Instigator / Pro

Islam Vs Anything2


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 6 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

Resolution: Marriage Between Prophet (SAW) and Aisha (RA) was normal.
My stance: Pro
Opponent's stance: Con
BOF: Shared.
Rule No 1: No insult to my religion which is Islam and no insult to any person discussed in Debate, especially Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and mother Aisha (RA).
Rule No 2: No trolling
Rule No 3: Anything in comment section is not part of debate unless something to be discussed and both parties accept, example., want to skip a round etc.
Rule No 4: No forfeit (if inevitable because of uncontrollable circumstances, then if both parties agree should not affect debate). Intentional forfeit will cause automatic loss.
Rule No 5: Evidence must be credible, broken links and resources which do not have citation must cause the loss of resources points. Wikipedia have citation in the bottom, so if a Wikipedia link is attached and there is citation within that page, then it should be as credible as any other external resource.
Rule No 6: Anyone can accept defeat in the middle of debate.
Rule No 7: No vote Bomb
Rule No 8: One shall read the full argument and must not ignore it. Both my contender and voters as well.
Rule No 9: No favoritism, Biased voting.
Rule No 10: We must assume Islamic historical references are correct, and can use any mean to prove our resolution, including scientific facts as well.
Rule No 11: No personal attacks, just keep everything related to topic.
Rule NO 12: Everything I am saying and doing, for the sake of debate, must not be called predator.
Rule No 13: Everything Being discuss, is for the sake of debate only, not imposing on any culture or society. Laws and regulation made for any country is for them and has nothing to do with the debate. And I am not opposing them.
Rule No 14: The whole debate is only about this specific debate, not for all and at large. I am not suggesting it for any place and person as well.
Rule No 15: Make the debate relevant to the topic and good and nice one.
Rule No 16: I ask my opponent to present his or her opening argument. I will keep the first round very simple with little information without arguments.
Thanks a lot
looking forward to a good debate in SHA Allah.


Sir.Lancelot, the soon to be DEBATE WINNER against tigerlord,

TIGERLORDS QUOTE IN HIS POST #121!!!!: "This will be my last debate if I have to face these kinds of people."

These "kind of people" like me only show how despicable His Muslim faith truly is in allowing CHILD PREPUBESCENT MARRIAGES of 9 year old girls to grown up Muslim men today! See what happens when the sickening Muslim tigerlord cannot accept the TRUTH about his despicable faith of Islam, when I have shown examples of him having to support the FACT OF CHILD MARRIAGES in my post #123 that shows the FACTS as described?

The caveat is that when despicable facts of child marriages are at his embarrassment, HE WILL NOT DEBATE ANYMORE if anyone continues to show how sickening child marriages are in his abhorred faith of Islam, where EVERYONE WINS in his leaving this Religion Forum for good, PRAISE JESUS!!!




bastard, this is happening in your society every few min. not in ours. sick living style you have, in which you have allowed alcohol and other drugs, children are not safe at all.
but if a muslim man marry a young girl, he remains in his senses and never hurt her. Even she is adult at 9


Sir.Lancelot, you should feel sorry for tigerlord in his debate where you are running circles around him because of the FACTS of his abhorred Islamic religion in the first place, where it is ACCEPTED THAT SWEATY STINKY MUSLIM DIAPER-HEADED MEN can marry 9 year old innocent girls so they can fuck them as outright PEDOPHILES as we understand this term today!

Does the following pictures, IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, of a GROUP CHILD MARRIAGE to prepubescent innocent little girls look like these girls are ready for a marriage, AND, being brutally fucked because of their tiny vaginas and anus can't take a grown man to begin with as shown herewith:

We can only wonder when tigerlord will give his “little angel” girl up for marriage when she is 9 years old to follow Islamic tradition, when after the marriage his little daughter when seeing tigerlord says to him: "Daddy, I hurt between my legs, and my butt hurts too, can you do something to help me daddy because I am in a lot of PAIN?!

Tigerlord does NOT have enough sense or intellect to realize how sickening his Islamic faith is regarding young innocent prepubescent girls being married off to ADULT MEN as outright PEDOPHILES!


if i blocked you and still could send messages, then they should change this and do not let me do this. this bastard should not be allowed to comment on my debate as well.


I am sure you are born to a slut. That is why your language is like that, you cannot even spare 1.5 year child. This guy, might be very dangerous for his nearby people. he can do harms to children. He got no humanity at all. In madness, he forgets what he is saying about a 1.5-year-old child. So these kinds of people have a place on a forum which held debate?
Do you have any right to call anyone else wrong? While you got no moral value at all.
Moderator do something about this son of bit8ch. i am not here to hear that kind of bull sh8it against my 1.5-year-old daughter.
This bastard got dung in his brain. Just simply ban this guy. I have seen a lot of people banned from here so quickly. What is taking that much time to not ban him? he is not doing any debate at all just jerking around. This will be my last debate if I have to face these kinds of people.


