Instigator / Pro

Criminal records should not be available to employers and landowners.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

In this debate, Pro argues why not having criminal background checks available to land owners and businesses would help reduce crime's resurgence. Con must say about public access to such records or why privatizing such information would not help reduce crime.


Got to forums section. Then select a categroy you think this topic fits.
Then look for and click on plus sign. Should be on right side of webpage.


Sounds good. But I don't know how to do that. Thanks for participating. It was fun.



Although we dont see eye to eye much, thank you for your input. I didnt see your comment to me until 3 rd round. I lost count, and thought I had 5 to do too . Lol.

Anyways. Have nice day.


Hey, your debate topic should be added into the forums. May have some good input and discussion there.

Thanks for debate.


Not a troll, and get a dictionary before you throw this term around. Not even arguing. You might think you are, but you’re not.


You don't know what respect is. But it's pointless arguing with you. You only want to run your mouth and be a troll. IM done listening to it.


Respect is earned, not given; and you certainly have not earned it.

I did it to test orogami, as he is has proven himself a hypocrite on more than one occasion. He has also proven himself a liar too (claiming he can’t remove votes after the voting period has ended when he can).

Don’t you worry little one, I’ll be voting…soon.


You do realize that by your own admission. You purposefully made an unfair vote that was outside the criteria. I fail to see the validity in getting upset for being called out on actions you have been WARNED ahead of time not to do. Frankly, it says a lot about your character. To be warned that toxic behavior will not be tolerated, and yet you still do it anyway to be a dick. Completely unrespectable.


As expected. You’re like a dog running to the dog whistle. Predictable.

I tested you in this and you didn’t disappoint. I have plenty of time now to meet your criteria. If met and you still remove my vote, once again you’ll prove your biased hypocrisy.


thank you sir.


>Reported Vote: TWS1405_2 // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 7 points to Con (Arguments, Sources, Legibility, Conduct)
>Reason for Decision:
Con provided better, far more well-grounded convincing arguments.
Con provided significantly more reliable sources.
Con provided significantly better legibility.
Con provided observably significantly better conduct.

Pro is clearly pro-criminal, Con is pro employee and employer safety, not to mention any position where an employee would come into contact with the public, thereby keeping the public safe.
>Reason for Mod Action:
All 4 of TWS's votes are manifestly insufficient.="To cast a sufficient vote, for each category awarded, a voter must explicitly perform the following tasks:"
" (1) Provide specific references to each side’s utilization within the said category."
" (2) Weigh the impacts against each other, including if any precluded others."
" (3) Explain the decision within the greater context of the debate."
Furthermore, this VOTER demonstrates clear bias by basing votes on perceived traits of the debater rather than arguments in the debate (i.e. "Pro is clearly pro-criminal, Con is pro-employee." Since many debaters agree to support arguments that do not reflect their personal beliefs, any and all VOTES based on perceived beliefs are inherently disqualified. Likewise, any VOTE that includes irrelevent description of one or more debaters traits is disqualified.


I think the vote TWS1405_2 is unfair because he claims I am "pro-criminal." And does not give any reasons for his vote. For example. He claims that Con did better conduct. But Con nor I disrespected each other in the debate. We both acted professionally. Overall I think it's clear that the vote was made with a clear bias; as I said, he would do rather than an honest vote based on the arguments.


Thank you. I will follow your good advice.


I advise focusing your efforts on your real opponent, rather than getting bogged down in the comment section.

If anyone votes for arguments in the comment section (but not inside the debate proper), the vote is highly eligible for deletion if reported. If such a thing happens, please report the vote and also make a comment tagging moderators concisely explaining why you believe you falls short.


Yeah, you did lie, and I showed the receipts for it.
Besides, anyone can read the dialogue from #1 to present and see you're a liar.
Not only that, your reading comprehension sucks!
Now ignore the comments and get back to debating hey-ho.


Sir, you only said that AFTER I told you, I would tell the Mods about your conduct. Before that, every previous request to vote based on criteria and not personal opinion was ignored. So no, I did not lie. You also claimed I would lose long before you said you could vote as long as it was in the criteria. Cleary, your attempts at calling me a liar have failed.

"However, I did ask him to make sure his vote was based on the criteria and not his personal opinions. He's not only given no assurances that he would..."


From #12: "And I can and will vote. So long as I meet all the required criteria for voting and do so in a logical manner..."

"he has all but assured me "you will lose,"

Quoting out of context is a fallacy:

From #9 you said, "Sir, opinions made from experiences are never objective." and I replied to this that yes, you will LOSE this debate; especially if you believe that bologna. On that note, I am 100% factually accurate.

The rest of your comment was nothing short of a strawman-ad hominem argument. Pure emotive bunk!


"I gave you two analogies: calling out answers in a trivia contest or a spelling bee."

False equivalency fallacies to what is transpiring here. Dismissed.

" is adding pressure to both sides who are [[[[[[[supposed to be ignoring comments]]]]]]]]] ..."

AND THERE IT IS!!!!!!! Truth is a bitch, ain't it!!!

