Instigator / Con

[WDT] On balance, The German Invasion of Poland (1939) was Justified


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 3 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

Barney's avatar
53 debates / 1,359 votes
No vote
whiteflame's avatar
27 debates / 206 votes
oromagi's avatar
117 debates / 397 votes
WeaverofFate's avatar
4 debates / 10 votes
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Pro


Justified: having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason; more preferable than not doing said action."


All good!


Hate to say it, but I've let myself get overwhelmed with stuff, and haven't properly reviewed the remaining rounds.

One problem I'm having is when I find a point particularly interesting, I do word searches to try to follow it; which is leading me to finding a lot of stuff from both sides just dropped. While I'm leaning towards con, it's not by a lot, so might just be my bias on the topic (as opposed to a slam dunk victory).

All that said, this deserves to be a HoF contender.


"Earlier he concluded that their are only 4 ethical frameworks"

There are hundreds of ethical frameworks.

The reason why oromagi thinks there are only 5 is because he googled "list of ethical frameworks" and the first result was those 5 he mentioned. If he bothered to search further, he would have found hundreds of them.

Dude isn't logical. Earlier he concluded that their are only 4 ethical frameworks just because you can divide ethical frameworks into four general categories.

There are 5 generally recognized frameworks that experienced argument relies on when debating public policy.

If I debated him for example and mentioned ethical egoism as an ethical position, he would legit be confused

I suppose you could call egoism an ethical framework but psychologists more regularly refer to such a framework as sociopathy, and no logical thinker would be persuaded. As Spock would say, "Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."



Do you have a decision on who won?

Dude isn't logical. Earlier he concluded that their are only 4 ethical frameworks just because you can divide ethical frameworks into four general categories.

If I debated him for example and mentioned ethical egoism as an ethical position, he would legit be confused


No, I just found your logic fun to play with, thats all. No need to get offended.

Unsuprisingly, BK flunks out on 3rd grade math


"A justified action should always be better than not doing the justified action but that in no way suggests that a justified action should always be better than nothing"

Well, this sounds like fun logic.

"Justified action > No justified action" = always true.

"Justified action > nothing" = sometimes false

"Nothing =/= No justified action" = true

So one of these two must be true:

1) Justified action = nothing

2) Nothing > Justified action

I assume you are going for 1), because the 2) is awkward.


Thx for voting!

Ok, got through R2.

nulla. necessary
Con asserts if an action is unnecessary it is unjustified.
Pro defends the pre-agreed definition, defusing a minor attempt at moving the goal posts. That said, pro was shooting himself in the foot as he immediately moves on to an argument that it indeed was necessary due to resource scarcity.
Con accuses pro of moving the goalposts, insisting justified means ethics and morals... Probably going to be more back and forth on this, personally I'd have argued it was done for bad illegitimate reasons making them not justified.
Pro says con dropped that it should be action vs no action (I think con's R1 intuitively argues for no action against Poland).

l. Germany and Poland’s Truce

ll. Poland wasn’t a threat
Nuff said.
Pro counters that Poland was goating Germany into it so that England could invade. Plus Bloody Sunday (which my reading indicates happened after Germany invaded, but no assurance on will catch that).

lll. Hitler’s justification was blatant slander
False flag etc.
Pro defends that the source is biased by being victims of the Nazis, so should be dismissed...

lV. Poland is the catalyst for Hitler’s downfall.
Nuff Said.
Pro counters that Poland was goating Germany into it so that England could invade.

V. Thanos
OMFG, well played!
Con calls this off topic.

VI. Lebensraum
Germans desired more living space.
Con defends that there were other means to attain food.
Pro says we can't really know what's in their hearts, and that he pre-refuted most means other than warfare.

VII. Freedom
More land equals more freedom...
Con makes an appeal to the genocide against native Germans, and that valuing freedom is impossible if not valuing freedom for other countries.

VIII. Do What's Right
This was really mislabeled, but good appeal to whataboutism while bolstering earlier points.
Con lands a great and simple retort "Hitler and Germany never claimed Malthusian as a reason"

IX. Black death
Mostly more of the above, before at last asserting at the very end the damage of the Versailles treaty (which should have been a cornerstone of the arguments, as one way or another they had to get out from under that; just look at how well off they are today... Which wouldn't actually make the reasons at the time good but con might not have caught that distinction).
Pro is able to leverage this again with the 500 billion dollar debt, limiting their options.

