Instigator / Pro

white people perfected hip hop


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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Contender / Con

Let's get one thing straight here. Rap is not the best genre of music. If we're being objective and taking into account how it sounds and operates, there are better genres. Even if you don't prefer rock, jazz, classical, metal, and other forms of music, they're definitely more complex than rap. And this is where white people come in. When white people make rap music, they are not primarily inspired by hip-hop itself. Rappers such as Kid Rock, Eminem, and Insane Clown Posse have incorporated elements of rock into their music, giving their music more of an edge. Rappers like Mac Miller and G-Eazy incorporate elements of pop into their music that not only makes it more accessible but more well groomed and polished. Hell, look at Lil Ugly Mane. That man's inspired by everything from black metal to noise to industrial to grunge and so much more. This is not me saying that other black rappers don't incorporate various styles into their music, but most of them do not, and even when they are inspired by genres that aren't just rap, it's not executed as creatively or experimentally. Kendrick Lamar, one of the most acclaimed rappers ever, comes across as uninspired in his mixture of jazz, pop, soul, and other genres because he's using these styles as a way to get his message across loudly and not necessarily intelligibly or uniquely. Meanwhile, look at cLOUDDEAD. A group of white guys that have made THE weirdest hip-hop you'll ever hear. It reeks of passion and not of pretentiousness. There's more color and freeness and personality. If they were just rapping about their struggles over simple boom bap beats, it wouldn't be as interesting, and yet that's the direction that most black rappers seem to take like Nas, Biggie, Rakim, Mobb Deep, etc.
Another factor that makes white rappers more appealing is the lyrical content. I am not interested in hearing another dime-a-dozen, straight-forward rap song about drugs, struggles, money, hustling, and gang activity. But Eminem rapping about killing his mom in the most clever, cartoony, weird, hilarious way possible? Hot dog! I know I'm being selective, but here's a verse from the most acclaimed rapper ever, Nas. it lyrical, conveyed well, and technical? Yes. But is the subject matter really anything we haven't heard before? Not really. I'll be damned. This man made fun of gays, quite mercilessly. Meanwhile, what was Nas talking about in his most acclaimed song? Typical street stuff. Break down the wordplay and details in the writing and you're left with the same ol same ol. Not with Eminem though.
Also, even when rappers about nothing, skin color still makes a difference. Check this iconic Vanilla Ice verse from 1990:'s he talking about? Nothing. Just partying, how cool his rapping is, nothing gratifying. But the way he talks about it reeks of that suburban confidence and swagger that makes it come across charming and fun. Now here's a verse from Wu-Tang Clan's "Method Man":
While it is witty, exciting, and in your face, content wise, it's nothing special, but it markets itself as such. Vanilla Ice knew he was a corny white kid but that didn't stop him from embracing his own swagger. disingenuous, objectively speaking. He wants to convince you he's hard, and he does a good job at it, but clear the smoke and mirrors and you'll see the facade. And that is why white people > black people at making rap.

Probasically ffed lol

Bruh how tie


“ I feel as though Con was the better debator here”

This explains nothing about the debate. Nor does it imply you having so much as skimmed it.

Please familiarize yourself with the voting policy before voting again.


youre a loser


conduct this dick bitch. my bosnian friend says youre gay


istg if this isn't a conduct point lmao


some people are retarded

Some ppl don’t like = flaw
Flaw = not perfect
Not perfect

I’ve said this a million times and I don’t think you listened one😀


not hiphop. perfection


what does that have to do with hip hop again?


never refuted my jesus argument btw


"your turn buddy"

--- ihadsexok

Read BOP, and u just argue why white > black, not even describing perfection like your own question

So yes you are misinterpreting your own question


How could I be misinterpreting my own question lmao also its your turn buddy can u read


If it indeed my turn i'm about to repeat the same arguments because I believe you're misinterpreting BOP, the debate, and the question.


your turn buddy


I feel throughout my r2/r3 and future's r4 I'm basically repeating my arguments... are we really reaching a objective conclusion?


mamma muthafuckin mia


"I don't consume the way that you consume." yep judging by your stance and your debate I'm very glad we consume differently. I don't dismiss all the black rappers who have made hip hop and rap and just give it over to white people lmao. And sure you take it on a whole other level of serious


Or maybe I take it on a whole other level of serious. I don't consume the way that you consume.


I feel throughout my r2/r3 and future's r4 I'm basically repeating my arguments... are we really reaching a objective conclusion?


That was my fault my bad, I assumed you were making a joke of someone's name. I initially thought you were talking about Gucci mane at first and then Lil Wayne. That's all I seen, didn't even read the sentence after that and I took it out of context so thats my bad but I never even heard of lil ugly mane, what a wild name. But see you know tons of white rappers and look down on black rappers and you honestly think white people/rappers perfected hip hop which is a joke so ofc you'd know who that is. this whole debate and lie you created shows and proves that you're the one who doesn't take the genre seriously.

"Let's get one thing straight here. Rap is not the best genre of music. "


Rap sucks. Not to high heaven, but to the depths of hell. Worst form of music, if it can even be called that, ever produced. Pure garbage.


Yeah I was thinking about talking along the origins...

You don't even know who Lil Ugly Mane is and you're trying to talk to me about hip-hop. Clearly you don't take the genre that seriously. Yes I know who Lil Wayne aka Weezy aka Tunechi is.


lol this has to be a troll debate. wish i was con I would have destroyed Pro's lies. You do know rock and country originated from black people right? But I don't think you're ready for that conversation. And I would hope you aren't talking about Lil Wayne..."lil ugly mane".... when he's arguably the greatest rapper. Yes lyrically no one can fuck with Eminem, he's on another level Eminem is goat status but Lil Wayne comes second. Even Lil Wayne verses and pen game rivals Eminem. The rap culture who is made up of BLACK KINGS have cultivated it and made it important. For you to say white people perfected "hip hop" is a slap in a face. You're basically an addition to racism. Know why? Because whites take everything from black people and make it theirs. Now you're perpetuating it with this debate. And yes I know there are numerous of white rappers and I have no problem with that, I love Eminem but lets keep it a buck. Black folks are the embodiment of hip hop that goes for rap AND R&B