Instigator / Pro

Islam Vs Anything2


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 6 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

Resolution: Marriage Between Prophet (SAW) and Aisha (RA) was normal.
My stance: Pro
Opponent's stance: Con
BOF: Shared.
Rule No 1: No insult to my religion which is Islam and no insult to any person discussed in Debate, especially Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and mother Aisha (RA).
Rule No 2: No trolling
Rule No 3: Anything in comment section is not part of debate unless something to be discussed and both parties accept, example., want to skip a round etc.
Rule No 4: No forfeit (if inevitable because of uncontrollable circumstances, then if both parties agree should not affect debate). Intentional forfeit will cause automatic loss.
Rule No 5: Evidence must be credible, broken links and resources which do not have citation must cause the loss of resources points. Wikipedia have citation in the bottom, so if a Wikipedia link is attached and there is citation within that page, then it should be as credible as any other external resource.
Rule No 6: Anyone can accept defeat in the middle of debate.
Rule No 7: No vote Bomb
Rule No 8: One shall read the full argument and must not ignore it. Both my contender and voters as well.
Rule No 9: No favoritism, Biased voting.
Rule No 10: We must assume Islamic historical references are correct, and can use any mean to prove our resolution, including scientific facts as well.
Rule No 11: No personal attacks, just keep everything related to topic.
Rule NO 12: Everything I am saying and doing, for the sake of debate, must not be called predator.
Rule No 13: Everything Being discuss, is for the sake of debate only, not imposing on any culture or society. Laws and regulation made for any country is for them and has nothing to do with the debate. And I am not opposing them.
Rule No 14: The whole debate is only about this specific debate, not for all and at large. I am not suggesting it for any place and person as well.
Rule No 15: Make the debate relevant to the topic and good and nice one.
Rule No 16: I ask my opponent to present his or her opening argument. I will keep the first round very simple with little information without arguments.
Thanks a lot
looking forward to a good debate in SHA Allah.


It's all good.

FYI, your vote looks fine to me. Yes, it had typos. Typos happen.


Oh, my bad. Thanks.


Why do you remain here in making a continued Islamic fool of yourself? You explicitly said that you were leaving this website 8 TIMES in the following link:

If you stay here to be easily ridiculed again and again and again regarding your sickening CHILD MOLESTING Islam faith, then you are LYING when you said you would leave! Therefore, your stinking camel fucker Allah God DOES NOT LIKE LIARS LIKE YOU as shown in the following examples:

It can be understood from the verses of the toilet paper Qur’an that a LIAR LIKE TIGERLORD calls for a divine curse and invites the anger of his Allah God as shown below:

1.“… and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars.” (Surah Ali- Imran 3:61).

2.“… the curse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars.” (Surah an-Nur 24:8).

3. “But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars” (Quran, 29:3)

4. “So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day they will meet Him – because they failed Allah in what they promised Him and because they used to lie.(Quran, 9:77)

TIGERLORD, save yourself further embarrassment in being a Muslim that says that your stinking faith can marry 9 YEAR OLD GIRLS, and just leave DEBATEART like you said you would!





The CoC forbids the public sharing PM content without permission of the author.


"I want to ask, if you can testify that you have written RFD for barney and also for bellaasp?"
Please, I actually can't. LOL.

Go find someone else to put up with this, but it only seems you disagree with votes against you. So continue with that.


Do you want me to vote on this debate?


He just pm doxxed me btw


Please familiarize yourself with at least the basics of the debate in question before accusing those who have of being druggies.

Had you read as far as the short description, you'd know that the era in question was a key point for why the otherwise evil action could be considered normal.

> Islam Vs Anything2
> Marriage between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Aisha (RA) Marriage was normal (especially for that era) Marriage was Successful. There were no grievances from any side. It was acceptable until recently.



Where is this notion originate?

While I cannot speak for Bella, I can assure you all that I am in no way a proxy or slave account for RM (as much as I'm sure I've made jokes to that effect at one time or another).
Further, the only sources for help I received in writing my RFD came from the voting policy and the debate.

Adding to this, last I checked RM is a big believer in full tabula rasa voting. While I take measures to minimize bias, I go in with basic knowledge, such as I don't need to be walked through how evil Nazi Germany was for the argument that they were abnormal to have impact.


Rat-Man is too stupid to vote effectively.
I highly doubt he wrote any of the votes here.