And I am not interested in debating you on this. I was pointing out that you didn't vote in a tabula rasa fashion

False. I have a long track record of voting against my bias.

and therefore you voted incorrectly. Feel free to disagree with me.

It's just sour grapes from one of the less mature assholes on this site. I have no problem voting for you in a debate.

You are trying to attack my arguments, which is pointless.

False. You disrespected the debate rules and I penalized you for it. If the rules said no forfeits, I have and would rule against the first forfeiter every time irregardless of the quality of argument. Not every voter works that way but I'm a stickler for the rules when judging. As I said, your argument was irrational but I liked your energy. I'm not required to find a stupid argument more persuasive just because it was presented with greater confidence then a reasonable argument wanting more evidence.

I will likely be reviewing your other votes to see if you just in general vote incorrectly

Terrific. Elect a President to be an Ombudsman and in a matter of weeks he's playing Gestapo for the right-wing element on this site. You'll find that my votes are consistently challenged and consistently allowed to stand (2 votes have been removed out of 371 votes. How many votes of YOURS have been removed over your many, many multi-accounts Mr. President?

There are two parts to the definition

This part

having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason;

I agreed with the first portion, but it also adds the second part of the definition as well, which follows.

more preferable than not doing said action."

And I am not interested in debating you on this. I was pointing out that you didn't vote in a tabula rasa fashion and therefore you voted incorrectly. Feel free to disagree with me.

You are trying to attack my arguments, which is pointless. I don't even agree with my arguments, meanwhile I am talking about your decisions on how to judge a debate. I will likely be reviewing your other votes to see if you just in general vote incorrectly or if you merely decided to make up some bullshit justification to vote against me, that way I can for my own benefit know which of the two following possibilities exist with you.

Possibility 1- you consistently are just a terrible voter

Possibility 2- you just voted terrible because of a bad motive

You know I didn't like RM, but instead of voting like shit on his debates, I awarded him the win like 75% of the time.

"There are five generally recognized ethical frameworks in philosophy: utilitarian, human rights, common good, fairness, and virtue. Self-determination is not an ethical framework and you don't seem to know much about ethical framework" Can you copy and paste where con made this argument?

CON never asserted an ethical framework, he just ignored your phony claims of having presented one.

"more preferable than not doing said action." Also please copy and paste where con objects to this interpretation of the definition in round 2.

I can't believe you missed it . First argument in Round 2 and essentially the essence of CON's victory:

You asserted: This definition doesn't leave an alternative between invading Poland and some other action, but between invading Poland or taking no action.”"

CON objects:
"Pro is using his own interpretation of what the word means. I believe voters should disregard this for two reasons.
Nothing about the definition disallows arguments appealing to morality.
Whenever the term ‘justified’ is used in public discourse, it is specifically addressing morality and ethics.

Let’s examine this debate’s version of the word
1- "having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason"
Good- 1. Morally excellent; virtuous; righteous, pious. 2. That which is morally right; righteousness. (Oxford Languages &

Legitimate- Fair and reasonable. (Macmillan)

Now the second definition deals with which option is more preferable.
Preferable- More desirable or suitable. (Oxford Languages.)

This leaves us with a fundamental question, more preferable to whom?

More preferable to a psychopathic absurdist like Mein Kampf perhaps. But not more preferable to people of reason, and certainly not more preferable to the rest of the world.
(Since the majority don’t support it, I’ll consider the second part of the definition a win for me. Unless Pro can prove me wrong with statistics.)

We are now left with the first definition, and that is whether Germany had a morally right or fair reason for invading Poland.

This voter, persuaded by CON's common sense reliance on the widely accepted, Oxford dictionary definition of JUSTIFIED and NOT the Wylted special definition of JUSTIFIED, agrees with CON when he asks us to disregard your definition. DIsregarding your specially customized definiton, your lone argument collapses as not meeting any ordinary understanding of the word JUSTIFIED. Moreover, by acceptance of this debate, you agreed to CON's Oxford definition of JUSTIFIED as the standard you must prove, then you immediately broke your agreement and moved the goalposts by re-defining JUSTIFIED to meet your personal need.