As we can all see in the Religion Debate Forum is that tigerlord, aka, "Paper Tiger," continues to BREAK THE CODE OF CONDUCT RULES in the blatant examples shown below:

1. Tigerlord tried to "weasel out" of his big mistake in LYING about me sending him "MESSAGES" in his post #106 when I did not as shown in my post #113, because he now wants to call the "COMMENT SECTION" of a debate, the "MESSAGE SECTION" to save him from laughable and revealing embarrassment as shown in his post #115! ,Whereas his weak mental state cannot understand that they are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES! As if we were going to buy his laughable stupid rendition on this matter! H-E-L-L-O, anybody home today tigerlord, NOT! LOL!

2. "Paper Tiger" is in direct violation of the COC rules AGAIN when he has me blocked because I show in how outright Stupid he truly is in relation to his sickening faith of Islam, and when blocking a member, YOU ARE NOT TO DIRECTLY POST TO THEM ANYMORE as he continues to do at his own peril by the moderators!

3. "Paper Tiger" as explicitly shown, THREATENED the Brother D. in once AGAIN going directly against the COC RULES here at DEBATEART as shown in my posts #102 and 112! As shown, "Paper Tiger" is keeping "sheepishly quiet" on this notion for obvious reasons of him BEING GUILTY of this offense and whether tigerlord will get a warning or a ban from a moderators!



Yeah brother, sorry i just read first 2 lines and become kind of hyper and did not focus rest of statement. that is why this happened.
Sorry for that :(. But you made good point and I was going to deal it as well in next round. But probably in a different way but you made a good point.
Thanks brother.


yeah lol you misunderstood me at first


probably your intentions were to make point that if con doubt about the credibility of other information related to marriage. then the credibility of this information that she married at 9, how could that be valid as well and then we can not debate at all.
it was probably not the intentions which i thought it was.
if that is the case then i am sorry brother.


being Ahla ul Quran and rejecting all hadith makes you kafir. do you know that?
this thing only relates to your sect not islam.
without hadith there is no Islam. atat Allah is quran and atat Rasool is hadith. its verse of quran.


man you are the most dumb person i have ever seen. did i say private messages? you are tard. go get mental check up or take bonvita. i said message which means public messages. which you do in comment section. man do i need to teach you everything like that?
man get a room. stop taking weed. maybe some leftover brain cell work then. or maybe a miracle happens and the already dead one will regenerate.


I read the debate and i wanted to clarify some things that Pro seems to have not mentioned the historical info that Pro used do not come from the Quran they are narrations of what people who lived at that time saw and said including the Aisha herself and these narrations are the same source from which we know that this marriage happened and at what ages it occurred so doubting it's reliability makes the whole debate meaningless . so now about the marriage itself in Islam the conditions for a sexual relationship within a marriage being permissible is that both spouses are physically and mentally capable of doing it and that it happening causes no harm to either of them now from your point of view these are conditions made up by the prophet himself so why would he invent conditions that he intends to break which means that these conditions were met in that marriage unless you could provide any proof that they were not other than saying that 9 year olds at this current age arent capable of handling it because that makes no sense people at that time lived under extremely different conditions so it makes sense that they would mature at different rates than modern 9 year olds




Tigerlord thinks that everyone is as dumb as he is when he made the LYING STATEMENT that I have sent him many messages, OF WHICH I HAVE NOT as shown in the following circumstances!

TIGERLORD LYING QUOTE: “i have left him, but he keeps sending me messages.”

WRONG! ALL MESSAGES are totaled from the sender and the recipient, and as shown tigerlord sent me 3 messages AND I HAVE SENT HIM NONE as specifically shown in the following link where clicking on "save" shown below enlarges it for better viewing: ...

Since tigerlord has LIED IN THE NAME OF ISLAM AND ALLAH, he went against his despicable God Allah as shown herewith and come Judgment Day HE WILL PAY FOR IT!!!

It can be understood from the verses of the Qur’an that a LIAR LIKE TIGERLORD calls for a divine curse and invites the anger of Allah (S.w.T.) as shown below:

“... and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars.” (Surah Ali- Imran 3:61).

“... the curse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars.” (Surah an-Nur 24:8).

“But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars” [Quran, 29:3]

“So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day they will meet Him – because they failed Allah in what they promised Him and because they used to lie. [Quran, 9:77]




5/31/2023, 5:39:39 AM
“Your days are counted, unless you yourself are a devil. Which is given some amnesty till day of judgment. Cursing Allah calls wrath of Allah. You will be punished soon in sha Allah.”

YOUR QUOTE IN POST #105 THAT SUBJECTIVELY DOES NOT HOLD WATER: “The threat I spotted was of thoughts and prayers being levied against you.”

THE QUOTE IN QUESTION: “Your days are counted, unless you yourself are a devil.” There are NO THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS relating to the "first sentence,"where my days are numbered, as I am NOT the devil! That is a THREAT of death as shown in this link:

Thoughts, prayers, and butterflies be damned, where the following are additional THREATS as we know of the Muslim mind set: "Cursing Allah calls wrath of Allah. You will be punished soon in sha Allah.” WHO WILL BE PUNISHING SOON THE WRATH OF ALLAH AS SEEN IN RECENT HISTORY? YES, THE MUSLIM FOLLOWERS = THREAT! 2+2=4!

