Life causes conception (sexual reproduction).
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 30,000
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
Disclaimer : Regardless of the setup for voting win or lose, The aim of this interaction, Is for those that view it, Learn and or take away anything that will amount to any constructive value ultimately. So that counts as anything that'll cause one to reconsider an idea, Understand a subject better, Help build a greater wealth of knowledge getting closer to truth. When either of us has accomplished that with any individual here, That's who the victor of the debate becomes.
This is straight elementary simple. Any questions on the topic, let me know that .
Round 1
Do you agree that life causes conception which is the sexual reproduction process orchestrated by a fertilization of the female ovum by the male reproductive cell to produce at least a zygote?
My most technical termed detailed elaborative question to date.
Whoops , just about did it again.
Life causes conception (sexual reproduction).
Five words that come together to form an ambiguous mass.
Life is? Hmmmm. I'm not certain at all.
Life is a factor, of an organic mass that displays functionality and viability
Conception (sexual reproduction) is the result of decisions or instinctive actions that results in the fusing of two separate sets of genetic information.
To cause, is to bring about an action or an event.
So, if we regard cause or causes as a sequence of events. A. causes B. causes C. causes D etc.
Then does conception logically follow life?
Not sequentially.
I would therefore also suggest, that to assert that life causes, is to assert that life has a will of it's own.
Once again, I'm not sure that is how life works.
Of course, it's fair to propose that A. caused everything.
But in this instance A. would have caused both life and conception.
So, cutting out the need for a middleman.
And further:
My opponent quite clearly suggests that conception is a process orchestrated by two separate entities, namely male and female.
And anyway, under the circumstances it wouldn't do to agree.
Do you agree?
Round 2
Short ,sweet and simple.
Do you agree that life causes conception which is the sexual reproduction process orchestrated by a fertilization of the female ovum by the male reproductive cell to produce at least a zygote?
Conception, which is the sexual reproduction process orchestrated by a fertilization of the female ovum by the male reproductive cell to produce at least a zygote.
Results in the creation of a potentially separate living entity.
Life is a quality contained within all three.
As within a cabbage.
Though life within a cabbage does not cause the life within an elephant, even though the fundamental life force in both is exactly the same.
Round 3
I'm not following anything you're saying. Statements are incomplete, obscure and vague.
You don't agree that life causes conception which is the sexual reproduction process orchestrated by a fertilization of the female ovum by the male reproductive cell.
Even those in the comments know a cell has life . These male and female cells that are alive come together to cause conception.
These living cells that come from two living people that are the progenitors engage in sexual reproduction can do so by the life within their beings, the life and function in their reproductive systems.
It is a whole cycle of life continuing through this process of sexual reproduction and fertilization.
To say "no, I don't agree" is saying these two people are dead and everything in them.
Last I know, dead folks aren't sexually reproducing anything. They don't have any life to reproduce with.
I had hoped that you would present your third round as quickly as the first two.
I will be away from my computer until Sunday evening 16-4-23 and it is now unlikely that I will have chance to reply before then.
My apologies if I should unintentionally have to forfeit round 3.
Regards Zed.
A cell is alive, meiosis creates more cells, ________________________.
Let's see who comes forth. I just come up with creative variations of topics to demonstrate a basic reality.
It's like pretending something is not true when it is or maybe it's something hard to understand, so I try to break it further and further and further down to infantile elementary terms . Layman's terms didn't work, now we'll use elementary terms.