Justified: having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason; more preferable than not doing said action."

The above was in the description and stated action preferable to inaction (aka not doing action).

As I explained in my vote, not doing said action =/= inaction. A justified action should always be better than not doing the justified action but that in no way suggests that a justified action should always be better than nothing (i.e. the heart of your arguement).

Tabula rasa means blank slate. You should be essentially acting like a naive alien from outer space when judging debates. I will do a walk through of my next few debate judgements to show you.

Yeah, Tabula Rasa is a noun not an adjective the way you used it in a sentence.

I like, even prefer arguments that contradict and challenge the established judgements of history (see my takes on the Treaty of Versailles, WIlliam Wallace, Cold War definitons of Socialism, R.E. Lee's and George Washington's generalship, etc) but such a re-interpretation has to have good reasoning and evidence behind it. Your childish argument was that Hitler was justified to go to war because his people might be hungry some day- literally a justification for war by any nation at any time in history and therefore useless in explaining Hitler's terrible choice. Tablula Rasa means I come to judge without any pre-existing bias (which is always true of my votes), not that I come without any pre-existing opinion (which is impossible, I have an opinion about everything). You had a burden to prove that the decision to invade Poland was objectively better, wiser, appropriate to the situation than not invading Poland. Instead, you only argued that Hitler had an excuse in Malthusianism and pretended that met your burden by pretending to misunderstand the definiton of JUSTIFIED. That's not the way to win a debate. At least, CON played by the rules set out and showed that Hitler's decision was predetermined, not based on the existing circumstances of isolation provoked by Hitler's government.

Ultimately, your arguement depended on a successful kritik of CON's definiton of JUSTIFIED. You didn't challenge CON's usage (for example, CON didn't cite a standard dictionary support for his usage) and you didn't find any evidence supporting your crazy, unsupportable redefintion of the word JUSTIFIED to mean any act that's better than doing nothing. And then you didn't even bother to prove that invasion was better than starvation, you only cited the generic, ever-present potential threat of over-population as entirely sufficient. Sorry, but that's a weak-ass kritik by any standard and your argument deserves to lose against just about any dull recitiation of fact.

"There are five generally recognized ethical frameworks in philosophy: utilitarian, human rights, common good, fairness, and virtue. Self-determination is not an ethical framework and you don't seem to know much about ethical framework"

Can you copy and paste where con made this argument?

Also let me copy and paste the relevant portion of the definition for you

"more preferable than not doing said action."

Also please copy and paste where con objects to this interpretation of the definition in round 2.


It's in the definition of the debate provided in the description and restated in round 1. Even if my interpretation is ridiculous, it is up to con to point that out, not you.

False. You reneged on the terms of the debate by badly misinterpreting the defintion of JUSTIFIED. You agreed to abide by ONE rule offered by the instigator, broke it instantly and then piled your entire argument on to that faulty misinterpretation. A debater can only point out cheating by his opponent, he doesn't need to nor should he give the cheater power by making the argument all about the cheat. CON pointed out that you abused the defintion and I think that's undeniable.

As far as ethical framework is concerned we have the right to self determination as defined by me and expanded on every round because it went unchallenged, among many other things

Wrong. There are five generally recognized ethical frameworks in philosophy: utilitarian, human rights, common good, fairness, and virtue. Self-determination is not an ethical framework and you don't seem to know much about ethical frameworks. That's fine- I don't usually rely on them myself. However, you wasted a lot of time in this debate beating up your opponent for not accepting your ethical framework when it is clear then and now that you don't have a grasp on ethical frameworks. CON was having enough trouble stating his argument without explaining you blunders to you.

Justified: having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason; more preferable than not doing said action."

The above was in the description and stated action preferable to inaction (aka not doing action)

Tabula rasa means blank slate. You should be essentially acting like a naive alien from outer space when judging debates. I will do a walk through of my next few debate judgements to show you


"Was your re-interpretation of the concept of JUSTIFICATION, strategy or just lack of interest in dictionary defintions?"

It's in the definition of the debate provided in the description and restated in round 1. Even if my interpretation is ridiculous, it is up to con to point that out, not you.

As far as ethical framework is concerned we have the right to self determination as defined by me and expanded on every round because it went unchallenged, among many other things


Whatever happened to the guy from the other debate I booped?
Did he ever find another contender?