Barney, if one of your family members received this THREAT as shown above, would you take the same caviler attitude?

If you are going to have COC rules about THREATS, then they need to be more specific in what is a threat, and what isn’t!




YOUR QUOTE RELATING TO CAMELS AND TIGERLORD IN YOUR POST #105: “Please do not make baseless accusations regarding the sexual preferences of other members.”

My sexual reference to tigerlord was facetous in “addition too” his wife, and obviously it was in “jest!”

In turn, and to be true to forum, are you going to warn tigerlord in not to make “BASELESS ACCUSATIONS” to me as follows? YES?

“This shows how bastards you are. slainte these sluts breed is what with whom you want me to be respectful?

“What is your momma’s body count?”

“Do i need to have debate with those bastards? This shows their level. Indeed, they are worse than animals.”

“bastard, this is for among ourselves”

“i do not need permission from a person who do not know whom his father is, also who are well aware of what her mom's body count is.”

“your all brain cells are dead, that is why you can't read correct,”

“But garbage like you are a hurdle for reaching them.”

“this is what you got? When you loose in arguments, you become like that, hahahhhaah
chicken shi8t”

“well when they loose in argument, they become trash, because they are originally trash.”

“I am upset from the saying of that bastard thomas, what she said about my little angel. that thing i can aspect from the mannerless familyless dog licker pig eater western guy.”
(This was fully addressed on the PLUS SIDE in this link:



I have said it in debate as well, and here too saying that, those who reach puberty early are rare and those who are precocious are even rarer. So mostly puberty comes in later stages. For those who get puberty late, do not fall into the category. If a girl is 9 and not reach to puberty, then she can not consume the marriage. Marriage is safety for Muslims not exploitation.
Just like Prophet Muhammad did not consume the marriage with Aisha (Ra) at 6 every person who is married to young one should see and watch till she is mature physically and mentally. i person know a person who married 14-year-old and waited till she becomes 18 and fully mature while living with that girl.
Husband loves his wife, that is why he is marrying her. And their parents also love them. but if a person who let her prepubescent girl marry a older man and she suffers because of it. Then he has done a very wrong thing. And it's sin to let a child marry. As puberty is obligatory to consume marriage. Aisha's parents saw her mature, that is why they asked Prophet (SAW) to take her.
if she had suffered she would have told it later as she can tell her age and no one could stop her then why not say if something bad happened with her. she never complaint about it at all.

I was precocious myself, so I know it personally. The reason Allah choose Aisha (RA) to be wife of prophet (SAW) so that she can learn and memorize a lot of privately related stuff to make the religion perfect for humanity. she was very intelligent and served the purpose splendidly. She had person 60 students who later delivered religion to humanity and were top jurist and scholar of Islam. So Aisha (RA) was herself a great scholar of Islam. And she could not waste any further time because the more time she could spend with Prophet, the more she can learn.
Everything you ask is part of debate, i restrain as i will discuss everything later in debate. I will never leave any question which can come in the mind of any person.
I also take every thing critically and check it positively, that is why i reach at good conclusion. Thanks to Allah.


"By your own admission, it’s perfectly normal for men to take 53 years to reach comparable intelligence and maturity as 9 year old girls."

I mean, there are 9 year-old girls with IQ that is much higher than that of average 53 year-old man. Some kids have IQ at the level of Einstein. I think his point was that it depends on person's abilities, not their age.

I can see logic there, since in many countries including USA, 10 year olds are held responsible for their actions. If a 10 year old girl commits a crime, she can be punished for that crime with prison or similar.


brother come one, why forfeting? you can do only that? you are merely claiming round to not go against conduct otherwise you got nothing in your arsenal ? well anyway, i will rebut furthermore from previous round.
thanks a lot for participating.

without the consent of the respective authors
i was the arthor of that message so i can disclose whatever i want, but he can not do that.
about disclosing message there is no problem at all.
i have left him, but he keeps sending me messages.
i warned him last time by saying i put this on my GOD. i have not said anything about me to him. i just said i am putting everything on my Allah for him insulting him and his prophet. and this is natural and normal response for any religious person. as he insult my GOD, it proves he do not consider him God, then why he is bothered by it?
calling the wrath of Allah is something a prayer and i can do it anytime if someone want to ban me from this website for that then go for it.
but it would be wrong.
and about barney's question. i never wanted to insult thomas by calling him drama queen. it just that he is annoying. everyone knows grils can be annoying. univesal truth, but its in positive sense. As a man i like and give right to a woman who relates to me to be annoying. this is part of their nature and we must accept it with open arms. what is wrong for women being women and men being men? and sometimes they behave interchangebly. every child born is genderless till 40 days. and in islam anc christanity and in judaism as well Eve was born from the rib of adam. so they are part of us. women and men both have testoterone specicially male hormone. and even estrogen and prolactin found in men. prolactin is related to milk why men has it?
man and women belong to same specie. saying thomas that he wine like a girl is no big deal. and this final response proves it as well. plz do not waste my time i found little time during my office to reply these messages.
i think everything is alright.
let me focus on debate and the next debate to come.
if thomas want to debate with me i am avaliable and can do on any topic.