FYI, if you right click the post # for any post and copy the link address, you'll have a static link for it.

Such as:
Instead of:

For most topics the difference is moot, since the shorter one will turn into the longer when followed. However, an intentionally controversial topic like this attracts a lot of comments, and the one in question will soon be pushed onto page 2, and in time maybe page 3. The longer link will not be able to find the comment, due to only looking for it on page 1. Whereas the shorter one will ask the comment which page it's currently at and return that information.


hahaha, that is what i was going to say but i left it, if RFD would have been good i would say, great job. But in the end it was garbage as well.
well i was reading RFD of bella, man i could not do anything but laugh, hahahahhahaha
so funny.
have fun kids


Seems unlikely that Little Rodent could intentionally sabotage you just for me to win.
That would require the brain cells to write a semi-competent RFD.


6/22/2023, 11:37:40 PM

I am blocking you now as you are annoying me. Lancelot is a snake, bad as a Munafiq. Be careful to trust anything he tells you. There is no rule against helping someone write their RFD, I just happened to not do it.

he wrote this to me,
bye bye

lets see how many more vote bomb

We can all look forward with happiness when the pseudo-muslim TIGERLORD leaves DEBATEART like "his direct quotes said he would do" in the following statements by him, praise!

1. “There must be a way on this website site to avoid these kinds of things. If there is no way, "then I am going to leave it.”

2. “This will be my last debate" if I have to face these kinds of people.”

3. “How can I stand at a place" where dogs like thomas can get 1166 likes."

4. BARNEY ADDRESSING TIGERLORD WANTING TO LEAVE DEBATEART: “You are welcome to find a safe space debate site, where no disagreements are allowed."

5. “ … if someone is doing blasphemy against Allah and prophet, "Quran ordered us to leave that place."

6. “but i am leaving this place as its very biased."

7. “ …. i am going to destory these 2 last voters "and then delete my account after copying my debate.”

8. “ …. and will report to head moderator. if nothing happens "i am off from this website.”

Since the “Camil herder” TIGERLORD has to leave DEBATEART with his tail between his legs as shown with his 8 EXCUSES above, then his camel sweaty assed goat FUCKER Allah God will be happy because he didn’t like seeing TIGERLORD not defending his faith by running away from a “plethora” of posts to him in the “Comment Section” of his failing debate!

When TIGERLORD has to leave DEBATEART as shown, "and takes the Camil Stench of his deplorable Islam religion with him," we need to “Party Hardy” in TIGERLORD leaving as one of the most sickening pseudo-muslims this forum has ever seen, especially by this fool being an apologetic for CHILD MARRIAGES OF 9 YEAR OLD INNOCENT GIRLS THAT CAN’T EVEN HAVE BABIES YET!!!!



Sir Lancelot knows nothing, he's a bit of a garbage can when it comes to intel around here, just has what others dump on him.

I will not testify [with you].
Indeed, He is but one God, and indeed, I am free of what you associate [with Him].

Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize it as they recognize their [own] sons. Those who will lose themselves [in the Hereafter] do not believe.


I want to ask, if you can testify that you have written RFD for barney and also for bellaasp?
Sir.lancelot can also affirm if he agrees or know about it.



Seriously, do you want to be known to be the GREATER RUNAWAY from posts like TIGERLORD had to do because he was too EMBARRASSED about his Islam faith to address them?!

“So this is basically what you just said
1. You didn't refute me, show me where you refuted me
2. try refute me
3. here's evidence from Muslim clerics that say you shouldn't argue with people in islam
So, in summary, the use of you bringing up Muslim clerics that say you should argue about religion, shows how you are too scared to be refuted again”

Tell the membership, why are you SO SCARED to actually “at least TRY” to address my post #202 IN ITS ENTIRETY, other than to RUN AWAY from it with little “Girly Excuses” like you have done shown above?

1. Is it because I showed the membership AGAIN in how outright STUPID your statements were without any reputable back up for them other than “hearsay?”

2. Maybe you had to RUN AWAY from my post #202 because you couldn’t address its stinking content regarding your sickening religion of Islam and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath?! Yes?

3. Or, maybe I had too many statements of FACT that you just couldn’t handle all at once because of your weak challenging mental state? Therefore, I am going on this premise that you were just overburdened with FACTS about your sickening and disgraceful religion of Islam, therefore to help you out, I will only list ONE proposition at a time from my post #202 for you to address, READY?

