Instigator / Pro

Sneako is misleading impressionable and vulnerable young men into a life of unhappiness.


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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
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Time for argument
One day
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Voting period
One week
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Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
First, I would like to address Sneako's perpetuation of harmful masculinity. His messages promote a toxic culture of masculinity that pressures men to suppress their emotions and conform to strict gender roles, which can lead to long-term mental health consequences. This is especially troubling because men are often discouraged from seeking help for their mental health issues due to societal stigmas around vulnerability and emotional expression. It's worth noting that Sneako's audience primarily consists of men who may be seeking guidance and support, yet his messaging often feeds into their insecurities and reinforces harmful stereotypes of what it means to be a "successful man."
However, my primary concern with Sneako's content is his denial of reputable empirical data. As an influencer with a large following, he has a significant platform to spread information and ideas to a broad audience. When he denies credible research or scientific evidence, he can potentially misinform or mislead his viewers. This can have serious consequences, particularly in situations where accurate information is essential for making informed decisions, such as during a pandemic or in matters related to public health and safety.
In addition, Sneako's denial of empirical data can erode public trust in institutions that rely on scientific research to make decisions, such as government agencies or academic institutions. This can contribute to a breakdown in social cohesion and increase polarization within society, which can hinder our ability to address pressing issues like climate change or social justice.
Furthermore, Sneako's promotion of anti-Semitic ideas is deeply troubling. By supporting the harmful and baseless conspiracy of a "Jewish agenda," he perpetuates hateful stereotypes and contributes to the rise of anti-Semitism. This is particularly concerning given his influence over impressionable young men, who may be susceptible to these kinds of harmful ideas.
In summary, Sneako's perpetuation of harmful masculinity, denial of reputable empirical data, and promotion of anti-Semitic ideas are all deeply problematic. As an influencer with a large following, he has a responsibility to promote accurate information and ideas that are grounded in facts and evidence. By failing to do so, he risks doing harm to his viewers and to society at large.
Sneako appeals to a certain powerless, overly-insecure demographic of young men. 

His atmosphere that promotes aggression and rebellion gives these guys a sense of empowerment that raises their sense of self-worth, regardless of collateral damage. 

Sneako promoting his course is also giving these guys a way to market themselves and potentially start a very rewarding career.:

Round 2
The sense of empowerment that these young men may feel in the short term from his messages of aggression and rebellion can be overshadowed by the long-term effects on their mental well-being. By Sneako pushing anti-therapy and emotional suppression as a method to achieve "success" he paints a dangerous and incorrect picture of what a successful man is.  Studies have found a strong correlation between emotional suppression and future violence, depression, unhappy marriages, and suicide. 

Emotional Regulation and Depression: A Potential Mediator between Heart and Mind -

The study reviewed various literature to explore the detrimental impacts of emotional suppression. The points summarized include:
  1. Emotional suppression leads to increased physiological stress response and poorer health outcomes, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  2. Suppression of emotions can lead to a variety of negative psychological outcomes, including increased anxiety, depression, and decreased overall well-being.
  3. Suppressed emotions can interfere with social interactions and relationships, leading to decreased social support and feelings of isolation.The long-term effects of emotional suppression can include decreased life satisfaction and even premature death.
Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity - 
The study discussed in the article suggests that men are often socialized to suppress their emotions and conform to traditional gender roles, which can lead to negative outcomes such as increased rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
  1. Men who adhere to traditional masculine norms are more likely to experience mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress.
  2. Traditional masculine norms often discourage men from expressing their emotions and seeking help for mental health issues, leading to emotional suppression.
  3. Emotional suppression has been linked to negative mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
  4.  Traditional masculine norms also emphasize the importance of self-reliance and not showing vulnerability, which can further contribute to emotional suppression and mental health problems.
  5.  Men who reject traditional masculine norms and instead embrace more flexible and open attitudes towards gender roles and emotions tend to have better mental health outcomes.
  6.  Therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction have been shown to be effective in helping men overcome traditional masculine norms and improve their mental health.