Admittedly I’ve only skimmed…

Please do not make baseless accusations regarding the sexual preferences of other members.
You may freely accuse any public figure of raping camels and worse; but unless a site member has said something to imply a /fondness/ for camels, they should not be accused of such.
Those types of insults are something we’ve banned people for before, so please cease them.

The threat I spotted was of thoughts and prayers being levied against you. Living in the USA, and seeing the effect those have on school safety I get why those may be a scary notion; but without a clear casual link, it becomes like threatening to unleash a butterfly.
Again, I’ve only skimmed. Another moderator will likely follow up reading in depth.


As a reminder, if you want someone to leave you alone it goes both ways.

Contextually you seem to think calling someone sister is an insult, would you mind expanding why this would be the case?

By your own admission, it’s perfectly normal for men to take 53 years to reach comparable intelligence and maturity as 9 year old girls. So since even the very best men are so inferior, wouldn't calling them women be the very highest form of praise?



As if tigerlord, aka, “Paper Tiger” wasn’t going against the Code of Conduct Rules here at DEBATEART shown in my post #102 by THREATENING the Brother D., then “Paper Tiger” is once again going directly against the rules AGAIN herewith:

“Paper Tiger” has blocked me as shown in this link for the last 2-3 weeks:

Therefore, I was told that when a member “blocks me” that they can’t have their cake and eat it too by continuing to make posts DIRECTLY TO ME as shown in tigerlords post #97;

Whereas, I use another member in discussion to get the point across to show tigerlord is a blatant pseudo-muslim fool because of his faith!

Therefore, AGAIN, tigerlord, aka, “Paper Tiger” is breaking the rules at DEBATEART, where his punishment will be?! LOL!





(Since tigerlord has set an example in calling me epithets, then I can do the same to him:

Since tigerlord DID NOT ask me, which seemingly I am FIRST AND FOREMOST to ask, if he could show the "message in question" that he sent me in his post #98, is going directly against the rules of the Code of Conduct at DEBATEART as shown below:

If a user shares confidential content from private messages “without the consent of the respective authors,” moderator approval, or valid justification, moderation shall:
FIRST, request the user cease & desist this behavior.
b) IF adequate time passes and the user defies A, moderation will issue a 30 day ban and repeat A.
c) IF the user continues to defy moderation after the 30 day ban, moderation shall issue a permanent ban.

Furthermore, tigerlord is quoted that he did not THREATEN the Brother D in his post #98 with his quote: “they are not threats from me.” BUT, since he violated said rules shown above as shown, then conversely, I don’t have to ask permission from tigerlord TO SHOW THIS MESSAGE THREATENING THE BROTHER D. THAT HE CONVENIENTLY FORGOT TO SHOW!!!:

5/31/2023, 5:39:39 AM
“Your days are counted, unless you yourself are a devil. Which is given some amnesty till day of judgment. Cursing Allah calls wrath of Allah. You will be punished soon in sha Allah.”

The correct usage to “Paper Tiger’s” message above is saying; “Your days are numbered” which means that tigerlord is threatening me that I WILL DIE SOON, and when tigerlord says “cursing Allah calls for his wrath” is another THREAT against my life, notwithstanding, when tigerlord says “You will be punished soon in sha Allah” is another THREAT of life whereas “sha Allah” denotes "God willing,” where this notion is mentioned in the TOILET PAPER QURAN which requires the use of it when speaking on “future events!”

1.“Your days are numbered” is described herewith with DEATH:

2. “Wrath of Allah” is described herewith with harm:,wrath

3. “You will be punished soon” is described herewith in injury:

Violence and Criminal Behavior

"You may not threaten or promote violence against any person or persons, barring hyperbole against public figures (e.g., “all politicians should be shot”)"

In “Paper Tigers” MESSAGE as shown above, he has directly gone against the COC rules relative to Violence and Criminal Behavior by THREATENING the TRUE Christian Brother D. Thomas, and therefore his punishment will be?!

What did we expect from “Ahab the Arab” tigerlord in threatening members of this Religion Forum because he knows he is LOSING another debate with the astute and well versed Sir.Lancelot that is easily taking him to the cleaners! LOL!


DA admin please increase max words limit to 10K :)

Oops, 701 more words and I still have so much to deal. :( Seems, need to shed a lot of info.

Oops, 701 more words and I still have so much to deal. :( Seems, need to shed a lot of info.

You should stop swearing our beloved prophet (SAW) as well. What I need to do is pray 2 rakah and curse you for the sake of good. And u will be done.
Refrain yourself doing that and hurting my feelings. Do not commit blasphemy against Allah and my beloved prophet. When a human is involved in this, then the consequences changes. I can debate with you or even have discussion with you about any topic. But get into manners. Doing all that does not shows your intellect. it's the opposite. You got nothing. Islam always prevails and wins.