First proposition for you to answer:


Your “child-like” quoted weak response is noted, BUT, give me at least THREE PEERED REVIEWED CITATIONS to support your claim that Bohra Muslims are not Muslims, otherwise it is just child-like “hearsay” on your part at best at your embarrassment AGAIN! You truly don't realize in how WEAK your simple-minded refutations are, do you?

It is so comical when you as a pseudo-muslim, says that another Muslim is not a Muslim without ANY PROOF to your claim! Priceless stupidity on your part! LOL



Any ways, being toxic is not fun, if the environment become like it was on DDO. i had good friends, and here i go i have become bad and only 1 friend request i got so far, that time within little time I got 100s of friends.
let's switch back the saith Tigerlord AKA makhdoom5
sorry to anyone who got toxicity from me, as i am kinda good with Lancelot, which I feel very good about. I hope I can achieve with others too.
Sorry lancy for being rude in debate.
and publish the debate you instigated with me, i want voter to accept the invite as well.
lets have a good debate.
Sorry to all again.
Barney plz provide better RFD.
haven't checked for bella, but i can have discussion with her, do you want it bella? i mean about vote, but let me read first.


Do you see Muslims voting here? if they cannot vote here, then i have done my task, Allah knows best, and he know i have done my part, its their own responsibility at least use brains that much to vote. if they cannot do that then what can i do?
it totally can be seen that, there are biased votes, or vote bombs. i got votes from non Muslim and un biased people. which should be enough to prove that i have done my job.
its their intellectual dishonesty they vote bomb.

if i have to work that much to debate then do another debate with voter, then its better i should go off from this website.


Saw was sexy:
Pro argues it's not pedophilia if the aggressor is is hot... WTF did I just read?
you are fcking tard, what I mean there was, if someone say a woman prefer young over old maybe because old is old, then I want to put light upon this issue that prophet did not get old at all, only age was 53 but he remain young till he died. It is miracle.
But when a brain has filthy poop in it, it only splash poop out from every hole.
Various off topic rants:
Please stick to the damned topic. There's a comment section for side rants.
Conduct (con):
The comment section is usually off limits but pro truly stepped over the line just before his final argument in what feels like an attempt to poison the well for early voters.
Conversely, con was impatient at the very start of the debate, and otherwise mostly stayed out of the comment section.
Additionally, pro committed no less than 11 ad hominem attacks in the final round... And damning his own arguments while he's at it, he implies that Islam is good with marrying "adult" girls at the tender age of 8 months...
"Lina Medina started having mensuration at the age of 8 months the extremest case of precocious puberty. But my opponent is dumbest of all, can not see it at all what I have wrote just wasting time with his nonsense."
one of the debater voted tie because of my conduct, with bad conduct it against me, how to poison voter?
What that even means?
I become outrageous, because of totally ignoring my argument, and wasting my time.
He was doing it only one sided. And his arguments were just statements which he cannot prove at all and kept repeating them.

this is fcking bull shi9t RFD from a moderator of this website, I want jury against this vote, I want this vote to be remove instantly.
I will complain to head moderator for this vote bomb as its against the rules of the debate and voter giving vote against the rules of debate which is putting BOP on me.
Grow up man


