Sorry for late rounds forfiet.
1) Here, the validation con is using is in its literal form. Verification of an act in order to operate in a systematic way of a place( entering the zoo, validation of passport) while I am referring to the contextual meaning(life choices, acceptance of others about what you do). Both valid.
Now, I assume if you were here you want me to prove it in terms where we aren't required, per say? Well, with my definition if it is an obligation to have validation for something such as if my project looked good or not, then yes, we still need validation. Feel free to contest my definition, there are other routes to take."
2) Mandatory may not be synonymous to need but when its mandatory, you NEED to do it.
3) "I don't think validation is always something with mental health, though it can be" and that's exactly our common ground. Validation does not effect mental health as its not that important to the point its lack of it crumbles healthy mental functioning. Its nice but we can go on well without it.
Refer back to above.
It does have a mental affect. Consider:
My family died, and I blammed it on myself (for a reason that really, wasn't on me). That is something mentally draining for someone, so, validation would extremely help that persons mental health.
Yes, it does play a part.
A normal, self content human can perform well without the constant approval of others about their individualistic choices(how they look, how they are or how good they do something)given that they are open to criticism, growth. Hence, validation is not a need.
What defines normal?
How they look is based on society, how someone sees how good you look is based on the other person, society. Thats validation.
How good they do something is not up to you, you can think you did good on you project but in reality, get a F. So, you need validation.
Also consider what a "need is"
Vote con.
The debate title was more of a question than a proposition.
Its something I have been pondering really hard on and yes, it may seem confusing, I know. What are your thoughts on this topic?
Not mutually exclusive. I forgot what the fancy word for this fallacy is, but I am pretty sure that the topic involves a fallacy here.
My bad, i'll post my argument next time.