"Just don't vote on any of my debates until you properly learn how to use tabula rasa. Look at literally any vote by Barney or whiteflame."

Mr. President- please go sit on a swastika made of razor blades. You have no authority to tell me when and how I may vote and my voting record on this website stands head, shoulders, cock, and boot above your excrebable, biased, oft removed, flaccid stabs at voting. How many times has Barney or Whiteflame had to scoop up the poop you call your unbiased judgement? Dozens? Hundreds?

BTW, look up the definition of TABULA RASA and JUSTIFIED. You will learn you are using those words incorrectly.


Was your re-interpretation of the concept of JUSTIFICATION, strategy or just lack of interest in dictionary defintions?


Can you please state what ethical framework you were using?

I am maybe going to make a few votes and give a tutorial on how to properly judge later.

Just don't vote on any of my debates until you properly learn how to use tabula rasa. Look at literally any vote by Barney or whiteflame.


I was reading the vote straight through until I realized it wasn't tabula rasa and then I started skipping around. I believe that con's use of quora was criticized and if this was a 7 point debate, he would have awarded me sources but there is literally no mention that one of my sources was "some guy on storm front I think"

Too bad you didn't bother to read my vote. You would have learned that both of your "beliefs" are groundless. I gave the advantage in SOURCES to CON, specifically I gave CON's performance a B- and your performance in SOURCES a D-. I specifically noted the low energy lameness of citing "some guy."

"I think in a 7 point debate he may have tied it, if we take his words seriously. I would have received grammar and sources while con won on arguments, LOL"

As anybody who reads my vote will discover, I would have awarded arguments and sources to CON and no advantage to either for GRAMMAR or CONDUCT.


You can still vote in the comments so we get a full score for the tourney, ill leave it open until the end of the voting period with the other debate.


Winning a debate by defending Hitler, against a 1688-rated competitor, with a final round in the form of rap, with a Jewish judge, might just be the most weirdly impressive thing I've seen on this site.

I was reading the vote straight through until I realized it wasn't tabula rasa and then I started skipping around. I believe that con's use of quora was criticized and if this was a 7 point debate, he would have awarded me sources but there is literally no mention that one of my sources was "some guy on storm front I think"

I think in a 7 point debate he may have tied it, if we take his words seriously. I would have received grammar and sources while con won on arguments, LOL

Oromagi's vote is not tabula rasa . The fact he brings up cons use of quora is proof of that.

This is a choose winner debate, but if it wasn't you would never ever award source points unless a side makes an argument for why they deserve source points and you would even judge their argument in a tabula rasa style.


Thanks for the votes, oro and everyone else!

The standard to be met is JUSTIFIED according to the definition agreed before the debate.
"having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason; more preferable than not doing said action."

that is,
doing x is > not doing x

PRO badly fails to comprehend this straightforward definition and misinterprets the 2nd clause to mean: " an action should be preferable to inaction." but that's just flat out false.

That is,
doing x is > doing nothing

that's quite blinkered and quite distant from the semantic heart of justice. Done right, a good justification exists before the result is known. A police shooting can be justified before shooting, SHOULD always be justified before shooting , even if the result is the death of an innocent. Of course, it would have been better to do nothing but that fact has little bearing on whether the shooting was justified. There are many justified acts that are not better than doing nothing.

A failure to comprehend the inherent nature of JUSTIFICATION loses PRO this debate.

PRO falsely suggests that CON has a burden to show that German inaction would have been an improvement on the worst event in human history. Literally, google "worst event in human history" and the very effect caused by Hitler's decision to invade Poland pops up as the very first answer. SInce nobody has yet to prove that any event even CAN be worse than WWII, we may with sound reasons assume that any possible result from a German failure to attack Poland would have, at the very least,ALWAYS been an improvement upon the subsequent catastrophe.

CON argues that Germany's invasion of Poland was unnecessary and dihonest. CON makes several points:

1. Germany and Poland had a truce. Breaking this truce was morally and ethically wrong, and it also damaged Germany's reputation in the international community.
2. Poland was not a military threat to Germany, as Germany had superior military capabilities.
3. Hitler's justification for the invasion was propaganda, and he staged attacks on Germany to frame Poland as the aggressor.
4. The invasion of Poland was the catalyst World War II, which Germany ultimately lost.

