Open rap battle challenge
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- Three days
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
No information
1 point(s)
Reason For Decision is in comments.
I didn't catch the fact that sucker links to tater pop at all, to be fair, and I didn't entirely catch the pops meaning on a fast read but I did realise that's what you meant.
I can rap anything other than murdering but its all fictional I haven't killed anyone/won't kill anyone its just for raps but I mix it up, I've also rapped about other than murder and shit. As long as you rap something and its creative, makes sense, rhyme, have wordplay, double entendre etc its battle rap. I see you caught the bar, cool. I thought you didn't catch it that's why you thought it was mid but you understood it and thought it was mid which is cool I'll take that 😂
Do you do anything in raps other than go mass murderer?
What I had here was closeted LGBTphobe with gory tendencies vs a mass murder trope on repeat.
In the end even catching the pops and sucker bar is just like a meh to me. It is a good pun. I get it but it is like rapping horrorcore for a track, not battle rap. You kill Pro's dad and what? Maybe I think too literally but to me that was a meh bar.
It is good though, I get the wordplay matters.
"Reflection of your dad so I throw shots and blow pop cause he a sucker too"
blow pop = shoot your pops
"cause he a sucker too"
blow pop is also a sucker
double entendre which I think also went over your head
Sorry I didn't realize it was winner selection. So disregard the voting rules. Just choose the winner who you think did better.
Sorry I didn't realize it was winner selection. So disregard the voting rules. Just choose the winner who you think did better.
Like I asked you before which still hasn't been answered: What rules do you agree to then? As in multiple criterions instead of single selection? (For example the case of our battle) I took Sir.Lancelot's ideas as voting rules but what rules would you like for the future as multiple criterias? Unless you were just disagreeing for this battle specifically then disregard this question since this was only a winner selection which I didn't realize at first.
To explain the "I rep my city where you drown if you not gonna swim" it basically just means you gotta push through (swim) or else you won't make it (drown). Saying my city is dangerous. I'm from Texas not Pennsyvania. My name is Devon, it isn't named after a city.
This is why I explain my bars in the comments (like I did in our battle) I probably should've done the same thing here. So people won't misunderstand anything or be confused. Another thing, you pointed out a couple times "sounds like a stolen bar/someone else said it." I don't steal bars, I write all my raps. Nothing is stolen. The most I'll do is use my old bars I've said in the past and reuse them.
To explain the "When I say her head fire, it ain't her sex game. It's because her weave flammable"
I wanted to throw a diss in since Pro threw in a few disses. "head fire" "weave flammable"= double entendre. It's actually funny since its just a roast. I never wished for her to be burnt alive though. Her weave being flammable was just me saying her hair is cheap.
"everything Pro has said about Con being gay or transgender seems totally ignored by Con."
I wasn't bothered by all the gay bars/LGBT because it doesn't apply to me. I'm not gay/trans or apart of the LGBT. I didn't care to respond to it, plus if I did it would've taken away from all the material I said. It's rap though so anything goes. You can say anything to diss your opponent even if it isn't true.
Those two examples of you not understanding my bars demonstrates how perhaps you're the one who don't know what puns are (respectfully), because I do. We do have different rapping styles though. Also you claiming I stole bars means that what you thought what I said was fire. Thanks.
I'm not upset at your vote or scores or anything, in fact thanks for your vote and your in depth RFD. I'm surprised you gave me more points than Pro in my 3rd round and I'm surprised you liked my last bars in the 3rd. Tbh I would've simply responded with a simple "Thanks for voting and your in depth RFD" but felt the need to explain my bars and respond to the claim that I'm stealing bars, other than that I'm not salty or anything I promise. Thanks for voting and analyzing. I knew you were gonna pick Pro as the winner.
RFD Part 1/4
I will explain a major flaw in Devon's rapping:
He doesn't properly understand what a pun is and how to land it, generally speaking. He at times lands bars where the pun in the bar is in the wrong place for it to sting or make you go 'oof'.
Fishchaser annihilates Devon at rhymscheme mastery but he does so at the sake of coherence at times. Let's see who wins that tradeoff:
"you can hear the sizzle, that's your testicles fried
you're nothing but a filthy reprehensible swine
I used a razor blade for dissecting your eye
poured bleach on it then had sex with your wife
while connectin' the rhymes
what can you do to kill me bitch?