Con of course counters by not defending the legal status quo, and stating it doesn't go far enough due to development not finishing until around age 25, which implies an abnormality for any large age gaps until the younger has reached that age.
As I told you the resolution was about normal and normal meant healthy physically and mentally then anything else was secondary.
But lets talk about this statement,
I have already counter that argument, but seems voter has just read only argument from Con not me, he was over smart that I do need to read Pro’s argument to vote for this because I am that much smart. But you are dumb in reality.
The development do not finish till 25 but it goes way beyond 25 till 30 and even further till 50, I have gone in great detail about this argument, but voter read then they can vote justly.
Pro counters that if you can get the kiddies pregnant, then it's not strange and healthy... WTF?!
WTF, man are you blind? Where did I counter above argument with what you are presenting?
And look at his sentence, kiddies getting pregnant, wtf man, where kids can get pregnant?
Is it possible that a girl becoming pregnant before puberty? Do not overlies and mature at puberty? And produce eggs?
What voter is mentioning is scientific fallacy and against the scientific and medical definition of adult.
Con wisely refutes: "Being able to physically bear children at such a young age doesn't mean it's ideal or preferable. To confuse the two to be synonymous is laughably absurd. Teenagers give birth to children all the time and it doesn't mean they are old enough to shoulder the burden of responsibility."
first of all its not the concern of debate as I remain stating before, issue at hand is about the marriage of Aisha (RA), no one can vote on these arguments. Unless they relate to Aisha’s case.
For example we are not talking about responsibilities within marriage. We are talking about physical and mental health. And something normal. She do not have to take any responsibility, which probably could be taking care of husband and child which she did not have.
I do not know which else responsibility he talked about, and it also do not fall under the definition as well.
Its 100% a grown up within marriage is un able to take responsibly related to marriage being lazy and weak or because of a lot of reasons. No matter how you see it, it is totally irrelevant.
Even it was, Con has to explain what he man by responsibility, and how younger one and older one handle marriage differently, he said something does not mean its right. That is how debates work.
Pro, what the heck are you even going on about here? It's somehow normal if a child eats eats cucumbers?
all dumbs who voted without reading resources even up in same dirty hole, what the heck I am talking check the resources, where I have mentioned what role those things play for growing child.
And dates as well, only 2 foods are mentioned to show that she was given a good nutrition, and good nutrition is key for growing healthy and fast. But a dumb cannot understand it.


Grooming and Slavery:
Con asserts that child marriage is slavery, and raises the problem of grooming prepubescent girls to deny that agency, and even brings up Stockholm Syndrome.
that was not the part of debate as I have said above, everything related to those terms was extra info and discussion which I did for preaching, that is why I ignored first argument in my opening argument.
Resolution was normality of marriage and later normally was explained to be the parties being healthy physically and mentally during relationship. Stockholm syndrome can never be proven as there is no evidence of it. Its baseless assertion which cant be proven.
If living with husband happily is considered Stockholm syndrome then every couple is victim of this disorder, because every woman surrender to a man, and there are always clashes between couples. No body can distinguish Stockholm vs normal at all. It seems normal it is normal unless you prove it. Which could only be done if a physician diagnose it. Just like in Jhony depp’s case one physician diagnosed disorder other denied it. This argument will always remain irreverent unless proven which is impossible. Even if it could be proven still if marriage looks normal for any reason it is normal.
Our resolution was to identify it was normal or not normal despite the reason.
I had to prove it was normal which I did and con had to prove it was not. We never debated about the reason at all.
That is why first 2 debaters debated in my favor, other 2 passed but here comes two over smarts.
Not a Pedo:
Pro defends that Saw waited until she was 6 before expressing interest in her, and she may have started puberty by then... This is whole thing is incredibly strange, even more so being raised by pro, and without first addressing the common phycological damage raised by pro, leaves it most likely quite harmful.
What are you doing here? From where you get it? I never said that in whole debate. It proves he did not read the debate at all.
Facepalm x3
“ common phycological damage raised by pro”
I am Pro here man, quit taking weeds, please until you are moderator of a debating website.
“leaves it most likely quite harmful.”
how? Are you debater here? You are giving assertion in RFD? Speechless here
Age of Consent Laws:
Con uses the age and power gap here, to cast strong doubt on free and positive consent.
you admitted that con castes doubts but cannot prove it.
Con cannot prove anything on his assertions, he had to to bring historical evidence to back all his arguments. And also needed to rebut mine. But he did not do any.
I have proven in my last round that there was no power gap at all, Islam was infant under exile and protection of Insar (people of medina) early era of Islam, Prophet himself was persecuted and migrated to madina, Abu bakr on the other hand father of Aisha (RA) was more stable and was not direct target of non muslim, in fact freed many muslim from the persecution of non muslim.
Although I did not mention this information in debate only that one that it was early islam and Prophet did not have enough power to manipulate anyone. 3 year gab between marriage and consummation Aisha (RA) herself and her family could have evaded it easily. On the other hand I have given example where prophet divorced a woman who asked refuge from him.
I'm having a hard time understanding the basis for pro's counter logic. Pro at some length argues that in other countries sexual deviants (one of con's counters solidifies this, as it's frowned upon even if legal) target children much older than 9; which /somehow/ means it's good for men in their 50's to not wait so long? 🤮
Are you dumb? Whenever I mentioned legal age of majority or consent its to deal with the 2nd part of my definition, where a person is adult when he reach legal age of majority, I made point this could not be taken as base for determining maturity, because legal age for majority and consent is diverse even within some state of country like USA. While the scientific definition for maturation is reaching puberty. Which all of you are totally ignoring, I do not know why!!!!!
Look at dumb voter. He is giving me ? In the vote RFD WTF