Overall, CON's argument is that Germany's invasion of Poland was unnecessary, strategically unwise, and morally wrong. While CON provides some evidence to support these claims, including quotes from historians and information about false-flag attacks staged by the Germans to justify the invasion, history's judgement of Germany's invasion of Poland is very substantially and eloquently documented and Pro's effort in backing his claims felt flimsy next to weight of available evidence.

PRO argues that Hitler was motivated by the concept of Malthusianism, which proposes that the human population will eventually outgrow the availability of resources. PRO reasons that Hitler saw the Malthusian trap as a significant problem that would lead to disaster if Germany was not proactive. The solution, according to the argument, was to create Lebensraum, which means living space in German, for Germans by acquiring more land in Eastern Europe. This expansion of living space, according to the argument, was necessary to prevent the catastrophe of overpopulation and the subsequent scarcity of resources. The argument concludes that that Hitler's policies to create Lebensraum were necessary to preserve the German people's way of life.

CON correctly counters that PRO's interpretation of the term JUSTIFIED is misguided, that whenever JUSTIFIED is used in public discourse, it specifically addresses morality and ethics. This voter disagrees, actions can also be justified by a wide range of values, but critically, this voter agrees that PRO's interpretation of JUSTIFIED as any action that improves on inaction is wrong and contrary to the agreed terms of this debate. CON further challenges PRO's argument that Germany's invasion of Poland was justified on the grounds of self-preservation and freedom, as Hitler's actions were self-inflicted, that Hitler's commitment to human freedom was insincere (to risk offense by understatement), and most importantly that there were alternative solutions to prevent the Malthusian disaster. Finally, CON suggests that Hitler's invasion of Poland was motivated by his ego and vengeance, rather than any legitimate reason, and the pretext for the invasion was based on slander. Unfortunately for CON, he does almost nothing to support any of these claims when, as said before, the abundance of literature supporting any of these arguments surpasses the wish of an historical scholar. Quorum is never a legitimate source for historic analysis and CON astonishingy offers no other sources.

Although PRO loses this debate by monkeying with the established terms, CON loses authority as a credible thinker on the subject of causes of WWII here by merely, lazily, declaiming that PRO is wrong without giving us any of the voluminous evidence that shows PRO is wrong.

PRO faslsely claims CON ignored his single Round1 argument but PRO is referring to his nonsense re-interpretation of the term JUSTIFIED and not PRO's actual argument or CON's refutation, which was quite direct: "Hitler and Germany never claimed Malthusian as a reason," even if it is true that CON's support was weak. PRO dishonestly claims that this means that CON has accepted PRO's ethical framework but in fact, CON was the only one to have mentioned ethics in ROUND1 and PRO won't lay out PRO's own ethical argument until later in R2. PRO fails to identify which ethical framework applies and of the five this voter is familiar with, none reasonably apply to PRO's "fear of hunger justifies any violence " framework. PRO repeats that the invasion of Poland was more preferable than taking no action. PRO offers no evidence to support this claim. PRO argues that the motive for Germany's invasion of Poland is not important but then suggests that Germans were motivated by vengeance (reinforcing CON) including statistics about Danzig and claims of Polish atrocities against Germans. PRO argues that the resources of the Earth are finite and that populations grow faster than the ability to exploit those resources, leading to Malthusian traps. SInce both conditions have always been true, PRO essentially claims that any nation is justified by hunger to violence at any time. PRO never argues that Germany was unique in this justificatioin or that Poland was not just a justified by the reasons in any persecution of ethnic Germans. PRO hypocritically condemns the British and French Empire's colonial exploitations while tauting the necessity of Geman colonial exploitation.