This was a private message I sent to him.
When a Muslim remain silent and put it on Allah, then Allah do whatever he wants. And to Allah he should complain not me.
By the way, they are not threats from me. It happens, it's 00% true that when a person does swearing and slandering to Allah and his prophet and there are locks on his heart. Then Allah become angry when a Muslim who see it acknowledges, ask and pray for it then Allah hear his prayer against that slanderer.
I have not cursed him yet. But I am praying may Allah give him light of Islam and make him Muslim and open his heart to study Islam with positive mind. May Allah guide him to one true path of Islam, ameen.


You should change your name to SisterD.Thomas.
Because you are a drama queen.
Kind of girly nature.



YOUR QUOTES IN POST #79 REGARDING TIGERLORD'S THREATS: "He’s dm’ing you threats? Are they violent or death threats?"




YOUR REVEALING QUOTE REGARDING THE SWEATY DESERT ASSED CAMEL HUMPER PEDOPHILE "MUHAMMED:" "What do we know about the intellectual development level of Muhammad?"

In the 100 degree+ heat around Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which can make anyone “delusional,” as it obviously did with Muhammed, there was no "development" of the sweaty camel assed pedophile Muhammed’s intellect because from the beginning to the end he was an ILLITERATE FOOL as shown herewith:

Envision this truthful scenario with a smirk, when Muhammad was 40 years old “he began hearing voices and seeing visions of divine angels,” huh? To better understand these visions, *cough,* he would go to Mount Hira located in the Jabal Al-Nour Mountain in Saudi Arabia and meditate in 100 degree plus heat in his desert land. On one such journey in 610, now get this, *cough* the desert sweaty Muhammed proffered that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him and told him that there was only one god, Allah, and he had chosen him as a prophet, therefore the diaper-headed desert stinky Muhammad believed HE was the last and greatest in a series of prophets along with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus!” Barney, QUIT LAUGHING!,nomadic%20herders%20and%20successful%20merchants

Therefore, the camel foul smelling Muhammed “dreamt up the faith of Islam” in the extreme heat of his desert surroundings, where the ILLITERATE DUMB ASS MUHAMMED COULD NOT EVEN READ OR WRITE the “chicken scratches” of his Arabic language at 40 years of age! Can you proffer that Muhammed was a DUMB ASS? Sure you can! Duh!


“Unlettered” Definition: (of a person) poorly educated or illiterate.

1. "Those who follow the Messenger, the UNLETTERED prophet, whom they find written [i.e., described] in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and prohibits them from what is wrong and makes lawful for them what is good and forbids them from what is evil and relieves them of their burden1 and the shackles which were upon them.2 So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him - it is those who will be the successful.",17,85,95,101,19,22,20

2. The life of Muhammad is known as the Sira and was lived in the full light of history. Everything he did and said was recorded. Because HE COULD NOT READ OR WRITE HIMSELF, he was constantly served by a group of 45 scribes who *cough,* wrote down his sayings, instructions, and his activities.,%2C%20instructions%2C%20and%20his%20activities (UNDER “TRADITIONS”)

3. Muhammad did not write it as “HE COULD NOT READ OR WRITE.” In Muslim theology, the Qur'an is considered to be either "created" or "uncreated". According to tradition, several of Muhammad's companions served as scribes, recording his revelations from the ArchAngel Gabriel, AND, the camel humper Allah God himself! Wow, that sounds truly believable doesn’t it? NOT!!!,as%20scribes%2C%20recording%20the%20revelations

4. Therefore, the delusional desert sweaty Muhammad was constantly served by a group of 45 scribes later on who wrote down his sayings, instructions, and his activities relative to his “hearing voices and seeing visions of angels of Allah” to come up with the abhorred and sickening religion called Islam!,%2C%20instructions%2C%20and%20his%20activities (UNDER “TRADITIONS”)

One has to wonder why archangel Gabriel picked an ILLITERATE AND STUPID SMELLY CAMEL AND GOAT HERDER MUHAMMED to bring forth the despicable faith of Islam to begin with!

Now, if any Muslim like the inept tigerlord, or Path2HELL can swallow the Islamic facts shown above, then I have an orange bridge in San Francisco, California to sell them, which is a great money maker, and I’ll accept terms! There is a sucker Muslim born every minute to believe such embarrassing beginnings of Islam as shown above! ROFLOL!!!!!




1. أَنَا زَعِيمٌ بِبَيْتٍ فِي رَبَضِ الْجَنَّةِ لِمَنْ تَرَكَ الْمِرَاءَ وَإِنْ كَانَ مُحِقًّا
"I guarantee a house on the outskirts of Paradise for one who abandons arguments even if he is right."
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4800, Grade: Sahih

2. الْمِرَاءُ فِي الْعِلْمِ يُقَسِّي الْقَلْبَ وَيُوَرِّثُ الضَّغائِنَ
"Arguing about sacred knowledge hardens the heart and produces resentment.”
Source: al-Madkhal ilá al-Sunan al-Kubrá 178

3. الْمِرَاءُ فِي الْعِلْمِ يُقَسِّي الْقَلْبَ وَيُؤَثِّرُ الضَّغْنَ
"Arguing about sacred knowledge causes the heart to harden and breeds hatred.”