Like I said, had he just ignored me or merely said thanks, we wouldn't be here. Try putting the blame where it belongs!!


Sir, you see why I am concerned? I have never once said that TWS1405_2 could not vote. However, I did ask him to make sure his vote was based on the criteria and not his personal opinions. He's not only given no assurances that he would, he has all but assured me "you will lose," Which is biased and not fair to Con or Me. He also made it clear that he is against me not because I presented a bad argument but because he thinks his past experiences make him more knowledgeable on the subject, which is not what he, as a voter, is supposed to vote based on.

It is not that he has to vote for me necessarily. It is simply that I do not think he is being fair or even evaluating my argument, as he called them "weak" with no supporting evidence before proceeding to insult me for no reason. I only ask for a fair vote based on the arguments and evidence presented.

Well, it is the first time I've ever run into him. I gave you two analogies: calling out answers in a trivia contest or a spelling bee. Think about hey-yo- maybe he wants to make an argument but you've already made the argument in the comments sections and now he looks like he's taking coaching from you. It is tempting to read an argument and then come back with your own argument but within the comments of the debate it is adding pressure to both sides who are supposed to be ignoring comments but are receiving automatic updates. If you really plan to vote, you are also advertising your prejudices before the debate is done and undermining your responsibility to be an objective critic. I see lots of cases where somebody is sparked by arguments in a debate and got to the forums with thier own take which seems perfectly acceptable.

After the Nuggets won in Miami last night, the Nugget's coach put a tight lid on any kind of celebrating he said, "Don't watch an TV, don't read any news pay zero attention to anybody's opinion, you haven't done anything until you've won the championship and you haven't won the championship until you've won four games." It is little like that in any contest: the last thing a contender needs during the contest is commentary from the sidelines: it just makes them question their own choices and raises questions about whose arguments really won the day. Unlike the Nuggets, these debaters are getting updates from commentary that they can't turn off and can't really ignore in case it is important information. Good form is to withhold actual critique or argument while the contest is underway.


His registration shows he has been here since 2022. That's hardly "new," though he/she definitely "acts" 'new.'
FFS, oromagi...what is wrong with constructive criticism to both sides to give them a helping hand on what to do to make their arguments more convincing? How is that being a POS?
I get you do not like me, and I definitely do not care for you in the slightest. But show an ounce of integrity and be more professional in exercising your duties here. You've already proven to be a hypocrite, don't prove yourself to be a complete and total tyrant asshole too.


Americandebater is new and may not yet have figured out that the first rule of fight club is always ignore TWS. I'm just saying you could choose to be less of a POS for once and cut the new guy some slack.


My first two comments were nothing short of constructive criticism.
Clearly Americandebater24 couldn't handle it and got triggered! He reaped what he sowed with his conduct and attitude going forward in the comments. I do not take it kindly when someone personally attacks me by any means or measure for no reason.
Ever stop and think had Americandebater24 just either stayed quiet and ignored me, or he could have simply said, "thank you for the criticism" and went away. We wouldn't be here. But we are here because of HIS conduct and attitude, not mine.
For every action there will be an equal or greater reaction.
Notice hey-ho hasn't said anything? Hmmm...let that sink in.


TWS- Your conduct here is obviously shitty and unsportsmanlike. Just as it would suck if somebody was calling out answers at a trivia contest or calling out spellings at a spelling bee, it takes a pretty anti-social person to be blasting counterarguments in the comments sections while two debaters are contesting the issue. I don't consider this behavior a code of conduct violation necessarily but you are definitely fucking up some of your fellow debaters' fun for no good reason and objectively anti-debate. I would strongly encourage you to reconsider your behavior here and hold back, at least until after arguments are complete.


“I never disputed your ability to vote. However, there are rules against voting outside of the criteria.“

No shit sherlock. What part of what I said about meeting the criteria of the voting did you fail to comprehend!?!

You’re new here. Don’t lecture me n what the voting criteria is or isn’t.

Run along now, you have more arguments to make.


I try to be as quick and efficient as possible. Sometimes to my own detriment, lol.


I never disputed your ability to vote. However, there are rules against voting outside of the criteria. You have not addressed any of the points I made besides baselessly calling them weak and made it clear through your own hostile demeanor that your vote will not be in a logical manner. Still, rather a biased one, and have repeatedly made it abundant that you lack the maturity to have civilized conduct. In short sit, you are a living example of a lack of integrity. To allow you to vote when you display a clear lack of understanding of the rules of professional debating would defeat the very purpose of professional debating. You are meant to vote not on personal bias, hatred, or because you don't like someone.

You vote based on who presents a better argument, legibility, sources, and conduct. I have asked you repeatedly to conduct your vote in the manner prescribed, and you have not only refused to do so but made it clear that you intend to vote against me out of spite, which is unfair to Con and me. You can vote; however, the Mods are now aware of your intentions, and should you cast a vote and the reason for it is not thorough and based purely on the arguments presented, I will report it again, and the Mods will intervene. It is not hard to act as an Adult. All this anger is one-sided, and you are the source of the issue, sir; please stop being toxic and actually let the debate be fair and fun. Thank you.



