I will use this round to show the true conspiracy that is in plain sight and the next round to balance and contrast it with Pro's theory.
"Dogs are not mans best friend. They are spies thanks to the CIA, FBI and mandatory rabies vaccines"
The rabies vaccine was invented my Louis Pasteur in France in the late 19th century. In the 1917's during the hight of the 1st world war, politicians in Pennsylvania implemented a mandatory rabies vaccine program for dogs. At the time, Boies Penrose served as a Republican senator from Pennsylvania from 1897 until his death in 1921. He was a prominent political figure and had close ties to several U.S. presidents, including William Howard Taft and Warren G. Harding. Penrose knew that injecting every dog in the area could create a way to track and monitor the population. As a staunch advocate for the whitehouse, and the surveilance required to protect the US in the event of a terrestrial invasion during WWI, Penrose pressured the PA senate to create a framework for mandatory canine innoculation, so that when the technology improves, dogs would be effective social spies.
Development of Technology Phase 2.
In the 1940's, dealing with WWII, Pennsylvania was a leader in developing and deploying metal detector technologies. In reality this was a further development of the Rabies Vaccine Monitoring Program (RVMP). This was a precursor to the overall surveillance program established 20 years prior. At this time, the recipie in vaccines changed to include an ionic metal that was sensitive to EM fields and subject to detection. On the coutner side, this technology ended up being developed further for food production quality control. Every time you open a bag of chips, the save RVMP technology was used to detect metal particles, to make sure there is no contamination.
Development of Technology Phase 3.
In the 1950's as the space race started to really take off, the US made some significant advances. In 1958Jack Kilby, an engineer at Texas Instruments, is credited with the invention of the integrated circuit. And then in the next year, Robert Noyce, co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel Corporation, also independently invented the integrated circuit in 1959. There is strong evidence to show that the funding for these two scientists came from military and CIA sources.
The US government say this program, and established in the SAME YEAR. NASA. $20M of the CIA budget was redirected to NASA. The following year, NASA, launched a mission called "Able-Baker". It took place on May 28, 1959 and involved a rhesus monkey and a dog. Both had been injected with new rabies vaccines, that included prototypes of the new IC circuits funded by the deep state.
The test was a substantial success. NASA, and CIA facilities could easily detect the dog Able from the ground with the EM field established by the rocket capsul, and amplified to return the signal to earth.
Phase 4, Time to Get Real.
As the technology starts to improve, we see the emergence of transistor radios, radio stations, microwaves, and a huge increase in EM fields. The CIA and FBI collaborated to ensure that rabies vaccine technologies would continuously improve for the sole purpose of using animals, particularly dogs, as servants of the state. You will note that the first mandatory vaccine requirement for domesticated animals, across all states, was the rabies vaccine.
By the early 70's the vaccine had proved very effective. In 1979, a TSA dog at JFK, had the first embedded spy microphone, under its skin. It was used to spy on what travellers at baggage claim had been talking about, leasing to the arrest of 2 native Peruvians, on smuggling allegations. Within 4 years, DARPA, and the CIA managed to reduce the technology size, albiet not at the vaccine nano level. This was the start of the "microchip your pet" program. This chip your pet program is all based on the RVMP program established decades before.
1990: The Time of Nano and WiFi.
In the lates 80's and early 90's the first nanotechnology manufacturing processes had been established. DARPA issued over 14 grants, for nano technologies, from 1990-1995, of which 7 of them went to subsidiaries of pharmaceutical companies. This was at the direction of the FBI and CIA to continue to build on the surveillance program known as RVMP. As 2G, 3G and other cellular technologies developed, the CIA and FBI knew that there could be a full duplex, where an individual dog could be communicated with.
By the end of the 1990's a new vaccine had been developed, including the nanotechnologies, specifically a "Bucky Ball" EM bundle, allowing for high EM sensitivity, and also the ability to create micro antennas. It also provided a great surface for easily mobility in the body. The Bucky Ball was identified in 1985 by Kroto, Culr and Smiley. With the start of Wifi, and the development of the 2.4 and 5.2/5.8 Ghz spectrums.
2011: Full Deployment.
While originally thought of in the middle of WW1, as of 2021, 92% of all canine rabies vaccines administered in the US contain full duplex, monitoring and management technologies. This allows the government to use dogs as:
- a) covert surveillance (passive, being recording what is being said.)
- b) covert surveillance (active, inducing the dog to walk around the house, or location, allowing the monitoring to create a 3d map)
- c) inducing behaviours, (i.e. triggering the dog behaviours for wanting a walk, wetting the floor, barking, sleeping etc)
- d) human interaction and social dynamics.
In particular, dog adoption drives have been funded by fringe government funded NGO's in communities where the FBI and CIA are wanting more surveillance.
It should be noted that the CIA uses this program for overseas action, and the FBI uses them domestically. The Secrete Service also uses the technologies.
So we have seen the development of the technology stacks that shows Rabies Vaccines are in fact just a spy tool by the deep state developed over decades and improving in nefarious spying. Sources will be in the final round. I dont think I have space here.
Hey-yo was very very funny indeed. I love this type of debate. It also shows how easy it is to conceive a conspiracy if you try to connect a few dots that have no business being connected.
Thank you Savant for the vote, and thank you Hey-yo for the humour and creativity setting this debate.
Huh. I guess I was off on my math. Thats ok.
I put my best foot forward.
Hey Slainte. I hope to see you double down and post like I didn't miss the round.
I was just going to add more videos and elaborate the connection between repetitive exposure in subtle suggestions and exposure to imagery.
Thanks again for accepting the debate.
Awesome. I look forward to seeing it. Good luck.
I have a great one ready!!!! This should be fun. Good luck,