4. Source: Jāmi’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Ḥikam 1/248
الْمِرَاءُ وَالْجِدَالُ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَذْهَبُ بِنُورِ الْعِلْمِ مِنْ قَلْبِ الرَّجُلِ
Disputation and arguments about sacred knowledge cause the light of knowledge to extinguish in a man’s heart."
Malik ibn Anas, may Allah have mercy on him.

5. لَا وَلَكِنْ يُخْبِرُ بِالسُّنَّةِ فَإِنْ قُبِلَ مِنْهُ وَإِلَّا سَكَتَ
Haytam ibn Jamil reported: I said to Malik, “O servant of Allah, if a man has knowledge of the prophetic tradition (sunnah), should he argue to defend it?”
Malik said: NO, rather he should convey the Sunnah if they might accept it from him, otherwise he should remain silent.
(Source: Jāmi’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Ḥikam 1/248)


Good call out on this one. I look forward to seeing this guy squirm about the "pedophile prophet." Disgusting that he is defending the actual age of consummation. There is not one girl that is ready for sexual intercourse at 9 years old. Only recently (a few decades) have girls started their periods really early due to hormones in meats and such. It is not normal at all for this to happen, much more sex at 9 by a GROWN MAN.

There are degenerates in every race, creed, religion, etc but the thing I hate about Islam is that they still cherish the leadership even though they are the most revolting people!




We thank you in telling your fellow disgusting goat-humper tigerlord, aka, "Paper Tiger" in your post #91, to actually follow your sickening Muslim faith and DO NOT ARGUE OR DEBATE the abhorred religion of Islam! Therefore, you were in direct violation in your pitiful posts #65 and 66 in not following your post #91 as well!

We understand that you have to sheepishly RUN AWAY from your embarrassing Islam as you have done against my revealing posts relative to your desert stinky sweaty Muslim men can SODOMIZE less than 9 year old girls, AND THEREFORE EVEN A BABY, in damaging them for their lifetime, as the desert rat Ayatollah Khomeini says you can do herewith:

Ayatollah Khomeini quote: “A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing AND SODOMY is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister.” (Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships;



1. أَنَا زَعِيمٌ بِبَيْتٍ فِي رَبَضِ الْجَنَّةِ لِمَنْ تَرَكَ الْمِرَاءَ وَإِنْ كَانَ مُحِقًّا
"I guarantee a house on the outskirts of Paradise for one who abandons arguments even if he is right."
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4800, Grade: Sahih

2. الْمِرَاءُ فِي الْعِلْمِ يُقَسِّي الْقَلْبَ وَيُوَرِّثُ الضَّغائِنَ
"Arguing about sacred knowledge hardens the heart and produces resentment.”
Source: al-Madkhal ilá al-Sunan al-Kubrá 178

3. الْمِرَاءُ فِي الْعِلْمِ يُقَسِّي الْقَلْبَ وَيُؤَثِّرُ الضَّغْنَ
"Arguing about sacred knowledge causes the heart to harden and breeds hatred.”

4. Source: Jāmi’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Ḥikam 1/248
الْمِرَاءُ وَالْجِدَالُ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَذْهَبُ بِنُورِ الْعِلْمِ مِنْ قَلْبِ الرَّجُلِ
Disputation and arguments about sacred knowledge cause the light of knowledge to extinguish in a man’s heart."
Malik ibn Anas, may Allah have mercy on him.

5. لَا وَلَكِنْ يُخْبِرُ بِالسُّنَّةِ فَإِنْ قُبِلَ مِنْهُ وَإِلَّا سَكَتَ
Haytam ibn Jamil reported: I said to Malik, “O servant of Allah, if a man has knowledge of the prophetic tradition (sunnah), should he argue to defend it?”
Malik said: NO, rather he should convey the Sunnah if they might accept it from him, otherwise he should remain silent.
(Source: Jāmi’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Ḥikam 1/248)


In next round will deal everything, can not disclose it here, as this is gonna be part of debate.



In the continuance of your dreadful faith of Islam relating to your LYING posts #65 and 66;

In the link below, look at this outright sickening image of a STINKY OLD MUSLIM SWEATY ASSED CAMEL HUMPER MAN with piss spots on his pants, dirty foul smelling hair because of wearing a DIAPER on his head in the extreme desert heat for weeks, and the little innocent PREPUBESCENT YOUNG GIRL to his side that has to FU*K this example of a STINKY OLD MAN, whereas, how gross can you get in the Muslim world of CHILD PEDOPHILE MARRIAGE?!!!

IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, are you going to say that your “camel-fucker” Ayatollah Khomeini’s position on marrying an innocent “girl child” LESS THAN NINE YEARS OLD, and EVEN A BABY, is okay? Do you dare go against these abhorred propositions shown below IN THE NAME OF ISLAM where it is said that a stinking Muslim man like YOU, can still have “foreplay, rubbing, kissing and fucking the ass of less than a 9 year old prepubescent little innocent girl, “AND A BABY” is not a crime in the eyes of Islam?!!!

Ayatollah Khomeini quote: “A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing AND SODOMY is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister.” (Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships;

The FACT towards your sickening and despicable faith of Islam, is that there are not enough decrying words to use in calling this faith of yours the most outright and abhorred religion known to mankind in the 21st century!!!!

As if the FACTS of Islam shown above relative to Muslim men marrying and FUCKING prepubescent young girls as PEDOPHILES, then this is yet another reason this despicable act can be accomplished as shown below because it is accepted that the goat fucker Muhammed married a SIX YEAR OLD girl named Aisha:

“Because this happened to the Prophet, we cannot tell people that it is prohibited to marry at an early age.”
(Sheikh Hamoud Hashim al-Tharihi, general secretary of the Vice and Virtue Committee and member of the Islah Party in Yemen
Jenny Cuff - Child marriage and divorce in Yemen - BBC, November 6, 2008)



What do we know about the intellectual development level of Muhammad?


TIGERLORD’S INTRODUCTION QUOTE TO HIS DEBATE LIES!!! “Marriage between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Aisha (RA) Marriage was normal (especially for that era) Marriage was Successful. There were no grievances from any side. It was acceptable until recently.”

So it was normal to marry the SIX YEAR OLD GIRL ASHIA to the desert sweaty and stinky cave dweller Muhammed in this era? NOT!

As if the “Ahab the Arab” tigerlord isn’t dumbfounded enough about his own sickening cesspool Islamic religion, where he says in his quote above: "only until recently" it is not accepted for desert stinking Muslim men cannot marry prepubescent little innocent girls! Therefore, tigerlord OUTRIGHT LIES because as shown in the link below in his own cesspool Muslim country of Pakistan, CHILD MARRIAGES ARE PERFORMED IN THE 21ST CENTURY!!!!!

Some disgusting FACTS shown in the link above relating to prepubescent young girls living in Pakistan are as follows:

1. "There have also been cases, especially in Pakistan where daughters (sometimes as young as 3 have been sold to others for personal gain, usually to raise money for gambling, drinking, smoking and consuming drugs. Prices for child brides usually range from PKRs 80,000 to PKRs 200,000 (~US$ 1,340 to ~US$ 3,350). In March 2004 in Sindh province, Pakistan, a man was charged for selling his 7 year old daughter to a 35 year old man for marriage."

2. "Another form of pedophilic marriage is linked to a tribal custom called Vani, which is a common practice in the Punjab province of Pakistan and the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. This custom is tied to blood feuds among the differing tribes and clans where the young girls are forcibly married-off in order to resolve the feuds."

3. "Another rather similar concept is called Badal, or revenge. This custom is strong in Pashtun society native to northern Pakistan and Afghanistan, and leads to a need for disputes to be settled quickly to avoid further bloodshed. Girls are treated as second-class citizens when they are sent to be a bride in a new family to mend ties.[49]"

4. "Finally, we have forced conversions of minors via marriage. This is when children from minority communities, such as the Hindus' and Christians, are kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam, and married off to one of the kidnappers."

5. "In October 2011, Kot Shakir police arrested three men for marrying a 1-year-old infant to a 24-year-old man.[54]"




One more thing.

You said:
"Minimum requirement for a girl to be considered adult in Islam is minrache. Then she must be mentally and physically mature as well."

Physically mature is kinda obvious what it means.

But how is being mentally mature meassured?
Is it meassured by person's goals in life or experience or IQ?

We have seen cases where some 7 year-olds have much higher IQ than the average 25 year-old person.

Experience is kinda self-defeating argument since one cannot experience what will happen in the future, especially when marrying for the first time. Therefore, everyone who enters their first marriage does so without experience.

Now, about the goals. Any person can state what their goals are and others can see if it matches the goals that adults usually have.

So how is mental maturity exactly meassured? Is it done by opinion of person's family and comunity?


It's about waiting time to marry again. Purpose of waiting is general and two reason, one is to mourn if the husband is dead or if not dead then for pregnancy to be able to detect.
And no sign of pregnancy is mensuration. But as it is general rule so, waiting is for all, even for one who have no mensuration. Then she can marry again. Probably it is to mourn.
but for both cases the waiting is for 3 months.


Quran says:
"As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well."

Does this verse talk about sex, or does it talk about sexual activities other than sex?


Read my full argument.

Quran doesnt say that its wrong to have sex with a 9 year-old girl.

9 year-old girls can get period, therefore Quran doesnt ban a man from having sex with a 9 year-old girl he is married to.