And just like the proverbial little child, he runs and tattle tales to mommy and daddy.

You’re definitely not going to succeed at DART with that disposition.

And I can and will vote. So long as I meet all the required criteria for voting and do so in a logical manner, you can’t stop me and if the mods have an ounce of integrity, neither will they.


Thank you so much for the disrespectful comment that has been reported. I have also gone ahead and let a Moderator know about this discussion, your conduct, and the confirmation of your bias should you attempt to vote. Good day.


“ Sir, opinions made from experiences are never objective.”


Guess all those books, research papers, investigative journalism, and any and all other levels of investigations citing sources based on the author’s “experiences” aren’t “objective” (I.e., based on fact based data).

Fucking idiot.

You WILL lose this debate.


Sir, opinions made from experiences are never objective. Making claims with no evidence is called hearsay. Whether you have a degree in criminology or have worked in the justice system has no relevance. As a voter, your job is to vote solely on the criteria given, which is not meant to be based on opinion, experience, or past work history. Only better arguments, Legibility, sources, and conduct. Are you able to do so, sir? Because this discussion has so far revealed, you to be, in fact, immature, biased, and above all disrespectful. I am very tempted to notify moderators of your conduct and warn them of your unfair biases. But I want to be fair, so are you willing to act right, or will you be biased and disrespectful?


"You are free to think that my rebuttals are weak, but without a proper explanation, that's a biased opinion..."

My objective (not subjective) opinion was explained given my experience. It is not biased since I also gave the opposing side constructive criticism/advice just the same.

And I do not need you to parrot the garbage you already spouted off as the basis of your so-called argument.

You're an amateur debater, obviously young and inexperienced.

I have a degree in cirminology and criminal justice, worked in law enforcement as both an investigator and in a civilian capacity. I've also worked in a DA's Office as well. I know a helluva lot more than you do where this subject matter is concerned.

No more helpful constructive criticism from me; you can just fall on your own sword then.

Good luck, you're going to need it!!!


You are free to think that my rebuttals are weak, but without a proper explanation, that's a biased opinion, especially when You make it clear it is coming from the perspective of someone who hires people. My main argument in this debate has been to prove that background checks that allow businesses and landowners to discriminate against those who try to find housing and employment should not be permitted.

I have presented strong arguments showing that over 70% of post-bail jobs are negatively impacted. Additionally, I showed that the denial of proper employment and housing, which happens to millions of Americans with criminals, results in over 44% not lasting a year before reoffending. If you have read my submitted evidence and still say more is needed to convince you. Then you have no intention of considering my arguments in any serious capacity.

Secondly, You claim "on has demonstrated through the EEOC and the various jurisdictions of law that outlines that the risk does outweigh the benefit." Yet Con's sources only demonstrate that should a company hire the wrong person; The company can face litigation. It does nothing in terms of addressing the points that I have made. Points that you seem to ignore as well, I might add. As far as risks outweighing The benefits is concerned, the fact that you will take the cons' side when all they have shown in terms of risk is civil lawsuits but completely ignore my risks which include the resurgence of crime and the inability of ex-cons to survive past a year before committing crimes again. Only serve to prove that you are not being fair in this debate when voting.

This is especially true when you consider the fact Con so far has not addressed the landowner portion of my arguments and only partially when it comes to employment. Even then, it is hardly a rebuttal as they address none of the stats that prove my points and instead say that since people have to consent to a background check, lawsuits can occur if the wrong person is hired. That, if anything, makes Con's argument weak and rebuttals non-existent. I am not saying you should not vote for Con. But what I am saying is to vote not based on personal opinion like you have clearly demonstrated up to this point; vote best on the arguments themselves. If I am pulling sources and staying consistent and my opponent has not rebuttable or even addressed the points I made. Then they have clearly not made the better argument. Be fair, not biased, is all I ask.


You need to focus more on what you already put forth. More specifically, address the matter of the reliability of criminal background checks, which are the worst to make decisions off of and which are the best to make decisions off of. There is a difference between the various levels that some people pay for, not all are reliable whereas others are incredibly reliable. This speaks to the due diligence of the potential employer doing their research.


First and foremost, you haven't convinced me to vote for you. Your rebuttals are weak, to be honest.

Second, in order for you to have any leverage in this debate you must tip the scale in favor of the convicted by demonstrating that the benefit of their hiring outweighs the risk. So far you failed to do that whereas Con has demonstrated through the EEOC and the various jurisdictions of law that outlines that the risk does outweighs the benefit.

Lastly, having worked for a County Sheriff as their first civilian hire to perform background investigations on all new applicants for deputy sheriff (and subsequently every county office due to word of mouth that I was just that good at my job, other agencies asked the Sheriff to use my talents for their candidates), you have a huge hurdle to convince me. I will be watching this debate, and I will be voting.

I did not expect such a quick turn around. Lol


No worries. That happens.

Sorry, some of my sources are reused unintentionally, there was a mistake when I was doing the editing

Are they available?