what elevates this beyond a foregone conclusion is the "especially for that era" qualifier; meaning that at the time of occurrence such marriages were not strange, and the particular marriage was healthy.
Probably voter is on weeds, especially for that era where did I say that? I have never taken that stance to related this marriage to history related, or tried to say that it was normal during that time and that is why it was healthy.
That was not the stance of whole debate.
Barney what are you doing man?
As the BoP rests with pro, no amount of special pleading that maybe this case might have been an exception makes it seem like it was most likely the case, causing him to miss victory by a mile.
Resolution: Marriage Between Prophet (SAW) and Aisha (RA) was normal.
My stance: Pro
Opponent's stance: Con
BOF: Shared.
Man I am speechless,
I lost whole debate because of my rule of forfeit.
Here its in rules that BOP is shared. And who give you right to change the rules of my debate?
Your whole vote is based on BOF on me, that is why its 100% vote bomb.
I am going to ask jury and report to head moderator for doing such recklessness in voting.
Do you think I shall keep debating and spending that much of time for what? This kind of voting in the end from a moderator of the website?
Its way beyond expectation and understanding.
And its too far being biased.
Common vs Normal:
Con opens by addressing that frequency of occurrence is a mere red herring to normality (normality being defined as not strange and healthy), and the definitions are not synonymous. He leverages a powerful Nazi Germany example of how the very worst of crimes may be common in a broken society but such does not somehow make pure evil somehow not strange and outright healthy.
Totally irrelevant argument, Con dropped it and I never touched it, here normal does not mean common but normal meant normal, which later become clear that marriage was healthy and there was no physical and mental harm, as BOD was shared, Con has never proven there was mental and physical harm. Even pedophile and hebephile and child grooming was not related to resolution of debate I did it extra for the sake of preaching to let people know about the full story of marriage.
But dumb people need to have brain to understand it.
One more thing before starting debate I have also mentioned what normal was. There was nothing like that as well in there.
I had to prove that marriage was normal, even it was disorder, which it was not as con could not prove it at all and historically we have seen there was no disorder (stockholm syndrome) with Aisha (RA).
That was irrelevant as well, Con has to prove that marriage was not physically and mentally healthy as BOD was shared.
And he has to rebut my proofs for the marriage was healthy.
While Con did not do anyone only jerking with stupid terms. Which had nothing to do with debate.
Brainless people I am dealing with. Now I have to teach them how to cast votes.
Without challenge to them being district (???) words for different purposes, pro wholly misses this and without challenging it makes various contentions around such things having happened so therefore it must be normal.
Marriage is about sex, helping wife in chores, having fun, daily routine tasks, I have already given many links how a marriage can be healthy and normal.
And I have related all those indicators to the life of prophet saw( only a person can see them if he has read the debate)
if normal and healthy married life indicators are not which determines marriage is healthy and normal then what fcking else has to be shown? Damn


In simple terms this debate boils down to a series of fallacious special pleadings.
From where voter get it? It is an argument in its own, Con has never mentioned my arguments being the fallacious special pleadings.
Con ignored all my argument never called them fallacious, voter should consider what is already done by debtors, give vote on that basis. That is how votes are done. (I do not understand, am I dealing with children here?)
Pro is a pedophila apologist, arguing the relationship between Saw and Ra was neither strange nor unhealthy for various exceptions to the status que.
calling me pedophile apologist is something never found in debate, voter can not use terminology which has not been used in debate.
Otherwise its accusation which was not part of debate.
He has no right to accuse me and put a new argument against me.
Voter has to elaborate it further more, what he mean by this “for various exceptions to the status que”
it seems some biased logic is circulating in his mind against me. He got to convey it to debtor so that we can know the RFD is correct.
While the very need to go to such lengths to defend it implies strangeness
Probably that is why you did not read it full, how it is strange? A lengthy argument is strange?
This is weird analogy. If you find is that much strange then why voted? Let it go but do not give biased votes without reading the lengthy arguments.