I bet your bitch would fuck on other guys the second you died"
I have deleted 3 lines that justify the 'kill me bitch' switching in rhyming. I get it, it's advance but I want to focus on the other rhyme pattern. Sizzle and filthy, 'it then', 'bitch would', 'in' the' and 'kill me' are actually internal rhymes that are carried out in all longer lines of that verse. He carries over' eh eeh uh ai' consistently in the ending with 'ii eeh ii' being the switched rhyme pattern.
This is verse 1 alone. This standard is not perfectly maintained throughout but the degree of consistent rhyming and structuring for easy flow is impeccable. On the other hand, it's just horrorcore and typical diss content.
Now let's compare that to what I think is the best rhyme verse from Con's R1:
wait... Con actually split verses for no reason just for bar count maybe?? Con clearly is counting bars or something and having a structure to his rapping that he likes to stick to. For no reason at all these verses got split:
"As soon I accepted this battle, you're dead cause I'm locking it in
I'm bout to spaz, an ass whooping is what you'll get in the end
I rep my city where you drown if you not gonna swim
I'm the shark that'll get you before you see the top of the fin
You're not gonna win, that bullshit you got in your "pen"?
Trash. People seeing this battle saying "Devon hotter than him."
Real rap b*tch, don't think that I'm your friend
Time to reel you out the water, I'm a great fisherman"
They should be the same verse/stanza, the rhyme scheme is carrying over (though I'm your friend paces and slants too differently to be proper rhyming it still works as half-rhyming).
Hotter than him, top of the fin , not gonna swim and locking it in all rhyme incredibly. However, what I think Con does totally wrong here is set the entire bar up. It's obvious to me it's aimed at Pro's username but it doesn't quite make sense. Firstly, a 'fish chaser' with a shark pic is a shark that also considers himself a more organic 'fisherman' if you will. Even if we ignore that and imagine 'reel' was with a harpoon and such, the way this is set up makes the fish metaphor appear internalised and carried over as opposed to the actual punchline aimed at Pro personally. If something about 'chase' had been added it would have landed much harsher.
Nowhere in Pro's Round 1 did Pro say Devon is his friend, so that line is pure filler but filler lines are fine, I get it's to maybe flex or something. He says he reps his city, sounds like a stolen bar from another rapper because he doesn't say which? I assume the Devon refers to the US designated area (not sure if it's really a city) rather than the UK county.
I don't understand what this has to do with swimming and drowning, the area is known horse shows, not swimming or sailing etc.
Rhyme-wise Devon is slightly weaker and he DOES NOT make up for it in coherence. However. Devon dissed Fishchaser's username as weak and peculiar as the bars surrounding it were.
RFD Part 2/4
What I also find extremely strange is this line later from Devon in Round 1:
Ashame how it's this is a Great Dane against a Great White
I get he feels this is clever but if he's saying he's a fisherman and saying this is a swimming arena in the very verse/stanza before that, this metaphor just seems too improvised.
Great danes are big dogs but known to be pretty lame/passive in a fighting sense. Great white sharks are the most aggressive and brutal shark (though tiger sharks have superior success rate at killing instead of just injuring, they have attacked just over a third of the rate that GWs do in the first place). I am struggling to understand this bar because if anyone should have used this metaphor it should have been Pro, it's much stronger the other way around if he's saying the great dane is going for a swim and stuff.
I also feel that the bar lands even weaker, not stronger, due to the buildup being this:
This is a kitten in a cage with lion this just ain't right,
Idk if Devon took heed from me as I use animal metaphors quite often in my spars and did so against him but the way this is built up is very strange. Kitten vs lion is a perfect metaphor, this is building up to tame vs brutal animal angle... Next line makes FishChaser the more brutal animal and great danes are quite tame dogs.
I don't get it.
Now, let's just give respect to pro for this:
"you can suck my dick
but can you duck my sick?
duck fast enough when I throw up my fish
cause' I've never experienced disgust like this
I've never read bars that can suck like his"
It doesn't matter how superficial and nonsense this is, what Pro did was realise he can't diss Devon's username much perhaps? So, he instead used his own in some incredible rhyme-scheme-maintained wordplay. It's also a subtle but a bonus point that the 'sucker' start to end is Con instead of Pro becoming the one who sucks his blood or remains or something as that would in a way backfire the buildup.