In R3, CON merely repeats his arguments when he has been given good opportunity to expand on them. Most economists point out that Germany's prospects were in fact, excellent if only the Nazis hadn't obscured the national vision with black colored glasses. Unlike the French and Austro-Hungarian Empires, Germany emerged from WWI with its Industrial Economy intact. Russia and the Ottoman collapsed without achieving a true Industrial economy. Most of Continental Europe from the Rhine River east to Asia needed to industrialize and had food aplenty to trade for factory made goods, cars, airplanes, refrigerators, radios and Germany was the closest, cheapest, Industrial economy massively connected by rail and roadway. England had India, France had North Africa but Eastern Europe was worth many times either nation in GDP and the people didn't need to coerced to trade their agricultural wealth for modern convenience. If Germany had forsworn war and merely recognized an America-sized trade advantage lying for thousand of mile east and south of them, Germany would have been the nuclear Superpower competing with the US in the second half of the 20th century, not the USSR. CON is absolutely correct that Germany had an alternative in trade but his failure provide evidence empties the argument. Likewise, the German people had many better alternatives in government to their chosen dictatorship by an ultra-violent, mentally ill failed artist, fairly tried and fairly convicted for treason and failed coup. Hitler's proven contempt for a free Germany should have disqualified him from any German leadership but Germany forgave Hitler his incompetance and willingly surrendered their rights to him for the opportunity to dispose of the Jews. This anti-semitism, too, is part of Germany's blindness to economic oppotrunity- the notion of working with Jews and and Slavs and Poles and Serbs and Turks was just not part of the German notion of utopia. CON has the truth of it but doesn't seem to know who to enliven his truth with facts. PRO has no facts but his lively conduct should have won him this debate if only he hadn't failed to abide by the rules of the debate.

CON gets his act together in R4- a too succinct but well made case. Above all, CON argues that Hitler planned to invade Poland in Mein Kampf, 14 years before the decsion to invade Poland. The German people read Mein Kampf and understood that Hitler planned to invade Poland. Hitler didn't choose to invade Poland, rather Gemany chose to empower Hitler who had long since promised to invade Poland. This single fact, agreed as true by both sides, disproves PRO's case well enough

PRO claims again that CON dropped arguments but this is bullshit. CON answered PRO far more directly than the reverse. PRO keeps trying to change the subject.

PRO claims the judges may not like that the definition was interpreted that way, but con drops that argument and he should be made to pay. Bullshit. Whether I like PRO's definiton or not has nothing to do with the fact that PRO agreed to abide by exactly one defined rule and that was the definition of JUSTIFICATION. Deliberately or no, PRO very badly misinterprets that 2nd clause and since PRO's re-definition is excluded by the rules, CON has no obligation to treat an obv illegitimate re-definiton as legit. Arguments non-sequitur to the central claim need not be addressed by the opposition and incur no penalty for ingoring such distractions. PRO only made one pretty weak argument and now relies heavily on crying fouls. PRO says CON can't make arguments in the final round but that was never in the rules. The single rule CON did ask for agreement on, PRO totally ignored.

CON's sources were B-. Quorum is no kind of source and the first three rounds needed way more sourcing. PRO's sources were D- Chat GPT, Random post, PRO sticks his whole case upon his blinkered definition of JUSTIFICATION but never thinks to provide one objective source that backs up his definition. CON should have switched to PRO's method of recording sources and used all the extra space for argument.

grammar was good. Best grammar and style from Wylted I have ever seen, in fact. Lancelot might want to take some style pointers away from this debate.

Conduct was OK.

Interesting subject. I'd like to see more impressive arguments on either side.

Thanks for the vote!


No problem.


your speculation of my strategy at the end. Is mostly correct. Thanks for your vote

I’m in the middle of being stood up for plans today, so I should be able to get to it shortly.


Thank you guys for agreeing to be judges in the tourney.
Voting deadline is in 22 hours if you’re still interested, but I suppose you could still submit a late vote but it might have to be in the comments.


I know of him well enough to know he isn't a Nazi, so it really shows how disingenuous the left is and how they are creating actual Nazis because people are becoming more immune to that accusation after hearing it so much and thrown at everybody

Trump notoriously caught scrutiny that time he had dinner with Nick Fuentes for not realizing the guy is a Nazi.


It’s worse than you think.

He HATES getting cucked, but takes it anyway because he loves his girl.

I know enough about sneako to know he is a bitch. He is into watching men fuck his girl and he fronts like some sort of hard ass. It's a grift he is doing after he saw the success of Andrew Tate


Just read your question about Nick Fuentes. He seems like a bit of an edge lord from the maybe 2 interviews I have seen with him. He certainly didn't come across as a white nationalist or any of the other things he is accused of being.


I appreciate your rap skills


thabk you, I will be listening to the video for feedback when I get. To work



I appreciate you trying even if you do come in after the bell.