I am saying that in the future debates, you can make a debate have 4 judges. 2 muslims and 2 non-muslims. That would reduce bias, given that topics like these involve lots of bias if there is open voting.


not at all, why i become toxic in last round? becasue Con totally trolled. and i already know that he cannot win. only a guy like Dthomas can give vote to him not a good judge.
i will show you what was wrong in your RFD.
by the way learn to vote, you got to sumarize everything not give a whole new debate for your RFD. let me finish for barney then i will put light upon your RFD. i have not read it full.
probably i will find something of meaning and maybe accept but i cannot accept from barney as its total shi8t.


And you are thanking them for Vote Bomb? did i have not mentioned in Rules no vote bomb? did i have not mentioned BOF is shared and barney's vote is dependent on that, those two tied vote also biased.
one mentioned i won in argument and gave tie on the basis of conduct.
if you have honor you would call them to reverse their votes, as it break the rule of vote bomb, little remain for the vote of barney i am refuting.
Then i will post, see yourself


The thing is, lancelot instigated a debate with selected judges where he put 4 non muslim and two muslims and 1 left which was barney, then 2 muslim and 3 non muslim and he mentioned a rules where he said a basied vote is allowed.
do you want me to involved with this heck?
that is how you want me to leave this platform?
what are you trying to prove here?
shall i become like Dthomos?
just forum post and bull shi8t arguments with toxicity?
man i am very much disappointed, see yourself what the fck barney has done in his RFD, i will call jury against his vote, and will report to head moderator. if nothing happens i am off from this website. i already got a lot of platforms, the format for debating on DDO i loved from past thought its another good alternative but it sucks.


Thanks for your guys’ vote.


You do so.

All voters can have their own impressions on the debate and you only seem to dislike the ones voting against you, coincidence?


i am breaking the RFD of barney, your turn is next you can see yourself what have you done.
that is not RFD that is a whole new debate. i think if someone is a good debater does not mean he or she can be good voter, that is why becoming a judge is a big heck of a deal.


If you don't like my vote, cool.

If you see me keep mentioned con on accident it's because I speedran this in order to get it out quicker. I figured that a few mistakes you could see through and make some distinction. Most if not all was based on the impression I got from both con and you.


This site allows you to select judges instead of open voting. Just select judges when you are making a debate. Only those judges will be able to vote. Others wont be able to vote. Usually, selecting unbiased judges is better than open voting.

last two voters, seems very sleepy when they voted, one cannot read that i mentioned in rule that BOF shared. and other keeps calling me Con in whole of her RFD.
What can you say about the credibility of those votes?
all my rage gone away but i am laughing right now LOL. :))))


So, what I got from Con is, it is not physically or mentally good for someone on the younger side (abuse and grooming), con rebuttals by saying this is not pedophilia.

Bella dear are you alright? why you keep calling me Con in all your RFD?

do not have time to debate with voters, this shit when i faced in DDO i left DDO. but after defending my vote and against votes.
but i think i should do it for the last time i am going to destory these 2 last voters and then delete my account after copying my debate.


As the BoP rests with pro, no amount of special pleading that maybe this case might have been an exception makes it seem like it was most likely the case, causing him to miss victory by a mile.
when you vote you should keep the weeds away.


keep in mind this is not your debate, You had to vote.
what kind of RFD is that?
i even do not want to to read it full.
i know its vote bomb and she is trying so hard to be not look like a pedophile supporter. if you think it can ruin your image you should have not voted at all. but giving this RFD is intellectual dishonesty.

this is new generation of debaters, what a heck, mentioned something does not proves something. con has to prove and relate stockholm syndrome to the Aisha's case. Why voters are not realizing its not their debate, its not their turn to tone and shape the arguments which Con has not presented. why interpreting something which Con himself has not done?
Honest was something i was admiring about west but seems the standard has gone down.
if i break down RFD from both last 2 voters then it would be bad. but i am leaving this place as its very biased. and vote bomb is done by even moderators.

I might be the only one who accepted that age gap argument was refuted by the fact that marriage isnt a power struggle or competition.

This was quite a long vote.. Maybe I should've done google documents..

Entire thing was rebuttals, splitting them up.

1. Hebephilia
I think this was funny, con got refuted, but pro was not completely right either.

Nowhere did it say it was limited to just liking pubescent rather than adult figures, but says "rather".