This is just a proper buildup and landing though idk if the structure make it count a 2 bars, 2.5 or 3. I'm never fully clear on that. Devon's is much easier to measure as Devon structures more rigid.
the extreme homophobia in Round 2 on top of Transphobia throughout from Pro doesn't quite add up to me. Con neither identifies as transgender doesn't even have gender as 'other' or 'female' so I get this is just wordplay to Pro but it is still digging into taboo rudeness for apparently NO reason. There's nothing more clever inside of the bars he mentions. for instance, why did the gangrape bar in Round 1 need to be anti LGBT? That added nothing to it. Why is it a diss to transition a transgender person? All Pro did was say he's a surgeon maybe. You have to make it land properly and Pro failed here to do so, to me:
"yet you're so generic
that I'll beat you with a bowl of ferrets
cut your throat and bury the blade in your open larynx
you should be so embarrassed
you thought your flow'd compare with me
it's heresy, hoe just cherish the seconds left and know you'll perish
everything you say makes many think your gay
I'm about to cut your penis off, I'm readying the blade
gonna turn it to a pussy so you better keep it shaved
turn you to your proper sex lest your gender be betrayed"
This is just gory, mean and nasty. It achieves an intimidating horrorcore vibe but it doesn't seem in any way cleverly angled at Con. It's rhyme-flexing even the metaphor isn't impressive. ferrets are brought up and not built on, blade is said to be to the neck yet later to the dick (if Con is dead why are you transitioning him into a her) it all doesn't add up to me. Furthermore, Pro conflates homophobia with transphobia. If you're going to do that, make the bar have it land.
"I can already smell victory like blood a mile off
I'm a Carolina Reaper and your shit is mild sauce
your bars suck
whereas my lyrics are nuts
you want to talk about pics? fuck the shark stuff
I'll knock your lights out, now Sasuke's in the darkness
sausage Link gobbler to this Darknut
gotta think harder bruh, your lyrics aren't tough"
I liked this from Pro. I liked a lot from Pro but these transphobic bars just don't make sense to me:
"'ll douse you with gender fluid
your disses are rendered useless
I'll end the doofus with exclusive pen-usage meant loose his
gonads and construe them into ovaries and a uterus
then reattach his balls internally for senseless, stupid
lyrics that make me send the puke at him to rebuke it
in utter disgust"
It's just trying to aggravate and offend for the sake of it. This reads like an extremely provocative horrorcore rapper rapping about nobody in particular as opposed to genuine battle rap.
RFD Part 3/4
I will now grade them, won't explain too much more unless asked on specific verses/bars.
Round 1 Pro: 81/100 (skilled in many ways but out of nowhere LGBTphobic with no apparent indication of where that leads or links to Pro or how it lands as a diss about gangrape, a few 'why did you bring that up' bars that leave me wondering how it's a diss to Con make this lose quality from its otherwise top tier status, the internal rhyming is off the charts and it does have some BARS)
Round 1 Con: 66/100 (totally lacking good disses, decently skilled rhyming and such balanced with bars against Pro's username that don't land too strong).
Round 2 Pro: 42/100 (no idea what half these disses are referring to as Con isn't even LGBTQ to our knowledge and the bars just seem to be nonsense but the rhyming stops this being some 1/10 shitshow, there was slick rhyming involved and good wordplay).
Round 2 Con: 34/100 (ever bar in this is total fucking nonsense or trying to seem gangster for the sake of it, I'm not being mean let me just give you some idea:
"You think I can't fuck with you? I ain't come to play, I ain't had to rehearse for you
Freestyles or writtens I can rock it both ways I'm reversible"
This is literally a written rap, it sounds like a stolen bar from another rapper or something Con made elsewhere for an IRL battle. I don't say he stole it, I'm saying this sounds like something Con wrote with 0 understanding of how weak it lands in an online written format.
"You seem like a good kid though, you remind me of a Huxtable
Reflection of your dad so I throw shots and blow pop cause he a sucker too
And by the looks of things, I can tell I'm making you uncomfortable
Cause you candy, if we meet I'll crack you for the cheese cause I got the juice now, that's a Lunchable"
This is just nonsense to me and while it has decent rhyming even some internal stuff like 'candy' and 'crack you' or 'throw shots' and 'blow pop' it's all very iffy to me what is landing here. Where in this entire Round am I meant to go 'oof that's a fucking bar'? I genuinely can't see where.