High income improves evaluation of life but notemotional well-being: 
  1. The study found that higher income is associated with better overall life evaluation and emotional well-being, but only up to a certain point.
  2. Beyond an annual income of $75,000, higher income does not have a significant effect on day-to-day emotional experiences.
  3. The article suggests that while monetary success is important, it does not necessarily protect against other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or social alienation.
  4. The study also found that people with higher incomes tend to experience more stress and negative emotions in their daily lives, possibly due to higher expectations and responsibilities.
  5. The authors caution against equating wealth with happiness, and emphasize the importance of addressing the root causes of mental health issues rather than simply pursuing financial success.
Summarization of my argument: 
  1. Sneako's messages of aggression and rebellion can lead to short-term empowerment but have long-term negative effects on mental well-being.
  2. By promoting anti-therapy and emotional suppression as a method for success, Sneako promotes a dangerous and incorrect idea of successful men.
  3. Emotional suppression can lead to negative physiological and psychological outcomes, such as increased stress, anxiety, depression, and decreased overall well-being.
  4. Traditional masculine norms often discourage men from expressing their emotions and seeking help for mental health issues, leading to emotional suppression.
  5. Men who reject traditional masculine norms and embrace more open attitudes towards gender roles and emotions tend to have better mental health outcomes.
  6. While higher income is associated with better overall life evaluation and emotional well-being up to a certain point, it does not necessarily protect against other mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or social alienation.
  7. Pursuing financial success alone is not enough to ensure happiness, and addressing the root causes of mental health issues is important.

Sneako hasn’t expressed anything about being against therapy, nor has he told anyone to not take antidepressants. He only provides information about the potential harms of medication. 

Here are the things he promotes.:

  1. Fitness. He encourages young men to be healthy and to go out and lift weights. 
  2. Diet. He doesn’t want his followers to grow up and be obese. He wants them to be in good shape. 
  3. Assertiveness. Men need to be firmer in their decisions and Sneako preaches this constantly. 
  4. Hard Work Ethic. Sneako says complacency is a bad thing. Complacency is the lifestyle he rejects and he encourages people to work on fulfilling their potential by becoming entrepreneurs. 
Sneako isn’t unable to emphasize. When his friend JiDion is breaking down, he reaches out to help him out.:

Round 3
Firstly, I must address Sneako's frequent denunciation of antidepressants and his insistence that clinical depression is not real. This can be evidenced by various clips available on Google, including a debate with Hunter Avallone where he heavily relied on this notion. Additionally, Sneako has criticized therapy as an ineffective solution and deemed it unmanly to seek therapy. When presented with evidence supporting therapy's efficacy, he dismissed it by accusing therapists of profiting from patients' continued visits. 

"if I go to therapy then I'm going to be in a downward spiral"
"there's nothing they're going to tell you that you don't already know"
"it's healthy because that's what they want you to think they make a lot of money and you keep going back"
- Sneako regarding therapy
While I agree that Sneako advocates for the four points you mentioned, he does so in a detrimental manner. He emphasizes the importance of these actions not for personal growth but to project a facade of masculinity. Moreover, his message overwhelmingly promotes misogyny, racism, and toxic masculinity, which greatly eclipses any positive points he may make. I inferred that you acknowledge his promotion of racism and toxic masculinity since you did not address it in your response.
Since Pro does not prove any of these claims, treat them as unsubstantiated. 

My other arguments remain dropped. Extend.
Round 4
I disagree that I did not prove my claims. I showed specific quotes as well as cited a debate in which Sneako denounced therapy and antidepressants. 
In my earlier arguments I did not show quotes or link clips to prove Sneako said the things I claimed. However, they are readily available on Google. Denying my points because I didn't link the specific source is ignorant given the ease of access to this information. 
Pro once again doesn’t source his claims and there is nothing showing in the Google results. 
His claims remain unsubstantiated. 
Round 5
#9 - Full debate Sneako and Hunter - clip from debate about why men shouldn’t cry - “what do you think about jews” question timestamp 22:47. 

“All the way down the rabbit hole, it's a bunch of jews" - this is one of the most liked comments on one of Sneako’s rumble posts. - - Pinely analysis of Sneako’s history of believing in and promoting conspiracies - Sneako response to backlash against “Hitler did some good things” comments. 
Debunking his points in the clip above: 
  1. Although it's conceivable that Hitler may have accomplished some positive developments during his reign, like enhancing Germany's infrastructure or generating job opportunities, any potential benefits are insignificant compared to the colossal harm that he inflicted. As a result, it's not appropriate to focus on any potential positives of Hitler's regime, as they are vastly overshadowed by the unimaginable suffering and destruction he caused.
  2. It's irresponsible of Sneako to make these statements, as he is giving a platform to individuals in his chat who are supportive of Nazi ideology.
  3. Saying "I like Hitler" cannot be equated with stating that Hitler achieved a few beneficial accomplishments.

Overall statement: Sneako is anti-therapy, pro emotional supression, and gives a platform to people who support Nazism. In my first published argument I assumed these were given facts and then proved why all of these things are harmful. I apologize if I didn’t establish firm enough evidence, but these sources should make it clear what Sneako thinks. 