TIGERLORD QUOTE OF FINALLY GETTING INTO HIS DISGUSTING DEBATE OF MUHAMMED MARRYING A SIX YEAR OLD GIRL: "I am a busy person I only have time on weekends, I tried to compile my argument last weekend, but my grandma died, so I could not. I will do it this weekend."

As we all have seen, tigerlord, aka, "Paper Tiger," didn't have the nerve to initiate his round one because he was TO SCARED of his own topic, where he wanted to see where you were coming from first! Therefore, like he said above in quote, and hopefully without any FURTHER EXCUSES that we have grown accustomed too, he will give an argument THIS WEEKEND to TRY and prove that his sweaty camel assed illiterate desert stinking diaper-headed Muhammed that lived in a cave and "thought up" the religion of Islam, was appropriate in marrying A SIX YEAR OLD INNOCENT CHILD NAMED AISHA!!!!!

Tigerlord reminds me of the equally Islamic stupid Muslim YASSINE, who I easily ran off in one of his own threads as shown in the following links:

If "Paper Tiger" still has the nerve to continue this embarrassing debate relative to the PEDOPHILE PROPHET MUHAMMED, and other Muslim men as even today, Jesus and I have some great surprises for him IN THE NAME OF ISLAM!




YOUR QUOTE IN POST #72: "Again, this is not saying religions may not be insulted, it is however a reminder about the targeted harassment of singular site members and non-hypothetical family members."

Therefore, when tigerlord, aka, "Paper Tiger," brings forth TARGETED harassment to myself and Sir.Lancelot, then it is seemingly okay to equally bring it towards him, since he has set the stage to continue in this vein as explicitly shown in this link: Yes?



He’s dm’ing you threats?

Are they violent or death threats?



Are you getting THREATENING MESSAGES from tigerlord, aka, "Paper-Tiger," like I am getting because he knows he is a LOSER on this debate, therefore he is lashing out in vain with THREATS to me to cover up his future LOSS on this debate? Where he knows deep down in his Satanic Muslim Soul that he wished he didn't bring up this topic where the goat fucker desert sweaty foul smelling Muhammad, that previously had FOURTEEN WIVES/CONCUBINES, married an innocent little girl named Aisha when she was ONLY SIX YEARS OLD! Then "Paper-Tiger" says these facts are normal with his sickening Islamic faith at the time which is an embarrassment in and of itself no matter what age of history you are in! LOL!

"The Prophet [ﷺ] married Aisha when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.” (The revered Sahih al-Bukhari, 5134; Book 67, Hadith 70)

Sir.Lancelot, with you on the Debate Side, and Jesus and I on the "Comment Section" side, we will make short work of "Paper-Tiger" if he has the nerve and ability to actually surmise his 2nd half of the debate, other than RUNNING AWAY from it as shown at this time with even more EXCUSES that we are now accustomed too!

Seriously, "Paper-Tiger" should follow his rule #6 which is; "Anyone can accept defeat in the middle of debate," to save himself from further embarrassment upon this prestigious Debate Forum that he has absolutely no business in being here in the first place because he is NOT TO DEBATE ANYONE regarding his abhorred Islam religion, as specifically shown in this link:



Are you sure you don’t want Voting Privileges?
I can get them for you.



TIGERLORD, AKA, "PAPER TIGER’S" RULES REQUEST: "No insult to my religion which is Islam and no insult to any person discussed in Debate, especially Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and mother Aisha (RA)."

If any religion is to be INSULTED, and any leader of a religion, whereas in this case, it is the camel-fucker Muhammad, it is the religion of ISLAM and Muhammad that allows prepubescent, and ever so YOUNG little innocent girls to be married to sweaty camel smelling old Muslim men!

PAPTER TIGER’S RULES QUOTE REQUEST : "No personal attacks, just keep everything related to topic."

HUH?! Paper tiger broke his own rules in the following quoted posts by him, therefore he set the stage in the “comment section” to call him in what he deserves to be called at any given time, like he has done with the members in question shown below!

1. “This shows how bastards you are. slainte these sluts breed is what with whom you want me to be respectful?

2. “What is your momma’s body count?”

3. “Do i need to have debate with those bastards? This shows their level. Indeed, they are worse than animals.”

4. “bastard, this is for among ourselves”

5. “i do not need permission from a person who do not know whom his father is, also who are well aware of what her mom's body count is.”

6. “your all brain cells are dead, that is why you can't read correct,”

7. “But garbage like you are a hurdle for reaching them.”

8. “this is what you got? When you loose in arguments, you become like that, hahahhhaah
chicken shi8t”

9. “well when they loose in argument, they become trash, because they are originally trash.”

10 “I am upset from the saying of that bastard thomas, what she said about my little angel. that thing i can aspect from the mannerless familyless dog licker pig eater western guy.”

Sir.Lancelot, how many points should be taken off this debate towards the pseudo-muslim tigerlord, aka, “Paper-Tiger” where he WENT AGAINST HIS OWN RULES as shown above? Do you see how hypocritical camel-humping Muslims can truly be in the name of their camel-fucker Allah God? LOL!