To be clear, at this point, the score is 123 vs 100 So, I am quite sure I'm voting Pro.
Let's see.
Pro R3: 68/100 way too much reliance on the LGBTQphobia just waaaay too much. However, this time it lands and stings and carries over in ways from previous Rounds too.
rather than just randomly drop the 'gay pedo' accusation, it leads into:
"gay wanker with
a strange hankerin' for kids but he ain't dangerous"
as well as "kill yourself, your ass is gay
homosexuals commit suicide at massive rates
but if it means you die too, then thats ok"
However, this is all homophobia nonsense for the sake of it. It's still so unclear why Pro has to keep stooping that low that often to an opponent who isn't even gay in the first place. It's like Pro has nothing better to spit about at this point, even though he's spitting well and vicious.
"cluck in fear because I'm near
attackin' from the rear
I shove a spear inside his butt and smear
his blood in here, because I'm weird"
This is total nonsense since now Pro is kind of gay too and 'for the 'cause' in 'because' to rhyme with 'cluck', 'butt' and 'shove' and itself (yes he repeated because in only a 4-line section) seems to be accent-bending and just all around weaker than his usual rhyme scheme intensity.
It's a definitely decent round, nothing special though, there's some viciousness and a lot of slick internal rhyming and flow. The bars have actual build up and landing at times, even if they're cringey and ridiculous.
I don't really consider his reference to ponikshiy impressive, it was a name-drop to flex, I get it so I give 1-2 point extra for it let's say he was 66-67 without that.
RFD Part 4/4
Con's R3: 77/100
It was good. However. It was not enough. I know Con is going to be very unhappy with my vote here and that I rated his Round 3 only 7.7/10 but look, realistically this is a good Round, not great.
Half the time, I am wondering where the punchline is but I like the consistently good rhyme scheme, viciousness and that this Round a lot of what Con says at least makes sense for battle rap.
"Y'all deluded if y'all think this dude hot
Another big win for me, this the jackpot
I'll get your G shot on time like a wrist watch
Because the heat go both ways like Chris Bosh"
why not make all four rhyme with 'ii aw' rhyme scheme? That type of stuff could have led to this being higher rated.
There's internal rhyming like G me and heat, I get it. It just doesn't land like an oof to me or make my jaw drop as what you're saying is sort of 'meh'.
"I heard about your girl too, she an animal, eating bitches alive she a cannibal
When I say her head fire, it ain't her sex game. It's because her weave flammable"
This is fucked up but not in a funny way or an offensive way much. Firstly, everything Pro has said about Con being gay or transgender seems totally ignored by Con. Instead Con says that Pro has a girlfriend that's a freak and going to get burnt alive... wtf...
I think Con was trying to rap like Pro a bit there, I get it. I'm not saying it's 'terrible' at all but it doesn't make me go dayuuum especially as it's a standalone bar?
"You thought you had a shot at my crown? You just next to die
If FishChaser start to F with my green, I spray the pest aside
Schools in, recess over, who's next in line
Everybody gotta learn its no child left behind"
I mean what? Isn't the last line a total backfire to the first line?????????
However, this verse/stanza was hot:
"How dare you sit here and claim I don't spit fire
Now you getting flamed in the middle of the ring like a pit fire
I'm back on my job, you was only a temp hire
You think you own this throne? Nah, this is my empire"
I dig it. If the whole thing had been like this Con may have scored in the top tier. This is fucking sick. The rest of the Round was subpar in comparison.
You know FishChaser set this up as winner selection right?
You can't even split it.
No i don't agree to those rules.
Voting rules below
Please vote in this fashion:
Voters are not expected to know much about rap, so here are the following qualities you will judge on for both rappers in your RFD.
Arguments: Better lyricism
Sources: Better flow
Spelling & Grammar: Better disses
Conduct: Which opponent was more creative
You will be required to actually read the raps from both sides and analyze your favorite lines.
No troll votes or vote-bombing.
You are expected to read the entire rap battle to even be voting. Enjoy the rap battle
I think you may actually be right. The way he flows and forms rhyme schemes is very K Rino like and Type1 always spits like Rino
Welcome back, Type1.