2. Child Groomer
Pro basically just restating she's not a child, it's a complete restate.

3. War
Pro practically just says, "he cannot not prove she was not mature." But also states that she took part as a medic, im not sure if that completely accounts for anything. Medic's have to go through treated injuries that are quite traumatic or even experience losing a patient.

4. Puberty
I think this is where I really think pro made a comeback with his arguments.
According to his definitions, as long as she is no longer in puberty she is not considered a child. (Expect for the factor that his definitions only said "especially" meaning it's not just limited to those stages, but just one of the more extreme factors but this was not mentioned, so I won't factor it all to much).

5. Age of consent
Just provides sources of the age of consent in many places.

- Con's response -
In this case, pro just helps con out.

With what con has stated, it would even be un-normal for other age of consent laws in other regions.

6. Physical maturity and Mental maturity

Pro assumes that con conceded to the fact they can be physical mature?

My assumption:
Children do and can mature at different rates into developing into an adult more quickly, but that is not to say they are physically mature. That just means they are developing more physically mature(r).

^^^^^ is broad.

7. Pregnancy
Pro then mentions that children or a child have/has become mothers at the age of six, which leaves me to believe he is hinting they can be mature. But I don't get it? What does this have to do with (RA) Aisha? She does not relate to this claim at all, and con has already stated that just because they can become pregnant does not mean they are mature.

But the above is personal thoughts, based on the lack of reasoning, meaning it won't be judged unless con states the same (even though con has made that clear for the most part).

- Con's rebuttal -

Basically his response is that the child even though a mother is not old enough for the responsibility of a child.


8. Caring Man
Pro restates his contention in round three.

Aisha was happy in the relationship/marriage.

- Con's response -
Simply: Implication it is stockholm syndrome.


As for pro, all he really did was insult con or a repeat of the last rounds.
On con's side, he waives and extends his arguments.

Impression overall:
I'm left with the impression that (RA) Aisha, even though in puberty, was not an adult. Therefore, Prophet (SAW) is a pedophilia, making the relationship, even though a "happy relationship" is still not normal. Regardless of Islam faith beliefs, it is heavily burdened that she could've been manipulated easily into believing such relationships are alright and okay. However, in the end result it is still not normal. Con introduces that stockholm syndrome is quite easy for young children to get manipulated into and that a clear power gap is enough to trigger those elements. With the implication of stockholm syndrome, that is the final straw for it to be implied it is quite possible that Aisha was experiencing stockholm syndrome according to the symptoms and parallel lines.

BoP (Burden of Proof):
I think on both sides it was a bit iffy, however, I think con prevailed more. Pro really overall thinks, at least the impression I got, that having a supposed successful relationship/marriage means that it was not in ways mentally traumatizing or physically harmful. Con prevails by a little bit by stating that a child going through rape (or even just sex) for that matter is traumatizing. As for war, I won't completely regard this because its not really related to the relationship.

I do not think that con could fulfil this burden by simply stating that they had a loving relationship.
I think con does, at least within the limits that it is not normal for one to have stockholm syndrome when in a relationship nor is it normal for one to be in such a relationship.

Con just ran the race a bit better than pro.



Basically, pro makes a certain main claim, the marriage had no physical harm and they both enjoyed the marriage.

I think a lot of what pro said was not needed, and not to be judged. Mostly just the rebuttals, so, let's break it apart.

1. Pro's response to framework - Successful marriage.

Pro gives a few sources, and spreads them out. Love, affection, care, compassion, etc. In each section they list examples that are supporting by such things of successful marriage.

My impression from this contention: Aisha (RA) and Prophet (SAW) both had successful marriage.
Now as for proving their was no physical or psychological harm, I don't know. I think these sources and sections were good for providing they had ideals of a successful marriage, but to say there was no harm at all, I don't think that was fully proved.

-Con's response-
Prophet (SAW) could've changed the scripture to say anything, it's not fully reliable.

Though I will say the rules seem to state something about assuming that sources about Islamic faith are true, but pro already violated their own rules as well, hm? I think con contests the scripture overall.

Con also states that she is impressionable as a child, and can be easily manipulated. Which means that she could've been groomed into the fact that such relationships were acceptable (which relates to stockholm syndrome), which just proves it to be not normal.

