very bad kido
as all voter gone only 1 left so the result could be not in your favor. about voting we can decide later. like let be without voting. but for academic and informative purpose we should complete the debate in casual way and leave the debate without voting. what you say about it?
Paper tiger,
YOUR DUMBASS QUOTE THAT WILL ONLY FURTHER YOUR EMBARRASSMENT ABOUT ISLAM: "Thomas, keep activating my debates. The more active they are the more people will read them. Which is good, because more people will know the truth."
YES, in keeping with activating your sickening debate about you DEFENDING your illiterate Muhammed in being an outright PEDOPHILE in his time period because he married a little innocent girl Aisha WHEN SHE WAS ONLY SIX YEARS OLD, and then started SCREWING HER when she was NINE YEARS OLD, will tell the people the TRUTH in how deplorable the beginnings of your Satanic faith of Islam truly is! Thank you!
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah: “While we were returning from a Ghazwa (Holy Battle) with the Prophet, I started driving my camel fast, as it was a lazy camel A rider came behind me and pricked my camel with a spear he had with him, and then my camel started running as fast as the best camel you may see. Behold! The rider was the Prophet himself. He said, 'What makes you in such a hurry?" I replied, I am newly married " He said, "Did you marry a virgin or a matron? I replied, "A matron." He said, "WHY DIDN'T YOU MARRY A YOUNG GIRL SO THAT YOU MAY PLAY WITH HER AND SHE WITH YOU? When we were about to enter (Medina), the Prophet said, "Wait so that you may enter (Medina) at night so that the lady of unkempt hair may comb her hair and the one whose husband has been absent may shave her pubic region.” (Sahih Bukhari 7:62:16)
Papertiger, you do not have the sense to feel embarrassed over your deplorable Islamic faith!
My bad, i've been more inactive on this website.
If you want.
Thomas, keep activating my debates. The more active they are the more people will read them. Which is good, because more people will know the truth.
Well, let's complete this debate. I will see for others later
YOUR RUNAWAY WHINING QUOTE FROM NOT BEING ABLE TO DEFEND THE DEFENSELESS: “I really lost the interest to debate anymore on this website. after watching the condition of voting, it's really upsetting.”
Nobody with at least half a brain can defend the FACT that your desert sweaty imbecile Muhammed, that couldn’t even read or write the language of Arabic, was an outright PEDOPHILE in his day when he married Aisha when she was only SIX YEARS OLD! Then “allegedly” consummated the marriage when she was only 9 years old where he could then SCREW her little innocent child body!
You said many times that you were leaving this prestigious Religion forum, but yet you are still here making a fool of yourself in “trying” to defend a pervert PEDOPHILE named Muhammed!
As in your statement above, do all of us a favor and just LEAVE THIS TIME to save yourself any further embarrassment because in the last debate, YOU LOST, and in this debate, logic will say you will lose this one as well!
indeed david seems to be gone as well. troll debater and voter ruining the good vibe of this website. so it would be only you who would be voting for this debate. lets see what bella would say.
If you both agree to a tie, then my vote will be tie and debate will be tie. With other voters gone, its not a big deal to end the debate at this point. I would hate to be the only one deciding the winner, to be honest. I am not sure if David will come online. He might.
I really lost the interest to debate anymore on this website. after watching the condition of voting, its really upsetting. that is why i did not want to debate with you at first place.
is there any possibility to conclude this debate from both side?
I mean both agree to tie it out.
It's rushed.
But yes, I did include your link.
can u post my debate's link in next round which i intended to post.
Not sure why you decided to respond late, but alright.
It's whatever. I don't really want to drag this out.
I'll appreciate it if you do vote, if not, that's fine.
I know he did, that is why I said wasn't you, and said 'anyway'.
Sadly the content of debate rounds can not be edited.
You can ask your opponent to share your link in their argument, and/or provide it at the start of your next round. Most judges don’t have a problem with this type of typo correction.
ok all good.
i will check after 3 days, i could not find time and my hardware broke many times while preparing argument and also some other stuff i was busy with, otherwise it would have been very good argument, better next time.
I accidentally posted wrong link in my argument. If someone can edit it, it would be very nice thanks.
i will be off for 3 days to do physical preaching journey so i will check later what will be solution for it.
this is link i indented to use in my argument but i posted 1.
All good. I'm going to ignore your link and everything mentioned with it anyways.
(Expect for small comments of course but it's not of importance).
^ Also, I don't think mod's can change your argument regardless of mistakes.
i accidentally posted wrong link its not 1 but 2
Maybe his internet went out
i will try to wrap up it soon.
tigerlord requested you, actually. I just acted as the "messenger". I picked no judges, expect for DavidAZ as a change for Slaint.
My bad if it came off as a rude attitude or something like that, but it feels like its a bother to you (past two comments by you).
So, my response is, that's fine. And if it is, no problem, you don't have to vote. Or you could've declined at the start, no worries.
Wasn't you who requested me anyway, what a shitty attitude.
Feel free to not vote, and let all other three judges (or other judges) vote. That's fine.
This is going to take forever...
When people behave like that, i can do nothing but facepalm. keep in mind, you were desperate to do this debate. instead of correcting your mistake by voting in previous debate, you started another debate and just doing same shi8t what i have already dealt.
you need to focus before doing anything, otherwise its all bull shi8t wasting time of others. When you had to do this, why wanted to debate with me? I was wondering, what a new debate has to do for poor vote? what you were trying to do there?
your RFD was blunder and here i saw your argument is same copy paste from previous debate. I assume you were going to elaborate and explain what a adult is, also support your claim to give warrant.
any ways I got opportunity to explain more and go in more depth of this topic. I assume that, you gonna give more in up coming rounds.
I'm tired, it wasn't an exception to add anything new, this is a different debate. Being this is a different debate means i'm not factoring in another debate. Different debate, different responding.
What you feel answers all of what I said in depth and disregards it, sure. By all means, copy and paste for all I care.
Yes, it took thirteen days. You asked for two weeks, you received. I believe you think my life outside of this website is less important?
So thank you, for taking the time to respond and reminding me I do not give a shit if you're disappointed. Thanks!
what is new in this round? have i not done already whatever you have posted? I have to repeat full story again? Tbh i have to post my previous debate in resource and do not type anything that would be enough.
It shows you did not read my previous debate at all or with concentration.
I never leave any question for a honest person. Because I analyze everything critically and consider everything which a person can ask. In other words I take every thing head on without fear and as i believe Islam is truth so I always get answers.
any ways i will respond. after taking all 13 days still got this. I am very disappointed.
For me its not very hard to convince they follow polytheism or hybrid god.
Trying to explain pedophilia to Muslims, is like trying to explain polytheism to Christians.
I already had that idea in mind. Last debate with Sir.Lancelot and tigerlord it was not discussed what an adult was, who is classified as an adult, etc. Which let a lot of open room with the question, Is Aisha an adult?
I plan to clarify it, hence my definition.
I would prefer if both sides make a clear case about what is an adult, and how they determine who is an adult.
Who is ready for 300,000 characters discussing what puberty means and if Muhammad PBUH was actually a hebephile rather than pedophile?
*buckles up*
I accepted as a judge. Thanks!
Throw your full fledge opening argument. When the judges decide.
Any other words should be used in their primary context.
I think it's not a good idea to do.
primary or secondary does not matter as far as there is context, then it's relevant.
Slainte no longer wanted to judge, so, I swapped his place.
If anything needs to be changed, let me know.