I think con's reasoning was a bit more on the guessing-game, but its clear their was a gap in power, which leads strong suspicion that she was easily susceptible to the relationship.

Con draws the parallel lines with predators and victims, assuming that Prophet (SAW) made (RA) Aisha happy (for effect).


- Pro's rebuttals to previous round two -
1. (RA) Aisha is not an adult
Pro stands by the fact that Aisha was an adult despite what con has said and gives the impression that because they can or have become a mother at a young age means you are an adult. I'm not sure how that works, you can be a mother but that doesn't mean you are an adult.

Then pro basically just talks about the brain development. Pro covers brain development, but what is the difference between brain development and maturity?

- Con's follow up rebuttal -
(RA) Aisha, as already stated, is not an adult are nine years old.

2. Forced marriage, effects
This one is simple.

I think pro actually handled this nicely, they stated that (RA) Aisha enjoyed the relationship between the two.

3. Islamic faith
I do think con is right that pro is appealing to Islamic faith quite a bit, but this not something to be quite judged more so con's interpretation which leaves me with the overall impression that, Islamic faith cannot be the complete factor of what a "normal" marriage is.

4. Child rapist
All pro really does here is give some definitions to try and give a broad term of marriage, but I don't think this fully addresses the issue at hand.
Just because it doesn't state a certain age, that means that they are not a child rapist?

I think this would revolve around one thing, age of consent. But then again, when you force someone (a child) to do sexual acts that is a child rapist. I'm not sure pro fully covers that, but I see their point.

I think this is already contested on it's own by con's words. And the impression is what I got, aka above ^^^.

As for the rest of the rounds, ill be a bit quicker on. It seems like a repeat.

This is quite long, saw it smaller in my head..

Voting won't end for quite awhile, but here goes my vote. My bad for the late vote, this just got long and time consuming.

Tough debate guys, but disregarding conduct, good debate.

Per description; "Resolution: Marriage Between Prophet (SAW) and Aisha (RA) was normal."
Honestly, what I took for this debate was quite little. Con provided the framework, it was uncontested. I'm going off Con's framework.

"Pro must defend that Muhammad’s marriage to a nine year old is not strange or unusual and that it was healthy for both participants."
"Conversely, I must only show that regardless of historical beliefs or values, that the marriage is wrong and subject to scrutiny."

Both sides play defensively.

So, what I got from Con is, it is not physically or mentally good for someone on the younger side (abuse and grooming), con rebuttals by saying this is not pedophilia.

1 Pedophilia - Adult or Not?
Pro lays out a few definitions, but my problem with these are he uses them in the wrong way. Pro states that a person can become an adult at the age of nine. So, now pro turns this part into a debate about "Is Aisha an Adult or not". Pro uses a source based on Islam faith that basically just says that she is an adult, and she is old enough to marry because of the puberty state. But only states this within the Islamic faith for the most part.

According to pro's definitions, that has nothing to do with it. For example, pro's definition: "A young person, especially between infancy and puberty", since Aisha has begin or is in puberty, she has not completely puberty. Which means the term, "between infancy and puberty", stays because she is still in puberty.

- Con's rebuttal -
They believe that pro has a misconception about puberty, puberty is not instant.

Con continues by saying that (RA) Aisha even though possibly developing into an adult quicker does not mean that she can process things such as others that are the age of consent, an adult.

Con goes by stating the brain development and that since she had only started puberty, there is no way she has made it into adulthood.


2. Child groomer
Con just rebuttals with even though pedophilia may not be the correct term in pro's eyes, they are a child groomer.

3. Western Laws
Not much to quite judge here.

"Rule No 13: Everything Being discuss, is for the sake of debate only, not imposing on any culture or society. Laws and regulation made for any country is for them and has nothing to do with the debate."

Funny? A violation of the rules already, pro?

Anyways, this is cleared up by con quickly by really just stating they draw limits to certain relationships as well.


You’re welcome to report my vote, and/or disagree with any part of it.

As for my choice to use a couple emojis to communicate reactions to your (hopefully) devils advocate arguments; that does not invalidate the analysis.


So this is basically what you just said
1. You didn't refute me, show me where you refuted me
2. try refute me
3. here's evidence from Muslim clerics that say you shouldn't argue with people in islam

So, in summary, the use of you bringing up Muslim clerics that say you should argue about religion, shows how you are too scared to be refuted again